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金秋10月,首个“中国最佳EMBA排行”隆重发布。 这是中国首个参照国际惯例,同时结合中国办学实践而开展的EMBA排行榜。从2004年开始,《经理人》对商学院开展调查并推出“最佳MBA排行”。在MBA排行成熟经验、成熟排行体系和调研方法的基础上,《经理人》2007年首度进行EMBA排行。EMBA排行主要从商学院、学员两个方面着手开展调查。  相似文献   

王言 《经理人》2005,(10):38-39
在EMBA教育日益火爆的时候,不妨给其浇浇冷水 国内EMBA教育在预热3年之后, 终于迎来了她的“亢奋期”:一 方面是越来越多的高层管理者 了解并认同了EMBA及其代表的精英圈 子;另一方面是国内30多家商学院和境外 大举进驻的办学机构对于EMBA教育市场 的大快朵颐。于是乎,在又一个招生旺季 来临之际,各大商学院忙不迭地在全国各 地召开招生宣讲会,真是“乱花渐欲迷人 眼”!  相似文献   

方言 《经理人》2007,(6):104-104
经过五年的办学探索,国内EMBA教育市场的竞争日趋成熟,宏观上进化到“差异化”竞争阶段。各大商学院根据自身特点,塑造出迥异的商学院“性格”。然而,优秀的商学院已不满足于自家象牙塔的单一教学风格,纷纷推出海外游学计划,带领EMBA学生走出教室,走出校园,走出国门,在国外的商学院接受国际工商管理教育,  相似文献   

曹仰锋 《经理人》2011,(1):108-109
商学院是大学诸多学院中和管理实践结合最为紧密的学术机构。大多数的商学院都招收MBA和EMBA学生。由于这两类学员几乎都来自于管理一线,在商场上拼杀了很长时间后,希望能到高校“充电”继续奋战。所以,他们对教授的授课水平要求相当高,即要有深厚的管理理论,又要有丰富的管理实践,然而,这样的教授在商学院属于“珍品”。  相似文献   

<正>中国内地企业规模基数庞大,但中国内地的大学商学院,特别是EMBA项目能培养出的“合格高级管理者”人才数量,因“培养运力不足”而远低于市场需求,由此也影响了中国企业在创造力、创新力、开拓力、高质量发展的效率。为了回应这一需求问题,中国港/澳区域所开设的EMBA(中文)项目,  相似文献   

各EMBA项目的运作手法虽然相似,但他们留给市场的品 牌形象却大不相同 又是一个10月金秋,又是一个收获 的季节。 酝酿己久的2005《经理人》高端 读者群眼中的“最受欢迎的EMBA项目”火 热出炉了。 这是一份让所有上榜商学院都皆大欢 喜的榜单。因为,所有上榜的9所商学院, 都不分坐次,不评高下,捧走了各具特征, 却又不能互相取代的奖杯。  相似文献   

周务本 《经理人》2007,(2):92-92
“我读的国际EMBA,主要课程都由外国教授来上,确实开阔了视野,但回到企业日常的业务中,跟我们中国企业业务紧密结合,用得上的东西,好像又不多。”一位早年就读于某欧美商学院在中国开设的国际EMBA项目的企业高层,毕业之后发表如是感言。  相似文献   

赵鹰 《经理人》2007,(10):36-38
英文EMBA四大特点 中外教授都用英文授课,学员的作业全部用英文完成,文凭多数由海外商学院颁发的,这属于英文EMBA。每年全国总共招生10多个班,总量在400~500人左右,相当于中文EMBA招生量的十分之一。主要盘踞在北京和上海,广州只有一所商学院提供此类课程。究其原因,这三地跨国公司比较集中,对英文EMBA有需求。  相似文献   

2013年11月,《经理人》杂志两年一度的“中国最佳EMBA排行榜”再次隆重揭晓,清华大学经济管理学院EMBA项目又一次以雄厚的实力从国内众多优秀商学院EMBA项目中脱颖而出,连续四届蝉联排行榜榜首。  相似文献   

李宏 《经理人》2013,(11):80-81
用不上五年,80后将成为EMBA主体,他们受过系统教育,有管理经验,这个群体需要什么样的教学模式?人大EMBA对这个问题的解答是“互动”,以学生的经验为主轴和知识来源的讨论式教学。EMBA生源低龄化是所有商学院都意识到的趋势,只不过,有的学校在有意控制年龄和职位结构,有的则在积极寻求改变和调整,人民大学商学院EMBA将CMPM(Chinese Masters in Practicing Management),即中国实践管理领袖教育项目作为未来的主要发展方向,融合案例、行动学习、反思学习和经验分享,还有实地参访、反思报告写作等。特别引入了模块主任角色,在学习中,模块主任既是课程设计者,又是教练者,同时还是质量控制者。  相似文献   

Great Britain has been rabies-free since 1922, which is often considered to be in part due to the strict laws requiring that imported cats and dogs be vaccinated and quarantined for 6 months immediately on entry into the country. Except for two isolated incidents, this quarantine policy has contributed to ensuring that Great Britain has remained free of rabies. In 2000, amendments to the UK quarantine laws were made and the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) was launched for companion animals traveling from European Union countries and rabies-free islands. Since its introduction, it has been proposed that other countries including North America should be included within the UK scheme. A quantitative risk assessment was developed to assist in the policy decision to amend the long-standing quarantine laws for dogs and cats from North America. It was determined that the risk of rabies entry is very low and is dependent on the level of compliance (i.e., legally conforming to all of the required regulations) with PETS and the number of pets imported. Assuming 100% compliance with PETS and the current level of importation of cats and dogs from North America, the annual probability of importing rabies is lower for animals traveling via PETS (7.22 x 10(-6), 95th percentile) than quarantine (1.01 x 10(-5), 95th percentile). These results, and other scientific evidence, directly informed the decision to expand the PETS scheme to North America as of December 2002.  相似文献   

We use the Italian Labour Force Survey and the European Household Panel Survey to analyse the distribution of the reservation wages reported by job‐seekers. In Italy, reservation wages appear to be higher in the South — the low‐income and high‐unemployment area of the country — than in the North and Centre. A similar, rather counterintuitive, pattern can also be found in Finland, France, and Spain. First, we show that the way in which these data are commonly collected generates double‐selection bias. Second, we show that this bias has a strong effect on the estimation of the geographical pattern of reservation wages in many countries. The size of this bias is substantial in Italy. When controlling for it, reservation wages are at least 10 per cent higher in the North and Centre than in the South.  相似文献   

本文运用DEA-TOBIT法对分税制以来中国地方政府财政支农分级支出绩效及其外部影响因素进行了实证分析。总体来看,1993-2007年分级视角下的中国各省份及东中西的财政支农资金的配置效率呈持续降低态势;浙江、江苏、河南始终处于前沿面,而内蒙古、云南、陕西、宁夏、新疆、山西、黑龙江处于低效状态;西部地区均低于东部、中部和全国的平均水平。TOBIT回归显示,城镇化率因子对于全国和西东中地区均显著,且对于中部地区贡献度最大,而农户固定资产投资、农业机械装机总动力以及劳动力文化程度因子仅对于特定区域显著。  相似文献   

Nonindigenous species have caused significant impacts to North American forests despite past and present international phytosanitary efforts. Though broadly acknowledged, the risks of pest invasions are difficult to quantify as they involve interactions between many factors that operate across a range of spatial and temporal scales: the transmission of invading organisms via various pathways, their spread and establishment in new environments. Our study presents a stochastic simulation approach to quantify these risks and associated uncertainties through time in a unified fashion. We outline this approach with an example of a forest pest recently detected in North America, Sirex noctilio Fabricius. We simulate new potential entries of S. noctilio as a stochastic process, based on recent volumes of marine shipments of commodities from countries where S. noctilio is established, as well as the broad dynamics of foreign marine imports. The results are then linked with a spatial model that simulates the spread of S. noctilio within the geographical distribution of its hosts (pines) while incorporating existing knowledge about its behavior in North American landscapes. Through replications, this approach yields a spatial representation of S. noctilio risks and uncertainties in a single integrated product. The approach should also be appealing to decisionmakers, since it accounts for projected flows of commodities that may serve as conduits for pest entry. Our 30-year forecasts indicate high establishment probability in Ontario, Quebec, and the northeastern United States, but further southward expansion of S. noctilio is uncertain, ultimately depending on the impact of recent international treatment standards for wood packing materials.  相似文献   

Offshore activity in the North Sea is the first of a number of worldwide offshore developments that will take off in the next 10 years. Exploration is occurring at a dramatic rate off the coasts of a number of countries in South East Asia and is also taking place off the coast of Australia, Africa, South America, the United States and Canada. The North Sea will thus, in many cases, be the test bed for suppliers to the offshore industry. With all countries which have oil deposits off their coast being anxious to promote indigenous supply of products and services to the oil industry, competition in the world market will intensify. Only those companies who can establish their product and marketing strategies in the politically calm environment of the North Sea can hope to reap the rewards of what may turn out to be the world's fastest growing industrial market over the next 20 years.  相似文献   

This study statistically tests the cumulative model for the building of manufacturing capabilities by comparing and contrasting the manufacturing strategies of 265 North. American, 129 European, and 167 Korean factories by region. The cumulative model suggests that better performing competitors build one manufacturing capability upon another in a sequential, cumulative fashion—starting first with quality, followed by dependability, delivery, cost efficiency, flexibility, and lastly, innovation. The primary findings of this exploratory study are as follows: (1) the data yielded some evidence for the cumulative model, with the Korean data being the most supportive of the model; (2) North American, European, and Korean managers take different approaches to improved competitiveness; and (3) rather than focusing on one or two capabilities, better performing firms generally compete on the basis of multiple capabilities. That quality is not only at the base of the cumulative model but is often among the multiple capabilities shows the importance of quality management globally.  相似文献   

Ideal science should conform to certain criteria or goals, among them the goals of universalism and commonality. Realization of these goals may be limited, however, through the dividing up of researchers in terms of geographical borders. In this study the general hypothesis is tested that there is a segmentation of the society of management researchers into a North American (US) and a European (E) segment, a segmentation which is furthered by differences in incentive schemes and in paradigms. Four leading management journals from North America and from Europe, respectively, and the 242 articles they contained published in 1993 were selected to represent the different geographical segments. The results provide: support for the existence of two such segments; support for differences in incentive schemes influencing the articles; support for their being paradigm differences between the two segments; and support for a paradigm effect being stronger in US-journals than in E-journals, US-authors are more willing, however, to conform to the E-paradigm than vice versa. We argue for methodological pragmatism in order to reduce the presumed counter-productive effects of paradigmatic rigidity.  相似文献   

Environmental Hazards in the Chinese Public's Eyes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The People's Republic of China suffers each year from various environmental hazards. Although risk perception study has a 40-year history in Europe and North America, little is known about risk perception in China. Previous studies of risk perception have primarily focused on unnatural hazards, but China has experinced many natural environmental hazards. Therefore, the Chinese public's perceptions of environmental hazard risks must be considered in order to support the IDNDR program. The Chinese public's perceptions of environmental hazards are similar to those of Europeans and North Americans, but different characteristics are observed.  相似文献   

Environmental Hazards in the Chinese Public's Eyes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The People's Republic of China suffers each year from various environmental hazards. Although risk perception study has a 40-year history in Europe and North America, little is known about risk perception in China. Previous studies of risk perception have primarily focused on unnatural hazards, but China has experinced many natural environmental hazards. Therefore, the Chinese public's perceptions of environmental hazard risks must be considered in order to support the IDNDR program. The Chinese public's perceptions of environmental hazards are similar to those of Europeans and North Americans, but different characteristics are observed.  相似文献   

This study reports a cross-cultural assessment of the effects of service quality, service value, and satisfaction on consumers' behavioral intentions. The study endeavors to extend recent advances in services marketing theory to the international level of analysis. A composite model of a service encounter is developed based on the literature cited and compared across 425 North American and Latin American fast-food customers. A number of significant findings are reported, including the empirical verification of the position that service value and satisfaction drive consumers' behavioral intentions in North America, whereas Latin Americans are found to emphasize satisfaction in their service assessments. These results indicate that American consumers tend to place more emphasis on the tradeoff between what they receive in the service encounter and what they have to give up to receive the benefit. Conversely, Latin American consumers place heightened importance on the more emotive satisfaction judgment. The immediate implication for practitioners in both regions is that North Americans should respond favorably to offerings that emphasize the quality of the meal relative to the expenditure required. Latin Americans, on the other hand, should respond to more emotional appeals that accentuate the pleasure derived from the encounter.  相似文献   

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