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《Long Range Planning》1987,20(4):10-20
This article places emphasis on relationships and interaction in marketing, an emphasis which has developed out of new theories of services marketing and industrial marketing and also out of practical experience. Building and maintaining relationships have significant long-term implications and therefore affect the strategic and long-range planning of the firm's marketing. In the author's view, the present Marketing Concept, as it appears in research, textbooks and seminars, is unrealistic and needs to be replaced. One reason is its inability to absorb new developments in marketing and its rigid attachment to traditional consumer goods marketing. The conclusions can be seen as part of a progress report from an ongoing research project which aims at developing a New Marketing Concept, that draws both on theory and on the views of practitioners.  相似文献   

The current dominant conceptualization of consumer reactions to services is the SERVQUAL model. This article proposes the FAIRSERV model as an alternative or additional conceptualization of consumer reactions to services. FAIRSERV involves seeing service evaluation through the lens of organizational fairness (justice) theory applied to the relationship between the service consumer and the service provider. FAIRSERV is premised on the claim that, especially in relational service contexts, consumers are interested in service fairness as well as service quality (service favorableness) as represented by SERVQUAL. Service fairness or justice is a multidimensional construct based on equity theory. In this article, the FAIRSERV model is tested with the SERVQUAL model in the context of information system services. The two models are used to predict service satisfaction and repatronage intention. The FAIRSERV model appears to add a significant new set of predictors of service satisfaction and repatronage intention that should be considered in the future by service providers.  相似文献   

在服务定制情境下,企业可以采用两种不同方式让消费者定制服务包:呈现完整服务包让消费者从中删除不想要的业务(减法式);呈现基本服务包让消费者选择添加所需附加业务(加法式).本研究考察了这两种不同的选项呈现方式对消费者心理反应和选择行为的影响,分析了业务类型与呈现方式之间的交互作用,通过以移动通信服务为背景的实验发现:(1)相对于呈现基本服务包来让消费者进行"加法"定制来说,消费者在完整服务包基础上进行"减法"定制时会选择更多数量和更高总金额的附加服务;(2)选项呈现框架与业务类型之间具有显著的交互作用.相对于减法框架,在加法框架下,实用型业务会比享乐型业务更有可能被选择;而在减法框架下,享乐型业务会比实用型业务更有可能被选择;(3)在减法框架下,消费者的反应时间更长,感知到的决策乐趣更高,对决策结果更不易后悔.但是,两种框架下消费者的心理冲突和决策难度没有显著差别.基于上述研究发现,作者讨论了本研究的理论意义和应用价值,并围绕企业如何通过有效的服务业务组合和战略呈现来创造利润提出了管理建议.  相似文献   

This article examines the appropriateness of the notion and application of relationship marketing in various contexts. Theoretical and conceptual similarities between the broad notions of ‘the brand’ and of relationship marketing as risk reducers, simplifiers of choice and guarantee of quality are uncovered. We put forward a notion of relationship marketing as a further step in the branding process, whereby whenever perceived risk and consumer involvement are high, relationship marketing acts as a supplementary tool enabling consumers to maintain cognitive consistency and psychological comfort. Experts' opinions regarding branding in a service context expanded on these concepts. Especially for more intangible offerings, such as financial services, the experts stressed the use of corporate brand identity as the basis of relationship building both inside and outside the organization and as a means to achieve differentiation and provide the focus for homogeneous and consistent service delivery. Finally, we suggest the concept of the service brand as a holistic process beginning with the relationship between the firm and its staff and coming alive during the interactions between staff and customers.  相似文献   

基于消费者情绪效用对耐用品企业延保服务策略有效性的影响,构建双寡头微分博弈模型,研究耐用品企业的延保服务策略对产品均衡价格的影响特征,并进一步讨论了劣势耐用品企业延保服务策略的有效性。结论表明:服务投入在不同范围内,产品均衡价格随着服务投入的增加而变化的特征不同;高质量企业的延保最优价格与服务投入成递增关系变化,而低质量企业的延保最优价格随服务投入增加的变化特征还与其故障率、延保期等因素有关。低质量耐用品企业的服务投入满足大于1时,采取增加服务投入缩小与高质量产品的价格差是有效的;只有在一定条件下,采取延长质保期、延保期策略缩小价格差才是有效的。最后,利用数值分析法进一步验证了结论的合理性。研究可为耐用品企业有效实施延保服务策略提供决策支持。  相似文献   

服务企业的国际化战略   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文分析了打算进入国际市场的服务企业所面临的主要挑战,然后提出了服务企业国际化的五种相互并不完全排斥的战略。它们是:直接出口服务,即最适合于面向产业市场的维修和保养服务;系统出口,指由两家或多家提供互补性解决方案的企业开展的合作出口;直接进入模式,指服务企业在国外市场直接建立子公司;间接进入模式,适用于那些不愿意直接在国外设立拥有全部或部分所有权的子公司的服务企业,通常通过授权协议或特许经营方式由当地企业提供服务;电子营销,这种方式使企业不必局限于某一特定市场。  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic review of consumer behaviour and order fulfilment in online retailing. The objective of this review is threefold: first, to identify elements of order‐fulfilment operations that are relevant to online consumer behaviour (purchase, repurchase, product return); second, to understand the relationship between order‐fulfilment performance and consumer behaviour; and third, to inspire future research on developing consumer service strategies that takes account of these behavioural responses to order‐fulfilment performance outcomes. The paper is based on a systematic review of literature on online consumer behaviour and order‐fulfilment operations, mainly in the fields of marketing and operations, published in international peer‐reviewed journals between 2000 and September 2015. This study indicates that the current literature on online consumer behaviour focuses mainly on the use of marketing tools to improve consumer service levels. Very little research has been conducted on the use of consumer service instruments to steer consumer behaviour or, consequently, to manage related order‐fulfilment activities better. The study culminates in a framework that encompasses elements of order‐fulfilment operations and their relationship to online consumer behaviour. This paper is the first comprehensive review of online consumer behaviour that takes aspects of order‐fulfilment operations into account from both marketing and operations perspectives.  相似文献   

企业常常面临选择:零部件生产是自己制造还是外包给零部件供应商,在产业组织理论中是一个企业纵向一体化的选择问题。在分析指出下游企业零部件生产的外包和自制的市场行为改变了该产业组织的结构的基础上,本文分别以上游供应商利润、下游企业利润和消费者剩余为优化目标,研究上游供应商的产品定价、下游企业零部件生产的外包和自制决策,将cournot博弈嵌套到Stackelberg博弈中,建立该产业组织的复合博弈模型,得到了该产业组织在不同结构下的不同均衡,即相关企业的最优生产经营决策。对于上游供应商,下游企业零部件生产的外包比自制总是可以获得较高的利润,并且两者的差距随着市场容量的增加而增大,对于下游企业,其零部件自制获得的利润总是高于外包获得的利润,其竞争的下游企业的利润则也是与之同方向变化。这些结果可供供应链的企业在竞争环境下制定最优市场策略时参考,尤其是可供企业在零部件外包或自制决策时参考。  相似文献   

基于TAM的移动内容服务采纳分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
3G时代,提供能被消费者接受的移动内容服务是移动运营商和内容提供商实现利润的重要前提,其关键是明晰影响用户采纳移动内容服务的主要因素和影响途径。本文以技术接受模型为理论基础,在移动商务的环境下对其进行扩展,建立了整合用户创新性、外部影响和感知财务费用的移动内容服务采纳模型,并在此基础上提出了相应的假设,并通过结构方程模型的方法对假设模型进行了验证。实证研究发现,技术接受模型在移动商务环境下依然有效,而且用户自身的创新性、外部的影响和使用成本也影响消费者的采纳意图。  相似文献   

Financial institutions are undergoing fundamental changes due to increased competitiveness and greater consumer awareness. These changes call for a re-examination of their design strategies. This article discusses three strategies— namely, marketing, operations and organizational design. The discussion is based on empirical data collected by means of a survey of bank consumers.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the development of research in the domain of service(s) marketing from its birth as an area of academic study in the 1960s/1970s to the current time. It identifies four phases of development. Phases 1–3 relate to the period before 2004, which focuses on the development of service(s) marketing. In Phase 4, a greater focus on the concept of service (singular) – defined as the application of knowledge and skills – has resulted in developments and directions in service research that offer a different perspective through which to view more general marketing. This different perspective has explicit implications also for wider business and management research. The paper summarizes current research in this domain, which coalesces around three broad perspectives, namely, the service‐dominant logic of marketing, technology and service, and transformative service research. It concludes by outlining likely trends for service research into the future. Three interrelated directions are suggested: research on service in a changing context; research responding to academic schools of thought; and research responding to consumer trends.  相似文献   

Within the financial services sector there has been diversification on a vast scale, with varying degrees of success. Financial services are increasingly viewed as products, the various branch networks as channels of distribution. The competition between banks and building societies has become a major battleground in the war for consumers' financial services expenditure. Both types of organization have a strong presence in the high street and have become major users of media advertising and other marketing weaponry. Historically, they have both enjoyed strong but different forms of relationship with their customers; these differences are rapidly diminishing as each invades the other's trading territory. This paper presents results from a study of bank-building society competition, illustrating the attributes and dimensions upon which consumers tend to base their choices. Financial services retailers are urged to base their marketing strategies upon a clear understanding of consumer needs and motives, not upon ‘me-too’ responses to competitors' moves. As many product retailers have discovered to their cost, heavy marketing expenditure cannot be a substitute for a well founded retail marketing strategy.  相似文献   

参照依赖的消费者偏好和选择一直是营销学者的热点研究领域。学者们对如何在定量营销模型中考虑参照依赖的消费者偏好进行了诸多探索和方法创新,然而,目前却没有相关研究对这些建模方法进行较为系统的总结和梳理。为了填补这个研究空白,本研究回顾了消费者行为和决策领域中参照点的相关文献,并对参照依赖模型进行了系统的梳理。本文首先对参照点的定义和分类标准进行了综述和讨论。在此基础上,本文详细分析了现有实证研究中融入参照依赖的模型结构,并从模型使用的理论框架和参照属性的数量等几个方面对现有实证模型进行了分类和比较。最后,本文总结了现有相关研究的不足,并指出了该领域将来的研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper provides three different perspectives on Organizational Behavior Management: the consumer, the salesperson and the program implementor. The consumer view emphasizes the need for technology to develop human resources and an organizational culture in which they can work effectively. The sales approach describes packaging, marketing and direct sales as critical components in an effective program. Finally, the implementation perspective emphasizes customer involvement in program design and implementation and methods of obtaining full support from the customer once the procedures are initiated.  相似文献   

《European Management Journal》2014,32(6):1001-1011
Social media is achieving an increasing importance as a channel for gathering information about products and services. Brands are developing its presence in social networking sites to meet brand awareness, engagement and word of mouth. In this context, the analysis of the factors that are conditioning consumer interaction with branded content becomes a matter of interest. This paper aims to shed light on those factors that are expected to impact on Facebook branded post popularity. A conceptual model is developed to reflect the influence of the content's richness and time frame on the number of comments and likes. An empirical analysis using multiple linear regressions is conducted based on 164 Facebook posts gathered from the fan pages of 5 Spanish travel agencies. Results suggest that the richness of the content (inclusions of images and videos) raises the impact of the post in terms of likes. On the other hand, using images and a proper publication time are significantly influencing the number of comments, whereas the use of links may decrease this metric.This study empirically contributes to the existing literature on the management of marketing strategies for consumer engagement in social networking sites.  相似文献   

基于心理契约的关系营销机制:服务业实证研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
借鉴组织行为学研究成果,本文对心理契约概念进行了界定。在关系营销研究框架基础上,加入心理契约这一变量,就心理契约与顾客信任、顾客承诺、顾客忠诚之间的关系建立了结构方程模型。通过两个服务行业的实证数据分析,基于心理契约的关系营销机制得到了验证。研究结果为营销研究和实践提供了理论指导和实证依据。  相似文献   

潘小军 《中国管理科学》2022,30(11):239-249
工业互联网平台的增值服务可以给制造商提供数字化转型服务赋能,实现提质降本增效的作用。本文构建包含一个工业互联网平台、一个制造商和一个零售商组成的三级供应链博弈模型,求解基于使用量收费和订阅收费模式下的最优决策。分析不同定价模式下企业数字化转型决策和利润受到增值服务因子、成本降低因子的影响,以及对两种定价模式下的最优决策进行比较。研究显示:存在不同的平台增值服务效果阈值,当服务效果位于不同阈值范围时,平台和制造商将选择订阅收费模式或按使用量收费模式。当平台增值服务效果适中时,平台和制造商都选择订阅收费模式。当平台增值服务效果较低(高)时,平台(制造商)选择基于使用量收费模式,而制造商(平台)选择订阅收费模式。  相似文献   

The authors look at the role of computers in marketing management, examining some current literature on computers and marketing decision support systems (MDSS). They then present the results of a survey to gauge the extent to which computers are being used by marketing management in Europe, and explore the potential for accelerating the process of integrating computer technology into the marketing manager's job. Specifically they examine the current personal computers (PCs) usage patterns of 50 marketing executives in a selection of high-performing industrial corporations in Europe.The article then briefly highlights areas of greatest PC applications by these executives and the benefits they have brought in practice. It also identifies the problems they have experienced and their views on how better and more effective utilization can be made of the technology in order to enhance their managerial capabilities.  相似文献   


Uniqueness of person, organization, and environmental situation is a fact of life. Imitating practices that occurred in a different unique environment does not work well. Improving organizational performance requires managing within the constraints of two sets of variables that are specific to each organization: variables that connect the organization to the environment and variables that support individual human performances. Organizational variables include those relevant to two specific categories of value-adding outputs (the financial marketplace and the consumer service marketplace), and four specific categories of costly but necessary inputs (money, technology, materials and labor). The paper specifies ten guidelines for understanding and managing the interplay between the organizational variables and psychological variables. The guidelines permit systemic organizational and performance management which enables organizational improvement.  相似文献   

The utility of organizational behavior management (OBM) for improving the delivery of special education and related services in public school districts was investigated in three experimental studies. Each study employed a multiple baseline design to judge the efficacy of an OBM intervention on service delivery problems common to most public school organizations. The problems and OBM interventions were: (1) expanding the range of functioning of school psychologists through performance feedback; (2) training special service teams to develop valuable individual education programs (IEPs) with a behavioral, in-service training program; and (3) ensuring the implementation of a special education resource room program by means of program consultation. All interventions were implemented by public school program managers and staff. In each study, the particular intervention resulted in improvement in service delivery performance. Results of the studies are discussed within the context of the recently enacted legislation for the education of handicapped children and in terms of generality to mental health, business, and industrial settings.  相似文献   

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