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Several generalizations to the concept of Kullback-Leibler divergence measure and Kerridge inaccuracy measure are available in the literature. In a recent paper Kundu (Metrika, 78:415–435, 2015 Kundu, C. 2015. Generalized measures of information for truncated random variables. Metrika 78:41535.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) considered a generalized K-L divergence measure of order (α, β). Nath (Metrika, 13:123–135, 1968 Nath, P. 1968. Inaccuracy and coding theory. Metrika 13:12335.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) has also proposed generalized inaccuracy measure of order α. Here we address the question of extending these measures to higher dimensions with reference to residual lifetimes. In the present work, the generalized divergence and inaccuracy measures are extended for conditional lifetimes of two components having possibly different ages. Several properties, including monotonicity, and bounds of these measures are obtained for conditional random variables. Moreover, we study the effect of (increasing) monotone transformation on these generalized measures.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an asymmetric class of bivariate copulas. This class is obtained through limiting properties of the extended copula introduced by Bekrizadeh, et al. (2015 Bekrizadeh, H., Parham, G. A., Zadkarami, M. R. (2015). Extending some classes of copulas; Applications. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Shahid Chamran, Ahvaz. [Google Scholar]), and includes some of known copulas. Some general formulas for well-known association measures and concepts of dependence of the proposed model are obtained. This paper highlights the usefulness of this new bivariate copula for modeling the interested variables whose marginal distribution effect on joint distribution isn't identical. We apply some subfamilies of this new class to model a dataset of medical science to show the superiority of presented model in comparison with the known copulas. These results will be investigated using simulation.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new bivariate exponential distribution, called the Bivariate Affine-Linear Exponential distribution, to model moderately negative dependent data. The construction and characteristics of the proposed bivariate distribution are presented along with estimation procedures for the model parameters based on maximum likelihood and objective Bayesian analysis. We derive Jeffreys prior and discuss its frequentist properties based on a simulation study and MCMC sampling techniques. A real data set of mercury concentration in largemouth bass from Florida lakes is used to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   


In this paper, we provide conditions under which some bivariate dependence structures are preserved under bivariate weighted distributions. Bivariate weighted distributions whose dependence structure is the same as the original distribution are characterized. Finally, we discuss some examples to show the usefulness of our results.  相似文献   

This paper considers a class of summary measures of the dependence between a pair of failure time variables over a finite follow-up region. The class consists of measures that are weighted averages of local dependence measures, and includes the cross-ratio-measure and finite region version of Kendall's τ; recently proposed by the authors. Two new special cases are identified that can avoid the need to estimate the bivariate survivor function and that admit explicit variance estimators. Nonparametric estimators of such dependence measures are proposed and are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal with variances that can be consistently estimated. Properties of selected estimators are evaluated in a simulation study, and the method is illustrated through an analysis of Australian Twin Study data.  相似文献   

Bivariate extreme value theory was used to estimate a rare event (see de Haan and de Ronde [1998. Sea and wind: multivariate extremes at work. Extremes 1, 7–45]). This procedure involves estimating a tail dependence function. There are several estimators for the tail dependence function in the literature, but their limiting distributions depend on partial derivatives of the tail dependence function. In this paper smooth estimators are proposed for estimating partial derivatives of bivariate tail dependence functions and their asymptotic distributions are derived as well. A simulation study is conducted to compare different estimators of partial derivatives in terms of both mean squared errors and coverage accuracy of confidence intervals of the bivariate tail dependence function based on these different estimators of partial derivatives.  相似文献   

This paper further studies monotone aging properties of the multivariate random lifetime. We revise the sufficient condition for the negative monotone aging property in terms of the multivariate usual stochastic order in Theorem 3.3 of Rezapour et al. (2013) Rezapour, M., Alamatsaz, M.H., Pellerey, F. (2013). Multivariate aging with Archimedean dependence structures in high dimensions. Commun. Stat. - Theory Methods 42:20562070.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and derive the condition sufficient to the multivariate monotone aging properties in terms of the upper orthant order. Also we study the upper orthant order of multivariate residual lifetimes and inactivity times from populations sharing a common Archimedean survival copula and Archimedean survival copula, respectively. Two simple applications in multivariate stress-strength and frailty models are presented as well.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new bivariate geometric model, derived by linking two univariate geometric distributions through a specific copula function, allowing for positive and negative correlations. Some properties of this joint distribution are presented and discussed, with particular reference to attainable correlations, conditional distributions, reliability concepts, and parameter estimation. A Monte Carlo simulation study empirically evaluates and compares the performance of the proposed estimators in terms of bias and standard error. Finally, in order to demonstrate its usefulness, the model is applied to a real data set.  相似文献   

Any continuous bivariate distribution can be expressed in terms of its margins and a unique copula. In the case of extreme‐value distributions, the copula is characterized by a dependence function while each margin depends on three parameters. The authors propose a Bayesian approach for the simultaneous estimation of the dependence function and the parameters defining the margins. They describe a nonparametric model for the dependence function and a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for the computation of the Bayesian estimator. They show through simulations that their estimator has a smaller mean integrated squared error than classical nonparametric estimators, especially in small samples. They illustrate their approach on a hydrological data set.  相似文献   

This paper studies the performance of tests which use a null hypothesis of bivariate symmetry and detect the broad class of location and/or scale alternatives . The conditionally distribution-free tests of Sen (1967) and Hollander (1971) and parametric tests related to those of Bell and Haller (1969) are compared in a Monte Carlo study which also includes a new conditionally distribution-free test.  相似文献   


A general class of models for discrete and/or continuous responses is proposed in which joint distributions are constructed via the conditional approach. It is assumed that the distributions of one response and of the other response given the first one belong to exponential family of distributions. Furthermore, the marginal means are related to the covariates by link functions and a dependency structure between the responses is inserted into the model. Estimation methods, diagnostic analysis and a simulation study considering a Bernoulli-exponential model, a particular case of the class, are presented. Finally, this model is used in a real data set.  相似文献   

We propose new dependence measures for two real random variables not necessarily linearly related. Covariance and linear correlation are expressed in terms of principal components and are generalized for variables distributed along a curve. Properties of these measures are discussed. The new measures are estimated using principal curves and are computed for simulated and real data sets. Finally, we present several statistical applications for the new dependence measures.  相似文献   

The lower tail dependence λL is a measure that characterizes the tendency of extreme co-movements in the lower tails of a bivariate distribution. It is invariant with respect to strictly increasing transformations of the marginal distribution and is therefore a function of the copula of the bivariate distribution. λL plays an important role in modelling aggregate financial risk with copulas. This paper introduces three non-parametric estimators for λL. They are weakly consistent under mild regularity conditions on the copula and under the assumption that the number k = k(n) of observations in the lower tail, used for estimation, is asymptotically k ≈ √n. The finite sample properties of the estimators are investigated using a Monte Carlo simulation in special cases. It turns out that these estimators are biased, where amount and sign of the bias depend on the underlying copula, on the sample size n, on k, and on the true value of λL.  相似文献   

For analyzing incidence data on diabetes and health problems, the bivariate geometric probability distribution is a natural choice but remained unexplored largely due to lack of models linking covariates with the probabilities of bivariate incidence of correlated outcomes. In this paper, bivariate geometric models are proposed for two correlated incidence outcomes. The extended generalized linear models are developed to take into account covariate dependence of the bivariate probabilities of correlated incidence outcomes for diabetes and heart diseases for the elderly population. The estimation and test procedures are illustrated using the Health and Retirement Study data. Two models are shown in this paper, one based on conditional-marginal approach and the other one based on the joint probability distribution with an association parameter. The joint model with association parameter appears to be a very good choice for analyzing the covariate dependence of the joint incidence of diabetes and heart diseases. Bootstrapping is performed to measure the accuracy of estimates and the results indicate very small bias.  相似文献   

We introduce a set of axioms for measures of non-exchangeability for bivariate vectors of continuous and identically distributed random variables and give some examples together with possible applications in statistical models based on the copula function.  相似文献   

Three tail asymmetry measures for bivariate copulas are introduced using two different approaches—univariate skewness of a projection and distance between a copula and its survival/reflected copula. We compare the asymmetry measures based on certain desirable properties. Bounds for each measure are obtained and also copulas which attain these extreme values are identified. Two data examples show the amount of asymmetry that might be expected in practice.  相似文献   

The unique copula of a continuous random pair \((X,Y)\) is said to be radially symmetric if and only if it is also the copula of the pair \((-X,-Y)\) . This paper revisits the recently considered issue of testing for radial symmetry. Three rank-based statistics are proposed to this end which are asymptotically equivalent but simpler to compute than those of Bouzebda and Cherfi (J Stat Plan Inference 142:1262–1271, 2012). Their limiting null distribution and its approximation using the multiplier bootstrap are discussed. The finite-sample properties of the resulting tests are assessed via simulations. The asymptotic distribution of one of the test statistics is also computed under an arbitrary alternative, thereby correcting an error in the recent work of Dehgani et al. (Stat Pap 54:271–286, 2013).  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of measuring radial asymmetry of a bivariate vector of continuous random variables whose components are symmetric about the center of symmetry. We introduce a set of axioms for measures of radial asymmetry, define new measures satisfying the axiomatic, study some properties, and present corresponding results for sample statistics. Several examples illustrate our results.  相似文献   

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