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Yunchan Chi 《Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics》2002,44(3):367-380
In comparative clinical trials or animal carcinogenesis studies, the effect of increasing dose levels of an agent or an increasing number of additional modalities are frequently evaluated on the prolonged survival time of patients with a particular disease. It is of particular interest to test the ordered alternative that a treatment level increase leads to better survival. This paper considers an ordered test based on the two–sample weighted Kaplan–Meier statistics (Pepe & Fleming, 1989, 1991). It evaluates asymptotic relative efficiencies of the proposed ordered weighted Kaplan–Meier test, the competing ordered weighted logrank test (Liu et al., 1993) and modified ordered logrank test (Liu & Tsai, 1999) under Lehmann alternatives, for various piecewise exponential survival distributions. Finally, it demonstrates the proposed test on an appropriate dataset. 相似文献
Hyo-Il Park 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2015,44(7):1735-1749
In this study, we propose nonparametric tests using the several quantile statistics simultaneously for the right censored data. First of all, we consider statistics of the quadratic form with estimated covariance matrices. Then we derive the limiting distribution using the large sample approximation theory. Also we consider different forms of statistics such as the maximal and summing types with their limiting distributions. Then we illustrate our procedure with examples and compare performance among tests with empirical powers through a simulation study. Also we comment briefly on some interesting features including re-sampling methods as concluding remarks. Finally in Appendices, we provide proofs for the theoretic results needed for the derivation of the limiting distributions of the proposed test statistics. 相似文献
鉴于生存分析中风险函数较生存函数更能反映生存数据内在失效机制,基于累计风险函数的Nelson-Aalen估计量,构造了右删失数据风险函数的新直方图估计量,并对该估计量的偏差、方差、积分均方误差等统计性质进行了论证,对该估计量的使用注意事项进行了说明,通过数值模拟进一步说明了新估计量的合理性。 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Statistics》2018,45(3):682-698
Doubly censored failure time data occur in many areas including demographical studies, epidemiology studies, medical studies and tumorigenicity experiments, and correspondingly some inference procedures have been developed in the literature (Biometrika, 91, 2004, 277; Comput. Statist. Data Anal., 57, 2013, 41; J. Comput. Graph. Statist., 13, 2004, 123). In this paper, we discuss regression analysis of such data under a class of flexible semiparametric transformation models, which includes some commonly used models for doubly censored data as special cases. For inference, the non‐parametric maximum likelihood estimation will be developed and in particular, we will present a novel expectation–maximization algorithm with the use of subject‐specific independent Poisson variables. In addition, the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established and an extensive simulation study suggests that the proposed methodology works well for practical situations. The method is applied to an AIDS study. 相似文献
Liang Li 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(10):2498-2507
We studied several test statistics for testing the equality of marginal survival functions of paired censored data. The null distribution of the test statistics was approximated by permutation. These tests do not require explicit modeling or estimation of the within-pair correlation, accommodate both paired data and singletons, and the computation is straightforward with most statistical software. Numerical studies showed that these tests have competitive size and power performance. One test statistic has higher power than previously published test statistics when the two survival functions under comparison cross. We illustrate use of these tests in a propensity score matched dataset. 相似文献
In this article, we study the effect of censoring on the asymptotic efficiency of the two-sample rank tests based on multiple Type-II censored data. Since the scores generating functions associated with these test statistics have a finite number of jump discontinuities, we use a slightly modified version of a theorem of Dupac and Hajek (1969) to obtain their asymptotic distributions under fixed alternatives. This modified version, which leads to a simpler centering constant, is proved by Dupac (1970) in the light of results of Hoeffding (1968), an earlier version of Hoeffding (1973). Hence, we obtain the Pitman ARE's of these rank tests relative to the corresponding tests based on the complete samples. The ARE's are computed for some well known rank tests for two-sample location and scale problems, when the combined ordered samples from different underlying distributions are censored using triple and lower order Type-II censoring schemes. The effect of all these censoring schemes on the ARE's of the different tests is examined numerically. It is found that there is a gain in efficiency due to censoring in many of the cases considered here. This suggests that in such cases it is possible to improve the efficiency of rank tests by discarding suitable portions of the data. 相似文献
We derive an identity for nonparametric maximum likelihood estimators (NPMLE) and regularized MLEs in censored data models which expresses the standardized maximum likelihood estimator in terms of the standardized empirical process. This identity provides an effective starting point in proving both consistency and efficiency of NPMLE and regularized MLE. The identity and corresponding method for proving efficiency is illustrated for the NPMLE in the univariate right-censored data model, the regularized MLE in the current status data model and for an implicit NPMLE based on a mixture of right-censored and current status data. Furthermore, a general algorithm for estimation of the limiting variance of the NPMLE is provided. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The p -variate Burr distribution has been derived, developed, discussed and deployed by various authors. In this paper a score statistic for testing independence of the components, equivalent to testing for p independent Weibull against a p -variate Burr alternative, is obtained. Its null and non-null properties are investigated with and without nuisance parameters and including the possibility of censoring. Two applications to real data are described. The test is also discussed in the context of other Weibull mixture models. 相似文献
In biostatistical applications interest often focuses on the estimation of the distribution of time T between two consecutive events. If the initial event time is observed and the subsequent event time is only known to be larger or smaller than an observed point in time, then the data is described by the well understood singly censored current status model, also known as interval censored data, case I. Jewell et al. (1994) extended this current status model by allowing the initial time to be unobserved, but with its distribution over an observed interval ' A, B ' known to be uniformly distributed; the data is referred to as doubly censored current status data. These authors used this model to handle application in AIDS partner studies focusing on the NPMLE of the distribution G of T . The model is a submodel of the current status model, but the distribution G is essentially the derivative of the distribution of interest F in the current status model. In this paper we establish that the NPMLE of G is uniformly consistent and that the resulting estimators for the n 1/2 -estimable parameters are efficient. We propose an iterative weighted pool-adjacent-violator-algorithm to compute the estimator. It is also shown that, without smoothness assumptions, the NPMLE of F converges at rate n −2/5 in L 2 -norm while the NPMLE of F in the non-parametric current status data model converges at rate n −1/3 in L 2 -norm, which shows that there is a substantial gain in using the submodel information. 相似文献
In this article, we propose a new empirical likelihood method for linear regression analysis with a right censored response variable. The method is based on the synthetic data approach for censored linear regression analysis. A log-empirical likelihood ratio test statistic for the entire regression coefficients vector is developed and we show that it converges to a standard chi-squared distribution. The proposed method can also be used to make inferences about linear combinations of the regression coefficients. Moreover, the proposed empirical likelihood ratio provides a way to combine different normal equations derived from various synthetic response variables. Maximizing this empirical likelihood ratio yields a maximum empirical likelihood estimator which is asymptotically equivalent to the solution of the estimating equation that are optimal linear combination of the original normal equations. It improves the estimation efficiency. The method is illustrated by some Monte Carlo simulation studies as well as a real example. 相似文献
Data Driven Rank Test for Two-Sample Problem 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Traditional linear rank tests are known to possess low power for large spectrum of alternatives. In this paper we introduce a new rank test possessing a considerably larger range of sensitivity than linear rank tests. The new test statistic is a sum of squares of some linear rank statistics while the number of summands is chosen via a data-based selection rule. Simulations show that the new test possesses high and stable power in situations when linear rank tests completely break down, while simultaneously it has almost the same power under alternatives which can be detected by standard linear rank tests. Our approach is illustrated by some practical examples. Theoretical support is given by deriving asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic and proving consistency of the new test under essentially any alternative. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose a frailty model for statistical inference in the case where we are faced with arbitrarily censored and truncated data. Our results extend those of Alioum and Commenges (1996), who developed a method of fitting a proportional hazards model to data of this kind. We discuss the identifiability of the regression coefficients involved in the model which are the parameters of interest, as well as the identifiability of the baseline cumulative hazard function of the model which plays the role of the infinite dimensional nuisance parameter. We illustrate our method with the use of simulated data as well as with a set of real data on transfusion-related AIDS. 相似文献
In this article, we address the problem of mining and analyzing multivariate functional data. That is, data where each observation is a set of possibly correlated functions. Complex data of this kind is more and more common in many research fields, particularly in the biomedical context. In this work, we propose and apply a new concept of depth measure for multivariate functional data. With this new depth measure it is possible to generalize robust statistics, such as the median, to the multivariate functional framework, which in turn allows the application of outlier detection, boxplots construction, and nonparametric tests also in this more general framework. We present an application to Electrocardiographic (ECG) signals. 相似文献
Hypothesis Testing of Hazard Ratio Parameters in Marginal Models for Multivariate Failure Time Data 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Cai J 《Lifetime data analysis》1999,5(1):39-53
Marginal hazard models for multivariate failure time data have been studied extensively in recent literature. However, standard hypothesis test statistics based on the likelihood method are not exactly appropriate for this kind of model. In this paper, extensions of the three commonly used likelihood hypothesis test statistics are discussed. Generalized Wald, generalized score and generalized likelihood ratio tests for hazard ratio parameters in a marginal hazard model for multivariate failure time data are proposed and their asymptotic distributions examined. The finite sample properties of these statistics are studied through simulations. The proposed method is applied to data from Busselton Population Health Surveys. 相似文献
Di Chen Jye‐Chyi Lu Chin‐Shang Li Jinho Park 《Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics》2000,42(3):323-336
When two‐component parallel systems are tested, the data consist of Type‐II censored data X(i), i= 1, n, from one component, and their concomitants Y [i] randomly censored at X(r), the stopping time of the experiment. Marshall & Olkin's (1967) bivariate exponential distribution is used to illustrate statistical inference procedures developed for this data type. Although this data type is motivated practically, the likelihood is complicated, and maximum likelihood estimation is difficult, especially in the case where the parameter space is a non‐open set. An iterative algorithm is proposed for finding maximum likelihood estimates. This article derives several properties of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) including existence, uniqueness, strong consistency and asymptotic distribution. It also develops an alternative estimation method with closed‐form expressions based on marginal distributions, and derives its asymptotic properties. Compared with variances of the MLEs in the finite and large sample situations, the alternative estimator performs very well, especially when the correlation between X and Y is small. 相似文献
Rank Regression Analysis of Multivariate Failure Time Data Based on Marginal Linear Models 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Abstract. Multivariate failure time data arises when each study subject can potentially ex-perience several types of failures or recurrences of a certain phenomenon, or when failure times are sampled in clusters. We formulate the marginal distributions of such multivariate data with semiparametric accelerated failure time models (i.e. linear regression models for log-transformed failure times with arbitrary error distributions) while leaving the dependence structures for related failure times completely unspecified. We develop rank-based monotone estimating functions for the regression parameters of these marginal models based on right-censored observations. The estimating equations can be easily solved via linear programming. The resultant estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. The limiting covariance matrices can be readily estimated by a novel resampling approach, which does not involve non-parametric density estimation or evaluation of numerical derivatives. The proposed estimators represent consistent roots to the potentially non-monotone estimating equations based on weighted log-rank statistics. Simulation studies show that the new inference procedures perform well in small samples. Illustrations with real medical data are provided. 相似文献
A new rank test family is proposed to test the equality of two multivariate failure times distributions with censored observations. The tests are very simple: they are based on a transformation of the multivariate rank vectors to a univariate rank score and the resulting statistics belong to the familiar class of the weighted logrank test statistics. The new procedure is also applicable to multivariate observations in general, such as repeated measures, some of which may be missing. To investigate the performance of the proposed tests, a simulation study was conducted with bivariate exponential models for various censoring rates. The size and power of these tests against Lehmann alternatives were compared to the size and power of two other tests (Wei and Lachin, 1984 and Wei and Knuiman, 1987). In all simulations the new procedures provide a relatively good power and an accurate control over the size of the test. A real example from the National Cooperative Gallstone Study is given 相似文献
A popular linear regression estimator for censored data is the one proposed by Buckley and James (1979). However, this estimator is not robust to outliers, which is not surprising since it is a modified version of the uncensored data least squares estimator. Lai and Ying (1994) have proposed an M-estimator for censored data that is a generalization of the Buckley- James estimator. In this paper we discuss a weighted least squares algorithm for computing these M-estimates and compare the performance of two Huber M-estimators with the Buckley-James estimator in a simulation study. We find that the Huber M-estimators perform more robustly for a broad range of censoring and error distributions. 相似文献
Recently, least absolute deviations (LAD) estimator for median regression models with doubly censored data was proposed and the asymptotic normality of the estimator was established. However, it is invalid to make inference on the regression parameter vectors, because the asymptotic covariance matrices are difficult to estimate reliably since they involve conditional densities of error terms. In this article, three methods, which are based on bootstrap, random weighting, and empirical likelihood, respectively, and do not require density estimation, are proposed for making inference for the doubly censored median regression models. Simulations are also done to assess the performance of the proposed methods. 相似文献
Maximum likelihood estimation and goodness-of-fit techniques are used within a competing risks framework to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of hazard, density, and survivor functions for randomly right-censored variables. Goodness-of- fit techniques are used to fit distributions to the crude lifetimes, which are used to obtain an estimate of the hazard function, which, in turn, is used to construct the survivor and density functions of the net lifetime of the variable of interest. If only one of the crude lifetimes can be adequately characterized by a parametric model, then semi-parametric estimates may be obtained using a maximum likelihood estimate of one crude lifetime and the empirical distribution function of the other. Simulation studies show that the survivor function estimates from crude lifetimes compare favourably with those given by the product-limit estimator when crude lifetimes are chosen correctly. Other advantages are discussed. 相似文献