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王育琨 《经理人》2009,(7):86-88
地头力是我对中国企业实践长期观察的初步结论,能够在华为等中国一线企业身上得到印证。以地头力来透视企业的经营管理,是中国本土的原创。当一个人的地头力源源不断时,他就可以在天地之间安身立命;当一个企业的地头力源源不断时,这个企业就可以积蓄推动世界改变的力量;当一个国家的地头力源源不断时,  相似文献   

王育琨 《经理人》2009,(8):62-63
发源于山东农村的“地头力”这个词,被日本人学过去了。日本还出了畅销书《锻炼你的地头力》。“地头力”是指不靠记忆或经验得来的知识,是一种现场瞬间反应的能力,一种从零开始的思维突破能力。地头力又是一种历久不衰的行动能力,尤其是在未知领域解决问题的能力。对于现今这种环境变化剧烈、过往经验未必能保证未来成功的情况下,更显得重要。  相似文献   

庄子伟大。他常以寓言,说清楚一些贯穿中华民族历史的哲学,让每一个时代的人都能深受启迪,从而找到自己的地头。庄子哲学,是一种在田间地头诞生的不加雕琢的真实。地头力同样不是靠强劲的逻辑去演绎,只能靠活生生的故事去诠释。现实中无论是在田间  相似文献   

王育琨 《经理人》2010,(1):66-68
一个人所能想象的东西,终归跑不出他潜心关注的事物。去年十一期间穿越西藏大峡谷无人区,一路上惊险与美景扑面,转个弯都演化成了我潜心探究地头力的场。同行山友一个个精彩的人生故事,更直接变成了地头力的注脚。其中资本大鳄高宏兄提到了澳大利亚苍蝇,更成为诠释地头力的关键点。  相似文献   

1.谢祖墀韧力,中国企业的常青之道如果用组织DNA概念定义,主要的组织类型包括七种,其中韧力调节型企业是最有前景的企业类型,而韧力建立在一套健康的组织DNA基础之上。  相似文献   

王育琨 《经理人》2010,(4):44-46
庄子伟大。他常以寓言,说清楚一些贯穿中华民族历史的哲学,让每一个时代的人都能深受启迪,从而找到自己的地头。庄子哲学,是一种在田间地头诞生的不加雕琢的真实。  相似文献   

在知识经济逐渐成为当今时代主导经济形态下,很多专家认为,包含经济力、政治力和文化力三个重要组成部分的企业核心竞争力中,文化力是企业竞争力的核心。企业文化建设的本质是借助文化的威力来整合企业的各种资源,促进资源配置实现最优。它贯穿于企业经营管理、改革发展的各个领域和各个环节。近两年来,中铁四局五公司明确提出“把企业文化做成一种管理方式”,用企业文化做纽带,  相似文献   

范明  汤学俊 《管理世界》2004,(10):107-113
产业力纬度、技术力纬度、制度力纬度以及市场权力纬度构成企业可持续成长的4力纬度结构。企业系统是人工复杂系统,具有耗散结构特性。企业可持续成长能力现状、4力纬度结构和外部环境的随机涨落因素,从总体上确定了企业可持续成长能力跃迁的方向、速度和水平。企业可持续成长的自组织机理表现为企业系统演化的不确定性、企业系统的序参量、企业可持续成长能力的势函数和非平衡相变。中国企业必须重视产业、技术、制度和市场权力的培育及其交互作用以实现企业的可持续成长。  相似文献   

中国企业DNA调研报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业DNA分为下列七种类型:韧力调节型、随机应变型、军队型、消极进取型、时停时进型、过 度膨胀型和过度管理型。其中,韧力调节型、随机应变型、军队型可以相对地说是"健康的"。 本刊和博思艾伦咨询公司(Booz Allen Hamilton)联合开展的"中国企业DNA调研"显示:被抽 样的中国企业中有将近一半拥有健康的企业DNA。而在全球调查中,健康企业的数量大约是1/3。"中 国企业真的比全球其他企业更健康、有更强的执行力吗?"  相似文献   

随着上世纪90年代我国房地产业的发展及住房制度改革,物业管理企业应运而生。但是物业管理企业一般都处于发展初期,经营规模小,经营方式和经营管理理念较为落后,很难满足消费者多元化的需求。因此,如何尽快提升竞争力是房地产物业管理企业的当务之急。笔者认为,物业管理企业竞争力可概括为硬力系统和软力系统两种。所谓硬力系统是指物业管理企业所拥有的生产要素与企业边界及区位状况所构成的综合体,具体包括聚集力、资本力、劳动力、科技力、产品力;所谓软力系统是指物业管理企业的内部运行环境的综合体,具体包括制度力、管理力、文化力。…  相似文献   

本文通过构建信号传递模型,研究了企业家财富、不对称信息和企业中权力分配三者之间的关系.文章指出,企业家可以通过两种方式向投资者传递其私有信息,一是向企业中投入一定的自有资本,二是将部分控制权让渡给投资者.这两种信号传递工具相互之间存在一定的替代性,但对于优质企业家而言具有不同的成本.在分离均衡条件下,企业家向企业中投入自有财富所产生的分离成本,要小于将控制权让渡给投资者所带来的分离成本,所以企业家更偏好于选择向企业中投入自有财富来传递私有信息.本研究对企业中控制权的"相机转移"现象提供了一个更为合理的解释.  相似文献   

In the creation and operation of work environments, problem solving can be more effective with some theories or models than with others. In this article, the author describes a theory that he has found to be especially useful for his management responsibilities. The Resource Exchange Theory, he says, engenders a unique view of power that is useful in managing a reward system, negotiating, managing conflict, and empowering people.  相似文献   

Learning from blunders. Experiences of an executive coach with problems and solutionsNot too often, even rarely, we are in a situation to talk about blunders or shortcomings within our coaching community. That really is a pity, because a discussion like this combined with reflection and feed back is the best and only way for a coach to avoid professional mistakes in his future. So this article is “somehow another kind” of contribution. The author reports his own 18 years of “blunder-experience” as well as professional mistakes of other coaches which he observed in mentor coachings and supervisions, he suggests outcomes, consequences and solutions. Topics are: Anger, aggression and “struggles of power” within the coaching process; dependence versus (internal) independence of a coach; transference and counter-transference within the coaching process; peanut politics within a coaching process. Result: the coach himself, his core values, his boldness directed to social risks and to natural consequences — combined with appreciative conversation and respecting clients — makes out the core dissolving capacity. Without mentor coaching and professional supervision every coach would be trapped into his personal “trap of mistakes” — and even worse: without recognizing this dilemma.  相似文献   

Coaching with a headmasterThe author describes a coaching process with a headmaster in difficulties, who always wants to please everybody. He lacks the necessary professional delimitation. Though refusing it initially, he recognizes the necessity and the advantage of a professional delimitation. By utilizing it in small steps, his contacts to the parents improve, he has more time for his administrative work, and he feels less oppressed by his tasks.  相似文献   

苏龙飞 《经理人》2012,(4):78-86,22
李荣生这位苏州大方的创始人,对资本运作的认知近乎为零,将企业上市的事项全权委托给了资本中介。后者却利用李荣生对资本的无知,以近乎空手套白狼的方式,有计划地逐步侵蚀其在企业的股权。直至最后李荣生才发现,自己企业大股东的地位,已被资本中介取而代之。  相似文献   

Coaching for the carrying out of outplacement talksThis paper describes a coaching process with an executive, who has to carry out outplacement talks. The aim of the consulting process is to prepare the coachee in a way, that he is able to accept his role as executive and to carry out the order of the company. Further on, the coachee is encouraged to use his own potential to design the outplacement talks. Finally he is invited to develop arrangements in order to support his personal physical and social wellbeing as well as his fitness in respect of the extreme situation of the outplacement management.  相似文献   

We use a preference‐over‐menus framework to model a decision maker who is affected by multiple temptations. Our two main axioms on preference—exclusion and inclusion—identify when the agent would want to restrict his choice set and when he would want to expand his choice set. An agent who is tempted would want to restrict his choice set by excluding the normatively worst alternative of that choice set. Simultaneously, he would want to expand his choice set by including a normatively superior alternative. Our representation identifies the agent's normative preference and temptations, and suggests the agent is uncertain which of these temptations will affect him. We provide examples to illustrate how our model improves on those of Gul and Pesendorfer (2001) and Dekel, Lipman, and Rustichini (2009).  相似文献   

This case relates to individual decision making. Ranan is the main figure. He is concerned with the kind of person he is or wants to be, and the kinds of actions or choices that will facilitate that self realization. Sodaily, he is comfortable with his native land, but professionally he is much better off in the U.S. where he received his higher education. No matter what he does, there is a price to be paid. He has to make a decision in this regard. The reader is invited to engage in the decision making process.  相似文献   

沈伟民 《经理人》2012,(8):88-93,22
报喜鸟集团董事长吴志泽的脸,看上去棱角分明,甚至不怒自威。当他站在位于上海分部的松江工业区董事长办公室,用手机和属下交待工作的时候,窗外的阳光正好斜射到他的脸上,使他看上去像极了《华尔街2》里迈克尔·道格拉斯饰演的老戈登。但吴志泽无意于任何证券交易,他只想着带领报喜鸟这一实体企业,如何在2016年前跨入“百亿俱乐部”。  相似文献   

生意失败,可以到酒吧买醉,但你不能动刀动枪。但是这种快意的娱乐方式,曾经在美国牛仔时代有过,或者更远一点,在中国唐朝,那种在街头被叫做酒肆的地方有过。李白是那个时代买醉者中的一个。他在《少年行》中说过击筑饮美酒,剑歌易水湄。由他开始,  相似文献   

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