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This paper establishes the higher‐order equivalence of the k‐step bootstrap, introduced recently by Davidson and MacKinnon (1999), and the standard bootstrap. The k‐step bootstrap is a very attractive alternative computationally to the standard bootstrap for statistics based on nonlinear extremum estimators, such as generalized method of moment and maximum likelihood estimators. The paper also extends results of Hall and Horowitz (1996) to provide new results regarding the higher‐order improvements of the standard bootstrap and the k‐step bootstrap for extremum estimators (compared to procedures based on first‐order asymptotics). The results of the paper apply to Newton‐Raphson (NR), default NR, line‐search NR, and Gauss‐Newton k‐step bootstrap procedures. The results apply to the nonparametric iid bootstrap and nonoverlapping and overlapping block bootstraps. The results cover symmetric and equal‐tailed two‐sided t tests and confidence intervals, one‐sided t tests and confidence intervals, Wald tests and confidence regions, and J tests of over‐identifying restrictions.  相似文献   

Matching estimators are widely used in empirical economics for the evaluation of programs or treatments. Researchers using matching methods often apply the bootstrap to calculate the standard errors. However, no formal justification has been provided for the use of the bootstrap in this setting. In this article, we show that the standard bootstrap is, in general, not valid for matching estimators, even in the simple case with a single continuous covariate where the estimator is root‐N consistent and asymptotically normally distributed with zero asymptotic bias. Valid inferential methods in this setting are the analytic asymptotic variance estimator of Abadie and Imbens (2006a) as well as certain modifications of the standard bootstrap, like the subsampling methods in Politis and Romano (1994).  相似文献   

Estimation of benchmark doses (BMDs) in quantitative risk assessment traditionally is based upon parametric dose‐response modeling. It is a well‐known concern, however, that if the chosen parametric model is uncertain and/or misspecified, inaccurate and possibly unsafe low‐dose inferences can result. We describe a nonparametric approach for estimating BMDs with quantal‐response data based on an isotonic regression method, and also study use of corresponding, nonparametric, bootstrap‐based confidence limits for the BMD. We explore the confidence limits’ small‐sample properties via a simulation study, and illustrate the calculations with an example from cancer risk assessment. It is seen that this nonparametric approach can provide a useful alternative for BMD estimation when faced with the problem of parametric model uncertainty.  相似文献   

In a number of semiparametric models, smoothing seems necessary in order to obtain estimates of the parametric component which are asymptotically normal and converge at parametric rate. However, smoothing can inflate the error in the normal approximation, so that refined approximations are of interest, especially in sample sizes that are not enormous. We show that a bootstrap distribution achieves a valid Edgeworth correction in the case of density‐weighted averaged derivative estimates of semiparametric index models. Approaches to bias reduction are discussed. We also develop a higher‐order expansion to show that the bootstrap achieves a further reduction in size distortion in the case of two‐sided testing. The finite‐sample performance of the methods is investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulations from a Tobit model.  相似文献   

The asymptotic refinements attributable to the block bootstrap for time series are not as large as those of the nonparametric iid bootstrap or the parametric bootstrap. One reason is that the independence between the blocks in the block bootstrap sample does not mimic the dependence structure of the original sample. This is the join‐point problem. In this paper, we propose a method of solving this problem. The idea is not to alter the block bootstrap. Instead, we alter the original sample statistics to which the block bootstrap is applied. We introduce block statistics that possess join‐point features that are similar to those of the block bootstrap versions of these statistics. We refer to the application of the block bootstrap to block statistics as the block–block bootstrap. The asymptotic refinements of the block–block bootstrap are shown to be greater than those obtained with the block bootstrap and close to those obtained with the nonparametric iid bootstrap and parametric bootstrap.  相似文献   

Nonseparable panel models are important in a variety of economic settings, including discrete choice. This paper gives identification and estimation results for nonseparable models under time‐homogeneity conditions that are like “time is randomly assigned” or “time is an instrument.” Partial‐identification results for average and quantile effects are given for discrete regressors, under static or dynamic conditions, in fully nonparametric and in semiparametric models, with time effects. It is shown that the usual, linear, fixed‐effects estimator is not a consistent estimator of the identified average effect, and a consistent estimator is given. A simple estimator of identified quantile treatment effects is given, providing a solution to the important problem of estimating quantile treatment effects from panel data. Bounds for overall effects in static and dynamic models are given. The dynamic bounds provide a partial‐identification solution to the important problem of estimating the effect of state dependence in the presence of unobserved heterogeneity. The impact of T, the number of time periods, is shown by deriving shrinkage rates for the identified set as T grows. We also consider semiparametric, discrete‐choice models and find that semiparametric panel bounds can be much tighter than nonparametric bounds. Computationally convenient methods for semiparametric models are presented. We propose a novel inference method that applies in panel data and other settings and show that it produces uniformly valid confidence regions in large samples. We give empirical illustrations.  相似文献   

This paper develops methods for hypothesis testing in a nonparametric instrumental variables setting within a partial identification framework. We construct and derive the asymptotic distribution of a test statistic for the hypothesis that at least one element of the identified set satisfies a conjectured restriction. The same test statistic can be employed under identification, in which case the hypothesis is whether the true model satisfies the posited property. An almost sure consistent bootstrap procedure is provided for obtaining critical values. Possible applications include testing for semiparametric specifications as well as building confidence regions for certain functionals on the identified set. As an illustration we obtain confidence intervals for the level and slope of Brazilian fuel Engel curves. A Monte Carlo study examines finite sample performance.  相似文献   

ARCH and GARCH models directly address the dependency of conditional second moments, and have proved particularly valuable in modelling processes where a relatively large degree of fluctuation is present. These include financial time series, which can be particularly heavy tailed. However, little is known about properties of ARCH or GARCH models in the heavy–tailed setting, and no methods are available for approximating the distributions of parameter estimators there. In this paper we show that, for heavy–tailed errors, the asymptotic distributions of quasi–maximum likelihood parameter estimators in ARCH and GARCH models are nonnormal, and are particularly difficult to estimate directly using standard parametric methods. Standard bootstrap methods also fail to produce consistent estimators. To overcome these problems we develop percentile–t, subsample bootstrap approximations to estimator distributions. Studentizing is employed to approximate scale, and the subsample bootstrap is used to estimate shape. The good performance of this approach is demonstrated both theoretically and numerically.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with tests and confidence intervals for parameters that are not necessarily point identified and are defined by moment inequalities. In the literature, different test statistics, critical‐value methods, and implementation methods (i.e., the asymptotic distribution versus the bootstrap) have been proposed. In this paper, we compare these methods. We provide a recommended test statistic, moment selection critical value, and implementation method. We provide data‐dependent procedures for choosing the key moment selection tuning parameter κ and a size‐correction factor η.  相似文献   

We provide easy to verify sufficient conditions for the consistency and asymptotic normality of a class of semiparametric optimization estimators where the criterion function does not obey standard smoothness conditions and simultaneously depends on some nonparametric estimators that can themselves depend on the parameters to be estimated. Our results extend existing theories such as those of Pakes and Pollard (1989), Andrews (1994a), and Newey (1994). We also show that bootstrap provides asymptotically correct confidence regions for the finite dimensional parameters. We apply our results to two examples: a ‘hit rate’ and a partially linear median regression with some endogenous regressors.  相似文献   

Entropy is a classical statistical concept with appealing properties. Establishing asymptotic distribution theory for smoothed nonparametric entropy measures of dependence has so far proved challenging. In this paper, we develop an asymptotic theory for a class of kernel‐based smoothed nonparametric entropy measures of serial dependence in a time‐series context. We use this theory to derive the limiting distribution of Granger and Lin's (1994) normalized entropy measure of serial dependence, which was previously not available in the literature. We also apply our theory to construct a new entropy‐based test for serial dependence, providing an alternative to Robinson's (1991) approach. To obtain accurate inferences, we propose and justify a consistent smoothed bootstrap procedure. The naive bootstrap is not consistent for our test. Our test is useful in, for example, testing the random walk hypothesis, evaluating density forecasts, and identifying important lags of a time series. It is asymptotically locally more powerful than Robinson's (1991) test, as is confirmed in our simulation. An application to the daily S&P 500 stock price index illustrates our approach.  相似文献   

This paper studies a shape‐invariant Engel curve system with endogenous total expenditure, in which the shape‐invariant specification involves a common shift parameter for each demographic group in a pooled system of nonparametric Engel curves. We focus on the identification and estimation of both the nonparametric shapes of the Engel curves and the parametric specification of the demographic scaling parameters. The identification condition relates to the bounded completeness and the estimation procedure applies the sieve minimum distance estimation of conditional moment restrictions, allowing for endogeneity. We establish a new root mean squared convergence rate for the nonparametric instrumental variable regression when the endogenous regressor could have unbounded support. Root‐n asymptotic normality and semiparametric efficiency of the parametric components are also given under a set of “low‐level” sufficient conditions. Our empirical application using the U.K. Family Expenditure Survey shows the importance of adjusting for endogeneity in terms of both the nonparametric curvatures and the demographic parameters of systems of Engel curves.  相似文献   

This paper examines the problem of testing and confidence set construction for one‐dimensional functions of the coefficients in autoregressive (AR(p)) models with potentially persistent time series. The primary example concerns inference on impulse responses. A new asymptotic framework is suggested and some new theoretical properties of known procedures are demonstrated. I show that the likelihood ratio (LR) and LR± statistics for a linear hypothesis in an AR(p) can be uniformly approximated by a weighted average of local‐to‐unity and normal distributions. The corresponding weights depend on the weight placed on the largest root in the null hypothesis. The suggested approximation is uniform over the set of all linear hypotheses. The same family of distributions approximates the LR and LR± statistics for tests about impulse responses, and the approximation is uniform over the horizon of the impulse response. I establish the size properties of tests about impulse responses proposed by Inoue and Kilian (2002) and Gospodinov (2004), and theoretically explain some of the empirical findings of Pesavento and Rossi (2007). An adaptation of the grid bootstrap for impulse response functions is suggested and its properties are examined.  相似文献   

In parametric, nonlinear structural models, a classical sufficient condition for local identification, like Fisher (1966) and Rothenberg (1971), is that the vector of moment conditions is differentiable at the true parameter with full rank derivative matrix. We derive an analogous result for the nonparametric, nonlinear structural models, establishing conditions under which an infinite dimensional analog of the full rank condition is sufficient for local identification. Importantly, we show that additional conditions are often needed in nonlinear, nonparametric models to avoid nonlinearities overwhelming linear effects. We give restrictions on a neighborhood of the true value that are sufficient for local identification. We apply these results to obtain new, primitive identification conditions in several important models, including nonseparable quantile instrumental variable (IV) models and semiparametric consumption‐based asset pricing models.  相似文献   

Multistage models are frequently applied in carcinogenic risk assessment. In their simplest form, these models relate the probability of tumor presence to some measure of dose. These models are then used to project the excess risk of tumor occurrence at doses frequently well below the lowest experimental dose. Upper confidence limits on the excess risk associated with exposures at these doses are then determined. A likelihood-based method is commonly used to determine these limits. We compare this method to two computationally intensive "bootstrap" methods for determining the 95% upper confidence limit on extra risk. The coverage probabilities and bias of likelihood-based and bootstrap estimates are examined in a simulation study of carcinogenicity experiments. The coverage probabilities of the nonparametric bootstrap method fell below 95% more frequently and by wider margins than the better-performing parametric bootstrap and likelihood-based methods. The relative bias of all estimators are seen to be affected by the amount of curvature in the true underlying dose-response function. In general, the likelihood-based method has the best coverage probability properties while the parametric bootstrap is less biased and less variable than the likelihood-based method. Ultimately, neither method is entirely satisfactory for highly curved dose-response patterns.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new estimation procedure for characteristic‐based factor models of stock returns. We treat the factor model as a weighted additive nonparametric regression model, with the factor returns serving as time‐varying weights and a set of univariate nonparametric functions relating security characteristic to the associated factor betas. We use a time‐series and cross‐sectional pooled weighted additive nonparametric regression methodology to simultaneously estimate the factor returns and characteristic‐beta functions. By avoiding the curse of dimensionality, our methodology allows for a larger number of factors than existing semiparametric methods. We apply the technique to the three‐factor Fama–French model, Carhart's four‐factor extension of it that adds a momentum factor, and a five‐factor extension that adds an own‐volatility factor. We find that momentum and own‐volatility factors are at least as important, if not more important, than size and value in explaining equity return comovements. We test the multifactor beta pricing theory against a general alternative using a new nonparametric test.  相似文献   

In this paper we study identification and estimation of a correlated random coefficients (CRC) panel data model. The outcome of interest varies linearly with a vector of endogenous regressors. The coefficients on these regressors are heterogenous across units and may covary with them. We consider the average partial effect (APE) of a small change in the regressor vector on the outcome (cf. Chamberlain (1984), Wooldridge (2005a)). Chamberlain (1992) calculated the semiparametric efficiency bound for the APE in our model and proposed a √N‐consistent estimator. Nonsingularity of the APE's information bound, and hence the appropriateness of Chamberlain's (1992) estimator, requires (i) the time dimension of the panel (T) to strictly exceed the number of random coefficients (p) and (ii) strong conditions on the time series properties of the regressor vector. We demonstrate irregular identification of the APE when T = p and for more persistent regressor processes. Our approach exploits the different identifying content of the subpopulations of stayers—or units whose regressor values change little across periods—and movers—or units whose regressor values change substantially across periods. We propose a feasible estimator based on our identification result and characterize its large sample properties. While irregularity precludes our estimator from attaining parametric rates of convergence, its limiting distribution is normal and inference is straightforward to conduct. Standard software may be used to compute point estimates and standard errors. We use our methods to estimate the average elasticity of calorie consumption with respect to total outlay for a sample of poor Nicaraguan households.  相似文献   

This paper considers inference in a broad class of nonregular models. The models considered are nonregular in the sense that standard test statistics have asymptotic distributions that are discontinuous in some parameters. It is shown in Andrews and Guggenberger (2009a) that standard fixed critical value, subsampling, and m out of n bootstrap methods often have incorrect asymptotic size in such models. This paper introduces general methods of constructing tests and confidence intervals that have correct asymptotic size. In particular, we consider a hybrid subsampling/fixed‐critical‐value method and size‐correction methods. The paper discusses two examples in detail. They are (i) confidence intervals in an autoregressive model with a root that may be close to unity and conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form and (ii) tests and confidence intervals based on a post‐conservative model selection estimator.  相似文献   

We consider the bootstrap unit root tests based on finite order autoregressive integrated models driven by iid innovations, with or without deterministic time trends. A general methodology is developed to approximate asymptotic distributions for the models driven by integrated time series, and used to obtain asymptotic expansions for the Dickey–Fuller unit root tests. The second‐order terms in their expansions are of stochastic orders Op(n−1/4) and Op(n−1/2), and involve functionals of Brownian motions and normal random variates. The asymptotic expansions for the bootstrap tests are also derived and compared with those of the Dickey–Fuller tests. We show in particular that the bootstrap offers asymptotic refinements for the Dickey–Fuller tests, i.e., it corrects their second‐order errors. More precisely, it is shown that the critical values obtained by the bootstrap resampling are correct up to the second‐order terms, and the errors in rejection probabilities are of order o(n−1/2) if the tests are based upon the bootstrap critical values. Through simulations, we investigate how effective is the bootstrap correction in small samples.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with inference about a function g that is identified by a conditional moment restriction involving instrumental variables. The paper presents a test of the hypothesis that g belongs to a finite‐dimensional parametric family against a nonparametric alternative. The test does not require nonparametric estimation of g and is not subject to the ill‐posed inverse problem of nonparametric instrumental variables estimation. Under mild conditions, the test is consistent against any alternative model. In large samples, its power is arbitrarily close to 1 uniformly over a class of alternatives whose distance from the null hypothesis is O(n−1/2), where n is the sample size. In Monte Carlo simulations, the finite‐sample power of the new test exceeds that of existing tests.  相似文献   

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