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Attachment theory offers a useful model for determining if siblings removed from their birth parent's home and awaiting placement should remain together or be separated when placed in foster care. The paper draws from the attachment theory literature, social work literature, and the author's experience as an outpatient psychotherapist. Using the concept of a secure attachment environment, this paper argues that siblings can potentially contribute to, or detract from, a secure attachment environment. When siblings are supportive of each other they can contribute to it. When the sibling relationships are chronically abusive, the individual siblings within a sibling-set are precluded from achieving a secure attachment environment. In these cases the need for separation of the siblings is indicated, and must be considered.  相似文献   

Both advocates of residential group care and therapeutic foster care claim that their programs serve the most troubled children and youth. Prior research, often limited to single sites and small numbers of subjects, have not confirmed such claims. The authors describe the evidence regarding these claims, the research literature pertaining to program effectiveness, and a means for empirically evaluating the impact of residential group care and therapeutic foster care.  相似文献   

This study examined mental health and attachment problems in children in foster care. This study also obtained data concerning the validity of the Randolph Attachment Disorder Questionnaire (RADQ). Children were selected according to length of time in placement and age and screened for mental health symptoms using the Child Behavior Checklist and the RADQ. The findings showed that children in foster care have reported symptoms within the range typical of children not involved in foster care. The conclusion is that the RADQ has limited usefulness due to its lack of specificity with implications for treatment of children in foster care.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the intermediate and long-term effects of family foster care on adult functioning using a sample of 659 young adults from two public and one private child welfare agencies, case record reviews, structured interviews, and a survey response rate of 76%. Foster care alumni completed high school at a rate comparable to the general population, but a disproportionately high number of them completed high school via a GED. Alumni completion rates for postsecondary education were low. Consequently, many alumni were in fragile economic situations: one-third of the alumni had household incomes at or below the poverty level, one-third had no health insurance, and more than one in five experienced homelessness after leaving foster care. Two foster care experience areas were estimated to significantly reduce the number of undesirable outcomes in the Education outcome domain: positive placement history (e.g., high placement stability, few failed reunifications), and having broad independent living preparation (as exemplified by having concrete resources upon leaving care). For the Employment and Finances outcome domain, receiving broad independent living preparation (as exemplified by having concrete resources upon leaving care) was estimated to significantly reduce the number of undesirable outcomes.  相似文献   

Recent research on children in out-of-home care has highlighted their demographic characteristics, their physical and mental health status, and case outcomes, yet the body of literature examining children’s perspectives on care is relatively limited. This review provides an overview of almost two dozen studies examining children’s experiences of care. Findings from studies involving interviews with current and former foster youth are reviewed in relation to four child welfare goals: (1) protecting children from harm; (2) fostering children’s well-being; (3) supporting children’s families; and (4) promoting permanence. Implications for improved child welfare practice are offered.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive overview of kinship care, or as it is also known, family and friends care, paying particular attention to the UK child welfare, legal, policy/practice contexts. The aim of the article is to raise awareness, and provide information, about a hitherto largely invisible, yet expanding placement option being widely used in child welfare systems in the UK, in Europe and elsewhere. The article places kinship care within a UK and European child welfare legal context, including the European Convention on Human Rights 1998 [Articles 8 and 14] and European kinship care developments are also highlighted. It contains the main findings of a kinship care research study conducted by the author, based on interviews with children and young people living with kinship carers, as well as with the kinship carers. Following an examination of theoretical and policy issues, the article examines ways forward for developing and supporting kinship care. In the final section, and based on the research findings and literature review, a new paradigm for child welfare is introduced. It is argued that this new paradigm is necessary in order for kinship care practice and policy to develop within a supported and sustainable family support framework.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of the effects of types of caregiver motivation to foster parent on the security of attachment of infants in care. Using the Motivations for Foster Parenting Inventory and the Ainsworth Strange Situation Procedure, the differences in motivation of kin and non-kin caregivers and the effects of motivation on security of attachment of 46 infants is reported. Result found that motivations to foster, such as the desire to increase family size, and social concern for the community, were significant predictors for secure attachment; while reasons for fostering such as spiritual expression, adoption, and replacement of a grown child, were predictors of insecure attachment. Research and practice implications are discussed. Susan A. Cole is an Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign.  相似文献   

This paper describes the population of children in care in New South Wales, Australia, who were adopted by their foster families (N?=?372) from 2003 to 2014. Data pertaining to 370 of these adoptees were available and obtained from administrative records accompanying adoption applications. Most of these children had been placed with their subsequent adoptive family during infancy. However, adoption orders occurred much later in their lives. According to the available information at the time of adoption, these children did not suffer the high levels of mental health problems typically identified in populations of children in foster care. Though the data do not include follow-up to determine if the contact agreed upon at the time of adoption orders translated into practice, the most frequently postadoption arrangement recorded was face-to-face contact, four times a year with mother and siblings. The high levels of openness and face-to-face contact in Australian adoptions from care are a significant point of difference with other adoption models, and presents a need for research in the area.

  • Following the change of legislation in New South Wales, Australia, that prioritises open adoption over foster care, social workers in the field of child protection are well placed to assist in this process.

  • Social workers can assess children entering care to identify those who will benefit from adoption in a timely manner; undertake casework and administrative aspects of the adoption process; work closely with the child, and birth and adoptive families by delivering pre- and post-adoption supports; and conduct longitudinal research on the outcomes for children adopted from care.


The virtual world of the Internet may be used to support positive youth development. Accessing resources in educational, employment, health, and social domains is enhanced by the ability to effectively use digital technology. Foster youth are at risk for poor developmental outcomes and may face barriers to competent use of the Internet. We discuss the benefits and risks of Internet use and the importance of digital literacy to protect against risks, and we offer suggestions on ways that child welfare agencies, case managers, and foster parents can work with youth to support safe and effective use of digital technology.  相似文献   


Large numbers of youth continue to enter foster care despite federal and state efforts to minimize placement. Some youth will experience lengthy tenure in care with multiple placements and be at risk for adverse events. They are also at risk for losing an accurate biography of their childhoods. We suggest a two-tiered approach to help youth develop a personal history. Agencies can establish a digital depository of basic information including pictures that document the life course of the youth. Agencies can help youth procure e-mail accounts. These e-mail accounts are under the control of the youth and can function as an electronic diary. Thus, youth would have a portable life biography and sense of self over time.  相似文献   


In spite of a high investment in out-of-home care services across Australia, the educational attainment of children in care remains an issue of concern. This paper discusses findings from a study designed to identify the factors that promoted educational attainment of children in care based on 18 university-educated women with a care background. The narratives of these women from primary schooling through to graduating from a university were collected and analysed using narrative inquiry. The women's narratives strongly suggested that the educational needs of children in care vary according to individual care circumstances and individual characteristics, and can be identified in five groups: Destined, Decision, Determined, Denied, and Delayed. It was concluded that the promotion of educational attainment for children in care requires carefully tailored support and resources following assessment based on this information.  相似文献   


Although Australia is experiencing a shortage of foster carers, there is currently little understanding of why people do not become carers. This study explores the reasons given for not fostering though a survey of 897 non carers. Results indicate that, at the aggregate level, people do not become carers because they do not know anything about fostering, or because they are busy with their own children, work, or commitments to family and friends. However, if we account for heterogeneity, differences in these barriers are observed for subgroups within the sample. We investigate the structure of the market of potential foster carers by segmenting the market using cultural background as the segmentation base. Results indicate that the reasons for not fostering differ depending on the subgroup being examined. Theoretically, this suggests that heterogeneity exists within the foster care market, and that examining barriers to foster care only at the aggregate level neglects the importance of individual subsegment characteristics. Practically, results are important because they suggest that generic marketing campaigns aimed at the entire community have limited effect and that customised strategies are required to attract the particular types of carers most needed.  相似文献   

Three agency-based studies explored the associations of traumatic child histories, as well as their developmental, health and behavioral problems with foster care challenges such as placement instability. The findings represent the convergent perspectives of child welfare workers and foster parents in small cities in Ontario. Alone and in aggregate, child and familial traumas and problems were very strong predictors of various foster care challenges. Foster parent training and other support needs are discussed.  相似文献   

《Adoption quarterly》2013,16(1):55-88

This article highlights the importance of attachment issues for infants placed in foster care. We offer a framework for understanding how early separation and maltreatment may affect infants' ability to securely rely on a foster parent. We argue that disruptions in foster infants' primary attachment relationships, combined with a history of maltreatment, place these infants at risk for developing predominantly insecure or disorganized attachments to foster parents, regardless of foster parent characteristics. We argue that foster infants' successful passage through the foster care system requires a high level of foster parent sensitivity to their unique attachment needs. We also argue that this level of sensitivity is likely to require specialized training for foster parents.  相似文献   

Much of the empirical literature on intergenerational child maltreatment focuses on the mechanisms that explain how maltreatment is transmitted across generations. Few studies have examined child protective service outcomes associated with intergenerational families. The current study addresses this gap in the literature. This study compares 1196 caregivers, most of whom are single African American females, and 2143 children from first and second generation child welfare-involved families. All families have a history of substance abuse. We sought to understand how first and second generation families differ with regard to social and economic status indicators, as well as whether intergenerational child welfare involvement is associated with permanency outcomes. Our findings indicate that second generation families experience significantly more risk factors at the time of case opening, and are two-thirds as likely to be reunified as compared with first generation families. The singular effects of generation status disappeared, however, once the interaction between mental health diagnosis and second generation status was entered into the model, suggesting that it is not just being intergenerationally involved in the child welfare system that reduces the chance of reunification, but rather second generation caregivers have more mental health problems that are associated with a lower likelihood of reunification.  相似文献   


How young people in State care decide upon future careers, and the support offered for this process by carers and child protection caseworkers, has received little research attention. This qualitative study sought the views of young people in care, foster and kinship carers, and child protection caseworkers about career development for in-care youth. We found young people were thinking about career options but encountered a safety driven, acute casework approach, which sidelined education and work planning. Career development was not viewed as a caseworker responsibility, and, by default, was primarily developed by carers. The study highlights the need for a greater focus on the transition to adulthood and the inclusion of career development in policy and practice development.  相似文献   


Unsafe and ill-prepared school environments exist for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) students in foster care. School counselors are uniquely positioned to develop safe and inclusive schools for this vulnerable student population; however, strategies for interdisciplinary collaboration and advocacy with schools, families, and systems incorporated with LGBTQ youth in foster care are limited. This article explores how school counselors can advocate across disciplines for LGBTQ youth in foster care, including K-12 education systems, family/caregivers, and social service organizations providers.  相似文献   


A number of child welfare policies have reinforced the use of kinship care as the most preferred placement for foster children, reflecting the philosophy that maintaining children within their own extended family system contributes to their stability and well-being. Given the growing utilization and legislative emphasis on kinship care along with the push for an immediate implementation of permanency plans for children in foster care, this study examines how the permanency goal under the 1997 Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) is being implemented and achieved. The reunification and permanency placement (adoption or legal guardianship) outcomes of children in relative and non-relative care are analyzed, focusing on the experiences of young children. Based on public child welfare agency data from 2000 to 2003, child, case, and placement variables are explored to identify which set of factors best explains case outcomes. The present study identifies the total length of foster placement (kinship and non-kinship), the length of family maintenance services, and the number of placement changes as the most important variables in determining family reunification and permanent placement (legal guardianship and adoption) outcomes for young children.  相似文献   


A post-discharge outcomes interview for alumni of foster care was designed by four peer foster care agencies. Across all four agencies, 222 alumni were interviewed six months after being discharged from foster care services. Outcome domains, based on common measurement practices in child welfare and on social validation studies, include type of living environment (e.g., restrictiveness), placement stability, homelessness, school performance, employment, self-sufficiency, aggression, criminal behavior, substance use, relationships, community involvement, protection from harm, satisfaction, and impact of services. Results of the outcomes were compared to nationally sampled studies of children not in care. Generally, alumni reported positive outcomes across the various domains. The type of foster care, length of care, and age of alumni influenced the results. Implications for expanding this study to establish national benchmarks for outcomes, service use, and cost in foster care conclude the article.  相似文献   

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