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Elementary students are often hampered by a tendency to ascribe innovation to increasing human intelligence or individual agency rather than increased information, better access to information, or collective and institutional agency. As a result, they struggle to build evidence-based interpretations of the distant past. A fifth-grade “experimental archaeology” approach to studying ancient Eastern Woodlands Indians served as an intellectual tipping point in students' interpreting ancient people's intellect, ingenuity, and agency. As fifth-graders participated in a field-based experience with chaîne opératoire (the sequence of operations) for tools and technologies, classroom-based opportunities to consider material objects as primary sources, and opportunities for reflection, they confirmed the power of “engaged understanding” in supporting the humanistic and civic goals of social studies.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Ann Brooks and Alison Mackinnon (eds.), Gender and the Restructured University Deborah Cameron, Good to Talk? Living and Working in a Communication Culture Jody Miller, One of the Guys: Girls, Gangs and Gender David D. Hall(ed.), Witch–hunting in Seventeenth–century New England: A Documentary History 1638–1693 Carla Freeman, High Tech and High Heels in the Global Economy: Women, Work, and Pink Collar Identities in the Caribbean  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews: Rosemary Crompton (ed), Restructuring Gender Relations and Employment: The Decline of the Male Breadwinner Susan Eisenberg, We’ll Call You If We Need You: Experiences of Women Working in Construction Fiona M. Wilson, Organizational Behaviour: A Critical Introduction Rohan Collier, Equality in Managing Service Delivery Joyce K. Fletcher, Disappearing Acts: Gender, Power and Relational Practice at Work Miriam Glucksmann, Cottons and Casuals : The Gendered Organisation of Labour in Time and Space  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

The Other Victims: First-Person Stories of Non-Jews Persecuted by the Nazis by Ina R. Friedman. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1990. 176 pages. Reviewed by Samuel Totten.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Barbara A. Fennell, A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approach
Kevin McCafferty, Ethnicity and Language Change: English in (London)Derry, Northern Ireland
Pieter Muysken, Bilingual Speech: A Typology of Code-Mixing.
Ulrich Ammon (ed.), The Dominance of English as a Language of Science: Effects on Other Languages and Language Communities
Andrew Goatly, Critical Reading and Writing. An Introductory Coursebook
Ana Roca (ed.), Research on Spanish in the United States. Linguistic Issues and Challenges
Ishtla Singh, Pidgins and Creoles: An Introduction  相似文献   

In this article we identify opportunities for students to use timelines and textbooks to meet standards. Through the use of timelines, textbooks, and selected activities, upper elementary and middle school students are able to (1) be engaged in content area reading and writings; (2) understand large themes in social studies including time, continuity, and changes; and (3) participate in the inquiry process.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed: Charles Antaki and Sue Widdicombe (eds.)., Identities in Talk Tove Skutnab‐Kangas, Linguistic Genocide in Education–or Worldwide Diversity and Human Rights? Marnie Holborow, The Politics of English: A Marxist View of Language Clare Mar‐Molinero, The Spanish Speaking World: A Practical Introduction to Sociolinguistic Issues Gail E. Hawisher and Cynthia L. Selfe (eds.), Global Literacies and the World‐Wide‐Web Justine Coupland (ed.), Small Talk Francesca Bargiela‐Chiappini and Catherine Nickerson (eds.)., Writing Business: Genres, Media and Discourses Geoffrey Lewis, The Turkish Language Reform: A Catastrophic Success Kenneth J. Gergen, An Invitation to Social Construction James Milroy and Lesley Milroy, Authority in Language: Investigating Standard English Linda Thomas and Sha¨n Wareing, Language, Society and Power: An Introduction  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to empower those interested in teaching students powerful and engaging social studies. Through the lens of Supreme Court simulations, this article provides educators with a viable, classroom-tested lesson plan to bring Problem-Based Learning into their classrooms. The specific aim of the lesson is to provide students with an opportunity to engage in relevant and powerful civics education.  相似文献   


Refugee Women's Mental Health Edited by Barbara Ferguson & Eileen Piitaway (1999) Transcultural Mental Health Centre Monograph Series, Culture and Mental Health Soft Cover, $25 RRP  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Rampton, Ben, Crossing: Language and Ethnicity among Adolescents
Drechsel, Emanuel J., Mobilian Jargon: Linguistic and Sociohistorical Aspects of a Native American Pidgin
Hensel, Chase, Telling Our Selves: Ethnicity and Discourse in Southwestern Alaska
Silverman, David, Discourses of Counselling: HIV Counselling as Social Interaction
Goebl, Hans; Nelde, Peter H.; Starý, Zdeněk and Wölck, Wolfgang (eds), Kontaktlinguistik, Contact Linguistics, Linguistique de contact
Baxter, Leslie A. and Montgomery, Barbara M., Relating: Dialogues and Dialectics
Lanstyák, István and Szabómihály, Gizella, Magyar nyelvhasználat – iskola – kétnyelvüség [Hungarian language use, schools and bilingualism]
Zentella, Ana Celia, Growing up Bilingual: Puerto Rican Children in New York
Fairclough, Norman, Media Discourse  相似文献   


The Joint University Council for Social Studies (JUCSS) was formed 100 years ago at the end of the First World War in 1918. Its expressed aim was to coordinate and develop the work of social study departments across the UK, as part of the larger project of post-war reconstruction. In October 2018, an event entitled ‘States of Change?’ was held in London to celebrate this history and to explore what, if any, kind of future the JUC (as currently constituted) should have. At the event, I gave a short historical presentation that examined social work education’s history in the context of the JUCSS’s origins and development. This paper picks up some of the key ideas from this presentation in more detail. It will be argued that tensions which existed in the formation of the JUCSS in 1918 still exist today, not least because they are emblematic of the ambivalences and complexities that are at the heart of social work and social work education, then and now. Furthermore, it will be suggested that social work as an academic discipline must pay heed to these tensions if it is to survive—and thrive—in the academy today. (192)  相似文献   


This article describes Dr. Inabel Burns Lindsay's leadership as the founding dean at Howard University School of Social Work during her 30 years of service from 1937 to 1967. It chronicles her efforts to build the School as well as her efforts to highlight social injustices of the time. Her lifelong efforts promoted the inclusion of African American social workers in the workforce and the need to understand sociocultural factors in working with different ethnic and racial groups. As a female dean, Dr. Lindsay was an avid promoter of social justice and a prolific writer and speaker on the topic. This article introduces the reader to this under-recognized social work pioneer, with emphases on the challenges of her time and her leadership style.  相似文献   

This article argues that social work academics are educationally remiss for not defining the concepts touted as important for the profession and for our students. Through a content analysis of published literature, the author distilled five core attributes of social work leadership that underpin all other knowledge, personal, and skilled capacities. These core attributes are defined and how they have been used to date is described. This work is aspirational, and the author hopes that other academics and social work professionals may add to its thinking and application.  相似文献   


This article presents The Psychiatric Medication History: An Interview Schedule, a 30-step semi-structured protocol designed to help practitioners understand how clients manage their psychotropic medications and interpret their effects. The critical perspective leading to the design of this interview schedule, its purposes for clients and practitioners, its divergence from traditional treatment histories, and its uses and limitations are discussed. The author contends that, in a safe space, taking a psychiatric medication history according to these suggested guidelines offers clients an opportunity to construct an independent, evidence-tested personal narrative about their medication use. To practitioners, taking such a medication history offers a person-in-en-vironment point of entry into the psychopharmacology scene.  相似文献   

《Australian Social Work》2013,66(2):121-131
Historical knowledge plays an important role in the development of social work identity. Yet there has been little analysis of the historical literature on social work and social workers in Australia. Attention is drawn here to both the strengths in the existing literature, and also to the major gaps in our knowledge of social work practice, education, activism and professional organisations. Arguments are considered for a greater prioritising of historical research within the social work profession.  相似文献   

This article will review the processes of professionalization of social work in Spain. With the advent of democratic Spain, many professions began a process of transformation. Those rooted in the relationship between the citizens, their rights and obligations, and the state, were among the first to be challenged. Social work was one of them. Soon thereafter, the European Union (EU), which Spain joined in 1986, brought forth greater challenges and incentives to change. In 1999, Spain and 29 other countries signed the Bologna Declaration, which committed the country to the development of a shared domain (often referred to as ‘espacio común’) with European higher education. This article reviews the historical process of insertion of social work, heavily influenced by the Catholic tradition of caring, into the universities. The paper examines the model of social work education in Spain, before and during Franco's era, and the professionalization (sometimes referred to as ‘tecnificación’) of care-giving and training-paradigms that followed the advent of democracy. Current models and efforts to bring Spanish social work into EU compliance have narrowed the gap with the Anglo-Saxon world; but have they distanced social work in Spain from its roots?  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Honey, John. Language is Power: The Story of Standard English and its Enemies .
Ó Snodaigh, Pádraig. Hidden Ulster: Protestants and the Irish Language .
Edwards, Derek. Discourse and Cognition .
Blaney, Roger. Presbyterians and the Irish Language .
Traill, Anthony. Extinct South African Languages Compact disk plus booklet
Kasper, Gabriele, and Kellerman, Eric (eds.). Communication Strategies: Psycholinguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspectives .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
This article does not have an abstract  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed in this article: Grenoble, Leonore A. and Whaley, Lindsay J. (eds) Endangered Languages: Current Issues and Future Prospects van Dijk, Theun A (ed.) Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction. Volume 1: Discourse as Structure and Process. Volume 2: Discourse as Social Interaction Flowerdew, John The Final Years of British Hong Kong: The Discourse of Colonial Withdrawal gumperz, john j. and Levinson, Stephen C. (edds) Rethinking Linguistic Relativity Wodak, Ruth The Disorders of Discourse Clyne, Michael Undoing and Redoing Corpus Planning Bakker, Peter A Language of Our Own: The Genesis of Michif, the Mixed Cree-French Language of the Canadian Me´tis Ewers, Traute The Origin of American Black English: Be-Forms in the Hoodoo Texts Stevenson, Patraick The German Speaking World: A Practical Introduction to Sociolinguistic Issues Travers, Max The Reality of Law: Working and Talking in a Firm of Criminal Lawyers Gudykunst, William B., Ting-Toomey, Stella and Nishida, Tsukasa (eds) Communication in Personal Relationships Across Cultures  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Thomas A. Sebeok, Global Semiotics
Ceil Lucas (ed.), The Sociolinguistics of Sign Languages
Alison Wray, Formulaic Language and the Lexicon
Chris Barker and Dariusz Galasinski, Cultural Studies and Discourse Analysis. A Dialogue on Language and Identity
Stanton Wortham, Narratives in Action: A Strategy for Research and Analysis
Carmen Silva–Corvalán, Sociolingüística y pragmática del español
M. Teresa Turell (ed.), Multilingualism in Spain: Sociolinguistic and Psycholinguistic Aspects of Linguistic Minority Groups
Dennis Ager, Motivation in Language Planning and Language Policy.
Aled Jones and Bill Jones, Welsh Reflections: Y Drych and America 1851–2001
Alexandra Georgakopoulou and Marianna Spanaki (eds.), A Reader in Greek Sociolinguistics—Studies in Modern Greek Language, Culture and Communication  相似文献   

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