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I give a brief account of the emergence in Britain in the late 1960s of a secular religious education (RE), utilizing material from the religions of the world, and refer to its role in multicultural education in the 1970s. Next, I summarize some developments in the history of the uneasy relationship between multicultural and antiracist education up to the early 1990s, when new critical approaches to multicultural education appeared, noting that the political climate in Britain under Conservative Governments prevented any positive influence from these on policy. Since the election of a Labour Government in 1997, two main factors have resulted in the restoration of some multicultural/intercultural education to the curriculum: The first is a response to social disruption nationally and globally. The second is the introduction of citizenship education in the curriculum of English and Welsh schools. In the case of social disruption, in relation to riots in England and to the events of 11 September 2001, in New York and their global consequences, religion has been a key element requiring analysis and response. Policy discussions, in England and Wales and in Europe more widely, are recognizing the importance of the religious dimension to intercultural education. New interpretive and dialogical pedagogies of RE share similar analytic stances towards ‘culture’ and ‘religion’ and similar critical and reflexive methodologies to recent approaches to multicultural/intercultural education. Thus, RE, employing these pedagogies, can make a direct contribution to an intercultural education working to promote social cohesion. There are also opportunities for fruitful collaboration between educators in the RE and intercultural fields.  相似文献   


Service user involvement (SUI) in social work education has gained widespread attention in Europe and other continents. Nevertheless, experiences on including service users in social work education have not been reported from Germany or other German-speaking countries to date. This paper reports preliminary experiences with implementing SUI in a bachelor’s programme of social work in a German University of Applied Sciences. The main goals of the current paper are (1) to provide a background for implementing service user approaches in Germany by introducing the structure of social work education in Germany; (2) to report experiences from a weekend seminar where service users worked together with students of social work in the framework of a curriculum of a German University of Applied Sciences and (3) to formulate some implications of these experiences for SUI across Europe. The main results were that introducing service user involvement into a German curriculum of social work is possible but needs careful reflection and planning. Experiences gathered in the weekend seminar with service users were encouraging for service users, students and teachers. We conclude that systematically implementing SUI into German curricula of social work is important.  相似文献   

This paper examines gender equality activities in the context of information and communication technology (ICT), traces the social and cultural relations that intertwine with them and discusses the understandings of gender, equality and ICT maintained in them. The aim of the paper is to analyse how liberal equal treatment actions prevail in ICT, although it is well known that liberal politics alone do not succeed in promoting gender equality, and not even in fulfilling its own goal of raising the proportions of women in technology. The study is based on oral history interviews with 30 women who have committed important parts of their lives to gender equality activities through several decades, as well as follow-up studies of women's ICT groups that aimed to promote equality in ICT expertise, both of these studies being conducted in Finland. The interviewed gender equality workers are competent promoters of gender and equality. However, they need to negotiate their aims, for example, in order to get funding, within national and transnational institutional practices, with actors who have little knowledge regarding the social construction of gender, equality or ICT. The managerial terms 'efficiency' and 'good practice' then take over the understandings of the gender equality activities in ICT, mainly organized as projects, and further emphasize the measurable goals often linked to liberal gender equality actions. These terms have material consequences and while gender equality projects continue to provide possibilities for unexpected changes, they are locked within liberal politics.  相似文献   

The paper examines the theoretical position of intercultural educational studies. It begins by stressing the vital importance of intercultural education and the progress that has been made in recent times. It then turns to the terminological shift that occurred two decades ago, from multicultural to intercultural education, which was accepted unquestioningly at the time. Retrospectively, we might ask what was the discursive strategy of this lexical change. Did it not serve to disguise the realities of much cultural interaction: conquest, slave trade, genocide? What are the theoretical (as distinct from the moral) premises of intercultural education? Is the aspiration realistically for an education able to negotiate between cultures rather than to show that there is more than one culture? As the subject appears not to be tightly focused, so the context is also under‐theorized and effectively de‐politicized. The international political, economic and cultural contextualization (globalization) of intercultural education is essential to its understanding. Is there an international view of intercultural education, or is it rather a few paradigmatic examples? The paper shows how the development of a social sciences and comparative perspective might assist the theoretical deficit suggested above.  相似文献   

In this article we start by briefly describing the educational situation of Gypsies in Spain. Centuries of marginalisation has left deep scars, and despite various educational compensatory programmes the vast majority of Gypsy children still fail in school. We argue that any viable solution to the problem will require a greater flexibility of the educational system and a democratisation of the school structure and organisation, in order to better reflect the diversity of the school population. We end the article by discussing the importance of teaching intercultural attitudes, and we place this discussion within a theoretical framework provided by Fishbein and Ajzen's Reasoned Action Model.  相似文献   

The story of School X started in South Africa in 1875. At that time, the school was built for white children only. More than hundred years later, the 1994 elections demarcated the end of the apartheid era and the school enrolled black Xhosa‐speaking children for the first time. As a result, in 2004, 90% of the students were black Xhosa‐speaking. The theoretical perspectives of our study are based on notions of multicultural and intercultural education, and of diversity. Our study is embedded in a socio‐constructivist inquiry paradigm. Using questionnaires and interviews, we aimed to understand the social representations regarding diversity of a principal, a teacher, seven students and four parents in a K‐7 open school. We examined diversity of values, cultures, religions, languages, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, etc. regarding a multi/intercultural perspective in education. We attempted to discern what the participants’ understandings of diversity were, how they identified diversity, and why they justified their practices and actions with respect to diversity.
The song can only be beautiful if we all play the same tune. (Esmé Goosen, Multimedia, 2004)

This is the title of a painting that is part of an exhibition in Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Museum of Art, Port Elizabeth, South Africa  相似文献   

Since the beginning of their settlement in the 14th century, the Roma have formed an indigenous minority in Croatia, and also in the region as a whole. A specific tribal system (family, vitcha-extended family, big vitcha-family association, tribal group) and economic organization have caused dispersion, specialization and the partial loss of their national identity. The research project Genealogy and the Transfer Model of Interculturalism, through its empirical research on a stratified sample of secondary school students, focused on existing stereotypes towards the Roma. The results indicate a limited acceptance of the Roma culture (language, art, history, customs), as well as a considerable need to distance oneself from the Roma themselves (using a modified Bogardus scale). This points to the need for intercultural education for all pupils in Croatia. The implementation of an experimental Summer School for Roma children in Croatia and the Romany Educational Community represent innovative forms of education for Roma children. Together with the publication of the Roma newsletter Romano Akharipe, The Roma Voice and Nevo Drom (The New Way), these constitute the first steps towards the development of a Croatian educational model for the Roma. The creation of a specific educational system for the Roma plays an important role in the formation and structuralization of the Roma national community within the intercultural environment that exists in Croatia.  相似文献   


This article proposes the articulation of intercultural education and sustainability, linking the recognition of cultural diversity to socio-environmental concerns. This implies transcending formal education and classrooms; moving towards educational modalities that could impact people of different ages, and levels of scholastic achievement, with different needs and demands. We suggest that education is a key to transform structural conditions that have perpetuated inequality, and then to the self-empowerment of indigenous peoples, but that previous models, political basis and forms have not been pertinent, nor do they respond entirely to explicit demands of indigenous peoples. Intercultural education should go beyond simply adding cultural elements to the curriculum. Learning and sharing about ways to connect knowledges and know-how from cultural, social, economic and political distant sources, and ways to visualise and propose autochthonous relevant methods to transform their regions and make these visions of social justice real, are amongst the elements that we consider central to intercultural education. In order to demonstrate this, we analyse an experience of non-formal, collaborative, intercultural education with fisherwomen and youths, making up a learning community and emphasising a dialogue of knowledge for the conservation of their territory.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment is generally referred to under the global categories of physical, sexual, emotional/psychological abuse and neglect. The Concerted Action on the Prevention of Child Abuse in Europe (CAPCAE) reports on the specific forms of harm and injury, actions and persons believed responsible in eight European countries. The most common actions across all participating countries responsible for harm were those of violent parenting or absent parenting. A review of prevention strategies found that few programmes focused on specific behaviours or included measures to indicate whether their actions were successful in preventing further harm to children. It is recommended that fathers need to be targeted in prevention as well as mothers and that specific data collection of actual harms, actions, persons responsible and outcomes needs to be implemented as a priority in all European countries. Such specificity avoids a focus on risk which is unacceptable in some countries, over inclusive of parents and resource intensive.  相似文献   


This study used content analysis to explore the way in which primary grade school textbooks in Georgia cover multicultural content. Seventeen primary grade textbooks for all subjects were assessed with Relational Qualitative Content Analysis, which included five subcomponents: (1) ethnocentric approaches; (2) promoting intolerance; (3) stereotyping; (4) classification of different groups (invalid, enemies, others, etc.), and (5) accuracy and scope of information. The research revealed important shortcomings in each of the components mentioned above and makes important suggestions for National Curriculum and school textbook reforms in Georgia  相似文献   

During the 1990s, the educational systems of the Baltic countries, newly independent of the Soviet Union, underwent rapid and far‐reaching change. National educational traditions were re‐established and the countries achieved an internationally recognized quality of education. In the second half of the past decade, however, it came to be increasingly asked whether the existing national curriculum actually serves the interests of all those participating in the education process in an equitable way. Another question is whether it directs learners towards acquiring the necessary skills for succeeding in a culturally pluralistic society. The present paper will analyze how the principles of intercultural education are reflected, above all, in the national curricula of Estonian and Latvian comprehensive schools. Comparisons will be made with the Nordic–Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian curricula and their approach to intercultural themes. The paper will also try to answer the questions whether and how the Nordic curricula could serve as role models for the Baltic countries.

1990ndatel aastatel on Nõukogude Liidust eraldunud Balti riikide haridussüsteemid läbinud kiire ja tulemusliku arengutee: taastatud on rahvuslikud haridustraditsioonid ja saavutatud rahvusvaheliselt aktsepteeritav hariduse kvaliteet. Viimase kümnendi teisel poolel aga on tõstatunud küsimus, kas olemasolev riiklik õppekava teenib võrdselt kõigi haridussubjektide huve ja kas see suunab õppijaid kultuuriliselt pluralistlikus maailmas ja Euroopas toimetulekuks vajalike pädevuste omandamisele. Käesolevas artiklis analüüsitakse interkultuurilise hariduse põhimõtete kajastust peamiselt Eesti ja Läti üldhariduskooli õppekava üldosas. Võrdlevalt heidame põgusa pilgu ka Põhjamaade—Soome, Rootsi ja Norra õppekavadele, millised on sealsed rõhuasetused ning võimalikud eeskujud Baltimaile.  相似文献   

The paper reviews quantitative and qualitative research evidence regarding the relationship between intercultural education and academic achievement among students from socially marginalized communities. Intercultural education is conceptualized as including a focus both on generating understanding and respect for diverse cultural traditions and challenging inequitable distribution of resources and educational opportunities across social groups. As such, intercultural education incorporates notions such as critical literacy and culturally responsive education. By definition, socially marginalized communities have experienced social exclusion and discrimination, often over generations. Thus, educators who adopt an intercultural education orientation are also committed to challenging the operation of coercive relations of power within their school environments. The operation of societal power relations that affect marginalized group students’ academic achievement can be conceptualized along a continuum ranging from structural/societal, through structural/educational, to interpersonal. Structural/societal forms of discrimination are largely outside the scope of what educators can influence directly (e.g. housing segregation). However, the research evidence suggests that educators have considerable power to resist and challenge coercive power relations operating at both structural/educational (e.g. curriculum materials) and interpersonal (e.g. classroom interactions) dimensions of the continuum. Thus, the proposed framework represents an explanatory model to account for patterns of school success and failure among marginalized group students and a predictive model to specify educator behaviors that are likely to promote academic achievement.  相似文献   

In this article I outline a principled social psychological approach to respect. As a first definitional approximation, I suggest that respect for someone involves the willingness to include that person as a factor in the psychological equation underlying self-regulation. I then review and discuss the fairly recent, but thriving, career of the notion of respect in social psychological research, with particular emphasis on intragroup respect. Next, I turn to conceptual specification and purification necessary for a principled approach to respect and discuss promising efforts to identify the critical social psychological principle or active ingredient of respect. In particular, I make out a case for an equality-based conception of respect in which recognition as an equal plays a central role. The final section examines further theoretical and practical implications of this conception including its relation and relevance to issues of social power. Bernd Simon (Dipl.-Psych., Dr. habil.) is Professor of Social Psychology and Evaluation Research and one of the Directors of the Institute of Psychology at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel (Germany). He studied psychology, sociology and philosophy at the University of Münster (Germany) and the University of Kent at Canterbury (England). In his research, Bernd Simon investigates inter-and intragroup processes, with particular emphasis on issues of identity, power, politicization and respect. He is author/co-author of a number of research articles in international journals and books, including Identity in Modern Society (Blackwell Publishing).  相似文献   

This article analyses intercultural education outcomes produced in the setting of teaching Italian as a second language (ISL) in an Italian school. Intercultural education is produced in interactions which are based on specific cultural presuppositions, i.e. expectations regarding learning, role hierarchy and evaluation of student performances. Sixteen hours of interactions associated with ISL teaching in a multicultural classroom were audiotaped, transcribed and analysed. The analysis highlights three ways in which cultural diversity becomes meaningful. First, cultural diversity is constructed as one task of learning. Second, cultural diversity is constructed as conflictive interaction. Third, cultural diversity is constructed as a point of departure for positive school performance. These three ways of giving meaning to cultural diversity reveal a prevailing ethnocentric form of ISL teaching, as a consequence of educational presuppositions which do not take the difficulties of intercultural communication seriously. Recently, ‘dialogue’ has been invoked to address ethnocentrism; however, the conditions of effective intercultural dialogue are uncertain.

Questo articolo analizza l’educazione interculturale prodotta nell’insegnamento dell’italiano come seconda lingua (ISL) in una scuola italiana. L’educazione interculturale è realizzata in interazioni che sono basate su specifici presupposti culturali, che sono aspettative di apprendimento, di gerarchie di ruolo e di prestazioni degli studenti. L’educazione interculturale si occupa del problema della diversità culturale, basata su presupposti culturali diversi che emergono nella comunicazione. Sono state audioregistrate, trascritte e analizzate 16 ore di interazione durante l’insegnamento di ISL in una classe multiculturale: l’analisi ha evidenziato tre modi in cui la diversità culturale è resa significativa. La diversità culturale è costruita anzitutto come compito di apprendimento, in secondo luogo come interazione conflittuale, infine come punto di partenza per conseguire una prestazione scolastica positiva. Questi tre modi di costruire la diversità culturale rivelano una forma prevalente di tipo etnocentrico per l’insegnamento ISL, che è una conseguenza di presupposti educativi che non permettono di prendere seriamente le difficoltà della comunicazione interculturale. Recentemente, si è proposto di usare il ‘dialogo’ per superare l’etnocentrismo; tuttavia c’è incertezza sulle condizioni di un dialogo interculturale efficace.  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of the term multiculturalism and the background of multiculturalist policies in Europe. Postwar migration within and to Europe has changed the ethnic composition of population in most European countries. The main focus is on Sweden, which more strikingly than most European countries has gone through a transformation from a relatively homogeneous society to one with a variety of ethnic and language groups. The author stresses the role of historical factors behind different countries' reception of immigrants and their attitude to programs of integration or assimilation. Parallel to xenophobix phenomena there are very decided activities from governments and organizations to counteract in Western Europe. The increasing cooperation in the economic and political field also makes the issues of immigrant, border minorities, and historic minorities relevant.  相似文献   

The issue of family–employment reconciliation has rapidly evolved from being ignored to a certain dejá vu perception in public debate, as a result of its media success during the last decade. This is even more the case in Spain, where it was only in the late 1990s, when a law was passed to regulate and extend parental and other leave for workers with close relatives in need of care, that reconciliation policies began to be generally discussed and considered. In a context of quick population aging as a consequence of low fertility, concern on labor force supply in the middle term is high on the agenda. Women are increasingly considered to be necessary both as workers and mothers (of future workers), thus raising awareness of the importance of social policies to make their double presence in both worlds possible. There is now general agreement from the right to the left on the urgency to develop family–employment policies. But what is not generally addressed is the impact of such policies on gender equality, a dimension which tends to be either ignored or taken for granted. Not all reconciliation measures have the same effects on the women and men relationship. Some of them push forward equality, whereas others go backwards. Efficiency in making job and family responsibilities compatible does not always go hand in hand with increasing equality. The paper presents a theoretical model for the reconciliation of work and family life from a gender equality perspective. The three main kinds of instruments available in social policy – services, leave, and cash – are examined in four different cases: care of under-threes, care of sick children, coordination of work and school schedules, and care of children during school holidays. Each case is looked at considering its effects on social and gender equality, as well as child welfare. The model includes as active agents of the system the State (promotes and regulates), families and individuals (those directly implicated), and the market as labor market, on the one hand, and supplier of private services, on the other.  相似文献   

The current period is a pivotal one: European institutions started taking the schooling of Roma children into account in the early 1980s. Important texts have been adopted and wide‐reaching projects have been implemented. As European programmes are intensifying and are gradually opening up to all the States of Europe, we are faced with the necessity of defining the work in this field — both in terms of objectives, and in terms of organisation — more clearly. Even if part of the road is now being travelled, and the jigsaw of projects and programmes in diverse and essential domains is gradually taking shape, a great deal none the less remains to be done. Within our present social context rendering all progress appears to be fragile and uncertain. All efforts must be combined to consolidate achievements and advance towards the dynamic cultural affirmation and development made possible in the mutual respect of an intercultural approach. The set of activities presently under way can continue to be seen as an essential driving force, as a reference model, and as a demonstration that cultural diversity and action geared towards respecting diversity are a source of enrichment for all pupils, and for European society as a whole.  相似文献   

Ma X 《Evaluation review》2000,24(5):435-456
With data from the New Brunswick School Climate Study (N = 6,883 students from 147 schools), this study examined individual differences in and school effects on health outcomes of students. Results of hierarchical linear modeling showed that females reported experiencing more physical health problems, eating less healthy food, and doing fewer exercises than males. Students of high socioeconomic status (SES) reported eating more healthy food and doing more exercises than students of low SES. Native students reported experiencing more physical health problems and eating less healthy food than nonnative students. Students of single parents reported eating more healthy food and exercising more than students of both parents. Schools showed effects on health outcomes over and above the effects of students. Students in schools with high SES and positive disciplinary climate reported fewer physical and mental health problems. Students in large schools reported less healthy food intake and fewer physical exercises.  相似文献   

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