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外来务工青年从事志愿服务活动与推动志愿服务的全民化是一种互构的关系,也是他们去标签化,重构身份系统的现代性行为表达。志愿力作为研究的概念工具,剖析了志愿力的三个维度,即意愿、能力和可为性。研究结果表明,外来务工青年的志愿服务参与意识、能力和可为性对于志愿服务参与行为具有显著影响。基于此,要从志愿服务意识的唤醒、能力的提升和便利性增强三个方面提高外来务工青年的志愿服务参与性,减少新的社会排斥,促进社会融入。  相似文献   

The study examined the contribution of macro-intervention social workers to volunteer activists from the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. Volunteer activists who were supervised by macro-intervention social workers were compared with those who were not supervised. The comparisons related to internal variables (leadership competence and client participation), as well as to external variables (community activity, and representation), and to support from rabbis for community activity. The sample consisted of 62 activists who were supervised by macro-intervention social workers, and 101 activists who were not. The findings revealed differences between the supervised and non-supervised activists with regard to levels of community activity and representation. With regard to leadership competence and client participation, no significant differences were found. Analysis of the study findings aimed to provide new perspectives on the contribution of professional supervision, as reflected in the differences found between the activists who were supervised versus those who were not.  相似文献   


This investigation yielded data on the perceived competencies of social workers in adolescent practice. On average, survey respondents related that their perceived knowledge/skill levels ranged from moderate to high when working with depressed, sexually abused youths, or those with behavioral issues. However, respondents also perceived their knowledge/skill levels as moderate to poor when adolescent clients presented with: chronic physical conditions including HIV+/AIDS, sexual orientation issues, gang involvement, or were youths of color. Survey respondents credited work experience and conferences as the primary sources of their perceived practice knowledge/skill. Greater knowledge/skill levels in adolescent practice were associated with greater years of practice.  相似文献   

In capitalist societies, jobs are sorted not only by occupational status, but also by the employment sector in which they are situated. Research has demonstrated that public- and nonprofit-sector workers have more prosocial values than private-sector workers. We used recent data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) Special Supplement on Volunteering to examine sector differences in the likelihood of doing volunteer work and the number of hours volunteered. Regardless of occupation or education, nonprofit-sector employees are the most likely to volunteer and with the most hours, followed by public-sector workers and the self-employed. This finding is robust across most types of volunteer work.  相似文献   

Bystander intervention is described as a promising approach for social workers engaged with groups labeled “at risk” for perpetrating sexual violence. An exploratory study was conducted with one at-risk group, student-athletes, to determine their willingness to intervene as bystanders in situations involving sexual violence. A survey was administered to 205 participants, focus groups held with nine teams, and individual interviews conducted with 22 student-athletes. Results indicate that the closeness of the team bond is the most significant predictor for willingness to intervene. Many student-athletes reported a willingness to intervene in situations involving sexual violence but need further skill development to do so effectively. Implications for social workers implementing the bystander approach with at-risk groups are discussed, such as skill development and utilization of the strengths perspective.  相似文献   

Retired physician Samuel A. Cassell has followed his goal to establish the Bergen Volunteer Medical Initiative, Inc. (BVMI), a free medical service for the uninsured based on the original model developed by retired physician Jack McConnell in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) organizations offer free medical services to the uninsured in communities all over the United States following a culture‐of‐caring philosophy, while relying heavily on the donated services of retired health care professionals. However, Cassell found that starting such a facility in wealthy Bergen County, close enough to be a suburb of New York City, was a bigger challenge than anticipated. Cassell and the BVMI board faced the problem of trying to raise funds to build a facility, only to learn that many donors would be more interested in contributing toward needed services in an organization that already had a proven track record; concerns of some area hospitals about potential duplication of efforts or unequal referrals; and concerns of local officials and suburban residents about the presence of a medical facility servicing the working poor in their business community and in their neighborhood.  相似文献   

This study investigated the association between family involvement and depressive symptoms among a sample of 187 Dominican, Mexican, and Central American adolescents from the Longitudinal Immigrant Student Adaptation Study. The study used the transactional stress model as its theoretical foundation. Findings from a multiple regression model suggest that low levels of family involvement were significantly related to higher levels of depressive symptoms for Dominican youths but not for Mexican or Central American youths. Latina adolescents were significantly more likely to have higher rates of depressive symptoms than their male counterparts. Research and practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study used a longitudinal, multimethod design to examine whether teens' perceptions of maternal psychological control predicted lower levels of adolescent autonomy displayed with their mothers and peers over time. Significant predictions from teens' perceptions of maternal psychological control to teens' displays of autonomy in maternal and peer relationships were found at age 16 after accounting for adolescent displays of autonomy with mothers and peers at age 13, indicating relative changes in teens' autonomy displayed with their mother and a close peer over time. Results suggest that the ability to assert one's autonomy in mid‐adolescence may be influenced by maternal behavior early in adolescence, highlighting the importance of parents minimizing psychological control to facilitate autonomy development for teens.  相似文献   

Differences in family trauma, stressors, and dysfunction among psychiatric inpatients grouped by sexual abuse self-reports were investigated. Group membership was determined by self-report of adolescents during a structured interview using a modification of the Traumatic Antecedents Scale (TAS). Family trauma/dysfunction was determined from a composite score derived from the TAS. The results indicated a significant difference for family trauma/dysfunction, with sexually abused adolescents reporting more family trauma/dysfunction than psychiatric controls. Also, those abused extrafamilally reported significantly more family trauma and dysfunction than psychiatric controls, while those abused intrafamilially did not report significant differences. Group differences in the endorsement of certain traumas stressors also were investigated. These findings indicated that among psychiatric inpatients, family dysfunction and trauma are present in those extrafamilially abused. Moreover, the extrafamilially abused were significantly different from controls, while incestuously abused were not significantly different. These results are discussed in the context of separation and abuse vulnerability.  相似文献   

The Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 (= 8,061) was used to investigated the joint associations of physical activity and sedentary behavior with academic achievement. Logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate how classes formed by latent class analysis (LCA) according to overall physical activity, sports club membership, viewing TV, using a computer, reading books and magazines, other sedentary activities, and sleep were associated with grade‐point average. When adjusted for gender, self‐rated health, and mother's education, physically active adolescents and generally active adolescents were about twice as likely to have high grade‐point average compared with sedentary TV viewers.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between sex differences and preferences for volunteer roles, organizations, and supervision. A series of hypotheses were developed from prior research on sex differences from the fields of biology, neuroscience, and psychology to determine whether such preferences can be predicted. An online survey panel of over 700 individuals comprised the sample. Many of the hypotheses were supported. Implications of the findings on future research and on volunteer recruitment and retention are discussed.  相似文献   

Persons with developmental disabilities are not usually given the opportunity to make meaningful choices concerning career options. There are, however, five types of partial involvement in career decision making they may experience. Counselors have considered client expressions of occupational preferences prior to deciding on appropriate vocational goals, have merely asked workers to sign a prepared rehabilitation plan, or—at the highest level of client participation—have involved workers and their families in team planning meetings. Several recommendations for both systemic and personal interventions to facilitate career decision-making by workers with developmental disabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the links between volunteers care workers’ current unpaid work and their own present or former paid work with the objective of analysing the ways welfare states influence volunteer care work. Data were collected between August 2012 and May 2013 through 41 face-to-face interviews with Danish and Australian volunteers working with the frail elderly, very sick and terminally ill. Three related arguments are made. One, paid and unpaid care work are so intertwined that it is not possible to understand volunteers’ unpaid working lives without simultaneously understanding their paid work lives. Two, many volunteer care workers are attracted to care work, not volunteering per se. Three, volunteering must be understood in relation to men’s and women’s ‘access to work’ in the welfare state, access that ultimately depends on the design and developments of these two contrasting welfare states.  相似文献   

This study examined the associations between parent and adolescent reports of bonding within families and the relationships among reported parental bonding, family conflict and adolescent stress. A total of 118 families from Anhui, China, were recruited for this study. Two family‐level bonding scores were constructed: the average of and difference between parent and adolescent bonding scores. Study results indicated that the difference between parent and adolescent bonding reports was associated with higher levels of adolescent daily stress. A negative association was observed between average family‐level bonding and the level of parent‐reported conflict. Our findings highlight the importance of combining data from both parents and adolescents when studying issues related to family wellbeing.  相似文献   

Adolescents with depression have lower peer status overall, but tend to befriend each other. We examined the “tightknittedness” of their friendship groups by testing whether adolescent friendship groups’ average levels of or variability in internalizing symptoms predict group cohesiveness. We used four waves (9th–12th grades) of survey and social network data on 3,013 friendship groups from the PROmoting School‐Community‐University Partnerships to Enhance Resilience study. Friendship groups with higher average depressive symptoms were less cohesive; groups with higher average anxiety symptoms had greater reciprocity. Groups with greater variability in depressive symptoms had greater density; variability in anxiety symptoms was not consistently associated with cohesion. The friendship groups of depressed adolescents appear less cohesive than the “typical” adolescent friendship group.  相似文献   

This article explores the limits of public policy as it affects volunteerism in the United States. Our analysis focuses on the potential of the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act (2009), the most sweeping volunteer legislation in U.S. history, to raise the level of volunteering and national service in the United States, particularly among young people, older people, and minorities—the primary target populations of the act. The Serve America Act aims to increase service‐learning opportunities and national service placements substantially. However, the long‐term impact of these changes on the rate of volunteering and the composition and character of the volunteering population remains unclear. Using data from the Current Population Survey's annual Supplement on Volunteering, we examine a variety of reasonable policy scenarios to see how the Serve America Act might affect future volunteering through the year 2050. The findings suggest that even if the Serve America Act is fully funded and implemented, it is unlikely to have a long‐term impact on the overall volunteering rate and, consequently, that altering the national volunteering rate might be an unrealistic public policy goal. Nevertheless, the analysis shows that because of naturally occurring changes in the population, the composition of the volunteer pool is likely to change as we move toward 2050—a demographic shift that will present increased challenges for volunteer managers. We discuss these challenges and how managers might deal with them effectively.  相似文献   

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