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卢道典  蔡喆 《城市观察》2012,(2):110-118
关于我国的城市规划管理权限一直存在"集中"与"放权"的讨论,并且城市规划管理体制也存在差异。通过对全国部分城市的规划管理体制进行梳理,从市、区(县、市)两级分权视角总结出我国城市规划管理体制中的"垂直型"、"半垂直型"和"非垂直型"三种典型模式,分别以南京、北京和上海为案例分析三种规划管理体制典型模式的主要特点和事权划分,并对其各自的优缺点进行比较,最后提出我国城市规划管理体制改革的若干建议,包括将规划决策权"上收"与实施管理重心"下移"、建立"市—区—镇(街)"三级规划管理机构体系、整合市区两级规划部门内部机构设置形成"大处室"和"大科室"以及完善城市规划委员会制度等。  相似文献   

In recent years, alongside implementation of “traditional” decentralization policies, sectoral decentralization experiments in natural resources management have taken place worldwide, mainly under the justification of improving resource conservation and rural development. In the Congo basin, for instance, the epicentre of Africa's tropical rainforests, Cameroon has been engaged in these dual processes of devolution of power to municipalities and municipal involvement in the forestry sector. Drawing on the case of the first municipal forest governance experiment in Cameroon, the article argues that the lack of co‐ordination between the political and sectoral decentralizations is undermining the foundation for effective, democratic and accountable municipal and environmental governance. The case provides useful policy recommendations for donors supporting the global emergence of municipal government capacity.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between trade liberalization and the probability of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) being decentralized. We find that tariff cuts for inputs significantly lower the probability of a SOE being decentralized, whereas tariff cuts for outputs raise this probability. We also find that as the distance from a SOE to its overseeing government increases, the effects of input and output tariff cuts on the probability of SOEs decentralization become stronger. Our empirical results are consistent with a simple model in which local governments try to balance the costs of supervising SOEs against the profits extracted from SOEs.  相似文献   

Will decentralization of responsibilities in services give women service workers at the lower levels of the organization better and more ‘professional’ jobs and a recognition of their importance in the organization? This article looks at the valuation of so‐called women's skills in services in reorganization processes involving dehierarchization and decentralization of responsibilities. Through four cases of reorganized private and public services in Norway it is shown that more focus on customers and decentralization of responsibilities for the services may lead to recognition of gendered skills and an improved position for women service workers at the lowest levels of the organization. When the tasks of the workers are closely linked to the core function of the organization and not dominated by the organization's ‘dirty work’, the women at the lowest levels may obtain a more ‘professional’ work role and their work be recognized as important for the organization.  相似文献   

One of the strategies of the modernization of public services is the decentralization of responsibilities and organizing work in autonomous co‐ operative teams with varied tasks. The empowerment of the public service workers in the front line is therefore a strategy in local government in Norway today. Under the assumption that women have ‘natural’ skills in caring, workers on the lowest levels are given responsibility for care and nursing. A study of the decentralization of public care for the elderly in their homes showed that being given interesting tasks and increased responsibility mobilized the efforts of the care workers. However, since the power of resources has been centralized, this has led to an intensification of work. In gendering the relevant discourses by explaining women's experiences of an over‐heavy workload as a result of their ‘mothering’ and their inability to set limits, women care workers were constructed by their managers as unprofessional and not to be taken seriously. This has made the public care organization a greedy organization for the women care workers.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of rapid urbanization is posing challenges to planners in developing countries. As it becomes harder and harder for planners to disentangle the global from the local, it is increasingly recognized that without a solid local base, city governments will not have the strength that is needed to navigate global circuits. This social integration requires democratized political mechanisms based on administrative decentralization and the participation of citizens in municipal management. Our paper focuses on the role of information in the democratic process looking at a case study of new local governance structures in Bangalore. The city has become a focal point for software development regionally and globally.Such regional and global interconnections are taking place simultaneously with a number of local level initiatives aimed at encouraging democratic decisionmaking via legislation and by introducing new local governance structures.  相似文献   

街道作为城市基层政府及行政管理的末端,街道体制改革实质是我国城市基层治理结构和治理能力建设问题。本文在梳理学界关于街道体制的争论及其有待澄清的地方的基础上,以湖北省黄石市街道体制的改革为例,讨论改革的源起与作为,发现其改革的效果并不乐观,但在后续的改革政策中,也在逐步调整。对街道体制改革进行思考,撤销街道办的改革应坚持推进大部门体制改革,逐步规范社区组织架构,完善社区治理结构等等。在城市基层治理体制改革的实践中,对于是否撤销街道办事处,更要探索适合本地实际的改革方法,真正做到因地渐进改革。  相似文献   

The development of European Community administrative authority has greatly influenced the development of an evaluation culture among the southern and central member states of the European Union. The present case study from Spain provides an example of this diffusion through the use of an empowerment evaluation approach to build evaluation capacity within the context of rural development. The study focuses on the evaluation process over a 10-year period of three local development programs run by three local partnerships created in the rural areas of the Madrid region through the European LEADER initiative. Critical components of empowerment evaluation are discussed, as well as the impact, limitations, difficulties, and applicability of the approach to rural development in the European Union. Conclusions are presented concerning evaluation capacity building and the development of an evaluation culture.  相似文献   

Focusing on Alexandre Millerand’s reform of the French factory inspectorate, this article highlights the dilemmas of mezzo-level administrative leadership and policy reform in states that have strong administrative capacity, but low public trust and weak associational life. Building on the insights of theories of political and bureaucratic entrepreneurship derived from studies of American political development, the article challenges their taken-for-granted assumptions and comparative applicability, and demonstrates the explanatory potential of the older sociological institutionalism exemplified in the work of Philip Selznick. In particular, the article highlights the unintended consequences of the formal and informal cooptation of targeted social groups for the reputational autonomy of administrative leaders, the (re)definition of institutional mission, and organizational success or failure.  相似文献   

黄健文  徐莹 《城市观察》2012,(5):142-148
通过借助城市化基本规律的理论基础,从城市化规律角度研究西方城市化中逆城市化和城市空心化现象的影响因素,以及探讨中国城市化阶段与城市空心化问题,分析逆城市化和城市空心化现象与城市复兴之间的相互关系。在分析比较的基础上,初步认识现时中国城市复兴的实质特征,指出复兴项目基本上仅是城市开发中局部的城市更新,与西方城市复兴有所区别。  相似文献   

Has local governance in Norway escaped the forces of globalization? In grappling with this question, and using the case of Trondheim Municipality, I argue that local government reform in Norway is predicated on the dominant paradigm of public sector reform in the age of globalization, namely, new public management (NPM). This has had corrosive effects on the capacity of the local states in Norway to provide basic services to their citizens. Consequently, the Norwegian welfare regime is being undermined by the new reform agenda. However, while local governance in Norway is predicated within the dominant global paradigm, it deviates from the global trend as there is increasing centralization as opposed to decentralization as the national government uses various mechanisms to regulate and control municipalities.

¿Ha podido el gobierno local en Noruega escaparse de las fuerzas de la globalización? Lidiando con esta pregunta y tomando el caso de la municipalidad de Trondheim, yo sostengo que la reforma del gobierno local en Noruega se basa en el paradigma dominante de la reforma del sector público en la era de la globalización, es decir la Nueva Administración Pública (NPM, por sus siglas en inglés). Esto ha tenido efectos corrosivos en la capacidad de los estados en Noruega, de proveer servicios básicos a sus ciudadanos. Consecuentemente, la asistencia pública del régimen noruego se ha minado gracias al nuevo plan de reforma. Sin embargo, mientras que el gobierno local se establece dentro del paradigma global dominante, éste se desvía de la tendencia global ya que existe un aumento en la centralización, al contrario de la descentralización, dado que el gobierno nacional usa varios mecanismos para regular y controlar las municipalidades.


王剑 《城市观察》2014,(4):79-86
小城镇建设是中国城镇化体系中重要的环节,对于中国城市发展与农村发展均具有重要意义。中国小城镇建设已经持续多年,取得积极的成果,但也存在很多问题。例如,小城镇在产业和人口集聚、体制机制等方面存在发展难题。本文通过对山东、浙江小城镇建设实践的对比分析,从小城镇的定位与建设内容等方面,对小城镇建设思路进行梳理,认为小城镇需要在基础设施建设、体制机制改革、经济建设等三方面共同努力,才能促进小城镇的健康发展。  相似文献   

This article proposes “cognitively complex problem‐solving” as a refinement of the recent problem‐solving approach to public service reform, and as an addition to existing political and institutional explanations for the frequent failure of reform. It substantiates the new problem‐solving model by identifying and selectively reviewing six models of reform that have been practised in developing countries over the past half‐century: public administration, decentralization, pay and employment reform, New Public Management, integrity and corruption reforms and “bottom‐up” reforms. A short case study of Myanmar is presented to illustrate the problem‐solving approach in practice.  相似文献   

刘志欣 《科学发展》2011,(12):79-97
行政执法体制改革是转变政府职能、推进依法行政、提高政府执行力的突破口和关键。进一步调整和改革行政执法体制,创新行政执法体制和模式,使之适应上海城市和社会发展的需要,是上海建立法治政府、服务政府、责任政府的重要环节。通过对上海行政执法体制和模式的调查分析,并借鉴国外行政执法体制改革的经验和启示,提出创新上海行政执法体制和模式的思路及对策。  相似文献   

To illuminate how race affects the usage of punitive tools in policy implementation settings, we analyze sanctions imposed for noncompliant client behavior under welfare reform. Drawing on a model of racial classification and policy choice, we test four hypotheses regarding client race, local context, and sanctioning. Based on longitudinal and cross-sectional multilevel analyses of individual-level administrative data, we find that race plays a significant role in shaping sanction implementation. Its effects, however, are highly contingent on client characteristics, local political contexts, and the degree to which state governments devolve policy control to local officials.  相似文献   

Over the last several decades, block grants have been a keyinstrument by which policy authority is devolved from federalto state governments. Whether the block grant approach producesmore effective redistributive policy management (on equity orefficiency grounds) is an open and central question. We focuson the equity dimension by positing an explanatory frameworkthat links access to federal block grant funding to the transactioncosts associated with intergovernmental grant contracting. Weargue that grant access is a function of both state-level institutionalchoices and the administrative capacity of local governments—whichcombine to influence the salient transaction costs associatedwith grant contracting. We apply our theoretic framework tothe non-entitlement portion of the Community Development BlockGrant (CDBG) program and analyze granting data across distinctinstitutional settings. We find that local administrative capacityis a key to access, indicating that some localities most inneed are least equipped to capture grants, which raises equityconcerns. However, the specific way in which states structurearenas of grant competition can make access more equitable.In short, we show that state-level institutional arrangementscritically affect access to federal block grant funds when thosefunds are allocated through competitive grant contracting tolocal governments.  相似文献   

上海改革顶层设计的关键是确立改革愿景的目标。上海顶层改革的愿景目标为:到2015年,基本建成与经济、社会文化与行政管理全面服务化相适应的体制与制度;到2020年,基本建成与“四个中心”和社会主义国际大都市相适应的体制与制度;到2050年,基本建成与有中国特色全球城市相适应的体制与制度。“十二五”期间,上海要推进经济体制改革,促进科学发展;推进社会文化体制改革,保障和改善民生;推进行政管理体制改革,建立服务型法治政府。重点在经济、社会文化与行政管理子系统的体制与制度上突破,突出制度创新,以加快经济结构调整、着力改善民生、加强社会建设、改进城市管理为关键环节,建立以市场竞争有序、资源配置合理、社会公平正义、政府高效廉洁、文化包容开放为特征的体制与制度。  相似文献   

The paper examines public sector management of urban growth and development in the Riyadh Metropolitan Area, Saudi Arabia. The focus of the paper is on institutional capacity building and development intervention. The paper traces changes in public sector management structures and development activities over the history of the city with the aim of assessing development impact and identifying forces that have shaped the evolving state of urban management. The paper notes that urban management has significantly improved with time but the persistence of urban problems coupled with projections of future growth point to the need for further improvements. The paper, in conclusion, while acknowledging the utility of the metropolitan development strategy (MEDSTAR) being formulated for the city, points to the need for broader administrative reform to improve the ability to cope with long-term challenges of growth in the city. Some issues that reform could address are suggested.  相似文献   

The reorientation of hospital services in the state of New York to accommodate women's constitutional right to elective abortion was investigated. Market and resource constraints, the social orientations of the organization, and the values of physicians were examined in the effort to evaluate hospital response between 1971 and 1973. Analysis indicates that program innovation in obstetrical and gynecological services to include elective abortion was inhibited by economic factors that generally determined the feasibility of diverting finite resources to a new service and social orientations and values that determined the compatibility of elective abortions with the dominant values underlying hospital operations. The reform of New York abortion statutes and the subsequent ruling by the Supreme Court reiterating the right of women to terminate pregnancy failed to standardize the delivery of health care so that individual rights to service could be obtained everywhere in the state. The social changes ultimately realized through legislative and judicial action were essentially conditional upon the responsiveness of local health care providers. Legal action that failed to specifically address the administrative role of hospitals in social change qualified local access and could not be completely effective in legitimizing the redefinition of abortion in society.  相似文献   

Bureaucratic discretion is a fundamental feature of social provision,one that presents enduring difficulties for management. In general,management reform has taken two, divergent paths. One, utilizingthe familiar public bureaucratic model, seeks to control discretionthrough hierarchical command structures and standardization.The other, utilizing decentralization and privatization, regulatesand relocates discretion, using incentive structures associatedwith market or quasi-market institutions. However, it may bethat discretion will prove to be as problematic for the newpublic management (NPM) as it was for the old. This articleoffers a critical political history of management reformism,reviewing efforts to reorganize the public welfare provisionby applying new public management models to old public bureaucracyproblems. It considers the dynamics of bureaucratic discretionand reform not only as a problem of public management but aspart of the contested politics of social policymaking.  相似文献   

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