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Two experiments are performed to test hypotheses derived from commodity theory. Commodity theory promotes a psychological conceptualization of traditionally economic variables such as supply, demand and utility. The theory concerns itself mainly with the effect of restricted availability upon the valuation of communications, but in the present paper the effect of restricted availability and attainability on the preference for material goods (recipe books) is investigated.The first experiment was designed to test the effect of degree of availability (low, middle or high) and cause of unavailability (accidental unavailability, unavailability due to popularity, unavailability due to limited supply and unavailability due to both limited supply and popularity) on the choice between three recipe books in a simulated product test. The results suggest that the theory is valid only for attractive products. For subjects who were not attracted to the product this relationship was reversed (they avoided choosing the scarce product), indicating the arousal of an ‘altruism’ motive in the experimental setting.The second experiment was designed to test the effect of attainability (attainable, unattainable changed to attainable and unattainable) and cause of unattainability (accidental, popularity, limited supply and both limited supply and popularity) on the same kind of choice. The results again suggest that commodity theory is valid only for subjects attracted to the good, and only for the restricted attainability situation. For subjects not attracted to the product field no treatment effects were found. Commodity theory makes no clear prediction of the effects of unattainability, so reactance theory was used to predict the effects of this variable. The hypothesis that an unattainable good is valued more than an attainable good had to be rejected. A possible explanation based on the occurrence of frustration in this condition is discussed.  相似文献   

Here follow some excerpts from the debate which took place on the website www.anzjft.com . Julie Burgess‐Manning kindly deputised as Moderator in place of Maria Nichterlein. Eds.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):77-98
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

India has a long tradition in influencing and participating to the globalization processes. Three phases can be distinguished in India’s history:
  1. Colonial period up to 1947
  2. Nation building through government policies from 1947 to 1990, and
  3. The era of liberalization since 1991.
Like any ancient civilization, India has responded to the forces of globalization and has experienced both continuity and change. In the current phase, globalization is experiences a two-way scheme: while multinational companies are entering India, many Indian companies have a clear ambition to “take India to the world”. Given the number and diversity of Indian organizations, all approaches and interventions of OD have been already used. Family enterprises and the government have played a central role in shaping the Indian answer to globalization. Developing a global mindset is India’s major challenge for the future.  相似文献   

In the last 10 years, interest in the concept of stigma has grown remarkably throughout the social sciences. Today, stigma is an important topic that bridges many disciplines, including sociology, psychology, social psychology, and public health. This literature review primarily addresses perceptions of and responses to stigma from the insider's or target's perspective. The topics examined in this review include the following: defining stigma, public opinion and attitudes toward the stigmatized, measurement of perceptions of stigma and discrimination, the coping strategies employed by stigmatized persons to deal with stigma, the impact of stigma in terms of psychological and behavioral outcomes, explanations of coping strategies and outcomes, and strategies and interventions to reduce stigma. As many of the concerns faced by stigmatized persons are universal, what has been learned in research about one stigmatized group can provide insight into another. Promising directions for future stigma-related research are identified and discussed.  相似文献   


This paper presents preliminary findings about the manner in which public policies that promote premarital counseling impact professionals who conduct premarital counseling. The purpose of this paper is to describe findings from a survey of premarital counseling providers in a state in which the government endorses premarital counseling. A total of 194 premarital counseling providers described their responses to their state government's endorsement of premarital counseling. Results indicated that a majority of providers held a favorable opinion of this policy, although a number of providers held either unfavorable opinions of the policy or were uncertain about the policy's effectiveness. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a survey of 175 service providers in Sydney, Australia, the majority of whom were doctors in general practice. Thirty-two percent of respondents had encountered cases of physical, psychological, or financial abuse or caregiver neglect of people 65 years old and over. Community nurses and social/welfare workers were particularly likely to have encountered cases of abuse. The findings suggest that coordination between health, welfare, and criminal justice agencies in Australia needs improvement. Policies to address elder abuse and neglect in Australia are in their infancy. As a priority governments should work towards effective training of professionals and appropriate intervention guidelines for services.  相似文献   

This paper proposes that the study of deviance be expanded to include organizations as actors to which deviance may be imputed. In contrast to traditional empirical studies which tend to emphasize powerless persons who passively accept attributions of deviance, this study focuses on powerful actors who actively defend themselves. Attention is focused on the types of accounts offered by one organization, the Central Intelligence Agency, in reaction to imputations of deviance to it at key times since its founding in the late 1940s. The various accounts have been aided by powerful third parties willing to use their resources in support of justifying and excusing claims by the CIA. As a result, the agency has escaped virtually unscathed from attempts to label it as deviant.  相似文献   

Recent research has indicated that, although females comprise the majority of sexual assault victims, males may experience sexual coercion by a partner at a similar rate. This study of 734 college undergraduate students explores not only the frequency of sexual coercion victimization but the emotional responses to it. This study reveals that males and females report similar levels of victimization. However, females have more negative reactions to the experience. A large percentage of males report a positive emotional reaction to having been sexually coerced. This study explores possible explanations for these differences.  相似文献   

This paper illuminates children's emotional responses to an atrium in a contemporary Canadian paediatric hospital. It draws on a focused analysis of data elicited in a qualitative study that explored patients' perspectives on the design and architecture of the atrium. Children were involved in all phases of the project either as consultants on the research methods or participating in interviews and taking photographs of the space. The atrium consists of a main lobby with a high windowed ceiling, brightly coloured elevators with exposed mechanisms, information desks, a large fountain and food venues. Children expressed a range of emotions associated with the space. The findings demonstrate children's ability to identify multi‐faceted issues related to hospital design and affirm their rights to participate in decisions regarding spaces that purportedly are designed for them.  相似文献   

Toddlers' knowledge of the stereotyping of traditionally feminine and masculine household activities was examined using the preferential looking paradigm. Seventy‐seven 24‐month‐old infants observed a series of 9 pairs of photographs, each portraying a male and female adult engaged in the same stereotyped or gender‐neutral activity (e.g., ironing, hammering, or reading). Longer looking times were predicted on stimuli inconsistent with gender stereotypes (e.g., looking longer at the man putting on lipstick than at the woman). The results suggested that toddlers have acquired some knowledge of the gender stereotyping of feminine activities by their 2nd birthday.  相似文献   

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