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Sociological propositions about the workings of cognition are rarely specified or tested, but are of central relevance to studies of culture, social judgment, and social movements. This paper draws out lessons of recent work from sociological theory, cognitive science, psychology, and neuroscience on the embodied nature of knowledge and thought, and develops implications of these lessons for cultural and cognitive sociology. Knowledge ought to be conceived of as fundamentally embodied, because sensory information is a fundamental component of experience as it is stored in long‐term memory, and because bodily responses and intuitions often precede reflexive or strategic thought. I argue that the challenge of embodied knowledge for cultural sociology is threefold: to develop cultural theories of motivation; to specify the ways in which the body structures discourses endogenously; and to specify how embodied motivations and embodied discourses interact.  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue that recent sociological theory has become increasingly bifurcated into two mutually incompatible styles of theorizing that I label formalist and behavioral-realist. Formalism favors mathematization and proposes an instrumentalist ontology of abstract processes while behavioral-realist theory takes at its basis the "real" physical individual endowed with concrete biological, cognitive and neurophysiological capacities and constraints and attempts to derive the proper conceptualization of social behavior from that basis. Formalism tends to lead toward a conceptually independent sociology that in principle requires only minimal reference to the empirical and ontological storehouse of other disciplines, while behavioral-realist theory leads to an interdisciplinary sociology that can be located within a hierarchy of behavioral sciences, leading to questions regarding the relationship between sociology and other disciplines as well as issues of transdisciplinary unification and possible interdisciplinary reduction. I explore the consequences of this split for the project of explanatory sociological theory within the context of how it has manifested itself in sociological network theory and social psychology. I close with a critique and assessment of formalist tendencies in sociological theorizing.  相似文献   

通过阐释布迪厄的实践意义与惯习理论的价值,对社会工作的实践进行具体分析,充分解读。提倡社会工作者的意识与思想形态及工作方法要秉承布迪厄的实践逻辑与惯习的优秀品质,随着时期的更替、目标的不同、要求的求新而不断地改变。并从中挖掘社会工作者的潜质,即采用优势视角来给予社会工作者以认可,从而调动社会工作者的积极性,提高社会工作者的工作质量,提升社会工作者的思想信念。  相似文献   

A Psychology of Immigration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The discipline of psychology has much to contribute to our understanding of immigrants and the process of immigration. A framework is proposed that lays out two complementary domains of psychological research, both rooted in contextual factors, and both leading to policy and program development. The first (acculturation) stems from research in anthropology and is now a central part of cross- cultural psychology; the second (intergroup relations) stems from sociology and is now a core feature of social psychology. Both domains are concerned with two fundamental issues that face immigrants and the society of settlement: maintenance of group characteristics and contact between groups. The intersection of these issues creates an intercultural space, within which members of both groups develop their cultural boundaries and social relationships. A case is made for the benefits of integration as a strategy for immigrants and for multiculturalism as a policy for the larger society. The articles in this issue are then discussed in relation to these conceptual frameworks and empirical findings.  相似文献   

叶启政 《社会》2013,33(4):1-34
至少自20世纪70年代以后,由“结构-能动”二元互斥对彰概念所经营的论述成为西方社会学理论的重要课题。本文从西方社会思想的发展脉络出发,试图从哲学人类学存有预设以及认知模式的角度来拆解这一论述议题可能内涵的基本特质--理性至上、认知导向、结构外在制约化与二元互斥对彰观,并进而指出,在当前以符号消费为导向的后现代场景中,这一论述架构不足以妥贴地掌握整个时代的脉动,无法处理诸如正负情愫交融这一当前社会的重要社会心理现象。因此,我们需要新的思维模式以及哲学人类学的存有预设,亦即新的社会学思维。  相似文献   

Jeffrey Alexander argues that despite Bourdieu's considerable achievements ultimately his work is reductionist and determinist. He further argues that though Bourdieu is a middle range theorist he is implicitly realist in his meta-theoretical assumptions. This article accepts these conclusions but argues that Bourdieu's meta-theoretical realism is a virtue rather than a vice and that the manner in which he is a reductionist and determinist necessitate a re-thinking of what is meant by these notions. Alexander uses Bourdieu's concept of habitus to demon-strate a fundamental contradiction in Bourdieu's theorising. According to him habitus presents us with the oxymoron of unconscious strategisation. This article uses a discussion of habitus in order to demonstrate that in its relationship with the concept of field it instead produces a practical resolution of long standing theoretical problems concerning structural determination and human agency. It is also argued that these problems are resolved at the meta-theoretical level in the form of critical realist ontology and that it is Alexander's misunderstandings on this level which cause him to fail to appreciate the significance of Bourdieu's achievements.  相似文献   

谢晶 《社会》2019,39(5):106-126
“玛纳”这一典型的巫术概念构成了社会人类学的一个经典“案例”。莫斯与列维—斯特劳斯对它的不同诠释体现了从法国社会学派到结构主义人类学的转折及分歧。本文从莫斯的文本出发将“玛纳”定义为“实践观念”,并以“可译性”为切入点,试图证明在“实践观念可译性”问题上的分歧背后隐含着社会本体论、社会科学方法论和行动哲学这三个层面的分歧。最后,本文认为,关于莫斯与列维—斯特劳斯之关系的最常见观点实际上是对这一关系的过度简化。  相似文献   

赵万里  赵超 《社会》2012,32(2):33-50
知识社会学思想是布迪厄社会学理论的有机组成部分,也是理解他的整个社会学研究工作的重要线索。布迪厄借用现象学概念,对知识与社会的关系等问题进行重新诠释,并为当代知识社会学的解释模式注入了新的活力。本文认为,布迪厄对知识社会学理论的贡献主要体现在以下两个方面:第一,借鉴现象学认识论,将人类的思维原则述作“生成图式”或“信念”,用二重性表述替代了认知范畴与社会范畴的二元对立;第二,通过对“实践知识”与“科学(含社会学)知识”遵循的相异逻辑进行说明,探讨了客观真知的生成所倚赖的具体社会条件。  相似文献   

The article analyses market‐oriented social enterprises from a social welfare perspective, within the context of the innate conflict between business and welfare orientations. After defining the concept of market‐oriented social enterprises and presenting some successful examples on such entities that employ different marginalised populations, particularly people with disabilities, the article asks three interrelated questions: (i) What policy environment is needed to encourage the development of social enterprises? (ii) Given the innate tension between the social and economic objectives in social enterprises, what structural principles are needed to enable them to meet those dual objectives? Lastly, (iii) What intervention modalities are best suited to help individual participants in those frameworks? Answers to these questions are discussed within conceptual frameworks from the worlds of welfare and business that jointly provide a base for a social welfare rationale for market‐oriented social enterprises.  相似文献   

徐冰 《社会》2012,32(2):1-32
在当今中国,社会学、心理学研究领域中所强调的“文化自觉”的旨趣在于凸显文化主体性以及文化间的和平沟通。“自我的道德地形学”无疑对这一旨趣具有独特的理论启示意义,它构成了C.泰勒的巨著《自我的根源》的主体部分,并在其诠释学思想中占有基础地位。“自我的道德地形学”首先是作为一个心理学理论被提出来的,而它的社会学意涵在以其为基础的、C.泰勒的著名政治理论论文“承认的政治”中充分地得以展现。鉴于这一理论以兼具心理学和社会学意涵的本体论诠释为基础,对错综复杂的历史经验具有条分缕析的阐释力,因此,作者认为,对该理论所具有的启示意义予以深刻地把握,对中国社会学、心理学在方兴未文的跨学科文化研究领域建构基础性的平台具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以社会转型为背景,以知识社会学为视角,梳理当前中国大陆社会心理学的两种主要范式———“实验社会心理学”与“本土(化)社会心理学”,揭示其与本土“历史—社会现实”的疏离状况,进而对其本体论的缺陷进行反思与批判,探讨以消解疏离为目标、以“本土(化)社会心理学”为基底、以“社会转型”为基本背景框架与研究内容、以本体论的重构为切入点与着力点的大陆社会心理学重建之路。  相似文献   

李路路  陈建伟  秦广强 《社会》2012,32(5):25-46
本文系统梳理了当代社会学研究中的阶级分析文献,揭示了阶级分析视角的核心和多元化的分析范式。阶级分析视角的核心是基于社会关系定义的结构性位置,是关于社会不平等及相关社会现象系统化的结构性解释。多元化的分析范式主要包括:(1)研究对象上的宏观层次(解释大规模社会变迁和转型事件)与微观层次(解释阶级对个人态度、行为和生活机会的影响);(2)分析思路上的 “结构-意识-行动”(将阶级作为“集体行动者”)与“结构-状况-选择”(将阶级作为“生活条件综合信号”);(3)解释逻辑上的“剥削和利益形成逻辑”、“状况逻辑或理性行动逻辑”和“结构化(或同质性)逻辑”。  相似文献   

Although the strong preference among older people is for independent living, a variety of problems can lead parents to move in with adult children. This living arrangement entails distinct social-psychological characteristics. By drawing on theoretical constructs from sociology and social psychology this paper explores these characteristics. By drawing on theoretical constructs from sociology and social psychology this paper explores these characteristics in terms of feelings related to the loss of freedome, the children's sense of irredeemable obligation and the parents' sense of irredeemable obligation and the parents' sense of irreplaceable loss. Based on this analysis, recommendations are made regarding attitudinal changes which can increase both parents' and children's degree of satisfaction with this living arrangement.  相似文献   

鲍磊 《社会》2014,34(5):174-205
20世纪80年代前后,传记取向成为社会(科)学中众多转向或取向的一种。相较于20世纪二三十年代由芝加哥学派引领的传记研究,这一取向的范围更为宽广。它关注个人经历、历史与文化之间的交互作用,反对奉实证主义为圭臬的社会科学研究,重视人的主体性与能动性。这一取向消解或者说超越了传统的二元论或二分法,促使社会学家反思自己的概念架构、研究方法以及书写实践。虽然在晚近的发展中,一些学者甚至提出了自传/传记社会学这一具有分支学科性质的指称,但这一取向还是“浮现中的实践”,尚处于晚熟状态,因此还存在不少争议,布尔迪厄甚至从根本上将传记视为一种幻觉。随着“传记时代”的来临,传记社会学势将成为一个开创性的研究领域。  相似文献   

If we understand social psychology to be an area where sociology and psychology overlap, or more precisely where we try to explain interaction on the basis of psychological and sociological propositions and concepts, we have singled out a field that should be quite challenging not only in theory and method but in the fundamental questions it raises for both sociology and psychology. Actually, the discipline is not that well integrated and is constituted by such disparate approaches as reinforcement theory, field theory, role theory, small group theory, game theory and psychoanalysis. Many sociologists have abandoned the field altogether. Nor have the proponents of these sub-fields made much effort to consolidate, integrate or reconcile their methodologies. Epistemological questions have been notably absent and only now have arguments from the philosophy of science point of view reemerged to revive the critical and potentially fruitful methodological discussions of earlier theorists (F. Allport; Lewin; Mead; Simmel) and their more recent followers (Homans; Malewski). After considering epistemological problems dealing with the generality of theory and explanation, behavioristic vs. action approaches, operational and model structural implications, we want to argue for a better understanding of social system variables besides those of the personality system and of system theory in general. In our discussion we use examples from the area of sport because it composes a complex system, that is not too difficult to observe at the same time that it shows in relative clarity all of the different levels of an action system. It has, furthermore, many features of an almost experimental design in a natural field. In so far it is a model area to allow due consideration for our demand that social psychology rediscover the method of field studies. This will help to reverse the trend characterized by a general neglect of theory that has resulted from behavioral dogmatism and the expedience of research pragmatism based mostly on two-variable linear models. This is not to say that we disfavor rigorous research design and data analysis - to the contrary. We just want it to be done in the context of broader theoretical concerns and in clear recognition of the pitfalls of operationalism and the merits of action theory.  相似文献   

The concept of authority crosses many social sciences, but there is a lack of common taxonomy and definitions on this topic. The aims of this review are: (1) to define the basic characteristics of the authority relationship, reaching a definition suitable for the different domains of social psychology and social sciences; (2) to bridge the gap between individual and societal levels of explanation concerning the authority relationship, by proposing an interpretation within the framework of social representations. The authority relationship can be conceived as a negotiation of meanings and it is closely linked to shared value orientation and the attribution of meanings negotiated within a society. We assume that the authority relationship is socially constructed and represents both a shared representation of society and a normative principle of social life. A multidisciplinary approach is adopted, crossing definitions and studies provided in sociology, political science, law and social psychology.  相似文献   

It is argued that, toward mitigating the 'centrifugal forces' (Altman, 1987) currently splintering the field of psychology, Langer's (1989, 1997) theory of mindfulness has the potential to become a unifyingframework for the field of psychological science. Toward this end, this article demonstrates the ways in which Langer's work, usually associated with the subfield of social psychology, (a) constitutes a grand theory that advances contemporary developmental theory; (b) has relevance for other basic and applied subfields of psychology (e.g., cognitive, educational, organizational, clinical); and (c) offers practical directives for conceptualizing and treating such social issues as development and remediation of prejudice and discrimination; satisfaction and well-being of adoptive and foster families; and promotion of automobile safety across the lifespan (i.e., the translation of mindless experience into more mindful action).  相似文献   

Despite increased interest in "intuition" within cognitive psychology, the conceptual framework of this notion remains problematic. This paper argues that conceptual shortcomings stem from a tendency to ignore the philosophical heritage of intuition or to dismiss the relevance of this heritage to contemporary theory. The paper outlines major understandings of intuition within psychology and prominent philosophical traditions, highlighting important points of inconsistency in these and examining consequences of the inconsistency. It also considers psychological conceptions of intuition that more readily overlap with philosophical accounts and offers some suggestions toward a more philosophically informed notion of intuition relevant to contemporary psychological theory.  相似文献   

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