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Reviewing past research on news and mass media, this article charges it is “administrative” research which accepts the presuppositions of the media being studied, particularly their emphasis on “facts” as discrete and objective phenomena. It also suggests that there are epistemological problems implicit in such concepts as “bias” and “refraction” used in gate-keeping studies. The article offers an alternative paradigm, described as “serious work on the sociology of knowledge as a junction with the sociologies of organizations and occupations and professions.” Some studies using that paradigm are described.  相似文献   

微博在高校校园文化建设中的作用及其实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张佳菲 《现代交际》2011,(11):198-199
微博是当前最重要的社会信息发布平台之一。高校校园要积极引入这种新媒体,利用微博这个重要平台来实现校园文化建设。  相似文献   

随着计算机与互联网技术的飞速发展,高等教育也逐渐进入了"互联网+"时代,并为学生、传统课堂教学以及教师注入了新的血液与活力。其中,翻转课堂教学模式便是典型代表。旅游学科教学本应具有生动性、互动性、情境性、实践性等特点,但传统的旅游学科教学在这些方面做得还远远不够。本文通过对翻转课堂以及国内翻转课堂下的旅游学科教学的阐述,总结出"互联网+"时代背景下翻转课堂对旅游学科建设的几点启示。面对新形势下提出的新要求,实施翻转课堂教学将给旅游学科教学带来新的变革。  相似文献   

In studying the draft resistance movement of the 1960's the author combined sociological observation with active and politically committed participation in the movement. The resulting conflicts of loyalty were rooted in basic characteristics of the movement, and of field research as a way of being in and experiencing the world. There were conflicts between political and research goals in daily decisions about how to allocate time and energy, and in larger choices about whether to take risks and to more fully join the community of fate of the movement. The role of researcher became a retreat, expressing limits to involvement and risk-taking, and providing a point of outside leverage which full participants lacked. The movement's ways of defining and interpreting experience ran counter to the more detached and routihizing perspectives of sociology. Conflicts between being a committed participant and an observing sociologist culminated in a sense of betraying the movement, and raised basic questions about uses, organization, and types of knowledge.  相似文献   

Les propositions pour un bilinguisme planifie et les politiques mises de 1'avant pour le realiser sont audacieuses dans leur conception. A travers la structure linguistique, on vise a realiser une veritable revolution sociale.
On retrouve dans les deux rapports de la Commission deux themes fonda-mentaux: (1) le Canada est constitue de deux cultures et societes distinctes, Tune francaise et l'autre anglaise, et (2) puisque la societe et la culture francaises sont menacees dans leur existence, elles doivent etre protegees. Toutefois, on ne considere pas comme un probleme serieux l'americanisation de la culture et de la societe canadiennes anglaises.
La Commission d'enquete a rendu un fier service en rejetant l'idee que le dualisme canadien etait compose d'une alliance unique de la societe francaise et anglaise. En detruisant ce mythe, elle a suscite un separatisme intellectuel et social qui remet en question 1'unite canadienne.
La validite et 1'utilite des propositions de la Commission sont liees a la possibilite de trouver des definitions unanimes des concepts de culture et de societe. Cependant, les commissaires ne reussissent ni a donner une definition claire de la notion de culture ni a presenter le Canada comme societe globale qui aurait une structure et une coherence propres.  相似文献   

王苹 《职业时空》2012,(3):52-53
青年教师是高校师资队伍建设中的重要组成部分,是教师队伍中鲜活的力量,是一所高校得以持续发展的后继力量。文章探讨了目前高校青年教师在教学和生活中存在的五大问题,并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

Objectives: The Sexual Risk Survey (SRS) is a measure of sexual risk behavior designed to comprehensively assess sexual risk taking among college students and has been found to have good psychometric properties. However, the SRS was created and validated within a sample of U.S. Midwestern university students and the factor structure and reliability may differ in other samples. The current study expands on existing research by examining the factor structure and reliability of the SRS in a large, diverse archival data set and also provides a standardized approach to scoring the SRS. Methods: Archival data included in this study were collected from 2006 to 2013 from 5,496 university students in 16 different American academic institutions in 11 states. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis supported the original 5-factor solution described by Turchik and Garske (2009). In comparing mean subscale scores across demographic characteristics—age, gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and religion—a number of demographic differences were found, although most differences were small in magnitude. Internal consistency reliability for the total scale was .90, and subscale alphas ranged from .63 to .90 for the total pooled sample. Conclusions: The factor analysis supported the original five-factor scale and new information is presented regarding demographics differences. Scoring guidelines have been updated and information to assist researchers with the standardized scoring of the SRS is presented.  相似文献   

ROXANA WATERSON The living house: an anthropology of architecture in South-East Asia. Singapore: Oxford University Press. 1990. xix, 263pp., bibliography, colour plates, figures, index, maps. $49.50 (hardback) ISBN 0 19 588941 X.

BARRETT L. McCORMICK Political reform in post-Mao China: democracy and bureaucracy in a Leninist state. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1990. xiii, 222pp., select bibliography, index. US$34.95 (hardback) ISBN 0 520 06765 7.

UNNI WIKAN Behind the veil in Arabia: women in Oman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1991. xiii, 314 pp., illustrations, appendix, references, index. US$14.95 (paper) ISBN 0 226 89683 8.

JANA SAWTCKI Disciplining Foucault: feminism, power and the body. New York &; London: Routiedge. 1991. xiii, 130pp., notes, index. $25.95 (paper) ISBN 0 415 90188 X.

LAMONT LINDSTROM Knowledge and power in a South Pacific society (Smithsonian Series in Ethnographic Inquiry). Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press. 1990. xvi, 224pp., references, index. US$29.95 (hardback) ISBN 0 87474 365 6; US$16.95 (paper) ISBN 0 87474 357 5.

MICHAEL J. LEAHY Explorations into highland New Guinea 1930-1935 (edited by Douglas E. Jones and with a foreword by Jane C. Goodale). Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. 1991. xiii, 254pp., plates, index. US$19.95 (paper) ISBN 0 8173 0446 0.

EDWARD L. SCHIEFFLIN and ROBERT CRITTENDEN (with contributions by Bryant Allan et al.) Like people you see in a dream: first contact in six Papuan societies. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1991. xviii, 325pp., notes, maps, illustrations, appendixes, bibliography, index. $39.50 (hardback) ISBN 0 08047 1662 5; $12.95 (paper) ISBN 0 08047 1899 7.

MARION MELK-KOCH Auf der Suche nach der menschlichen Gesellschaft: Richard Thurnwald. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag. 1989. 352pp., maps, plates, bibliography. DM68 (hardback) ISBN 3 496 003276 6.

JOHN CONNELL and RICHARD HOWITT (eds) Mining and indigenous peoples in Australasia. Sydney: Sydney University Press in association with Oxford University Press. 1991. x, 205pp., maps, figures, tables, references, index. $22.95 (paperback) ISBN 0 424 00177 2.

L.M. ALLEN, J.C. ALTMAN and E. OWEN (with assistance from W.S. Arthur) Aborigines in the economy: a select annotated bibliography of policy-relevant research 1985-90. Canberra: Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research (Research Monograph No. 1). xxii, pp.242, appendixes, indexes. $20.00 (hardback) ISBN 0 7315 1199 9.

EDWARD SAPIR The collected works of Edward Sapir, Vol. 5: American Indian languages, 1 (volume editor William Bright). Berlin &; New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 1990. 584pp., plate, map, appendix, references. DM220 or US$99 (bound) ISBN 3 11 012327 4.

DICK GEERAERTS (editor-in-chief) Cognitive Linguistics Volume 1(1). Berlin &; New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 1990. 174pp., DM42 (single issue, paper) DM154 (4 issues) ISSN 0936 5907.

WILLIAM F. HANKS Referential practice: language and lived space among the Maya. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 1990. xxiii, 580pp., tables, plates, references, indexes. US$27.50 (paper) ISBN 0 226 31546 0; US$65 (hardback) ISBN 0 226 31545 2.  相似文献   

In the 1990s many mixed marriage refugees from what was Yugoslavia settled in Perth, Australia. A mixed marriage is one where the parties have different ethnicities. Using multiple‐case, conversational interviews, the experiences of 12 of these refugees were explored. The processes of acculturation and adaptation, the development of social support networks and community, and their ethnic identity and ethnicity, were discussed and analysed within both the sociopolitical context of the conflict in what was Yugoslavia, and their subsequent migration. The initial settlement programmes and supports to the refugees and provided by Australia's government and community groups were also analysed. The results illustrated the diversity of experiences of the participants as well as shared experiences resulting from their being in a mixed marriage. In summary, the results suggest that settlement is stressful for the refugees, that community‐based settlement programmes provide more positive settlement experiences than government programmes, and that people in mixed marriages experience particular stresses related to the political context in the former Yugoslavia, including a history of alienation and persecution. Theoretically the results indicate that the participants are moving towards an acculturation outcome of biculturalism. The complex nature of their ethnic identity and ethnicity is also discussed.  相似文献   

Careful consideration of Mead's theory of universals proves to be a corrective to a number of tendencies evident in the work of at least some influential contemporary symbolic interactionists. Mead avoids any realistic hypostatization of separate universals (“meanings,” “forms,” or “essences” while at the same time eschewing nominalistic and conventionalistic views of language. His principle of the objective reality of perspectives (1932:161-175) allows him to grant objective reality to universal characteristics of concrete objects, but entails neither hypostatization nor idealization of the universal. In addition to contravening nominalism and conventionalism, Mead's theory of universals provides a perspective from which the reality of the self, and the importance of intentional action for the development of a firmly felt sense of self and autonomy, can both be affirmed. Far from being an illusion or mer.e symbolic construct, the self is seen to be an objectively real universal within the perspective of social action.  相似文献   

The writing of this article is an attempt to present the struggle of coming to terms with what moves me at my deepest levels and how this conjuncts with my work as a family therapist.  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(2):147-168
In this article we attempt to historicize and address the literary manifestations of the meaning and idea of home culture in the English domestic novel of the inter-war years. During this period, the cult of domesticity was avidly promoted by the government and popular magazines. We discuss how both houses and novels furnish a dwelling place that invites the exploration of private and social relations. In their turn to domestic space and the domestic interior, domestic novelists of the inter-war years inaugurated a turn to interiority, feminine subjectivity and the everyday.  相似文献   

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