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奖惩机制下电子类产品制造商回收再制造决策模型   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:9  
研究了电子类产品制造商回收再制造决策问题。为引导制造商回收再制造,设计了一个奖惩机制。建立了制造商回收再制造的三个决策模型并分别比较了三种情形下制造商的决策结果。研究表明:只有回收再制造具有成本优势时制造商才自愿回收废旧产品;当回收再制造废旧产品具有成本优势时,该奖惩机制导致回收率提高、新产品销售价格降低、新产品需求量增加;当回收再制造废旧产品不具有成本优势时,该奖惩机制导致回收率提高、新产品销售价格提高、新产品需求量减少;针对有无回收再制造成本优势情形,分别给出了奖惩机制下制造商利润大于无奖惩机制情形下制造商利润的奖惩力度和最低回收率的临界值;本文结论能够为政府引导制造商回收再制造提供理论指导。  相似文献   

废旧工业产品的回收再制造活动具有较大的正向外部经济特性,常常导致企业从事该项活动的动力不足。从节约资源和保护环境的目的出发,各国政府大都制定了给予补贴以鼓励回收再制造活动的政策。而且新产品和再制造产品一般具有一定的感知价值差异,可能会影响到再制造成本优势的发挥。将政府也作为一个决策主体,建立了以政府为领导者、制造商和再制造商、回收商为跟随者的三级非线性闭环供应链上的Stackelberg主从博弈模型,其中嵌套了基于委托代理关系分析基本技术框架的再制造商对回收商回收努力的最优激励契约。分析求解了政府和制造商、再制造商等的最优决策。政府的补贴政策将有效提高再制造品的竞争优势,同时有效降低废旧产品的掩埋等处理成本,有利于生态环境的保护。政府最优补贴下再制造商对回收商的最优激励机制设计可以有效提高废旧工业品的回收再制造效率。新产品和再制造产品的相互替代程度将间接影响到政府的最优补贴决策。同时通过数值分析得到再制造的比较成本优势对闭环供应链决策的影响。可供政府有关部门在政策制定以及闭环供应链上的企业决策时参考。  相似文献   

在新产品需求为随机需求,再制造产品需求受销售价格影响的混合需求条件下,以博弈论为主要工具,研究了受专利保护的再制造闭环供应链的定价与协调问题,分析了集中决策和分散决策两种情形下的新产品最优订购量、废旧产品最优回收价格、最优专利许可费用、再制造品最优零售价格以及供应链的最优利润,并通过收益分享一费用分担契约对闭环供应链系统进行了协调,并通过数值算例验证了集中决策和分散决策情形下再制造成本节约对供应链成员的最优决策和利润的影响,以及收益分享.费用分担契约对闭环供应链的协调效果。研究表明再制造受专利保护的情况下,原制造商能通过专利许可费来影响第三方再制造商回收的废旧产品的回收价格和回收量,进而去影响原制造商和第三方再制造商的收益。  相似文献   

与一般废旧产品的回收产品再制造相比,废弃电子电器产品回收拆解后需要兼顾产品与零部件再制造,从而减少电子电器产品对环境的污染,推进资源的重复利用。为了探讨第三方回收商的回收与定价策略对供应商和制造商的影响,本文构建由单一供应商、制造商和第三方回收商组成的两级再制造闭环供应链,建立Stackelberg博弈模型,研究两级再制造情形下和仅产品再制造情形下回收商的有效回收比例、回收定价和回收努力程度等决策,并对两种再制造情形下供应链各成员的决策与收益进行对比分析。研究发现:对于回收商而言,回收数量、有效回收比例的增加有助于回收商获得更多的额外收益。如果在仅产品再制造情形下的有效回收比例较大,回收商的决策和收益主要取决于无效零部件的回收价。当无效零部件的回收价较低时,回收商在仅产品再制造情形下的决策和收益更优;反之,回收商在两级再制造情形下的决策和收益更优。对于其他供应链成员而言,两种再制造策略都能够降低供应商和制造商的定价,促进市场需求的增加。具体而言,不同的再制造策略对批发价、零售价和市场需求的影响与有效回收比例和无效零部件的回收价密切相关。  相似文献   

为了比较政府奖惩机制和税收-补贴机制对于提高逆向供应链回收率的有效性,运用动态博弈论方法建立了逆向供应链的三个回收再制造决策模型,即无政府介入、奖惩机制下以及税收-补贴机制下逆向供应链的决策,并比较了三种情形下的决策结果。研究表明:三种情形下回收率都随着再制造成本优势的增加而提高,其中奖惩机制下的回收率最高;制造商和回收商的利润都随着再制造成本优势的提高而增加,其中奖惩机制下利润提高的幅度较大;制造商的回购价格随着奖惩力度和再制造成本优势的提高而提高,随着单位补贴和再制造成本优势的提高而下降。通过对两种机制决策结果的比较发现,奖惩机制对引导逆向供应链成员积极回收再制造废旧产品比税收-补贴机制更有效。最后通过算例分析进一步验证了上述结论的正确性。  相似文献   

研究一类由顾客、销售商、(再)制造商组成的再制造闭环供应链回收系统的最优选址问题,利用混合整数线性规划方法建立再制造闭环供应链回收系统设施选址模型,并利用Lingo11.0软件对模型进行数据仿真,得到设施选址的最优成本、数量、位置及物流分配路径。最后,通过情景分析法研究回收率与再制造率的不确定性对再制造闭环供应链回收系统设施选址决策的影响。  相似文献   

WTP差异下再制造闭环供应链的回收模式选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在消费者对再制造产品及新产品的支付意愿存在差异的条件下,以制造商主导的再制造闭环供应链为对象,比较分析了由制造商、零售商及第三方回收商负责回收模式下制造商利润、回收率及零售价三个决策因素,为制造商回收模式的选择提供参考.研究表明:从回收率最优的角度出发,制造商应选择直接回收;而按零售价最低及制造商收益最大化的角度,零售商回收模式最优.  相似文献   

多个再制造商在同一回收市场中获取废旧产品并进行再制造,他们之间存在回收竞争.每个再制造商回收废旧产品的数量取决于自身付出的回收价格,同时和对手们的回收价格相关.目标是最大化各自的期望利润.本文首先利用优化理论和非合作博弈理论,证明了该博弈作为超模博弈,存在唯一的Nash均衡.然后通过比较发现竞争下的Nash均衡价格高于串谋下的合作均衡价格.最后通过数值仿真探讨了再制造商的数目和再制造成本对博弈的影响.  相似文献   

通过构建动力电池生产商(以下简称电池商)和新能源汽车制造商(以下简称汽车商)关于废旧动力电池回收决策的演化博弈模型,分别在政府不干预和实施补贴-惩罚政策两种情形下,分析了影响电池商和汽车商选择回收与否的因素以及二者均决定回收的条件,并运用系统动力学模型仿真。研究结果表明:(1)在政府不干预情形下,当电池商的回购价大于电池商和汽车商各自单位回收价和回收成本之和的最大值时,二者均回收废旧动力电池。(2)在政府实施补贴-惩罚政策情形下,电池商的回购价不受政府惩罚的影响。与不干预情形相比,政府单位补贴增大会使电池商的最低回购价降低。(3)政府实施补贴-惩罚政策时,当单位补贴大于阀值时,电池商和汽车商选择回收废旧动力电池策略。(4)政府实施补贴-惩罚政策能够明显缩短电池商和汽车商开展废旧动力电池回收的时间。此研究可以为政府促进电池生产企业和新能源汽车制造企业回收废旧动力电池提供参考。  相似文献   

郑本荣  杨超  杨珺  黄宏军 《管理科学》2018,21(8):98-111
针对制造商和零售商构成的二级供应链,通过建立无再制造与再制造两种情形下制造商的渠道入侵决策模型,分析了产品再制造、渠道竞争和制造商渠道入侵决策之间的内在关系。研究发现,1)产品再制造带来的成本节约效应缓解了渠道冲突,从而间接增加了制造商渠道入侵的动力。2)无再制造情形下制造商的渠道入侵会直接损害零售商的利益;而考虑产品再制造的闭环供应链中,再制造会对零售商产生正向的外部性效应使得当直销与传统渠道之间的竞争较小时,制造商的渠道入侵会提高零售商的收益。而如 果渠道间的竞争较强时,再制造对零售商的外部性效应难以抵消渠道冲突对零售商利润降低的影响,从而渠道入侵会损害零售商。3)如果产品回收成本降低或再制造节约增加,则渠道入侵下再制造对于零售商的外部性效应会增强,且制造商和零售商受益于渠道入侵的Pareto共赢区间扩大。最后,对原始模型进行了不同维度的扩展,分析了零售商回收、产量竞争和多零售商竞争情形下以上研究结论的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Variation in core condition and uncertainty in market demand pose great challenges for remanufacturers to match supply with demand. This article investigates a firm that acquires and remanufactures cores of multiple quality conditions to satisfy demand. Both remanufacturing‐to‐stock (RMTS) and remanufacturing‐to‐order (RMTO) systems are considered. In each system, a sorting operation that resolves the core conditions before remanufacturing may or may not be adopted, leading to four possible sorting/remanufacturing strategies: (1) no sorting in RMTS; (2) sorting in RMTS; (3) no sorting in RMTO; and (4) sorting in RMTO. Under each strategy, we derive the optimal decisions on the acquisition and remanufacturing quantities, in two scenarios, respectively: (i) all acquired cores are remanufacturable and (ii) some cores are non‐remanufacturable. We find that sorting can be completely useless to RMTS system, and thus should never be adopted regardless of the sorting cost. We provide the analytical condition under which this ineffectiveness of sorting occurs. Nevertheless, sorting is always useful to RMTO system and should be adopted when the sorting cost is below a threshold value. We also conduct an extensive numerical study and show that the effects of sorting to RMTO system are more significant than that to RMTS system.  相似文献   

We study a remanufacturing system that involves the ordering of a serviceable product and the remanufacturing of multiple types of returned products (cores) into the serviceable product. In addition to random demand for the serviceable product and random returned quantities of different types of cores in each time period, the remanufacturing yield of each type of core is also uncertain. By analyzing a multi‐period stochastic dynamic program, we derive several properties of the optimal ordering/remanufacturing policy. In addition to some insights, these properties can be used to reduce the search effort of the optimal policy. We also demonstrate that some existing results derived from related models no longer hold in remanufacturing systems with random yield. Recognizing the optimal ordering/remanufacturing policy is highly complex, we examine three simple heuristics that can be efficiently solved and implemented in practice. Among these three heuristics, our numerical analysis suggests that the heuristic that captures most of the yield uncertainty and future system evolvement as well as some of the properties of the optimal ordering/remanufacturing policy outperforms the other two heuristics.  相似文献   

从化解绿色技术创新的环境外部效应出发,对绿色产品消费过程中政府如何给购买者提供补贴问题进行了研究。假定绿色产品的市场需求存在不确定性,讨论了需求函数分别为加法形式与乘积形式时,企业如何确定产品的价格和销量,以及政府如何选择补贴方式的策略问题。研究认为:给定需求函数的具体形式,政府提供的最优补贴或者价格折扣、企业最优产量以及政府实际补贴支出随着政府期望实现销售目标的提高而增加,随着市场风险的增加而增加。从政府补贴支出最小化角度来看,固定额度补贴方式为政府的最优选择。给定政府补贴支出,从实现企业产量最大化角度来看,价格折扣方式为政府的最优选择。对消费者来讲,政府应用价格折扣方式能够降低消费者的购买支出,提高消费者获得的福利剩余。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effects of recovery yield rate on pricing decisions in reverse supply chains. Motivated by the automotive parts remanufacturing industry, we consider an end‐of‐life product from which a particular part can be recovered and remanufactured for reuse, and the remainder of the product can be recycled for material recovery. Both the supply of end‐of‐life products and demand for remanufactured parts are price‐sensitive. Yield of the recovery process is random and depends on the acquisition price offered for the end‐of‐life products. In this setting, we develop models to determine the optimal acquisition price for the end‐of‐life products and the selling price for remanufactured parts. We also analyze the effects of yield variation to the profitability of remanufacturing, benefits of delaying pricing decisions until after yield realization, and value of perfect yield rate information.  相似文献   

为分析政府碳税与补贴政策对外包再制造影响,基于政府两种政策构建了外包再制造下制造/再制造博弈模型。基于博弈模型,对比分析政府两种对策对外包再制造下最优解的影响,研究主要得到:政府补贴政策可以有效提高废旧产品回收率,但只有当单位新产品碳税额度只有大于某一阈值时,政府碳税政策才会提高废旧产品回收率;政府采取补贴政策时,原始制造商通过降低单位再制造产品外包费用来获取政府补贴;政府采取碳税政策时,原始制造商通过提高单位新产品零售价格,把部分碳税转移给消费者;政府补贴政策可以同时增加原始制造商和再制造商收益;政府碳税政策可以增加再制造商收益,但只有单位新产品碳税额度大于某一阈值时,才可以增加原始制造商收益;当单位新产品对环境造成影响一定,并且单位再制造产品对环境造成影响与单位新产品对环境造成影响之比大于某一阈值时,政府补贴政策对环境造成影响最大、政府碳税政策对环境造成影响最小。  相似文献   

We study the impact of emissions tax and emissions cap‐and‐trade regulation on a firm's technology choice and capacity decisions. We show that emissions price uncertainty under cap‐and‐trade results in greater expected profit than a constant emissions price under an emissions tax, which contradicts popular arguments that the greater uncertainty under cap‐and‐trade will erode value. We further show that two operational drivers underlie this result: (i) the firm's option not to operate, which effectively right‐censors the uncertain emissions price; and (ii) dispatch flexibility, which is the firm's ability to first deploy its most profitable capacity given the realized emissions price. In addition to these managerial insights, we also explore policy implications: the effect of emissions price level, and the effect of investment and production subsidies. Through an illustrative example, we show that production subsidies of higher investment and production cost technologies (such as carbon capture and storage technologies) have no effect on the firm's optimal total capacity when firms own a portfolio of both clean and dirty technologies, but that investment subsidies of these technologies increase the firm's total capacity, conditionally increasing expected emissions. A subsidy of a lower production cost technology, on the other hand, has no effect on the firm's optimal total capacity in multi‐technology portfolios, regardless of whether the subsidy is a production or investment subsidy.  相似文献   

Driven by legislative pressures, an increasing number of manufacturing companies have been implementing comprehensive recycling and remanufacturing programs. The accurate forecasting of product returns is important for procurement decisions, production planning, and inventory and disposal management in such remanufacturing operations. In this study, we consider a manufacturer that also acts as a remanufacturer, and develop a generalized forecasting approach to determine the distribution of the returns of used products, as well as integrate it with an inventory model to enable production planning and control. We compare our forecasting approach to previous models and show that our approach is more consistent with continuous time, provides accurate estimates when the return lags are exponential in nature, and results in fewer units being held in inventory on average. The analysis revealed that these gains in accuracy resulted in the most cost savings when demand volumes for remanufactured products were high compared to the volume of returned products. Such situations require the frequent acquisition of cores to meet demand. The results show that significant cost savings can be achieved by using the proposed approach for sourcing product returns.  相似文献   

We discuss the optimal raw material acquisition strategy for a third party remanufacturer (3PR). We specifically investigate whether a 3PR should acquire used products or cores in bulk with uncertain quality levels, or in sorted grades with known quality levels; and whether to acquire and remanufacture cores before the demand is realized (planned acquisition), or after the demand is realized (reactive acquisition), or on both occasions (sequential acquisition). When only sorted cores are acquired, we find that, (i) it is optimal to acquire cores in multiple grades to balance acquisition and remanufacturing costs; (ii) if reactive acquisition is possible, it reduces the assortment size (number of grades in which cores are acquired) and the total inventory acquired in the planned acquisition; and (iii) the optimal portfolio of grades to acquire and the optimal acquisition and remanufacturing quantities of these grades can be determined analytically. When bulk cores are acquired in addition to sorted cores, the property of reduction in assortment size of the planned acquisition is preserved. We also show that the 3PR should acquire only a fraction of the demand in planned acquisition, and leave the rest for reactive acquisition. This fraction changes during the lifecycle of a remanufactured product. Using a combination of empirical and realistic data from a smartphone remanufacturer we show that sequential acquisition increases expected profit by up to 8% and 27% over only planned and only reactive acquisitions respectively, and reduces the inventory acquired by up to 21% over only planned acquisition.  相似文献   

Reverse supply chains process used product returns to recover value by re‐processing them via remanufacturing operations. When remanufacturing is feasible, the longer the return flows are delayed during the active (primary) market demand period of the product, the lower the value that can be recovered through these operations. In fact, in order to recover the highest value from remanufactured products, the collection rates, return timings, and reusability rates should be matched with the active market demand and supply. With these motivations, this paper is aimed at developing analytical models for the efficient use of returns in making production, inventory, and remanufacturing decisions during the active market. More specifically, we consider a stylistic setting where a collector collects used product returns and ships them to the manufacturer who, in turn, recovers value by remanufacturing and supplies products during the active market demand. Naturally, the manufacturer's production, inventory and remanufacturing decisions and costs are influenced by the timing and quantity of the collector's shipments of used product returns. Hence, we investigate the impact of the timing of returns on the profitability of the manufacturer‐collector pair by developing system‐wide cost optimization models. Analyzing the properties of the optimal shipment frequency, we observe that the fastest reverse supply chain may not always be the most efficient one.  相似文献   

基于产品质量内生的制造/再制造最优生产决策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从制造商的视角出发,将产品质量水平作为内生变量,并考虑质量水平对返回废旧产品的降级率的影响,分别讨论单寡头、双寡头非合作以及双寡头合作市场中,制造商最优制造/再制造决策策略.根据需求市场对产品价格和质量水平的敏感性,进行经济性分析,权衡制造商的制造/再制造的收益、生产成本,优化产品质量水平,帮助企业决定合理的再制造比例.研究结果显示:随着降级率的增大,制造商会降低再制造比例;制造商设置的降级率在不同模式下对利润与价格的影响是有差异的.  相似文献   

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