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The relationship between workplace organization and socioeconomic attainments of workers, although an issue of some currency in contemporary stratification research, is complex and as yet not well understood. In contrast to dual economic theory, this paper attempts to sort out the separate effects of various components of the social organization of production on job rewards by adopting an explicit multidimensional approach to the conceptualization and measurement of organizational structure. Moreover, various considerations suggest that these structural impacts vary with business cycle activity. Accordingly, one of the research aims is to examine the extent to which various dimensions of organizational structure serve to differentially insulate workers from wage stagnation as economic conditions deteriorate. Finally, because firms may devise different institutional responses to declining product demand, these structural effects on both wage rates and unemployment propensities are examined.  相似文献   

以企业员工组织承诺表征为切入点,从情感承诺、持续承诺和规范承诺三个方面阐述了企业员工组织承诺的表征变量体系及内涵,并运用层次分析法,研究了某企业员工组织承诺及其重要程度二维矩阵。结果表明,通过对组织承诺的表征变量及其重要程度的科学测度,可以将企业员工对组织目标与价值的认同状态,以及员工促进组织发展的内在动因客观地表现出来,此项研究为企业人力资源管理部门制定决策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Survey-based measures of subjective well-being are increasingly often analyzed cross-culturally. However, international comparison of these measures requires measurement invariance. Therefore, the major goal of this study is to investigate the cross-country and cross-time comparability of the 4-item positive and 7-item negative affect scales used in European Social Survey Round 3 (2006) and Round 6 (2012). This study applies both the traditional exact and the more recent Bayesian approximate approach to assess whether the affect scales are measurement invariant. The approximate approach detected several non-invariant items that are problematic for cross-national comparison and should be dropped from the scales. Consequently, measurement invariance was established in all countries over the two rounds for the reduced scales, allowing researchers to meaningfully compare their latent mean scores and the relationships with other theoretical constructs of interest. Thus, the study highlights the advantages of using multiple indicators and the necessity of measurement invariance testing in subjective well-being research.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the concept of multiple discrimination and its measurement through survey methods. The study was designed as a quasi-experimental comparison of survey mode effects on the quality of discrimination measurement: the traditional ‘face-to-face’ survey, the conventional self-completed mode and CAWI (finally deleted due to its non-comparability). Consistent with our hypothesis, some support was obtained for the social desirability bias and survey mode effects: 1) self-administration of questionnaires favours the declaration of discriminatory attitudes and personal experiences of discrimination; 2) the effect of privacy is greater in direct indicators of discriminatory attitudes; 3) perceptions and experiences of discrimination are more frequently reported by highly educated respondents. Nevertheless, contrary to our expectations, less educated respondents are also affected by survey mode and continue to be underrepresented in self-completed methods. The current research aims to serve as a basis for further research in this area.  相似文献   

从技术角度对企业内部组织演进的考察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨蕙馨  刘明宇 《文史哲》2003,(3):133-138
用规模经济、分工经济、合作经济和交易费用的节约解释组织的存在 ,用自然选择模型揭示技术变迁对组织演进的影响 ,可以提供观察组织演进的新角度。用合作经济解释团队组织的存在是一种创新。在不同的技术条件下 ,规模经济、分工经济、合作经济发挥作用的程度不同。技术与组织结构匹配 ,获得规模经济、分工经济和合作经济 ,节约交易费用 ,提高组织运行效率 ,是组织设计和再造过程追求的目标  相似文献   

Using data from the German social insurance system immigrant employment in organizational buffer zones will be investigated from an organizational ecology perspective. Theories in organization and labor market research predict higher exit rates of employees holding jobs in buffer zones. These buffer zones protect organizations from unfavorable environmental turbulences. Consequently, analyzing the impact of buffer zone employment on job stability of immigrants requires a fully dynamic approach, which goes beyond a mere identification of generally increased turnover rates of immigrants.In the first step, determinants of organizational dissolution rates will be estimated. In order to obtain a dynamic measurement of unfavorable environmental conditions, the model includes both organizational and time-varying environmental characteristics of organizational populations. This will be done by using a three-level mixed-effects hazard model controlling for observed and unobserved environmental characteristics. In the second step, dissolution rates predicted in the first step will be used as an explanatory variable. These rates indicate the degree of enactment of the flexible buffer zone. It will be shown that immigrants have indeed higher turnover rates, but they tend to remain longer in their organizations when environmental conditions deteriorate—and they are not those who leave first when the organization gets into trouble.  相似文献   

王华  徐晓  吴昊  孙健敏 《兰州学刊》2009,(Z1):83-88
通过文献回顾,理清了组织创新的概念发展脉络,介绍了常见的组织创新分类方式,并对现有组织创新测量的指标及量表进行了述评。未来的组织创新测量应更多地关注管理创新及创新过程的测量,对现有的组织创新量表进行大样本的信效度验证,也有必要关注其他非高科技产业的组织创新。  相似文献   

2005年《公司法》确立了一人公司及其组织机构制度,并具体从法律适用、不设股东会两个方面规范一人公司组织机构。这与相关公司组织机构制度之间既有一致性,又有特殊性。根据《公司法》基本精神,一人公司组织机构制度在立法上还有改进的必要和余地。  相似文献   

张伟坤 《云梦学刊》2013,34(2):37-40
从学科结构及管理结构两个维度探讨大学组织,其冲突类型主要包括学院或学科之间的冲突、行政职能部门之间的冲突及学院与行政职能部门之间的冲突。构建与完善现代大学制度,需要倡导服务导向的扁平化式的组织结构模式,需要建立利益相关者参与的组织决策制度,需要过渡到更为关注组织中人的发展的组织文化建设阶段。  相似文献   

谭长贵 《学术研究》2012,(2):11-15,26,159
组织创新作为复杂性研究中一个极为核心的问题受到普遍关注,而要弄清组织如何创新就必须厘清一个十分关键的中间环节,这便是组织中的有序通过什么因素以及在什么条件下以什么方式得以促成其在组织层级演化过程中的传递从而导致组织的不断创新的。其实,包含于组织中的无序在组织中对有序的传递起了关键性作用,正是因为这种传递,使得有序在延续原有基本结构的同时也发生了一些适应性改变,从而导致了组织的创新。  相似文献   

盐产业组织柔性与组织文化系统动力学模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
盐产业组织由于所处产业环境的相对稳定或者预期变化较小的特点,决定其对缺乏竞争意识和改革动力方面的刚性。提升盐产业组织柔性的阻力主要来自于技术、既得利益、结构和文化四个方面。本文主要针对盐产业组织文化进行重点研究,建立了盐产业组织文化演化的系统动力学模型,探讨出增强盐产业组织柔性的文化演化模式和方法。  相似文献   

Prior research has devoted considerable attention to the relationship between the racial and ethnic composition of jobs and various indicators of organizational attachment. Fewer studies, however, examine how workplace racial composition affects individuals’ experiences of racial discrimination or how these experiences impact workers’ organizational attachment. To address this lacuna, we first examine the effects of workplace racial composition on perceived racial and ethnic discrimination. Next, we examine whether perceived racial discrimination mediates the association between racial composition and organizational attachment observed in prior studies. Finally, we explore whether these relationships are similar (symmetric) or different (non-symmetric) for non-Whites and Whites. The analyses indicate: (1) working with predominately same-race coworkers tends to diminish perceptions of racial discrimination, (2) perceived racial discrimination mediates some of the effects of racial/ethnic composition on organizational attachment, and (3) some non-symmetric effects between non-Whites and Whites are found. We conclude with implications for future research.  相似文献   

环境不确定性的存在要求企业具有足够的组织系统柔性。文章通过分析组织处理不确定性的过程及组织资源、结构及所处的环境等方面,构建了组织柔性的评价体系,并利用粗集对评价指标进行约简,然后用未确知测度模型对组织柔性进行评价,通过实证分析证明了该方法的有效性。最后根据评价结果,比较不同组织系统柔性的好坏,并提出提高柔性的建议及对策。  相似文献   

Casting the American economy as a network of economic exchange relations between firms in sectors, industries are those sectors engaged in manufacturing and are here analyzed as network positions. The structure of an industry's dollar transactions with suppliers is demonstrated to affect industry profits in a manner distinct from that in which its structure of transactions with consumers affects profits. For the 335 four-digit SIC manufacturing industries corresponding to unique sectors of the 1967 Input-Output Study, price-cost margins corrected for interindustry differences in capital requirements are regressed over four-firm concentration ratios and various structural indicators of imperfect competition among suppliers versus consumers. The structural indicators are computed from dollar flow coefficients among 492 sectors of the 1967 Input-Output Study. Only one type of product flows from an industry to its consumers, who have no trouble seeing the value of collusion despite the multiple sectors in which their own products are sold; however, products from different sectors may flow to the industry without creating the competition among suppliers that prompts collusion. Industry profits are constrained by suppliers to the extent that firms in the industry purchase supplies from few separate sectors as product markets. In contrast, industry profits are constrained by consumers to the extent that firms in the industry sell to a small number of oligopolistic sectors.  相似文献   

从组织环境、组织目标与价值、技术、组织结构、社会心理系统、管理与制度系统等六个方面对于大学组织进行了分析,指出了大学组织的复杂性与特殊性。  相似文献   

当前,中国许多红色网站已经具备了教育、服务、娱乐功能,并具有主题鲜明、思想性强,内容丰富、知识性强,范围广泛、服务性强等特点,为满足广大网民的精神需求发挥了重要作用。但还存在诸如区域分布不均衡,域名注册不统一,访问的成功率低、速度慢,访问量低,更新频率低,虚拟咨询功能不够完善,建而不管、维护不力等问题。提高红色网站建设质量,需要从观念、侧重点、资金、组织结构、教育模式和宣传五个角度入手加强和改进。  相似文献   

本文研究的是家族制企业的决定因素。运用契约理论,本文构建了一个社会信任结构的金字塔模型。该模型表明,信息不对称的世界里存在着信息租金,对信息租金的不同的配置方式对企业的组织形式和社会科层具有不同的影响。特别是,本文证明,中介组织、政府、法律体制与文化信念对社会中的组织形式具有重要影响。  相似文献   

家族企业作为一种企业组织形式,目前遭到普遍批判。人们几乎都把这种管理形式看作是一种过时的、落后的、封闭的、应当抛弃的组织形式。现代企业理论也认为:抛弃家族式管理,采用现代企业管理制度是民营企业的唯一的出路,是历史的必然。但是发展中国家和发达国家家族企业顽强生存、发展并且显示出勃勃生机的事实,说明它有其存在的合理性。只要对其进行完善改革,家族企业将呈现出多元化的发展趋势。  相似文献   

团队学习的过程、条件与氛围   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组织中的知识分为隐性知识和显性知识两种,团队学习过程就是两种知识相互转化的过程。然而,团队学习过程并不能凭空产生,需要一定条件和氛围。文章将团队学习的条件分为物理空间、虚拟空间和心智空间三种。对团队学习的氛围着重讨论了团队自治、绩效评估与激励系统、团队持续性三个方面。  相似文献   

Differences in indicators used to measure job satisfaction raise the question of their comparability. Four commonly used measures of job satisfaction are thus compared with respect to their relationship to three independent variables—education, occupational status, and income (i.e., wages)—in the context of a causal model that incorporates considerations of measurement error in both independent and dependent variables. It is found that in some cases, different indicators imply different conclusions regarding the influence of education and occupational status on job satisfaction. The utility of a causal modeling approach to these problems is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

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