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The goal and system resource approaches represent alternative conceptions of organizational effectiveness. The goal approach views effectiveness in terms of internal organizational objectives and performance. Organization-environment relations are the focus of the system resource approach, though previous applications of this perspective have been limited to profit-making organizations. This paper reconceptualizes the system resource approach for use in public agencies and examines the flow of organizational resources as an indicator of effectiveness. Goal approach indicators are matched with system resource measures in examining the convergence and consistency of the two approaches. The convergence of effectiveness measures is examined by observing the correlations between themselves and four organizational decision making variables that had previously been shown to be associated with effectiveness. An examination of the data collected through interviews with representatives of 110 public agencies reveals some consistency but no convergence between the two approaches.  相似文献   


The major goal of this presentation is to provide overview of evaluation results of the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP). The major goal of the Pitt FSAP evaluation was to generate information pertaining to the program's service adequacy, program effectiveness, client satisfaction, cost-efficiency and cost-savings. Such an evaluation effort is becoming increasingly important due to the recent trend of organizational downsizing and coping with resource constraints. As Universities downsize, it can be challenging to justify allocating scarce funds to employee assistance programming. This study also includes review of EAPs among eighteen universities and colleges from around the country in order to compare program performance of the Pitt FSAP system.  相似文献   

The ultimate goal of HIV prevention interventions is to reduce the spread of HIV; however, the effectiveness of these programs is seldom assessed directly. Although direct measurement of an intervention's impact via HIV seroincidence monitoring is usually unfeasible, mathematical models can be used to estimate the number of infections averted by the intervention. This article describes three model-based summary measures of sexually transmitted HIV risk and discusses their relevance to HIV program evaluation in general economic efficiency analyses in particular. The calculation of these measures is demonstrated with an illustrative application to previously published data from an HIV prevention intervention for gay men.  相似文献   

A life-course perspective on social exclusion and poverty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

服务经济是指以知识、信息和智力要素的生产、扩散与应用为经济增长的主要推动力,以科学技术和人力资本的投入为核心生产方式,以法治和市场经济为制度基础,经济社会发展主要建立在服务产品生产和配置基础上的经济形态。加快形成以服务经济为主的产业结构,是上海创新驱动发展、经济转型升级的必然要求。从服务经济发展的一般规律看,它包含与经济社会发展相关的一系列配套内容,主要包括市场体系、区位布局体系、创新体系、社会体系等。发展服务经济,需要整体构建与服务经济相适应的资源配置体系。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes research evaluating the cost and effectiveness of comprehensive state forest practice laws. These laws regulate forest management on private lands in seven of the United States with the goal of protecting a wide range of forest resources. Forest practice laws impose significant administrative costs on states and significant compliance costs on landowners and timber operators. Total state administration costs for 1984 are estimated at $10.1 million and total private sector compliance costs are estimated at $120.5 million, for a total regulation cost of $130.6 million. The resource protection effectiveness of state forest practice regulation is more difficult to quantify. However, a variety of indicators strongly suggest that regulation has led to significant improvements in forest resource conditions and has increased reforestation levels.  相似文献   

Goal Ambiguity and Organizational Performance in U.S. Federal Agencies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In spite of numerous observations that government organizationshave high levels of organizational goal ambiguity that exertmajor influences on their other characteristics, few researchershave measured goal ambiguity and tested these frequent assertions.In previous research, we developed measures of four dimensionsof goal ambiguity: mission comprehension ambiguity, directivegoal ambiguity, evaluative goal ambiguity, and priority goalambiguity. Confirming hypotheses developed from the literatureon public organizations, the latter three variables showed relationsto such organizational characteristics as organizational age,financial publicness (proportion of funding from governmentallocations), and regulatory status. This article reports asecond analytical step of examining the relations between thegoal ambiguity dimensions and indicators of organizational performancebased on responses to the 2000 National Partnership for ReinventingGovernment Survey of federal employees. The performance variablesincluded managerial effectiveness, customer service orientation,productivity, and work quality. Regression analyses with numerouscontrol variables found that directive, evaluative, and prioritygoal ambiguity related negatively to managerial effectiveness.All four performance indicators showed significant negativerelationships with evaluative goal ambiguity and directive goalambiguity. The results provide further evidence of the viabilityof the new measures of goal ambiguity, support theory-basedbut previously untested hypotheses, and further indicate thefeasibility and value of analyzing goal ambiguity of governmentorganizations.  相似文献   

Sociology traditionally identified social strain and structural breakdown as causes of collective action. Such explanations were widely interpreted as endorsing social order and viewing its breakdown and the resulting collective action in a negative light. In the 1970s, advocates of the resource mobilization perspective criticized strain and breakdown explanations and this negative connotation of collective action. Rather than strain or breakdown, these theorists explained collective action in terms of solidarity, interests, and resources. Despite these criticisms, strain and breakdown explanations persisted at the margins of mainstream social movement theory. Moreover, the resource mobilization approach invoked 'opportunity' to explain collective action. There is a strong resemblance between 'strain and breakdown' and 'opportunity'. Both explain collective action in terms of external, facilitating conditions, but opportunity explanations connote a more favorable evaluation of the resulting collective action. Such resemblances suggest the viability of a synthesis between older and newer explanations of collective action.  相似文献   

Cost/effectiveness measures are increasingly being applied to alcoholism and drug abuse treatment programs. Program evaluators usually regard readmissions as inadequate for assessing outcome, and resource absorption is rarely examined; this paper presents the argument that increased attention to recidivism and resource absorption is integral to the program evaluation process. Readmissions formed 53% of admissions to U.S. drug abuse programs, and in alcoholism treatment centers, 4% of the patients accounted for 24% of the detoxications. Problems with assessing cost/effectiveness are associated with duration of treatment, average cost, time span of analyses, quasi-experimental designs, multiple episodes of treatment, "silting up", and extrapolation. Five approaches to dealing with these problems are suggested: analyzing existing program data bases for recidivism and resource absorption, considering recidivism when evaluating programs, tempering clinical enthusiasm with skepticism, matching patients with levels of care appropriate to previous treatment history, and assessing additional benefit derived from increasing amounts of care per patient as part of cost/effectiveness analysis.  相似文献   

This report is a review of the recent literature (mostly since the mid 60s) of the sociology of occupations. The notion of measuring professionalism, especially as represented by the attribute approach, has failed to deal with crucial sociological issues. The sociology of occupations has been criticized for being without an overall theory, but the search for such a theory may not be a justified goal. Work in this field has produced many interesting and useful generalizations of a more limited range. Studies of this field are numerous, but they are distributed unevenly over the range of occupations and work issues. The strong point is the numerous detailed case studies of occupations. However, there are also some good examples of efforts to relate occupational behavior to a larger societal perspective.  相似文献   

The fixed (menu) cost approach has been criticized since administrative costs of price changes are small. This paper studies costs which depend on (i) the size or (ii) the frequency of adjustment. The optimal pricing policy is similar to that in the menu cost model which is, therefore, a simple benchmark case. While recent empirical evidence implies rejection of the fixed cost model, it is consistent with the general specification used here. The analysis strongly suggests that nominal inflexibilities at the individual level are not due to administrative costs but result from unfavourable market response to price changes.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationships among the three dimensions of resource dependence patterns (RDPs) and organizational formalization and goals in nonprofit organizations (NPOs). These three RDPs (that is, the appearance of the financial resource inflow) are resource dependency, resource diversity, and resource competitiveness. The empirical findings suggest that high dependency on government funding (high resource dependency) is positively associated with organizational formalization, although resource diversity does not have any explanatory power on organizational behavior and structure, and that a very competitive environment for resource acquisition significantly affects goal setting in NPOs. In particular, resource competitiveness well explains goal clarity and goal change in NPOs. NPOs with high resource competitiveness present clearer organizational goals or missions and are likely to experience frequent goal change.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationship between individualism collectivism orientations of potential job seekers and their reactions toward alternative human resource management (HRM) practices in the areas of selection, performance appraisal, reward system, career system, and employment security. Using several subdimensions of individualism collectivism, we found many significant relationships between individualism collectivism orientations and preferences for alternative human resource management practices that might affect the effectiveness of alternative HRM practices.  相似文献   

The trend in marital therapy has traditionally been away from insight approaches and toward action-oriented methods, such as manipulating the couple system or teaching partners to negotiate. This paper presents a form of insight therapy based upon systems theory and suggests that this orientation has much to offer. The first part describes general categories of relationship problems with which a couples therapist must deal. The second part takes each of these problem types and suggests how a therapist with the present systems-interpretive approach might proceed. The goal is a shared understanding by partners of their marital system.  相似文献   


The goal of this research is to understand how resource characteristics influence the development of power in exchange networks. Transferability and duplicability are identified as fundamental resource characteristics that have not been examined systematically in prior social exchange research. Varying resource transferability and duplicability alters the mechanisms that produce power and determine which positions in a network have a power advantage. To predict where power will develop, I rely on existing measures for previously studied resources and introduce relevant principles of network structure for resources that have not been studied before. This theoretical logic is supported by a series of simulated exchange networks that apply behavioral principles observed in prior experimental research to the exchange of a broader variety of resources than previously considered. Results indicate how the pattern of power use in a network is contingent upon the type of resource being exchanged.  相似文献   

The overcoming of the dilemma of members’ contribution and efficient goal attainment leads German soccer clubs to an organizational development process. Three patterns of overcoming this dilemma in clubs of the first German soccer league are discussed. After analyzing theoretical problems of clubs at the point of view of rational-choice-theory, we focus on the three patterns of overcoming the dilemma and illustrate each with a case study. For the case studies we choose three traditional soccer clubs from the Ruhr-area. The three patterns are: (1) The classical German club structure: In this case the control of the resource ‘provision of capital’ solves the dilemma ad hoc in favor of goal attainment. (2) The stock company structure without a joint investment structure: This pattern preserves the participation of the members only by representatives through the introduction of a supervisory board. (3) Limited liability company as the general partner of a public limited company (a typical German form of a joint stock company): In this pattern the soccer club is transformed into a company, which restricts the members’ participation possibilities to symbolic acts in favor of goal attainment. The organizational development process of the German soccer clubs leads in general to a democratic-flexible form of organization.  相似文献   

NGO/NPO effectiveness remains a prominent concern for scholars and practitioners, but the literature on this issue is increasingly fragmented along disciplinary lines. We address this problem by presenting a comprehensive and interdisciplinary review of the literature on NGO and NPO effectiveness using citation analysis. In order to uncover commonalities across disciplines concerned with similar questions, we deploy a structured literature review using snowball sampling within citation networks. This approach limits author biases, fosters an interdisciplinary perspective, and adds a different methodological approach to conventional content-based literature reviews. Our review uncovers three trends: (1) there is broad scholarly consensus that unidimensional measures of effectiveness are not useful—even though such measures are commonly used by NGO/NPO rating agencies; (2) the scholarship on NGO/NPO effectiveness is dominated by conceptual works, while empirical studies remain rare; (3) a consensus on how to operationalize effectiveness remains elusive. These results suggest that progress in our understanding of NGO/NPO effectiveness requires enhanced efforts at crossing disciplinary divides, adding empirical analyses, and increasing attention to develop shared categories and methodologies.  相似文献   

Participatory and interdisciplinary approaches have been suggested to develop appropriate agricultural innovations as an alternative strategy to improve food security and well-being among HIV/AIDS affected households. However, sustainable implementation of such interactive approaches is far from easy and straight forward. This study reports of the Interactive Learning and Action (ILA) approach, a methodology for agricultural innovation which has been adapted to the context of HIV/AIDS. Role players in agriculture and health were brought together to stimulate and sustain innovation among three support groups for poor and affected households in a rural high HIV/AIDS prevalence area in South Africa. The effectiveness of the approach was evaluated using both outcome and process criteria. The results indicate that an interactive approach in which service providers/researchers engage themselves as actors to explore the livelihood system and develop appropriate solutions in joint collaboration with resource users has potential. However, it also revealed that cooperation among participants and stakeholders at the interface of agriculture and HIV/AIDS is complicated and sensitive to erosion. Of particular concern was the difficulty of mobilizing members from poor and affected households to participate and to overcome stigma and discrimination. Lessons and potential applications for the further development of interactive approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

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