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1972年6月5日联合国在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开了联合国人类环境会议,会议通过了《人类环境宣言》,并提出将每年的6月5日定为"世界环境日"。事实上,为应对全球环境问题,作为全球最大的政府间组织,联合国相继组织召开了4次全球性的环境会议一一1972年的斯德哥尔摩人类环境会议,1992年的里约热内卢联合国环境与发展大会,2002年的约翰内斯堡可持续发展世界首脑会议和2012年  相似文献   

从全球角度看,人类环境问题层出不穷,不断挑战着人类及国际法,特别是国际法的分支——国际环境法。国际环境法在面对人类环境问题的挑战时,不断突破,在众多方面有着从无到有、从小到大、从零散到系统的发展。有关国际环境法发展的文献基本都是在描述这一发展历史,而鲜有文献涉及国际环境法在实践中难以突破的地方,这些地方,在之前的历史中未予以突破,并在今后一段时期内也难以突破。这主要指国际环境法在发展中,实然的国际环境法对部分应然的国际环境法的排除,在某些方面将按照传统的理论或模式延续下去。主要原因在于国际环境问题的整体性与主权国家的独立性难以协调,具体来说就是国家之间的利益冲突、环境保护与经济发展的冲突。国际环境法发展中的难以突破之处,具体说来有以下几处。一、国际环境法难以法典化。由  相似文献   

经世 《交通与港航》2004,18(4):40-41
<正> 1 世界水资源形势 无论是发展中国家还是发达国家,都面临水资源的短缺,使全世界陷入水的危机。这种状况促使联合国宣布2003年为国际淡水年(The Inter-national Year of Freshwater),目的是要引起全世界重视和采取行动,更好地管理和保护对人类至关重要的资源。在20世纪,水的使用增加了6倍,不断增加的人口使淡水资源的数量和质量受到威胁。联合国的有关报告,以及世界水论坛的讨论内容都环绕这个重要议题。  相似文献   

Nadine Reis 《Globalizations》2017,14(6):976-990
This paper explores how finance capitalism materializes as socio-ecological process, shedding light on the complex causalities in which current shifts in control over natural resources are embedded. Housing is a critical aspect of financialization. A case study of the financialized housing sector in Central Mexico shows (i) how housing policy serves as a mechanism for the redistribution of wealth from the working class to global finance capital, and (ii) how mortgage-financed housing projects come into being only through an existing water governance regime, while in turn leading to new structures of groundwater governance with profound social and ecological implications. The paper concludes that current accumulation and natural resource regimes interact in complex and contradictory ways that go beyond straightforward resource grabbing. It suggests that Moore’s concept of ‘capitalism in the web of life’ could help to understand how finance capitalism simultaneously transforms the socio-natural world and is produced by it.  相似文献   

刘辉 《交通与港航》1998,12(3):36-37
介绍我国水资源概况、不合理用水原因及解决对策。  相似文献   

Britain's role as the leading anti-slavery force throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth century defined humanitarian action and rhetoric with regard to Africa in this period. At some point in the twentieth century, however, the primary victim group – and focus of humanitarian action – in Africa came to be defined as refugees. This article argues that this was a result of the use of anti-slavery rhetoric in the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, and the corresponding shift in British humanitarian and foreign policy circles to the use of the language and policies previously aimed at African slaves in describing and aiding refugees from the Abyssinian crisis.  相似文献   

This study examined how 43 nonprofit leaders across 15 U.S. states make sense of organizational crises in nonprofit contexts, as well as what they think effective leadership is during crises. Findings revealed perceived nonprofit organizational crises emerging from disasters, disruption of mission delivery, internal stakeholder challenges, and unanticipated occurrences, while six major characteristics of effective crisis leadership emerged including being a team player, being strategic, being transparent with stakeholders, being quick to respond, being self-composed, and being prepared. Comparisons to previous empirical investigations of nonprofit leadership and crisis response yielded additional insights into effective crisis leader sensemaking in nonprofit contexts—most notably that nonprofit crisis leaders leverage sensegiving frameworks of instrumental knowledge, normalcy, and dynamic learning. Further analysis demonstrated these diagnostic and prognostic sensegiving activities to be more clearly observed than motivational sensegiving activities across crisis leaders in nonprofit contexts.  相似文献   

The capability of organizations to respond to unexpected events has been investigated from different theoretical angles: organizational learning, improvisation, ambidexterity, resilience, to name but a few. These concepts, however, hardly ever refer to structural characteristics. Against this backdrop, the aim of this paper is twofold. First, based on systems and organizational learning theory, it will theoretically link the characteristics of organizational structure with organizational responses to unexpected external jolts, thus contributing to better understand the reactions of organizations to the unexpected. Second, it will empirically illustrate the relation of organizational structure with organizational responses by investigating how Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Austria reacted to the unexpected inflow of refugees from Central Europe. In 2015, CSOs accepted a wide range of responsibilities and worked together with government entities to provide shelter, catering, and transport for almost one million refugees. Based on participant observations during operation, in-depth interviews (2015 and 2016) and focus groups with decision-makers (2017), we will sketch three longitudinal case studies of organizations with very different structures, concentrating on the processes and operations they developed during the crisis. Our findings show that their responses are closely related to their structure, specifically to the flexibility and the stability of structural elements. Remarkable changes took place in all organizations investigated. Initial responses and first structural changes occurred mainly where the structure already allowed for flexibility. Yet in the long run, the adaptations also impacted the stable structural elements.  相似文献   

Who Cares about Water Pollution? Opinions in a Small-Town Crisis*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A survey was conducted in a small New England town following the discovery that the town's water supply had become contaminated by industrial chemicals. Principal findings include: (1) respondents from more affluent households were more concerned about the pollution problem; (2) long-term or older residents tended to be less concerned; and (3) women with young children viewed the problem as particularly serious. The first two findings are consistent with previous research on similar “technological catastrophes” and on environmental protection in general. The third finding has not appeared in environmental protection research, but it is consistent with reports from Three Mile Island. Such technological catastrophes transform environmental issues into safety issues, thereby raising parents’anxieties about the safety of their children–perhaps more so for women than for men. These safety concerns may eventually be generalized to broader environmental issues, as toxic waste and other disasters continue to occur.  相似文献   

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