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The paper considers the growth of identity among Muslim ethnic groups in China, especially the Sinic people called the Hui. It asks whether this identity springs primarily from ethnicity or religion. While affirming that Islam has grown in influence in China since the 1980s, the paper argues in favour of seeing the balance more strongly in favour of ethnicity. The paper also discusses the impact of the September 11 Incidents on Muslims in China. Addressing the issue in terms of ethnicity and religion, it discusses the ramifications of the recognition of the Uygur-based East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) as a terrorist organisation by the US and United Nations. It explores important issues relating to morality and human rights and concludes that the Chinese have cause to worry about separatist terrorism based on Islamic fundamentalism in southern Xinjiang, but criticises using recognition of ETIM as terrorist as a weapon against the general religion of Islam or against Uygur identity.  相似文献   

阿克萨清真寺宗教和政治功能解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为伊斯兰世界的第三大圣寺,阿克萨清真寺有着重要的宗教和政治功能,是伊斯兰宗教建筑和伊斯兰教的象征。对巴勒斯坦来说,它是国家的象征、主权的象征,也是其民族团结的象征;对以色列来说,阿克萨清真寺旁的“西墙”遗址是犹太民族信仰和民族精神的集中体现。正是由于阿克萨具有如此重要的社会功能,导致阿以之间围绕耶路撒冷老城的争夺异常激烈,并使之成为阿以和平进程中的一个“死结”。  相似文献   

由于地理位置独特和多民族汇聚,珍贵而独有的古老宗教文化遗迹在中东地区比比皆是。中东宗教文化遗产有其特殊的表现方式、外在审美价值、精神内涵和历史意义。但该地区的宗教文化遗产具有易受攻击性、掠夺性和价值不可取代性等特点。战争、人为因素、自然环境等多方面原因使这些遗产遭到了严重的破坏,并正面临着新的威胁。对中东地区宗教文化遗产的保护应从强化保护意识、建立专门教育机制、加强国际合作与对话、利用高科技手段等诸多方面入手。  相似文献   

Suffering is a negative word personally.People avoid agony while they look for happiness.Nevertheless,miseries cannot vanish thoroughly as we are alive in the world.Sufferings bring us direct trauma in terms of mind and body.This is a dilemma humankind experience since immemorial.Therefore,we seek relief from spiritual aspect.There are two kind of religious beliefs I would like to explain,that are Christianity and Buddhism.  相似文献   

《古兰经》文本像《圣经》一样经历了自身的正典化过程,作为这个过程结晶的奥斯曼本呈现出一些显著的文本特征和线索。把握《古兰经》的这些特征和线索,不仅有助于人们判断经章降示的顺序和主题,而且有助于从学理上纠正某些代表性的西方学者所谓《古兰经》文本存在缺陷的偏见。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教伦理准则是以《古兰经》和"圣训"为依据的,对协调社会关系起了重要作用。其主要包括:协调人与人、人与社会之间的关系;协调穆斯林个体与社会之间的关系;担负起社会的责任和义务;构成了穆斯林生存的心理定力等。  相似文献   

伊斯兰文明是在伊斯兰教基础上创造的精神文化、物质文化和制度文化的综合体,它对穆斯林个体的身份认同、群体的社会生活、伊斯兰国家的政治体制、伊斯兰世界的形成和发展等诸多方面都具有广泛、深刻、巨大的影响力。伊斯兰文化的显著特征是统一性与多样性密切结合、互为依托、相辅相成。从文化、文明视角深化对伊斯兰宗教的研究,有助于人们全面客观和历史地认识人类宗教现象。  相似文献   

美学是伊斯兰文化的重要内容,伊斯兰美学则以"认主独一"的"顺从美"为核心,形成了一套完整独立的美学思想、理念、范畴和形态.本文从伊斯兰美学的视角,着重对《一千零一夜》的顺从之美、坚忍之美、淳朴之美、灵性之美、和谐之美等美学思想进行梳理和探析,从一个侧面洞察了伊斯兰美学思想的丰富内涵和独特魅力.  相似文献   

“伊斯兰劫持民主”这一民主化前景影响了美国在中东推动民主的热情,这似乎印证了民主化问题上的“中东例外论”。然而,伊斯兰教与民主的关系并非结构性冲突,二者对立关系的成因是西方和伊斯兰世界相互建构的共有的敌对观念。政治伊斯兰的分野和转型使不同派别对于民主的态度出现分歧,美国对政治伊斯兰党派态度的转变也有利于其民主化进程。  相似文献   

古兰学(‘Ulūmal-qur’ān)是研究《古兰经》的基础学科,也是伊斯兰文化体系的传统学科。尽管古兰学是一门独立学科,但它因以《古兰经》为研究对象而具有多学科交叉特点,并由此产生了若干分支学科,经注学(‘ilmal-tafsir)则是其中最重要的主干学科。古兰学与经注学在学科原理和认知经文层面的共性关系,既有助于人们了解和理解《古兰经》的文体经义,也为伊斯兰文化发展提供不可或缺的思想资源。  相似文献   

浅析伊斯兰银行和金融机构   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
李艳枝 《阿拉伯世界》2003,(4):38-41,37
伊斯兰银行和金融机构产生的理论基础是《古兰经》、《圣训》和伊斯兰教法,在一定程度上和现代金融理论相适应,自50年代出现以来,发展迅速,但其运作方式不同于世俗银行。伊斯兰银行在发展中还存在一些问题和不足,需要自身不断完善才能更好地顺应世界经济全球化的潮流。  相似文献   


This study explores the relationship between role conflict and role ambiguity, and burnout of mental health service providers. The study used a sample of 259 mental health service providers who completed a questionnaire that included several measures: role conflict and ambiguity scales, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, social support scales and an involvement scale. Results showed that role conflict and role ambiguity had statistically significant correlations with several of the burnout dimensions. The author discusses the potential implications for increasing workers' quality of work life.  相似文献   

We examined family and religious/spiritual antecedents and correlates of current and intended civic involvement in 76 middle class African American late adolescents (M=18.43 years) who had been followed longitudinally for 3 years. Adolescents' spirituality/religiosity and mothers' current involvement influenced the overall ratings and more specifically, current church and community (but not political) involvement, as assessed on a 14‐item measure expanded from Youniss et al. (1997) . In addition, greater family income, earlier spirituality, and less receptivity to mothers in observed dyadic interactions led to more community involvement in late adolescence. Intended civic involvement was predicted by greater spirituality and mothers' (and in exploratory analyses, fathers') observed positive communication (but not mothers' warmth and prosocial behavior) in dyadic interactions 3 years earlier; the effect of middle adolescents' spirituality on late adolescents' ratings of future civic involvement was fully mediated by adolescents' current spirituality/religiosity.  相似文献   

在后冷战时代,宗教极端主义成为各国在非传统安全领域的重大挑战,其中伊斯兰极端主义的影响较大。伊斯兰教作为俄罗斯的传统宗教,在促进社会稳定、巩固家庭和精神道德价值观方面发挥着积极意义,但伊斯兰教政治化也助长了激进的一面。在转型期的俄罗斯,伴随着伊斯兰复兴思潮与运动的兴起,伊斯兰极端主义也得以滋生并迅速蔓延开来。俄罗斯的伊斯兰极端主义趁转型之初联邦中央政权式微而企图推动北高加索地区独立,建立所谓的“伊斯兰国家”,从而给俄罗斯国家及社会造成了巨大的创伤。在全球伊斯兰极端主义泛起的背景下,伊斯兰极端主义问题在俄罗斯一直存在,成为影响国家安全和社会稳定的重大隐患。  相似文献   

The paper evaluates claims by the "New Religious Right" to havecreated a mass constituency or a new "moral majority." The paperexamines evidence for the development over the l970s of newconsciousness which reflected politicization of a growing moralopposition to three feminist issues: abortion, sexual preference,and women's liberation. Comparisons are drawn with attitudestoward 11 national spending priorities. All the findings runcontrary to claims for a newly politicized "moral majority."The basic findings are these: (1) there is no conservative trendon the three feminist issues for 1972–80; (2) factor analytictechniques reveal simple factor structure within the three issuesbut not between the three issues over the decade; (3) politicizationof the issues is greater in 1974 than in 1977; and (4) the differencesbetween the religiously involved and others have existed sincethe beginning of the decade and show no evidence of increasingpoliticization during the 1970s. Data are from the NORC GeneralSocial Surveys, 1972–80.  相似文献   

The popular construction of rural places as ‘white’ spaces has significant repercussions for ethnic, Indigenous and ‘other’ groups who do not always fit within prescribed dominant processes. This paper provides new insights for rural scholarship through an engagement with Indigenous specific experiences of governance and decision making in rural and remote areas. Drawing on powerful Yolngu metaphors from northeast Arnhem Land, Australia, it makes Yolngu law and perspectives visible. Like the cycad nut that has poison within its flesh, so have government impositions on Indigenous people in remote areas. This paper is written to leach the poison out, to let it be cleansed.  相似文献   

通过对全球化潮流对伊斯兰世界的影响、伊斯兰世界对全球化的反映及全球化形势下的伊斯兰世界与西方的矛盾进行了分析、阐述后认为:全球化是现代化运动的继续和深化,是冷战后以美国等西方发达国家为主导的国际经济市场的发展。伊斯兰世界兴起的伊斯兰原教旨主义思潮及其复兴运动是对这种源自西方现代化过程的否定、批判和抵制,是对当前全球化运动所做的一种强硬回应。各种文明间存在着差异、矛盾和冲突,但绝不是一些人预见意义上的冲突。把伊斯兰教等同于威胁西方的原教旨主义不仅错误,而且危险。  相似文献   

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