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Consider the following problem: a set of candidates {x, y, z} has to be ranked from best to worse by a committee. Each member of the committee provides his own ranking of the three candidates and you decide to use the Borda method to aggregate the rankings. The resulting scores are as follows: 107 for x, 106 for y and 51 for z. Would you conclude that x is better than y? Probably not, because the difference between the scores of x and y is small. The only conclusion you would draw is that z definitely is the worst candidate. But, is it meaningful to consider differences of Borda scores? We characterize the Borda method in this new framework and find conditions that are very close to those characterizing the classical Borda method. Throughout our paper, we consider a generalization of the Borda method designed to aggregate fuzzy relations. Received: 2 March 1998/Accepted: 5 May 1999  相似文献   


I have written this paper with the intention of reading it out loud to you. As I was writing this paper, I imagined your skin, that soft outer membrane of your body. I imagined my tongue moving to shape my words, all the while carefully shifting my teeth out of the way. I imagined having these words thump under your skin and tremble your presence to the beat of our hearts. Because this paper was supposed to have you feel me and my people. And by “my people,” I truly mean everyone around me, including you. So, this paper is essentially about us, you and me. You know, I just had a feeling that you might know us, but you do not feel us. I just had a feeling that you have got to feel how we are. … Do you hear me? Because, only then, can we finally, start.  相似文献   


Health Plan: The Only Practical Solution to the Soaring Cost of Medical Care. By Alain C. Enthoven. (Reading Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1980.)

HMOs and the Politics of Health System Reform. By Joseph L. Faulkson, Ph.D. (Chicago, Illinois: American Hospital Association and Robert J. Brady Company, 1980.)  相似文献   

This paper applies dramaturgical analysis to the study of professional socialization in an innovative medical school. Using concepts from the theater, professionalization is seen as critically involving performances before legitimating audiences. The data were collected by means of participant observation and interviews of a cohort of students as they proceeded through the professionalizing career. Good acting demands that you are convincing in your part. The audience must be willing to take part in a ritual, in which you represent, say, Hamlet. You must be able to sustain this representation convincingly: that is to say, you must consistently satisfy the audience's imagination and never outrage its acceptance of the fact that yours is a convincing, or consistently credible, Hamlet,…or whatever character you are impersonating (Guthrie, 1971:11).  相似文献   


A Relationship on Two Levels. Galia Golan, The Soviet Union and the Palestine Liberation Organization. An Uneasy Alliance. New York: Praeger, 1980. vii + 289pp. £15.25.

The Soviet ‘Black Book’ on the Holocaust. Vasily Grossman and Ilya Ehrenburg (comp. and eds.), Chernaya kniga (The Black Book), annotated and indexed by Mark Kipnis and Hayah Lifshits. Jerusalem: Tarbut Publishers, 1980. xx‐vii + 547pp. Illus. Name Index. Place Index.

A Valuable Account of Jewish Heroism. Reuben Ainsztein, The Warsaw Ghetto Revolt. New York: Holocaust Library, 1979. 238pp. Bibl. $4.95.

The Reality of National Bolshevism. Mikhail Agursky, Ideologiya natsional‐bolshevizma (The Ideology of National Bolshevism). Introduction by Leonard Schapiro. Paris: YMCA Press, 1980. 321pp. Notes. Bibliography.

Communist Zionism in the USSR. Baruch Gurevitz, National Communism in the Soviet Union, 1918–28. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1980. xiii+ 121pp.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
William B. Cohen, The French Encounter with Africans: White Responses to Blacks, 1530–1880. (Bloomington and London, Indiana University Press, 1980). Pp.xix + 360, incl. notes and index. £13·50.

Study Commission on US Policy Toward Southern Africa, South Africa: Time Running Out. (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1981). Pp. xxvii + 517. Illus. $8·95.

Henry A. Gemery and Jan S. Hogendorn (eds.), The Uncommon Market: Essays in the Economic History of the Atlantic Slave Trade. (London, Academic Press, 1979). Pp. xvi +448. $24·00.

Leon F. Litwack, Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery. (London, The Athlone Press, 1980). Pp. xvi + 651. £14·50.

Paul D. Escott, Slavery Remembered: A Record of Twentieth‐Century Slave Narratives. (Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1979), Pp. xv + 221. Illus. US $12·50.

Ronald T. Takaki, Iron Cages: Race and Culture in Nineteenth‐Century America. (London, The Athlone Press, 1980). Pp. xviii + 361. Ulus., tables, notes, bibliog., and index. $12·50.

Ronald H. Bayor, Neighbors in Conflict: The Irish, Germans, Jews, and Italians of New York City, 1929–1941 (Baltimore and London, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980). Pp. xiv + 232. £3·50.

Peter Kwong, Chinatown, N.Y.: Labor and Politics, 1930–1950. (New York and London, Monthly Review Press, 1979). Pp. 178. Illus. £7·60.

Jerry White, Rothschild Buildings: Life in an East End Tenement Block, 1887–1920. (London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980). Pp. xviii + 301. £6·95.

The Runnymede Trust and The Radical Statistics Race Group, Britain's Black Population. (London, Heinemann Educational, 1980). Pp. xiii + 160. £4·95.

Anne Aresty Namon, The Jew in the Victorian NovelSome Relationships Between Prejudice and Art. (New York, AMS Press Inc., 1980). Pp. 238. £6·50.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: MARKS, S. and RICHARDSON, P. (eds). International Labour Migration: Historical Perspectives. Commonwealth Papers. SECCOMBE, I.J. Manpower and Migration: the effects of international labour migration on agricultural developments in the East Jordan Valley, 1973–1980. Occasional Papers Series. FINDLAY, A. and FINDLAY, A. The Geographical Interpretation of International Migration: a case study of the Maghreb. Occasional Papers Series. HARRIS, J., WALLACE, T. and BOOTH, H. To ride the storm; The 1980 Bristol ‘Riot’ and the State.  相似文献   

The dilemmas and opportunities of interpellation and intelligibility play out also in the sexual domain. In “Darren: Erotic Interludes in Political Transference,” Stephen Hartman shows how interpellation makes both him and Darren intelligible and therefore anxious: The power of discourse to legitimate desire means that you can lose your legitimacy and fall into abjection if you ever refuse your interpellation. Here Hartman, interpellated by The New York Times announcement of his marriage to another man, desexualizes and abjects his patient by interpellating his desire as a desire to be a married gay guy, a “good gay” too.  相似文献   

DISORDERS OF SEXUAL DESIRE AND OTHER NEW CONCEPTS AND TECHNIQUES IN SEX THERAPY . (The New Sex Therapy, Volume II.). Helen S. Kaplan. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1979; 257 pages; $17.50.


THE UNMENTIONABLE VICE: HOMOSEXUALITY IN THE LATER MEDIEVAL PERIOD . Michael Goodich. Santa Barbara, CA: Ross‐Erikson, 1979; 164 pages; $6.95.

TABU HOMOSEXUALITÄT: DIE GESCHICHTE EINES VORURTEILS . Gisela Bleibtreu‐Ehrenberg. Frankfurt a. M.: S. Fischer, 1978; 443 pages; DM 29.80.

AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HOMOSEXUALITY (in two volumes). Vern L. Bullough, W. Dorr Legg, Barrett W. Elcano, and James Kepner. New York &; London: Garland Publishing, 1976; 405 and 468 pages; $88.

PORNOGRAPHY: THE CONFLICT OVER SEXUALLY EXPLICIT MATERIALS IN THE UNITED STATES . Greg Byerly and Rick Rubin. New York: Garland Publishing, 1980; 188 pages; $20.

SEXUALMEDIZIN IN DER PRAXIS . Wolf Eicher. Stuttgart &; New York: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1980; 590 pages; DM 178.00.  相似文献   

As is traditional with the Preview Issue — the first issue of the year — we asked stakeholders for their reflections on the past year and their hopes and fears for the new year. Here are some responses so far. (If you haven't submitted yours yet, please do: adawnewsletter@gmail.com ).  相似文献   

It is argued that dramaturgical sociology/social psychology must be examined as a continuation of the methods and practices of dramatism. Such an examination will reveal answers to the persistent questions regarding the work of Erving Goffman: Is he using a metaphor, simile, analogy, etc.! Is he a symbolic interactionist! Is his work a form of structuralism! What is the relationship between the sociologist and the drama of human relations! What is the relationship between interactionism and structuralism! The answers to these questions, it appears, are that drama is not used as a simple analogy in the study of human relations and that the separation of structuralism and interactionism is yet another essay in the confrontation between Heraclitus' flux and Zeno's paradox. You cannot step twice into the same river; for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you. Heraclitus In which case, you cannot step even once into the river: there will in fact be no river. after Parmenides, Zeno etc.  相似文献   

Inside the Third World: The Anatomy of Poverty by Paul Harrison, London: Harvester Press and Penguin, 1979.

The Third World Tomorrow: A Report from the Battlefront in the War against Poverty by Paul Harrison, London: Harvester Press and Penguin, 1980  相似文献   

The purpose of this project is to better understand poverty and social exclusion of psychiatric survivors using a capabilities approach to social justice as part of a larger mixed-methods longitudinal study (N=380) in Ontario, Canada. Using thematic coding, four themes emerged: poverty, ‘You just try to survive’; stigma, ‘People treat you like trash’; belonging, ‘You feel like you don’t belong’; and shared concern and advocacy, ‘Everyone deserves housing’. This analysis provides a deeper understanding of poverty and other social determinants of experiences of psychiatric survivors, including the synergism of poverty and social exclusion.  相似文献   

“… Your abilities are too infant-like for doing much alone. You talk of pride: O, that you could turn your eyes towards the napes of your necks, and make but an interior survey of your good selves!” (Coriolanus, Act II, Scene I.)  相似文献   

How do you criticise a hierarchical racial formation that is rendered nearly invisible by its colour (white) and positioning (background) in the contemporary, so-called colour-blind or post-racial US? The reading of Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: An American Lyric that this essay will undertake seeks to offer a response to this question utilising some key insights from Critical Race Theory (CRT). As they are understood here, both CRT and Citizen offer counter-stories by ‘call[ing] out’ to what you ‘don’t see’, specifically to America’s racial formations so as to promote colour-consciousness and an anti-racist critique. Beginning with a discussion of the relationship between literary and legal narratives, followed by two sections on Rankine’s rhetorical strategies, this essay ends by closely reading her texts about Trayvon Martin, who was murdered on 26 February 2012.  相似文献   

Method Madness     
I caution you not to expect a cookbook solution to your difficulty. I cannot tell you what to do in ten easy steps. Precious few successful career searches are conducted in so mechanical a fashion. You must decide the best sequence of events for yourself. —Howard Figler, The Complete Job Search Handbook  相似文献   

Welcome to Gender and Development's Views, Events and Debates section. We'd like to invite readers to respond to any of the views expressed in this section, to contact us with reports of events, and to suggest debates on important contemporary issues of relevance to the journal's core concern: to strengthen and support development which supports women's empowerment and gender equality as goals. We'd also like to invite you to send us your feedback on Gender and Development, and suggestions for future issues, to: jporter@oxfam.org.uk  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this Article: Barsky, A. E. & Gould, J. W. (2002). Clinicians in Court: A guide to subpoenas, depositions, testifying and everything else you need to know. New York, Guilford, 256 pp. Hilburt‐Davis, J. & Dyer, W. G. Jr. (2003) Consulting to family businesses: A practical guide to contracting, assessment, and implementation. San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass/Pfeiffer, 270 pp., $ 35.00. Flemons, D. (2002) Of one mind: The logic of hypnosis, the practice of therapy. New York: Norton. Clift, E. (Ed.) (2002). Women's encounter with the mental health establishment: Escaping the yellow wallpaper. New York: Howarth Press, 217 pp.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Franco Ferrarotti The Myth of Inevitable Progress, Greenwood Press, 1985, pp.VIII,208.

Peter Grootings, Bjorn Gustavsen, and Lajos Héthy (eds.) New Forms of Work Organization and Their Social and Economic Development, Budapest, Statistical Publishing House, 1986, pp. VIII, 297.

Janusz Lewandowski and Jan Szomberg Samorzad w dobie “Solidarnosci”. Wspolpraca samorzadow pracowniczych Pomorza Gdanskiego na tle sytuacji w kraju w latach 1980/81 (Self‐government in the time of Solidarity. Cooperation of the self‐governmental bodies in the Baltic region and its general background during the period 1980/81), London, Odnowa, 1985, pp. 109.  相似文献   

Welcome to Gender & Development's Views, events, and debates section. We’d like to invite readers to respond to any of the views expressed in this section, to contact us with reports of events, and to suggest debates on issues relevant to the journal's concern: to inspire and strengthen development initiatives which support the goals of gender equality and women's empowerment.

We’d also like to invite you to send us your feedback on Gender & Development, and suggestions for future issues, to:   相似文献   

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