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The prognosis from most quarters is that the U.S. health care delivery system is moving inexorably toward managed care. The final form that managed care takes under whatever health reform measure finally takes shape in Washington is still in doubt, but it is clear that care will be managed in the future. It also seems increasingly clear that the system evolving will require more primary care providers, and that they will occupy some very key decision-making roles in the clinical firmament. In this article, staff writer Donna Vavala brings together the thoughts and predictions of several health care leaders on this critical topic in medical management.  相似文献   

Although the exact outline of U.S. health reform has become fuzzy because of political events, it seems clear that major changes in the manner in which health care is delivered and financed are under way. The initiative for the most part has been assumed by state government and by the health care field itself, as managed care becomes ever more entrenched and the health care system becomes ever more integrated. An expected outcome of these changes will be demands for greater public accountability on the part of health care providers and organizations. In this article, the author discusses some of the issues--professional compensation, documenting community service, ensuring public input into planning efforts, economic credentialing and quality of care, and managing ethics under managed competition--that will have to be addressed at the local level as these shifts take place.  相似文献   

"As the debate over health care reform rages in Washington, the market is reforming itself. For any given market, it's a question of 'How soon will it hit?', not 'Will it hit?'" Health care reform and market restructuring are ushering in a new era of integrated health care. Although the future is not fully clear, there are at least three competing models for the creation of regional and statewide health systems that will integrate the financing and delivery of services to large enrolled populations of consumers: Payer-driven networks. Provider-sponsored systems. Partnership models. Whatever the future scenario, physician executives will play a larger, more dominant role. Research on integrated health systems has identified three critical success factors for future success: physician-hospital integration, clinical integration and information integration. For managed care to be successful, there must be clinical leadership. The essence of managing care is clinical efficiency, based on "critical-path" treatment protocols and real-time patient care management, supported by integrated information systems.  相似文献   

In much the same way that demands by managed care organizations are shaping the way physicians practice, health care purchasers impact how managed care organizations operate. Corporations purchase managed health care through their employee benefits programs, and understanding the language, objectives, and limitations of these purchasers is essential to grasping the forces influencing managed care organizations and the modern practice of medicine. The emergence of value-based purchasing as a strategic corporate approach to health benefits programs will dictate the forces on physicians, hospitals, and managed care organizations for years to come. These forces have already led to price reductions, health plan accreditation, employee-directed report cards, outcomes management, and organized systems of care, and they will determine the broad outlines of the emerging U.S. health care system.  相似文献   

Does managed care have a sustainable future? So far, managed care has not lived up to its promises and potential. Admittedly, the health care system prior to managed care was a non-system. But its features included committed health care professionals, caring local institutions, freedom of choice, and laws reflecting public confidence. And it was based on the assumption that needed health care services are a customary, moral, and implied legal right of U.S. citizens. In contrast, today's version of managed care is characterized by financial and legal manipulation, "choice" constricted by provider selection of physician panels, and laws reflecting lack of public trust. Managed care can survive its initial foolish years, if it heeds the voices of those urging that two priorities be reflected in public policy, legislative efforts, and business practices. One of these priorities is accountability for today's actions. The other is preserving this country's health care resources. This article explored the concept of sustainability--the need to strike a balance between seeking immediate profit and preserving available resources.  相似文献   

Regardless of the specific outcome of the current health reform debate in Washington, it is likely that major changes to the health care system are in the offering. These changes, many of which are already in place or imminent in some locations, will have a major impact on the evolving relationships between physicians and hospitals. Most expect that these changes will accelerate the development of integrated health care delivery systems that will compete in the marketplace for a mixture of public and private health insurance dollars. In this system of "managed competition," health care dollars will flow to those systems that can ensure the best clinical outcomes while using the least economic resources. In this scenario, competing collaborative health networks that can manage the continuum of care will be central to the health care delivery system. The economic and political ties between physicians and hospitals will become more closely linked as government and private payers of health care services foster the development of these integrated, value-based health care delivery systems.  相似文献   

Accountability has become the fact of life for the health care provider and the delivery system. Until recently, accountability has been viewed primarily through the judicial process as issues of fraud and liability, or by managed care entities through evaluation of the financial bottom line. It is this second consideration and its ramifications that will be explored in this article. Appropriate measurement tools are needed to evaluate services, delivery, performance, customer satisfaction, and outcomes assessment. Measurement tools will be considered in light of the industry's unique considerations and realities. All participants, including insurers, employers, management, and health care providers and recipients, bear responsibilities which necessitate assessment and analysis. However, until the basic question, "Who is the customer?" is resolved, accountability issues remain complex and obscured. Accountability costs and impacts must be evaluated over time. They go way beyond bottom line cost containment and reduction. Accountability will be accomplished when the health care industry implements quality and measurement concepts that yield the highest levels of validity and appropriateness for health care delivery.  相似文献   

"Consumer choice," "defined contribution health programs," "voucher systems," and "health marts" are variations on a theme: employees buying their own health care. This new approach to health care purchasing, which is designed to minimize the role of employers, is being proposed by an array of economists and by both Republican and Democratic legislators as the best way to address the nation's health care ills. Although enabling national legislation is unlikely to pass soon, the debate will nevertheless change the face of health care in America. The prospect is reminiscent of the debate over "Clinton Care" in 1993--although legislation was never passed, managed care rapidly came to dominate the U.S. health care system. As this reform takes hold, beneficiaries will make their own health plan selections but will have more responsibility and may bear more cost. Providers will have to adapt to new, customer-driven requirements for performance, accountability, and communications but will also find opportunities in a marketplace that they will have a major role in shaping. Physicians, health plans, and insurers should understand how these proposals will transform their role in health care.  相似文献   

Health care is increasingly managed through some contractual relationship. Such contracts vary and the contracting entities may be clinics, universities, health maintenance organizations, individual practitioner organizations, preferred provider organizations, corporate health plans, or other structures. It is estimated that within 10 years more than 70 percent of all health care will be provided through some type of managed care plan.  相似文献   

We continue to muddle through using tourniquets and bandaids on a health care system that is in dire straits. And the future is even less promising. There will be millions without basic health care, let alone basic health care coverage. Rural and inner-city hospitals will close, with progressive public apathy, as we focus on the marvels of expensive technologies that serve only the few. Costs will continue to rise at double digit rates, and our nation's employers will fall further behind in the global marketplace. Preventive care will be uncommonly provided and only more rarely reimbursed, while a couple more children die of measles in Mississippi. It's not a pretty picture, and it simply doesn't have to come to pass. "What we really need is leadership," the public cries. That leadership can and should come from medicine through physician executives.  相似文献   

New market forces--insurer integration into the provider business, "mega-mergers, price and premium reductions, a scramble to create specialty carve-out networks, and the like--have emerged that are placing significant pressure on academic medical centers. All of these forces are accelerating the pace of managed care market maturation. In order to effectively compete in this new marketplace, academic health centers have substantial barriers to overcome. To do so will require the creation of a system to manage the health care of populations while minimizing system costs and maximizing quality. This will require the establishment of a unified medical center approach to markets and value management. Academic health centers will by necessity develop strategies to include strong primary care-based network affiliations in order to accomplish these tasks.  相似文献   

If the question were simply put: "What is it that succeeds or fails to meet patients' needs in managed care?" Dr. John M Ludden would have a short answer. "It depends. Success depends on whether you are talking about individuals or about populations of patients. And it depends on whether you are talking about meeting patients' needs or their desires. It depends on whether you're talking about well patients or sick patients, young patients or older patients, new patients or established patients, rich patients or poor patients. And it depends on your ability to balance each of these qualities." This article explores how to translate high-quality care for a population to high-quality care for individuals.  相似文献   

It came as no surprise a year or so ago to read in Physician Executive that "Clinical decision-making is no longer the exclusive domain of the health care practitioner." The authors pointed out that consumers, as patients and as business-payers, are insisting on provider accountability, both in quality and in appropriate cost. They used the phrase "health care value" to show a balance between cost containment and quality. One managed care operation has decided to operate on the premise of health care value.  相似文献   

Virtually no managed care organization provides a comprehensive and integrated program for physician career development. That's the principal finding of a survey we carried out in Spring 1994 in which we interviewed several individuals who have proven instrumental in the creation of career development programs at their managed care organizations. We started our research with the hypothesis that career development programs for physicians--frequently the most highly paid category of employees and the ones often most directly involved in the delivery of health care--should parallel the mission of the organization. In many of the organizations we surveyed, the mission included clinical excellence, managerial competence, research, teaching, community service, and building shareholder equity. While each organization offered some component of career development--usually clinical improvement and management development--very few offered programs that fostered the continued professional development of physicians in other aspects of their missions. In most cases, even in organizations with stronger career development agendas, the programs were passive and were rarely linked to the overall "corporate" goal of the managed care institution. This critical disconnect makes it extremely difficult for health care organizations to develop a workable system of accountability for their career development programs.  相似文献   

Managed care is here to stay. In fact, for the foreseeable future, health care will become increasingly more managed each year. The purpose of this article is to help physician leaders and executives understand how clinicians are reacting and adjusting to managed care. Those of us who are doing primarily management activities have our own set of problems and adjustments. Sometimes we can be insensitive to the problems that physicians who are primarily treating patients can have as a result of managed care. Health care executives who are managing physicians or attempting to influence their behavior must attempt to understand clinicians' feelings, reactions, and coping mechanisms.  相似文献   

More and more scrutiny is certain for the health care field. The intense interest in medical quality management that has been a factor in the field for many years is certain to increase under any reform that the system undergoes. This is a unique opportunity for physician executives to play a leading role in the future course of health care delivery. The alternative of their involvement will be almost total control of the issue by regulators.  相似文献   

The need for physicians in management roles in the health care system has never been greater. And the years ahead will see that need broadened and intensified. To maintain their leadership role in medical affairs in hospitals and other types of health care delivery organizations, physician executives will have to envision provider organizations and systems that have not yet been conceived, let alone developed and implemented. They have to become totally open-minded and futuristic in their thinking. And they will have to help other physicians accommodate this new way of thinking if the medical profession is to continue in a leading role in health care matters. Although numerous factors will have to be anticipated and analyzed by these new physician leaders, the ascendancy of primary care in a managed health care world long dominated by the technical and technological superiority of hospital care will present a particular challenge to the physician executive.  相似文献   

Through the use of managed care techniques in recent years, the insurance industry has tried to bring the runaway costs of medical care under control. The result of this control effort is system access limitations, compared to the full choice indemnity plans of the past. This limited system access has now clearly moved HMOs and other managed care organizations into the category of "potentially liable health care entities," based on patient steerage, economic disincentives, and limited choices of the plan's participating providers and facilities. Just as hospitals have had to exercise rigorous care in the credentialing of members of their medical staffs, managed care organizations will have to ensure that the providers they use meet acceptable standards of competence.  相似文献   

Few people believed the Internet would have much impact on the delivery of health care services. However, combined with technological advances in how computer systems are structured and implemented and knowing what doesn't work in managed care from bitter experience, the Internet is being used to create a new paradigm of alternative health insurance products. These products hold the potential to change for the better the face of health care as we know it. Self-directed health plans will be less expensive than managed care programs and offer greater predictability in health care spending. For health care providers, SDHPs' reliance upon episode allowances will create a new market for packaged or bundled services. Providers will be paid to provide solutions, not just treatment. This could represent a new model in which physicians accept a risk-adjusted payment and provide a warranty that they will do whatever necessary until the patient has reached the reasonably expected health status. This is a radical departure from the fee-for-service or capitation system.  相似文献   

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