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聂江 《南方人口》2007,22(1):51-57
文章以平方根指数作为衡量性别教育不平等的工具,得出以下结论:一、1990年至今,中国教育性别隔离总体呈下降趋势,城乡差异依然显著;二、地区教育性别隔离程度从高到低为东部,西部和中部;三、就各教育层次来看,教育性别隔离下降主要来自义务教育的贡献,高等教育阶段女性受教育机会相对更平等.进一步的分析发现,教育性别隔离状况与经济发展水平及人均教育经费并不相关,与人均受教育年限和出生性别比有一定关系.  相似文献   

易成栋 《南方人口》2004,19(3):58-64
在我国加速城市化进程中 ,非正式迁移的农村人口已经在城市工作、定居 ,成为城市常住人口的重要组成部分 ,并具有长期定居倾向。我国的二元社会经济结构依然存在。转型阶段的制度安排导致了劳动力市场、住宅市场、城市政治和社会文化环境等对非正式迁移的农村人口的社会排斥 ,并导致非正式迁移的农村人口边缘化 ,成为弱势群体。社会排斥通过住房表现出来 ,导致非户籍迁移人口与市民的居住分异。通过武汉市第五次人口普查资料实证研究表明 ,与市民相比 ,非正式迁移的农村人口住宅的数量少 ,质量差 ,产权情况不同 ,存在空间隔离和社会分异 ,证明了社会排斥的客观性。我国应进行与城乡统一的户籍制度相应的制度创新 ,平等对待非正式迁移的农村人口 ,将其融入市民社会 ;住房政策应在社会公平与市场效率的结合中发挥作用。  相似文献   

The present research: (a) distinguishes between measures of gender occupational segregation and measures of gender occupational inequality, and (b) examines whether occupational segregation and occupational inequality are differentially related to structural characteristics of national labor markets. Analysis of data from 56 nations shows that measures of nominal segregation are not equivalent to measures of hierarchical inequality. Nominal segregation seems to increase with industrialization and in the presence of service industries but decreases as female labor force participation increases. By contrast, occupational inequality seems to decrease with industrialization and in the presence of service industries but to increase as both female labor force participation and level of educational inequality rise. The data further demonstrate that nominal segregation and ordinal status inequality are interrelated. Where nominal segregation is high, women's relative representation in high status occupations tends to rise. We argue that occupational segregation should not be equated with occupational inequality, and that theoretical propositions regarding gender-occupational segregation may not be applicable to issues concerning occupational inequality. We obtain a better understanding of, and insight into the nature of gender-occupational differentiation by simultaneously considering these two dimensions of gender-occupational differentiation.  相似文献   

旧城改造对于塑造我国城市社会空间结构有着重要的影响,这种影响主要通过政府、企业和市民这三个主体的相互作用来体现。不同主体对不同社会群体的影响不同,使得不同社会群体在城市不同空间范围内聚集,从而导致城市社会空间分异。在运用因子生态分析法界定2000年武汉市社会空间的基础上,通过建立多元线性回归模型,研究不同主体对城市社会空间分异的影响。研究发现政府对办事人员聚集区、外来人口聚集区、离退休人员聚集区、人口快速增长区的形成产生显著影响;企业对离退休人员聚集区、人口快速增长区和农业人口聚集区的形成具有一定的影响;而市民则对办事人员聚集区、离退休人员聚集区、人口快速增长区的形成具有一定的影响。这反映了旧城改造过程中政府为主导、企业和市民有限参与的现实状况。  相似文献   

中国产业职业性别隔离的检验与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章从男女性别收入不平等问题出发,阐明了研究中国产业性别隔离问题的重要性,并以此为基点,探讨了与职业隔离相关的概念,介绍职业性别隔离的两种测度方法,即邓肯指数与平方根指数。文章应用中国历年劳动统计年鉴和2000年人口普查数据,对中国产业职业别隔离状况进行检验与分析,重点对平方根指数进行测度,得出相关的结论。结果表明,从总体上看,中国职业性别隔离程度较低,但产业内部的职业性别隔离程度较大,并且在不同产业内还有继续扩大的趋势。同时,不同地区的产业职业性别隔离也不尽相同。这些基本结论对中国制定相应的政策以推进男女平等有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

The concept of anomie is one of the classics of sociological theory. Developed by scholars such as Emile Durkheim and Robert K. Merton, the concept refers to the absence of clear social norms and values and to a lack of sense of social regulation. However, whereas Merton focused on features of relative deprivation that cause anomie, Durkheim was primarily interested in the link between rapid social change and social anomie. According to the latter, normative regulation is threatened with being undermined and people are likely to lack the social and psychological means for adjustment in times of rapid social change. Drawing on survey data from the South African General Household Survey polled in 2002, the article examines the ethnical differences in levels of social anomie in the South African society. In order to do so, we, first, place the South African levels of anomie into comparative context. In a second step, we look at the race specific levels of anomie. Third, we investigate whether the differences in anomie between the races are related to the still existing socio-economic inequalities or whether race can be regarded as an independent factor that impacts on anomie. Finally we scrutinize to what extent socio-economic factors account for different levels of anomie within the races.  相似文献   

This study examines sex differences in employees’ patterns of mobility between occupations of different sex proportions between 2002 and 2003 and how occupational sex segregation in Sweden is influenced by employees’ occupational shifts. The empirical analysis is based on large-scale and nationwide data sets with a panel design. The results show that employees’ occupational shifts strengthen sex segregation across occupations, especially female ones. Moreover, when we compare employees who in 2002 were in occupations with a given sex proportion, employees shift towards more sex-typical occupations relative to employees of the opposite sex, and this is particularly true for women and older employees. The analysis also shows that whereas the outflow from occupations of certain sex proportions is sex-biased, the sex composition of the inflow of other employees is mostly equal in magnitude to the outflow, partly explaining why the level of overall occupational sex segregation remains almost unchanged between these 2 years.  相似文献   

当前我国城市职业流动的障碍分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过经验调查研究发现我国的职业流动率偏低 ,且大量劳动者有流动意愿却没有流动行为 ,这些都说明我国的职业流动存在着障碍。本文将这些障碍分为个人障碍和制度障碍、进入障碍和退出障碍等 ,并根据经验社会调查所得数据对此进行了检验。我们认为 ,消除这些流动障碍的关键在于加快改革开放步伐 ,建立完善的社会主义市场经济制度  相似文献   

This study uses the first age-period-cohort (APC) analysis of segregation to examine changes in U.S. public school segregation from 1999–2000 to 2013–2014. APC analyses disentangle distinct sources of change in segregation, and they account for grade effects that could distort temporal trends if grade distributions change over time. Findings indicate that grade effects are substantial, drastically reducing segregation at the transition to middle school and further at the transition to high school. These grade effects do not substantially distort the analysis of recent trends, however, because grade distributions were sufficiently stable. Black-white segregation was stagnant overall, while Hispanic-white segregation declined modestly. In both cases, declines across periods were offset by increases across cohorts. Further analyses reveal variation in these trends across metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas, regions, and areas with different histories of desegregation policy.  相似文献   

我国非正规就业的性别特征分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
谭琳  李军锋 《人口研究》2003,27(5):11-18
基于第二次中国妇女地位抽样调查数据 ,本文分析非正规就业的性别特征及相应的收入和就业环境的性别差异。研究发现 ,非正规就业中的行业和职业性别隔离是我国非正规就业的最重要性别特征 ,它不仅在很大程度上导致了收入方面的性别差异 ,而且也为非正规就业的劳动权益保障和就业服务提出了具有性别特征的要求  相似文献   

The current study was an investigation of age and gender differences in the relation between students’ school-related social support (i.e., teacher support and classmate support) and subjective well-being (SWB) in school (i.e., school satisfaction and affect in school), as well as the developmental differences in SWB in school. Data were collected from a sample of 2,158 students in Grades 4 through 11 in China on two separate occasions, 6-weeks apart. The findings indicated older age students reported lower levels of SWB in school than younger students. Furthermore, girls reported higher levels of school satisfaction than boys. In addition, both teacher support and classmate support significantly related to school satisfaction at Time 2 (controlling for Time 1) for all students. Classmate support significantly related to affect in school at Time 2 for all students, whereas teacher support only significantly related to affect in school at Time 2 for elementary school students. Specifically, teacher support accounted for the larger amount of variance in school satisfaction at Time 2 for elementary and high school students. Gender moderated the relation between teacher support and school satisfaction at Time 2 for elementary school students, as well as the relation between classmate support and school satisfaction at Time 2 for middle school students. Implications based on developmental considerations were discussed.  相似文献   

Since 1999, Italian Universities have been monitoring teaching using students opinions to improve the quality of the education process. The acceleration of the evaluation has been promoted by ministerial laws, that have obliged Universities to write reports containing the main results. In this paper, the aim is to find a method to classify the Universities based on teaching evaluation.  相似文献   

中国职业流动中的社会不平等问题研究   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
文章从代际职业流动和代内职业流动角度,分析先赋因素(如家庭背景、户籍制度、所有制等)对职业流动的影响,从而折射出职业流动中的一些不平等。通过对数据的分析发现,尽管改革开放以来,市场因素对就业分配的配置作用越来越大,但是对职业的合理流动的制度性限制以及结构性限制依然存在,从而产生社会不平等问题。基于这样的研究,文章在政策层面提出了首先要改变职业流动过程中的制度性不平等问题,才能缩小社会不平等(包括收入差距),而职业流动起点上的不平等要通过加强对弱势群体的教育援助和社会保障来解决。  相似文献   

本文使用"中国沿海发达地区社会变迁调查"的烟台市小样本数据,通过误差分析和统计检验,对三个不同时期就业队列的职业状况,包括静态的年龄特征和时代特征,动态的代际职业变动与本人的职业变动,进行了描述性、探索性的分析.  相似文献   


This study describes the process of developing and validating the Sexual Prejudice in Sport Scale (SPSS), which is a multidimensional instrument developed to assess attitudes toward lesbians and gay men (LG) in sports. The authors conducted two studies: first, to establish the factor structure of the SPSS on 297 heterosexual athletes; and, second, to test the reliability and validity of the resulting 19-item scale on a sample of 311 heterosexual and 160 LG athletes. Exploratory factor analysis of an initial item pool yielded three factors: open rejection, which assesses the blatant prejudice expressed toward LG people; denial of visibility, which evaluates attitude toward the coming out of LG people; and gendering performance, which corresponds to gender stereotypes about performance/skills of LG people. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to assess the stability of the SPSS. The authors documented internal consistency, test-retest stability, and convergent/divergent validity. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Jeremy Pais 《Demography》2017,54(4):1221-1250
Advances in mediation analysis are used to examine the legacy effects of racial residential segregation in the United States on neighborhood attainments across two familial generations. The legacy effects of segregation are anticipated to operate through two primary pathways: a neighborhood effects pathway and an urban continuity pathway. The neighborhood effects pathway explains why parent’s exposure to racial residential segregation during their family-rearing years can influence the residential outcomes of their children later in life. The urban continuity pathway captures the temporal consistency of the built and topographical environment in providing similar residential opportunities across generations. Findings from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and U.S. Census data indicate that the legacy effect of racial residential segregation among black families operates primarily through the neighborhood effects that influence children growing up. For white families, there is less support for the legacy effects of segregation. The findings are supported by a comprehensive mediation analysis that provides a formal sensitivity analysis, deploys an instrumental variable, and assesses effect heterogeneity. Knowledge of the legacy of segregation moves neighborhood attainment research beyond point-in-time studies of racial residential segregation to provide a deeper understanding into the ways stratified residential environments are reproduced.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the applicability of an innovative approach towards examining child disadvantage, using a holistic, dynamic measure that not only accounts for multiple sources of disadvantage but also for the recurrence and persistence of disadvantage throughout a child’s life. We analyse child disadvantage using two longitudinal surveys of the Australian child population, one of which is specific to Indigenous children, who experience notably higher rates of disadvantage. Among Australian children, we detect that poor body weight and bullying—representative of the broad dimensions of health and emotional wellbeing—should be of significant concern to policymakers. Among Indigenous children, housing conditions, schooling and exposure to risky behaviours stand out as areas of concern. By identifying the dimensions in which rates of child disadvantage are most severe, this methodological approach can help steer targeted policy actions.  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - This paper provides a unified view for defining a measure of the reasons behind migration flows whose nature is of social and economic type. To this aim, worldwide...  相似文献   

Using a 'subjectivist' approach to the assessment of happiness, a new 4-item measure of global subjective happiness was developed and validated in 14 studies with a total of 2 732 participants. Data was collected in the United States from students on two college campuses and one high school campus, from community adults in two California cities, and from older adults. Students and community adults in Moscow, Russia also participated in this research. Results indicated that the Subjective Happiness Scale has high internal consistency, which was found to be stable across samples. Test-retest and self-peer correlations suggested good to excellent reliability, and construct validation studies of convergent and discriminant validity confirmed the use of this scale to measure the construct of subjective happiness. The rationale for developing a new measure of happiness, as well as advantages of this scale, are discussed.  相似文献   

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