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《Africa Research Bulletin: Political, Social and Cultural Series》2008,45(1):17380A-17380
Lenore Manderson 《The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology》2013,14(1):90-101
DONALD TUZIN, The cassowary's revenge: the life and death of masculinity in a New Guinea society. Chicago: Chicago University Press. 1997. xii, 256pp., maps, references. US$18.95 (paper) IBSN 0 226 81951 5. JOHN ROBERT SHEPHERD, Marriage and mandatory abortion among the 17th-century Siraya. American Ethnological Society Monograph Series, Number 6. Arlington, Virginia: American Anthropological Association. 1995. 99pp., eight chapters, two appendices. US$12.50 (members) US$15.00 (nonmembers) ISBN 0 913167 71 1. JOSEFINE HUPPERTZ, Mobul: the ancestor of the Kambot people in north-east New Guinea. Aachen: Alano Verlag. 1992. 152pp., index of names, list of photographs. DM32.00 ISBN 3 89399 126 3. BERNARD JUILLERAT, Children of the blood: society, reproduction and cosmology in New Guinea. Explorations in Anthropology Series. Oxford and New York: Berg. 1996. xxx, 601pp., maps, plates, tables, diagrams, glossary, appendices, bibliography, index. £49.95 (cloth) ISBN 1 85973 161 9. SILVIE POIRIER, Les jardins du nomade: cosmologie, territoire et personae dans le desert occidental Australien. Studies in social and ritual morphology, vol.1. Munster: LIT Verlag. 1996. 291pp. map, b/w plates. ISBN 3 8258 2482 9 (paper). GEORGE VAN DRIEM, A grammar of Dumi (Mouton Grammar Library 10). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1993. xx, 452p. DM298 ISBN 3 11 012351 7. PETER A. JACKSON, Dear Uncle Go: male homosexuality in Thailand. Bangkok: Bua Luang Books. 1995. 310pp., preface, glossary, index. US$15.95 (paper) ISBN 0 942777 11 5. SIMON SINCLAIR, Making doctors: an institutional apprenticeship. Oxford: Berg. 1997. 347pp., eleven chapters, subject index. £39.99 (cloth) ISBN 1 8597 3950 4; £14.99 (paper) ISBN 1 8597 3955 5. MARGARET WIENER, Visible and invisible realms. Power, magic and colonial conquest in Bali. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1995. xiv, 445pp., map, illustrations, appendix, glossary, notes, bibliography, index. US$25.95 (paper), US$69.95 (cloth) ISBN 0 226 88580 1. JOSHUA A. FISHMAN (ed.) Language death: factual and theoretical considerations with special reference to East Africa, Vol. I (Matthias Brenzinger ed.). Contributions to the sociology of language 64. 1992. viii, 445pp. DM208.00 (cloth) ISBN 3 11 013404 7. SHIRLEY LINDENBAUM and MARGARET LOCK (eds) Knowledge, power, and practice: the anthropology of medicine and everyday life. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1993. xvi, 428pp., contributors, index. US$17.95 (paper) ISBN 0 520 07785 7; US$55 (cloth) ISBN 0 520 07784 9. MATTISON MINES, Public faces, private voices: community and individuality in South India. Berkeley, New York, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press. 1994. ix, 232pp, plates, maps, bibliography, index. US$18.00 (paperback) US$45.00 (cloth) ISBN 0 520 08478 0. ROSANNE CECIL (ed.) The anthropology of pregnancy loss: comparative studies in miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death. Oxford: Berg. 1996. xii, 226pp., introduction, ten chapters, author index, subject index. US$25.00 (paper) ISBN 1 85973 125 2; ISBN 1 85973 120 1 (cloth). G.W. TROMPF (ed.) Cargo cults and millenarian movements: transoceanic comparisons of new religious movements. Berlin and New York; Mouton de Gruyter. 1990. xvii, 456pp., plates, figures, maps, bibliography, notes on contributors and index. DM178 (cloth) ISBN 0 89925 601 5. JAMES F. WEINER, The lost drum: the myth of sexuality in Papua New Guinea and beyond. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 1996. xxi, 199pp., illustrations, figures, notes, references, index. US$19.95 (paper) ISBN 0 299 14864 5. CHARLES HIGHAM, The Bronze Age of Southeast Asia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996. xvi, 381pp., illustrations, references, index. AUS$39.95 (paper) ISBN 0 521 56505 7. JOËL BONNEMAISON, KIRK HUFFMAN, CHRISTIAN KAUFMANN and DARRELL TRYON(eds) Arts of Vanuatu. Bathurst: Crawford House Publishing. 1996. 338pp., plates, maps, bibliography. AUS$69.95 (cloth) ISBN 1 86333 142 5. NANCY LUTKEHAUS, CHRISTIAN KAUFMANN, WILLIAM E. MITCHELL, DOUGLAS NEWTON, LITA OSMUNDSEN, and MEINHARD SCHUSTER (eds) Sepik heritage: tradition and change in Papua New Guinea. Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press. 1990. xxii, 666pp., references, notes on contributors, indexes, maps, photographs, charts and illustrations. US$75 ISBN 0 89089 322 5. TONY PRESS, DAVID LEA, ANN WEBB, and ALISTATR GRAHAM (eds) Kakadu: natural and cultural heritage and management. Darwin: Australian Nature Conservation Agency and die North Australia Research Unit, The Australian National University. 1995. 336pp., colour &; b/w plates, maps, bibliography, index AUSS29.95 (paper) ISBN 0 7315 2171 4. CINTA MATAGOLAI KAJPAT and BERET E. STRONG, Lieweila: a Micronesian story. Videotape. Boulder. 57:30 Minutes. US$30. c/o Beret Strong beret@tesser.com. GILLIAN WHITLOCK and DAVID CARTER (eds) Images of Australia: an introductory reader in Australian studies. St Lucia: University of Queensland Press. 1992. 268pp. AUS$ 14.95 (paper) ISBN 0 7022 2447 2. PENNY VAN ESTERIK (ed.) Women of Southeast Asia (revised edition). Northern Illinois University, Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Occasional Paper No 17. 1996. xiv, 229pp., preface, tables, bibliography, addendum to bibliography, index. US$15 (paper) ISBN 1 877979 17 1. 相似文献
Nicholas Thomas 《The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology》2013,14(1):60-65
Historical metaphors and mythical realities.- structure in the early history of the Sandwich Islands kingdom, by M. Sahlins. Pp. viii + 84. Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, Special Publication 1. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1981. 相似文献
Gaye Tuchman 《Symbolic Interaction》1980,3(2):9-20
Reviewing past research on news and mass media, this article charges it is “administrative” research which accepts the presuppositions of the media being studied, particularly their emphasis on “facts” as discrete and objective phenomena. It also suggests that there are epistemological problems implicit in such concepts as “bias” and “refraction” used in gate-keeping studies. The article offers an alternative paradigm, described as “serious work on the sociology of knowledge as a junction with the sociologies of organizations and occupations and professions.” Some studies using that paradigm are described. 相似文献
Charles Klasky 《Social Studies》2013,104(1):41-43
Two social studies methods instructors created an assignment that places teacher candidates in leadership roles in partnerships with community organizations to plan and implement projects to increase student learning. This article outlines the project requirements, past project results, and student reflections on the collaborative effort. It provides evidence of the success and effectiveness of collaborative projects at increasing student learning, providing opportunities for leadership, and challenging students to become involved in community issues. 相似文献
J. Hillis Miller 《Journal for Cultural Research》2013,17(2):123-139
When time has erased all details and ambiguities concerning the Iraq war the Abu Ghraib pictures will still be remembered, for two interrelated reasons. First, the pictures may be seen as part of a particularly cruel form of torture, in which the act of exposure multiply the feeling of shame. The significance of the pictures rests not in what they depict but in the fact that they were taken at all. The sexual nature of the torture, the use of the camera to multiply the feeling of shame, and the fact that the soldiers through their inclusions in the frame show no shame constitute their truly shocking nature. Second, the pictures provoked significant debate. They were used as forms of resistance against the “coalition of the willing”, with the Bush government afterwards trying to exercise damage control. The reason that the pictures had such impact was not the event itself — the fact that torture was applied. Most people know that such acts occur in wars. However, the various photographs, especially the hooded man in the “Jesus Christ pose” with wires attached to his limbs, had iconic potential. On a more fundamental level the perverse practices known from the prison worked as a secret and disavowed basis of American power, which was brought to light. Suddenly, American ideals appeared on the same plane as their constitutive exceptions. This left the administration with the choice of either denying the existence of this “downside” or in generalizing the exception (legalizing torture etc.). It was in fact by not choosing one of the strategies, but playing both cards simultaneously, that the Bush government lost so much prestige. 相似文献
《Social Work in Mental Health》2013,11(4):5-28
Abstract This article presents The Psychiatric Medication History: An Interview Schedule, a 30-step semi-structured protocol designed to help practitioners understand how clients manage their psychotropic medications and interpret their effects. The critical perspective leading to the design of this interview schedule, its purposes for clients and practitioners, its divergence from traditional treatment histories, and its uses and limitations are discussed. The author contends that, in a safe space, taking a psychiatric medication history according to these suggested guidelines offers clients an opportunity to construct an independent, evidence-tested personal narrative about their medication use. To practitioners, taking such a medication history offers a person-in-en-vironment point of entry into the psychopharmacology scene. 相似文献
Harry J. Kienzle 《Sociological focus》2013,46(4):78-87
Abstract Just as sociologists in the past have been insistent upon making a distinction between the history of social thought and sociological theory, so is it argued here than an equally important distinction be made between the history of social thought and the history of sociology. It is suggested that the history of social thought is no more useful to the advance of sociological theory than any other contiguously related field of study. Since the history of social thought is not directly concerned with the discipline of sociology, it is suggested that it be eliminated from the curricula of sociology. Not only is this area of study unlikely to contribute to the development of sociological theory but also such a study can have unanticipated consequences that hinder such a contribution. The genetic fallacy is less likely to be committed when the distinction between the history of social thought and the history of sociology is kept clearly in mind. 相似文献
《Journal of child sexual abuse》2013,22(4):51-68
The complexities of developing appropriate formats for obtaining sexual histories that include women's consensual and coercive sexual experiences are discussed in this paper. The Wyatt Sex History Questionnaire (WSHQ), used with a multi-ethnic sample of women, is described to obtain incidents of non-consensual sexual abuse. The advantages of using a face-to-face format to obtain incidents of child sexual victimization are highlighted. In order to assess a range of effects of women's consensual sexual functioning, items of the WSHQ, administered in telephone and face-to-face interviews, through self report measures and indirect questioning using randomized responses, were compared for their effectiveness in obtaining consensual sexual experiences. The advantages of using face-to-face interview techniques with multi-ethnic community sample to assess the affects of non-consensual sexual experiences in childhood on women's consensual sexual practices is discussed. 相似文献
A study of the evolution of garments in China reveals thatthe qipao,which originated from the traditional dress ofManchu women,had been a popular dress among women ofthe upper classes befofe it began to be worn by all Chinesewomen. Taditionally drsses for women of Han nationalityhad always been in two pieces-a blouse and a skirt,while 相似文献
Robert S. Ellwood 《Social Studies》2013,104(6):244-246
Abstract The following article is an excerpt of a speech given by Larry Diamond to those participating in the 1996 Civitas Panamericano Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In his speech, Dr. Diamond included a comprehensive survey of the state of stable, liberal democratic government in the Americas. He outlined the multiple levels of development required to achieve stable, liberal democratic institutions, but he focused the major portion of his address on that one level “indispensable for a stable, liberal, and effective democracy”—the individual citizen. At that level, civic education, both formal and informal, is required. The editors of The Social Studies offer readers Dr. Diamond's concept of educating for democracy, hoping that the excerpts will result in our readers' critical reflection on the revival of civic education in the United States and in other parts of the Americas. 相似文献