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基于离散涡方法求得非定常、不稳定流场,数值模拟了三种不同时刻高雷诺数下圆柱绕流结构的发展,从流谱图、等涡量线图和涡谱图可以清晰地看出从近场的初生卡门涡街,过渡到远场的二次涡街的过程,计算结果发现:远场离散涡有形成二个涡的涡对及三个涡的涡对的趋势,计算结果说明了流体运动中涡对结构的本质:由于来流是均匀的,没有加入任何拔动,当流体流过钝体时产生具有剧烈分离的不稳定流动,因此在远场形成的二次涡对及卡门涡  相似文献   

调查江苏吴江农村213对外来南京婚配夫妇和292对本地婚配夫妇的婚姻质量发现:不同类型的对象对婚姻质量的总评价平均得分均在70分以上。除物质生活满意度外,外来婚配夫妇和本地婚配夫妇婚姻质量趋同。异地因素对于婚姻质量的各个维度均没有显著性影响。不同类型夫妇婚姻质量趋同的原因有社会现代化、对外地人及外来婚配家庭的歧视减少、外来婚配中的选择机制、家庭关系的相对简单化、外来婚配方及其家庭的自我婚姻调适策略等。  相似文献   

Most romantic relationships start with a living apart together (LAT) phase during which the partners live in two separate households. Over time, a couple might decide to move in together, to separate, or to remain together while maintaining their nonresidential status. This study investigates the competing risks that partners in a LAT relationship will experience the transition to coresidence or to separation. We consider the amount of time LAT partners have to travel to see each other to be a key determinant of relationship development. For our statistical analyses, we use seven waves of the German Family Panel Pairfam (2008/2009–2014/2015) and analyze couples in the age group 20–40 years. We distinguish between short-distance relationships (the partners have to travel less than one hour) and long-distance relationships (the partners have to travel one hour or more). Estimating a competing risks model, we find that couples in long-distance relationships are more likely to separate than those living in close proximity. By contrast, the probability of experiencing a transition to coresidence is lower for LAT couples in long-distance than for those in short-distance relationships. Interaction analyses reveal that distance seems to be irrelevant for the relationship development of couples with two nonemployed (unemployed, in education or other inactive) partners.  相似文献   

在分析证券投资基金择股能力必要性的基础上 ,分析了用于研究择股能力的指标和思路 ,指出研究的重点是动态分析各个时期基金中股票交易情况 ,从中全面考察基金管理人是否有真正的择股能力 ;并且 ,以 5只基金为样本 ,套用实际数据进行计算分析。研究结果表明 ,基金的择股能力存在很大差别  相似文献   

新婚期既是家庭形成和巩固的关键时期,也是家庭问题和矛盾频发的阶段,开展新婚家庭辅导具有重要意义。从系统视角理解家庭,发现新婚家庭的问题主要表现为婚姻角色适应不良、亲属关系处理不当、家务和家庭决策分工不清、财务管理权利不明等,相应的家庭需求有正向积极的夫妻关系、和谐友好的亲属关系、明确清晰的家庭规范以及实现以上三点的能力。针对这些问题和需求,系统视角下的新婚家庭辅导提出通过直接辅导和沟通技巧的传授,协助新婚夫妇处理好夫妻关系、亲属关系,引导建立适切有弹性的家庭规范和家庭原则,通过平等民主的协商制定家庭计划,并在此过程中帮助新婚家庭构筑符合夫妻双方期待的家庭模式。  相似文献   

人力资本对农村迁移劳动力收入的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文章利用2005年吉林省进城务工人员抽样调查数据和2006年吉林省农村抽样调查数据,运用分位数回归方法和Heckman两步骤样本选择偏差方法,对人力资本对农民工收入的影响进行分析.研究结果表明,在不同的分位数回归结果中,教育回报率有所不同,在25%分位数回归中的教育回报率最大(1.89%),而中位数回归中的最小(1.40%).在外出务工时间长的组,组内收入差距大于务工时间短的组.接受其他组织培训的组,组内收入差距比接受企业培训的组大.在进行了样本选择偏差修正之后,教育回报率上升到4.55%,所以在考察农村劳动力迁移收入问题时,不能忽视样本选择偏差的问题.  相似文献   

基于"吉林城市环境改善项目"的调查数据,本文利用Type Ⅱ Tobit模型分析了长春市和延吉市居民对于政府污水处理工程的支付意愿。所使用的Type Ⅱ Tobit模型能有效地解决调查数据中经常出现的样本选择偏差问题,从而能比既有文献中常用的OLS和Tobit模型更好地估计支付意愿值。此外,还研究了公共物品供给的模仿行为与收入水平的关系。对于所有收入水平的被调查者的回归结果显示出微弱的模仿行为,而按照收入水平划分后发现高收入和低收入群体的模仿行为显著高于中等收入群体。  相似文献   

在“夫妻别体”主义的今天,夫妻虽为特殊身份关系,但夫妻本身是由平等的独立的个体组成.具有独立的人格权,同样受宪法和法律保护。夫妻间存在独立人格权侵害事实,分析其民事责任构成要件及具体的侵权行为,并对理论和司法实践中存在的有争议性的相关问题,做进一步探讨和研究,提出自己的观点。  相似文献   

施工项目管理中的成本控制分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
成本控制作为施工企业提高经济效益、提高企业生产发展的首要措施,越来越成为工作的重点。通过对施工企业的深入调查研究,掌握了大量的数据和信息,提出当前一些施工企业中存在的不良现象,分析了当前施工企业工程成本中存在的问题,总结出一套切合实际的解决方法。  相似文献   

中国商业性小额贷款公司大范围试点提出了如何对这些小额贷款公司进行绩效评价的现实问题,对已有微型金融绩效研究的回顾有助于回应这一问题。微型金融绩效具有双重标准,社会绩效和财务绩效缺一不可,但两者之间可能存在权衡关系。社会绩效可进一步区分为覆盖面与福利影响两个维度。覆盖面与财务绩效的直接衡量指标具有多样性,绩效测度时既可利用指标直接衡量,也可以通过因子分析法、DEA等方法来综合测度,两类方法各有优劣。福利影响评价研究的核心难题在于存在样本偏差,不同的评价方法因其对样本偏差的控制差异会带来不同的评价结论。  相似文献   

提出一种元学习定义,从偏差/方差分解角度对元学习中学习算法的选取机制进行研究,得出了元级选用错误率低且偏差小的学习算法、基级学习算法按照错误率及方差从低到高排列的结论。鉴于标准数据集不能充分评估关联对元学习性能的影响,设计了一种模拟算法以产生模拟数据集。在UCI标准数据集和模拟数据集上的实验表明,同常用的多数投票等组合方法相比,基于算法选择机制的元学习表现出优良的性能,且分类器之间的负关联有助于性能的改进。  相似文献   

规模经济理论基础性重构与我国贸易条件的改善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从全新的角度——规模经济理论出发,通过对规模经济理论进行分析,发现其存在的缺陷,对之进行基础性重构,并重点集中于探讨其与贸易条件之间的关系。最后得出:规模经济理论基础性重构与我国贸易条件改善之间确实存在着密切的关系,可以从规模经济理论的角度分析贸易条件。本文试图为贸易条件的研究找到一个新的方向,并从理论上起到指导生产和国际贸易的作用。  相似文献   

多分格相关系数及以其为基础的统计能够较好地校正教学评价中的评价者宽容偏向所产生的统计误差。在分析教学评价这样的有序分类数据时,多分格相关被认为比传统皮尔逊相关给出的估计值更为可靠和准确。研究对真实数据的分析也表明,两种方法在分析具有宽容偏向的教学评价数据时,皮尔逊相关的估计值低于多分格相关关系而且验证性因素分析的模型拟合指标证实,基于多分格相关系数的统计方法更适合于这种呈偏态分布的数据。  相似文献   

Different studies of same-sex couples based on the Generations and Gender Survey (GSS) have been published in recent years. However, in this survey, people in gay and lesbian couples are not identified via a direct question but by comparing two separate variables: the sex of the respondent and that of the partner. But the identification of same-sex couples by comparing the sex of both partners is very unreliable. The few sex-coding errors of one of the partners in heterosexual couples generate a very high proportion of “false” same-sex couples among all couples considered to be of the same sex. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the problematic nature of the indicator in order to avoid inappropriate use of GGS data (and other surveys more generally) and to discuss the reliability of analyses of same-sex couples made with these data.  相似文献   

Lesbian and gay couples by definition cannot establish sex-specific divisions of domestic tasks, at least not literally. Previous research has shown that high levels of equality characterize domestic work arrangements in same-sex couples. This study scrutinizes explanations for this. The theoretical background stems from family economics, from the theory of relative resources and from gender role and life-course considerations. The empirical analysis is based upon the Generations and Gender Survey from Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Australia. Results show that same-sex partners engage in more tasks equally, that their housework-sharing pattern is less segregated and that the partners’ workload is more equally balanced. Comparative advantages, life-course differences and gender roles contribute to the explanation of higher levels of equality in same-sex compared to different-sex relationships.  相似文献   

Non-marital cohabitation in Hungary is documented using data from the 1970 and 1980 censuses and the 1984 microcensus. Observed patterns contrast with those in several other countries, particularly those of western and northwestern Europe. Firstly, in Hungary unmarried couples or ‘partners in life’ are more common, and their proportion is increasing more rapidly, among the previously married than among the single. Secondly, both among the single and the previously married, mothers are more likely than childless women to be cohabiting. Thirdly, although proportions cohabiting are higher in urban than in rural areas, partners in life are concentrated among those with the lowest educational level.  相似文献   

人类社会对资源的配置和权力的分配极为重视,而资源的配置与权力的分配又必然会渗透到婚制这一文化中。通过对黎平黄岗的田野调查获知,黄岗侗族的婚姻无论是从恋人的确定、通婚范围及其规则的界定还是到家庭生活中的角色定位等等一系列婚制环节中,婚姻当事人不仅要受到本民族文化的制度性规约,而且与其所处的文化生态更是紧密相关。  相似文献   

广告语篇中人称代词的关系建构功能——英汉对比分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人称代词作为一个语言学范畴,已经从语法学、语用学、系统功能语言学等多个角度得到研究。从话语分析的视角看,人称代词隐含着人际意义和态度意义。它们在广告语篇中的使用具有关系建构的功能。本文通过对两个广告语篇(中英各一个)中人称代词的考察,发现英汉广告语篇中人称代词多使用第二人称和第一人称,它们具有建构广告主和消费者之间亲密关系的作用,这种关系是通过模拟个人化实现的。同时,英汉广告语篇在人称代词的选择方面存在差异。   相似文献   

This article evaluates the relationship between the timing of marriage and the purchase of a jointly owned home among Swedish cohabiting couples. Data for this analysis come from the Swedish Housing and Life Course Cohort Study (N = 1,596 couples; 2,006 cohabiting spells). The author develops models to proxy for simultaneity and intentions and test hypotheses about positive and negative and long- and short-run relationships between the two life-course events. The author uses a novel modeling approach, allowing for differences in the risk before, concurrently and after the conditioning event. Results indicate a positive relationship between marriage and joint home purchase and suggest the possibility of an ordering of events: For some couples, formalizing their union through marriage may be a prerequisite for a joint home purchase.  相似文献   

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