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跨国并购是指一国企业基于某种目的,通过取得另一国企业的全部或部分资产(或股份),对另一国企业的经营管理实施一定的或完全控制行为。与其他投资方式相比较,跨国并购是企业实现其全球战略目标的一条捷径。然而,跨国并购的优势能否得到充分发挥,很大程度上取决于并购后双方企业整合的成败。跨国并购企业的内部整合包括资源、管理、组织、文化等多方面整合,渗透到企业经营的方方面面,其中文化整合对跨国并购企业的影响更复杂、更深入、更持久。所以,跨国并购后的文化整合已引起参与跨国并购企业的高度重视,成为企业管理者最重要的任务之一。…  相似文献   

谢莉 《职业时空》2008,4(9):205-205
随着我国经济的持续发展,国力不断强盛,中国越来越多的企业“走出去”,实施跨国经营,尤其近年来,我国企业开始实施跨国并购,并成为中国企业实施国际化经营的主要方式。随着中国企业海外并购及其风险的加剧,文化整合问题日益凸现。TCL并购法国阿尔卡特和汤姆逊公司后,经营亏损、企业整合困难重重一直困扰着TCL集团公司。近年来,我国企业跨国并购中出现的文化矛盾及跨文化整合问题已经成为我国企业在“走出去”过程中亟待解决的重要问题。  相似文献   

并购已经成为企业发展的一个趋势,是提高企业竞争力、发展企业自身实力的一种重要手段。随着时代的不断变迁,并购这种趋势愈演愈烈,可是只有少部分企业是并购后整合成功的,许多经济学家分别给出了不同的答案。对于哪个是阻碍并购整合成功的重要因素,一直以来都是经济学家们讨论的重点。企业并购中无形资产整合的基本问题是本文研究的重点,以下围绕企业并购无形资产所存在的问题展开讨论,并提出了自己的观点和看法。  相似文献   

知识经济社会的到来,使得21世纪注定是"人才"的实际,人才逐渐成为企业发展的重要资本。特别是改革开放以后,我国企业进入了快速发展轨道,但是也面临着企业间竞争压力过大以及生存环境恶劣的问题,特别是我国的民营企业虽然有政策的扶持,但是面临复杂多变的环境,企业间的竞争逐渐转变为人才资本的竞争。民营企业需要提高核心竞争力,只有提高员工素质,通过员工培训来跟上时代及市场发展的最新动态,从目前社会发展趋势上来看,推行员工终身教育以及完善员工培训制度是大势所趋,是民营企业发展战略中重要一环。本文主要研究民营企业员工培训管理创新问题,结合员工培训理论,具体采用文献研究法、对比法对企业员工培训现状进行分析后,指出了目前企业培训工作中存在的问题。并针对培训管理存在的问题提出针对性的改进策略和建议。  相似文献   

知识经济社会的到来,使得21世纪注定是"人才"的世纪,人才逐渐成为企业发展的重要资本。特别是改革开放以后,我国企业进入了快速发展轨道,但是也面临着企业间竞争压力过大,以及生存环境恶劣的问题,特别是我国的民营企业虽然有政策的扶持,但是面临复杂多变的环境,企业间的竞争逐渐转变为人才资本的竞争。民营企业需要提高核心竞争力,只有提高员工素质,通过员工培训来跟上时代及市场发展的最新动态。从目前社会发展趋势上来看,推行员工终身教育以及完善员工培训制度是大势所趋,是民营企业发展战略中的重要一环。本文主要研究民营企业员工培训管理创新问题,结合员工培训理论,具体采用文献研究法、对比法对企业员工培训现状进行分析后,指出目前企业培训工作中存在的问题,并针对培训管理存在的问题提出针对性的改进策略和建议。  相似文献   

人力资源管理外包的动因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入21世纪,随着知识经济一体化,人力资源管理对于企业的发展越来越具有战略意义。有效的人力资源管理被认为是企业赢得竞争优势的重要手段之一。而在我国,不少中小型企业,尤其是中小型民营企业,由于规模的限制,没有设置人力资源部门;即使有,也没有系统的人事制度,不能为员工提供完备的福利待遇和培训机会,更没有战略性人力资源规划。因而造成优秀员工招聘困难、关键人员流失严重、员工满意度低等问题,这些都成为制约中小型企业顺利发展的“瓶颈”。  相似文献   

经过20多年的改革开放,民营企业获得了迅猛的发展,民营资本已经成为国民经济增长的重要力量。但是,不可否认,民营企业在中国获得迅猛发展的同时自身还存在许多问题。如果这些问题得不到解决,将会严重影响到民营企业的发展。在民营企业中引进职业经理人,将不失为解决问题的一个有效途径。民营企业面对的挑战上世纪80年代民营企业如雨后春笋般出现在中国大地上,出现了巨人、三株、南德等一批颇具实力的企业。但是好景不长,在这些企业中出现了这样那样的一些问题,最终导致了企业整体的败落。现在民营企业正在进行二次创业,民营企业需要在总结这…  相似文献   

倪迎春 《现代交际》2010,(12):146-146,145
随着国际间合作的加强和经济全球化的深入,全球掀起了大范围的并购浪潮,大型、甚至超大型的跨国公司和企业集团不断涌现,并购成为公司资产重组的重要方式。本文通过对民营企业参与并购的战略意义和可行性进行分析,认为并购是民企"走出去"拓展海外市场的重要战略选择。美国的三角并购具有其独特优势,民企可借鉴三角并购的经验教训,为我国《公司法》引入三角并购理论提供实践经验。  相似文献   

王泼 《职业时空》2005,(8):38-39
进入21世纪,随着知识经济一体化,人力资源管理对于企业的发展越来越具有战略意义。有效的人力资源管理被认为是企业赢得竞争优势的重要手段之一。而在我国,不少中小型企业,尤其是中小型民营企业,由于规模的限制,没有设置人力资源部门;即使有,也没有系统的人事制度,不能为员工提供完备的福利待遇和培训机会,更没有战略性人力资源规划。因而造成优秀员工招聘困难、关键人员流失严重、员工满意度低等问题,这些都成为制约中小型企业顺利发展的“瓶颈”。  相似文献   

知识产权作为企业抢占竞争优势的关键性资源,已经成为中国企业开展海外并购活动的重要目的。然而,涉及知识产权的海外并购是一个十分复杂且高风险的过程,即便是大型跨国公司也都曾出现过重大失误。基于知识产权获取的并购活动包括并购前、并购中和并购后3个阶段,对3个阶段中知识产权并购风险的准确甄别,将有助于企业保护自身权益,有效实现知识产权转移和价值创造。  相似文献   

The transition towards a cognitive and post-industrial economy has led to the emergence of new strategies of capture of the immanent productive capacities of the social forces. Heritage entities are subject to, and also participate in, processes by which common creativity and knowledge are being harnessed by novel forms of rent and control. The objective of this paper was to show that conceiving heritage as a common situated in specific contexts rather than as a universal essence can open up novel epistemological spheres of communication between different knowledge practices. Also, it can help bridge some ontological gaps among the various stakeholders in the arena of heritage, such as academics, managers, architects, local communities and market forces. This entails considering heritage as an emergent material and immaterial construction process involving many different agents. Currently, these processes tend towards the privatization of common values and the shattering of local communities. Normally, this situation entails a fundamental alienation between objects and subjects, and the reification of heritage. This paper suggests that considering heritage as a common could provide a different perspective to tackle this crucial problem. Accordingly, scholars should not only be bound to a critical discursive stance, but should also commit to ‘ontological politics’ that would situate them as mediators between the global hierarchies of value generated by heritage and the common productive potential of local communities.  相似文献   


The authors suggest that psychotherapy and career counseling with college students can be identified as potentially concurrent and interactive processes. They seek to increase awareness of this connection and underscore the value of its application when it is appropriate to do so.

Selecting a career is a crucial developmental task for young adults and is, to varying degrees, an integral part of their psychosocial adjustment. The literature is reviewed from five perspectives: the psychodynamic model of career counseling; case examples; integration of career counseling and psychotherapy; a review of the developmental theories of Erikson, Farnsworth, Chickering, and Medalie; and empirical justification.

The authors discuss the rationale for merging student psychotherapy and career counseling and offer case examples.  相似文献   

This paper discusses work with a couple where a gambling addiction was present. General principles of change are discussed, and the stages of treatment outlined.  相似文献   


The willingness on the part of university participants to listen attentively to community representatives is of great importance to successful collaborations. This article presents three phases of a university-community partnership between the Macedonia neighborhood in High Point, North Carolina, and the Center for the Study of Social Issues (CSSI) at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Although no professional network and neighborhood contacts were in place prior to this collaboration, the partnership addressed community needs by obtaining federal grant funding and by listening to the residents' concerns. Staff, students, and faculty overcame the challenges of inexperience and the difficulty of working with a neighborhood that was not located near the university. In various phases, the partnership moved away from a technical assistance approach to a self-help model. By actively engaging neighborhood residents through the Community Outreach Partnership Center (COPC), a learning and adaptation process occurred that resulted in successful university-community collaboration.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2005,19(3):327-347
This article explores the understudied phenomenon of legacy as a component of the aging experience. Against a backdrop of almost exclusive prior focus on transmission of material possessions as the primary form of legacy, the concept is critically examined in developing an expanded, theoretically and empirically grounded perspective. In-depth interviews conducted with 14 adults, ranging in age from 31 to 94 and representing diverse marital, parental and health statuses, reveal multiple dimensions of leaving a legacy in terms of content, creation and transmission. A typology of three distinct but overlapping categories of legacy was identified: biological legacy, material legacy and a legacy of values. Sub-types were identified within each category. Each participant clearly articulated and identified with at least one form of legacy and the majority expressed all three types but with varying degrees of intensity and with the legacy of values viewed as more important than other forms of legacy The findings suggest the need and potential for developing deeper insight into a component of the aging experience that may assume particular significance toward the end of life.  相似文献   

The first step in publishing a college textbook is usually the submission of a proposal. Currently, textbook publishers are cutting back the number of books they are contracting, but "over-the-transom" proposals continue to flood editors'desks. Very few proposals are properly prepared since few would-be authors are aware of the precise information a publisher needs. This article suggests both guidelines for a "good" proposal, as well as some additional hints for textbook publication.  相似文献   


Before I did not know I was the other in my country, before I did not know it was not safe to be the other in this, before I did not know my existence was a series of ellipses, owing to mispronunciations and a smothering absence of words, before I did not know that the past will, unfailingly, be subsumed by its past and fantasies of a future will become present torments, before I did not know all of that, I did not know I was to be a woman. … Thirty-odd years in, having married a man and birthed children, I was made to look at myself and pronounce the most foreign of words. The sound was deafening. The sound left me speechless. These writings are an attempt at puncturing the silence enveloping the most dangerous of (my) words.  相似文献   

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