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论文基于心理契约理论,借助于柯布一道格拉斯(Cohb-Dauglass)生产函数,建立了企业劳资双方的博模型,研究发现当单位产品投入资本与单位产品售价之比大于产出的资本弹性时,最优单位产品工资与单位产期望工资成正向变动,与劳方最优有效劳动量成正向变动关系,资方可以通过员工大会等方式降低最优期望单产品工资;反之,情况则相反,资方可以通过加强监管,寻求其他的激励方式提高员工的有效劳动量,从而达到有激励、留住人才的目的.  相似文献   

本文比较分析了业务发展策略、投资行为和红利政策截然不同的2家同行企业上市以来,短期及长期股票投资收益,长期经营业绩和行业竞争地位。在短期投机交易获利偏好主导股票市场的环境下,佛山照明坚持基于增强主业产品市场持续竞争优势的业务发展策略和高派现政策,嘉宝集团采取迎合股票市场短期投机交易偏好的业务发展策略及高股票股利政策。分析结果表明,佛山照明没有给部分短期投机交易的A股股东创造资本高收益,但为大多数长期股东创造了价值。嘉宝集团则相反。本文进一步讨论了“股东价值最大化”在实践中面临的问题。我们认为,股票市场投资者及上市公司控股股东的价值取向都会多样化,股东价值最大化是股东细分市场上的目标股东价值最大化,而不是笼统的所有不同风险偏好的股东价值最大化。本文结果对上市公司股东价值最大化实践、正确运用金融经济学实证研究方法等有启示意义。  相似文献   

本文从IPO(Initial Public Offerings,首次公开发行)发行定价中相关利益者的利益均衡角度出发,对IPO发行规模及定价进行了分析.为刻画行为主体对最大化利益的追求,本文构建了相应的IPO发行定价模型,从而在此基础上得出了各方利益均衡时的IPO发行规模及发行价格.模型显示IPO定价不仅与IPO公司资产价值有关,而且与融资项目预期收益等参数有关.  相似文献   

忠诚雇员的经济意义和培养雇员忠诚的对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过分析忠诚雇员对于培养顾客忠诚和企业获利的影响,说明忠诚雇员对于企业的重要意义,并在分析引用影响雇员忠诚度因素的基础上,提出了培养雇员忠诚的建议.  相似文献   

The Pygmalion Process and Employee Creativity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The study examined the Pygmalion process for creativity among 140 R&D employees. Results generally supported the Pygmalion model. Supervisors holding higher expectations for employee creativity were perceived by employees as behaving more supportively of creativity. The effects of these behaviors on employee creative self-efficacy were mediated by employee view of creativity expectations. Creative self-efficacy mediated the effects of supervisor expectations, supervisor behaviors, and employee view, on creative performance. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores Leader–Member Exchange Theory (LMX Theory), which theorizes when leaders and followers have good exchanges or high quality effective LMX relationships, they share mutual trust, feel better, accomplish more, and the overall unit performance within organization is enhanced. The specific focus of this study is on whether high-quality leader member exchange is positively related to job satisfaction, which can lead to positive outcomes for organizations and ultimately provide organizations the solution to remaining competitive in this new economy. The findings were discussed from the perspective of the advantages available to organizations relative to the many positive organizational outcomes that result from high-quality effective LMX and individual job satisfaction for employees.  相似文献   

方君娟 《领导科学》2020,(10):83-85
单位能力是发展的支撑,单位职能是进步的保障。单位能力与单位职能匹配应坚持精细化原则、整合性原则、拓展性原则、互补性原则。单位可通过在迟滞期实行"一对一"定向锁靶模式、蓬勃期实行"多对一"集约整合模式、平稳期实行"多对多"网格互哺模式、衰退期实行"一对多"创新拓展模式等进行动态调适,使单位缩短迟滞发展、加快蓬勃发展、持续平稳发展、规避衰退发展。  相似文献   

This paper considers the extent to which stress-induced illness can be regarded as a personal injury that could give rise to civil action for damages against employers in the UK. It outlines the results of a brief survey of personal injury solicitors, which indicates that claims are already being initiated by employees who allege they have suffered a stress-induced illness. The potential for claims within industrial tribunal cases that have already been decided is also examined. Consideration is given to the hurdles that litigants will have to surmount, such as proving that their condition was in fact caused by some feature of their working conditions, showing that it was foreseeable that they would suffer a stress-based injury, and demonstrating that their employer was in some way at fault. This leads to a questioning of what employers can do to protect themselves from such claims, or at least defend them successfully. The paper points out that success is likely to depend heavily upon the quality of expert medical opinion, and also upon policy conditions that may influence those adjudicating on such cases. It is concluded that the cost of losing claims may be significant, and that employees who ignore the warning signs do so at their peril.  相似文献   

This paper identifies and explains a potential tension between a firm's emphasis on customer orientation (CO) and the extent to which employees value CO as a success factor for individual performance. Based on self‐determination theory and CO implementation research, the authors propose that firm CO may represent both autonomous and controlled motivations for CO, but that employees’ CO is more strongly linked to individual performance when employees experience solely autonomous motivation. Hence, the authors expect a substitution effect whereby the link between employees’ CO and their performance is weaker when firm CO is high. Furthermore, the authors examine a boundary condition for the previous hypothesis and propose that performance‐contingent rewards have a positive effect on the internalization of the extrinsic motivation stemming from firm CO. Two multilevel studies with 979 employees and 201 top management team members from 132 firms support these hypotheses. Against previous research, these findings offer a new perspective on the effectiveness of CO initiatives, propose employees’ motivational states as the theoretical explanation for the heterogeneity in the link between employee CO and performance, and reappraise the role of performance‐contingent rewards in CO research. Managerial implications for the effective implementation of customer‐oriented initiatives within firms are provided.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings from a recent study of nurse leavers at eight large hospitals in the National Health Service (NHS) of England and Wales. The study develops and extends an influential theory of employee turnover by describing how for some leavers a single, jarring event or shock triggers the decision to quit. By elaborating on the nature of shocks for this sample of 352 nurse leavers, the paper allows for improved understanding of nursing turnover and thus offers an example of relevant management research. The analysis of shock illustrates how conventional research methodologies can lead to a distorted picture of turnover. This has wider implications, both for any organization wishing to manage turnover effectively and for future research. The paper adds to the limited body of empirical analysis on actual leavers, thereby contributing to an ongoing methodological debate concerning the use of proxy variables. By highlighting flaws in the dominant methodology used to study turnover, the paper offers an example of management research that is also rigorous, and thus ‘pragmatic’.  相似文献   

互联网平台向用户开放社交账号登录,在方便用户登录的同时,可通过共享用户信息提升广告定向能力。本文通过构建博弈模型,在考虑用户隐私风险感知时,研究社交账号登录对平台、广告主和用户三方的影响以及平台开放社交账号登录的决策选择。研究结果表明,因用户隐私风险感知的存在,平台不一定会开放社交账号登录。当隐私敏感用户占比较高时,若社交账号登录为平台带来定向能力提升值较高,开放社交账号登录反而会降低平台收益。此外,研究还发现,若平台开放社交账号登录,不同隐私风险感知的用户占比及平台定向能力提升值都将影响平台的广告定向能力及社交账号登录的引流效果。  相似文献   

The extent to which an organization's culture exhibits support for its employees' efforts to balance work and personal responsibilities has been shown to influence a number of work‐ and home‐related outcomes. This study tests a model with a mix of mediated and moderated relationships to investigate direct and indirect routes by which work–home culture may affect employee well‐being. Sex differences in these relationships are also explored. Data collected from public sector employees in the UK indicate that a supportive work–home culture is significantly associated with lower levels of psychosomatic strain among employees. For women, this relationship is mediated by reduced levels of work–home interference. Different types of support demonstrate different effects for men and for women: managerial support has a more beneficial impact on women's well‐being, and organizational time demands have a more detrimental impact on men's well‐being. Recommendations for managers to boost employee well‐being include shifting the focus away from presenteeism and toward work outputs in order to reduce gender stereotypes and improve attitudes toward those using flexible work practices and family‐friendly initiatives, incorporating work–home supportiveness into the managerial performance appraisal process, and compensating or otherwise recognizing employees taking on absent colleagues' workloads.  相似文献   


Prior meta-analyses and quantitative reviews have examined the construct-related true-score correlations by personality in predicting important organizational outcomes or have focused on relatively specific, practical problems generally associated with using personality tests in selection. However, there lacks a theoretical integration of major theories developed in the literature. In this review, we propose an integrative research paradigm for personality research by identifying key mediating and moderating mechanisms explaining why, how and when personality traits predict employee work effectiveness. Based on the compatibility principle, we develop a theoretical model to reconceptualize the effect of the five-factor model (FFM) on broadly defined work effectiveness outcomes. We contend researchers have not exploited the breadth of the FFM bandwidth and thus have underestimated the predictive power of personality. In support of our new propositions, we systematically review the almost overwhelming literature by focusing on retaining productive employees, in order to contribute theoretically by identifying a few key generalizable findings and to improve managerial efficiency by uncovering possible “best practices”.  相似文献   

变革型领导对员工创造力的作用机理研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以内在动机理论为基础,探讨变革型领导行为对下属创造力产生影响的作用机理,即变革型领导通过心理授权和组织对创造力的支持作用于员工创造力,采用结构方程模型分析变革型领导、心理授权、组织对创造力的支持与员工创造力之间的关系,采用问卷调查方法进行研究.结果发现,心理授权对变革型领导和组织对创造力的支持产生中介作用,但对员工的创造力并无显著影响,说明在中国情境下,授权并不能使员工积极放心地从事创造性工作,因此在实践中领导对员工授权需谨慎;变革型领导通过心理授权和组织对创造力的支持对员工的创造力产生正向作用,验证了提出的假设,使变革型领导影响员工创造力的过程具体化和清晰化,对实践具有较强的指导意义. 通过心理授权和组织对创造力的支持作用于员工创造力,采用结构方程模型分析变革型领导、心理授权、组织对创造力的支持与员工创造力之间的关系,采用问卷调查方法进行研究.结果发现,心理授权对变革型领导和组织对创造力的支持产生中介作用,但对员工的创造力并无显著影响,说明在中国情境下,授权并不能使员工积极放心地从事创造性工作,因此在实践中领导对员工授权需谨慎;变革型领导通过心理授权和组织对创造力的支持对员工的创造力产生正向作用,验证了提出 假设,使变革型领导影响员工创造力的过程具体化和清晰化,对实践具有较强的指导意义.  相似文献   

魏钧  张德 《中国管理科学》2005,13(Z1):335-339
随着知识经济时代的到来,对知识型员工的管理成为研究焦点.本文着重对领导授权行为和知识型员工的授权感知进行研究,检验了不同授权行为的有效性,及其被感知的程度.研究结果显示,信息共享对知识型员工的授权感知具有显著性影响,也是对授权感知影响效果最大的授权行为.  相似文献   

如今的公司大都过于关心投资回报率了,结果却忽略了人才在推动企业成长过程中所扮演的重要角色。绝大多数企业仍然在使用传统的财务系统来衡量企业业绩,但是这些系统却忽视了当今社会的真正财富来源:知识、关系、声誉以及其他相关的无形资产——创造所有这一切的,就是企业中的人才。  相似文献   

Whistleblowing is a form of organizational dissent that is rarely successful, instead usually leading to disaster for the whistleblower. Organizational theorists seldom have addressed the question of how to improve whistleblowers strategies. A useful general perspective for doing this is to conceive of bureaucracies as authoritarian political systems. The concept of political jiu-jitsu, from the theory of nonviolent action, is adapted to organizational contexts and used to assess a range of tactics used by organizational elites against dissidents. The resulting implications for whistleblower strategies are assessed by comparison with standard recommendations offered by experienced whistleblower advisers.  相似文献   

Rapid economic development is provoking a skilled talent shortage in Latin America, causing firms to compete intensely for scarce talent (Manpower Group, 2011). While foreign-headquartered firms may bear a “liability of foreignness” (Zaheer, 1995), the question remains whether this alleged liability extends to attracting workers in the Latin American context. We propose an interactionist model grounded on person–organization fit and marginalization theories. Our model, which distinguishes between foreignness and internationalization, argues that they interact with marginalization variables to impact employer attractiveness. Our multi-level analysis of 76,191 individual evaluations of 80 firms within five Latin American countries supported hypotheses that members of marginalized groups based on gender, education, and income were relatively more attracted to foreign headquartered and more international firms. Our findings contribute to an emerging body of evidence suggesting that the impacts of foreignness and internationalization are not necessarily monolithic across all contexts.  相似文献   

服务性企业员工心理受权的影响因素及其作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者采用实证研究法,调查了广东省43家服务性企业,探讨服务性企业员工心理受权概念的组成成分与员工心理受权的影响因素及其作用。数据分析结果表明,工作意义、工作能力、影响力和自主决策权是同一个二阶因子“心理受权”的四个子因子,心理受权的四个组成成分存在相关关系。心理受权的四个组成成分受不同的前因因素的影响,心理受权的四个组成成分对员工的工作满意感、工作积极性和工作绩效有直接或间接的影响。  相似文献   

知识共享能够提高组织创新能力和增强组织可持续性竞争优势。直接领导者作为组织的代理人,其领导行为或方式应会显著影响员工知识共享的意愿,但以往鲜有研究对此议题进行实证探讨。本研究采用214份上司—下属配对调查数据,考察了自我牺牲型领导对员工知识共享的影响效果,尤其是领导信任的中介作用和员工传统性的调节作用。层次回归分析的结果表明:(1)自我牺牲型领导对员工知识共享具有显著的正向预测效果;(2)领导信任在自我牺牲型领导与员工知识共享之间起完全中介作用;(3)员工传统性对自我牺牲型领导与员工的领导信任之间的关系具有显著的调节效应,员工传统性越高,二者之间的正向关系越弱。  相似文献   

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