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Yang Yang   《Social science research》2008,37(4):1235-1252
This study assesses the trends and differentials in length of quality life in the U.S. population as measured by happy life expectancy in 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000. The analysis combines age-specific prevalence rates of subjective well-being from a large nationally representative survey and life table estimates of mortality in decennial Census years. Employing the period prevalence-rate life table method—Sullivan method, the analysis finds evidence for improvement in quality of life in the U.S. Happy life expectancy largely increased in both absolute terms (number of years) and relative terms (proportion of life) over time at all adult ages examined. And increases in total life expectancy were mainly contributed by increases in expectancy in happy years rather than unhappy years. Happy life expectancy is longer than active life expectancy. And there has been greater compression of unhappiness than compression of morbidity. There are substantial differentials in happy life expectancy by sex and race because of differential prevalence rates of happiness. Women and whites had longer years of total and happy life expectancies at most ages and dates, while men and blacks had greater proportions of happy life expectancies across the three decades. Although race differentials generally decreased at older ages and with time, relative disadvantages of blacks persisted.  相似文献   

In the 2006 American Community Survey (ACS), 6% of respondents with Latin American ancestry answered ‘no’ when asked whether they were Hispanic themselves. Conventional definitions of the Hispanic population exclude such respondents as ‘not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino’ even though they are self-identified Latin American descendants. Since their exclusion may bias our assessments of Hispanic social mobility, it is important to know more about them. Non-Hispanic identification is most common among Latin American descendants who (1) list both Latin American and non-Latin American ancestries, (2) speak only English, and (3) identify as White, Black, or Asian when asked about their ‘race.’ Ancestry and racial identity are considerably more influential than respondents’ education, income, place of birth, or place of residence. These findings support both traditional straight-line assimilation and a more recent “racialized assimilation” theory in explaining discrepant responses to the ethnicity and ancestry questions among Latin American descendants.  相似文献   

Using a sample of middle class blacks and whites living in urban and suburban areas, this article focuses on how perceptions of the racial composition of neighborhoods influence leisure-time physical activity. Using an ordinal representation of an underlying continuous indication of the perceived percentage of blacks and whites within an egocentric neighborhood, the results show that black men are significantly less likely to be physically active in neighborhoods perceived as predominately white. Alternatively, they are more likely to be physically active in neighborhoods perceived as racially diverse and predominately black. Conversely, for black women, white women, and white men, physical activity increases as the perception of one's neighborhood becomes increasingly white. Black women are significantly less likely to engage in physical activity in neighborhoods perceived as predominately black and urban. Drawing upon the intersectionality framework, I discuss how perceptions of criminalization and safety lead to different levels of leisure-time physical activity for middle class black women and men relative to their white middle class counterparts.  相似文献   

I use data on part-American Indian children in the 1990 Census 5% PUMS to assess my hypotheses that thick racial ties within the family constrain racial identification, and that structural aspects of the community (group size, inequality, and racial heterogeneity) affect racial identification when racial ties are thin within the family. American Indians present an interesting case study because their high levels of intermarriage and complex patterns of assimilation/identity retention for generations provide a varied group of people who could potentially identify their race as American Indian. Several hypotheses are supported by the data, signifying that racial identification among people with mixed-heritage is affected by the social world beyond individual psychology and racial ties within the family.  相似文献   

Ethno-racial workplace segregation increases already existing ethno-racial inequality. While previous research has identified discriminatory employers as drivers of workplace segregation, this study addresses the role of the employees. Sociological and social psychological theory suggest that people prefer to surround themselves with people who positively confirm their social identity or who contribute with higher group status. Through web-based surveys, we measure employee attitudes and preferences concerning ethno-racial workplace diversity, to what extent they differ by ethnicity/race, and if they contain intersectional patterns. Thereafter, we use simulation models to analyze the consequences for workplace segregation that these preferences would have, if realized.The main survey results showed that all ethno-racial groups favored their own in-group as colleagues, especially European Americans. As a secondary choice, the respondents preferred the out-group with the highest labor market status. Intersectional patterns were identified, as minority women were preferred as colleagues over minority men. Our simulation model, based on the results of two surveys on stated vs. indirectly revealed preferences, showed that employee preferences were at best not diverse enough to desegregate workplaces. When based on the most common preferences (i.e. excluding a few outliers), the simulations even suggested that these preferences can cause segregation. We relate these findings to Schelling's model of segregation.  相似文献   

Research shows that foreign-born blacks have better health profiles than their U.S.-born counterparts. Less is known, however, regarding whether black immigrants’ favorable health outcomes persist across generations or whether these patterns differ across the diverse sending regions for black immigrants. In this study, we use data from the 1996–2014 waves of the March Current Population Survey (CPS) to investigate generational differences in self-rated health among blacks with West Indian, Haitian, Latin American, and African ancestry. We show that first-generation black immigrants have a lower probability of reporting fair/poor health than third/higher generation blacks. The health advantage of the first generation over the third/higher generation is slightly more prounced among the foreign-born who migrated to the United States after age 13. Second-generation immigrants with two foreign-born parents are generally less likely to report their health as fair/poor than the third/higher generation. However, we find no evidence that self-reported fair/poor health varies between second-generation immigrants with mixed nativity parents (only one foreign-born parent) and the third/higher generation. These general patterns hold across each of the ancestral subgroups in the study sample. In summary, our findings highlight a remarkable convergence in health across immigrant generations among blacks in the United States.  相似文献   

第二次世界大战孕育并成就了联合国这一战后最大、最有影响的政府间国际组织。本文通过论述和分析联合国成立过程中大国间分歧和矛盾的产生、发展以及最终的协调一致,试图找寻隐藏在这些分歧协调背后的深层原因。联合国创建过程中的矛盾和分歧以及最终的协调一致,也使联合国为战后世界提供了一个解决分歧的机制和场所,从而得以实现联合国维护世界和平的宗旨和原则。  相似文献   

广大党员干部必须树立终生学习的观念。在学习中,要坚持和弘扬马克思主义学风坚持理论联系实际,贵在实践,不断创新。必须克服四种不良倾向一是短期行为,不能坚持;二是心浮气躁,不够踏实;三是装点门面,不能深入;四是媚俗入流,格调不高。  相似文献   

伊拉克战争后 ,美国单边主义对联合国集体安全机制造成重大破坏 ,联合国前景不妙。但是美国今后毕竟无法绕开联合国。联合国也必须通过精简机构和人员 ,厉行节约、发挥自身“软制衡”作用 ,吸收更多非政府组织 ,形成“全球治理” ,以及推进安理会改革等措施努力减轻来自美国的束缚 ,进而对其产生强有力的制约作用  相似文献   

The quality and comparability of child care data in U.S. surveys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the quality and comparability of child care data obtained from eight waves of data from four nationally representative data sources: the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1986 and 1988), the Survey of Income and Program Participation (1986, 1987, 1988, and 1990), the National Child Care Survey, and the National Survey of Families and Households. We examine whether different study designs and survey techniques for asking questions about child care produce similar results on both the levels and determinants of child care. We identified four main sources of difference in the data sets that could impact the quality and comparability of child care research: when the interview is conducted; screening questions used to determine who is asked about child care; the population of parents and children represented in the survey; and the way child care questions are asked. Our findings indicate that summer interviews and screening on mother's work status produce the largest differences in the levels and effects of child care across these studies. Even after removing the effects of summer interviews and screening questions, however, substantial differences exist across the studies.  相似文献   

美国社会管理体制网络化合作治理的经验在于:以政府再造过程为动力原点,社区自治为平台,非营利组织体系为经纬线,建构从公民个人到社区组织,从地方政府到联邦政府等多重社会主体,扎根于基层社区,联接于非营利组织网络,以基层社会需求为重心,平等合作,形塑公共产品与服务提供的多重网络,以替代官僚制支配、控制之下,政府提供公共产品与服务的单一化、垂滴式的模式.对中国社会管理体制创新的启示在于:以政府重塑的过程,向基层社会授权,推进民间组织生长,建构中国的网络化社会合作治理格局.  相似文献   

Using data from the 2010 Census of Brazil, this article quantitatively examines the phenomenon of sibling differences in racial classification. In sum, the findings demonstrate that within-sibling racial heterogeneity occurs in 17–19% of families. The strongest predictor of racial discordance between siblings is racial discordance between parents. Furthermore, within-sibling regression models establish that race exhibits a modest but statistically significant association with some education and labor market outcomes. Most outcomes are not associated with race for siblings aged 15–19, although in families with both sexes, darker females have more favorable educational outcomes, while darker males have less favorable outcomes. In contrast, darker siblings aged 20–25 are less advantaged than their lighter brothers and sisters along a number of dimensions. They have significantly lower education, lower personal income, lower formal employment, and lower occupational status. It is argued that patterns for siblings aged 20–25 may be indicative of individual racial discrimination.  相似文献   

许恩姬 《理论界》2014,(8):143-146
美国经历了9·11恐怖事件和2008年的金融危机,而走向相对衰退的道路。相形之下,中国急剧成为亚洲地区的经济、军事大国,通过在东亚地区推行地区主义,深化南中国海领有权等措施来扩大影响力。这种局势导致了美国的亚太再平衡战略,从中长期来看,这很可能构成中美关系的矛盾因素,而中美关系的变化导致东北亚安全不稳定。解决途径是美国自己对亚太再均衡政策尽快予以重新平衡。该方向应该是与中国进行合作或妥协,而对日本右翼群体划出分明的界限。这种措施同时为积极推行旨在和平解决核问题等韩半岛相关事宜,而不可或缺的,也是美国和亚洲能够共同繁荣的途径。  相似文献   

新生代农民工的身份认同问题极为重要,对于和谐社会的构建会产生很大影响。文章重点探索了新生代农民工缺乏身份认同感的现状,以及影响身份认同的几个因素。  相似文献   

未成年人网络欺凌的危害性远远大于传统的校园欺凌.美国通过法律规制网络欺凌行为,对网络欺凌进行界定,并对网络欺凌施害者、学校和网络服务提供商的相应责任进行规制.受害者可以通过诽谤诉讼、故意致人伤害的侵权诉讼和反骚扰诉讼等方式得到法律救济,学校在网络欺凌中承担教育、管理和防范的责任,网络服务提供商对网络言论免责,但应承担"通知-移除"责任.  相似文献   

Generalized trust in other Americans has never been so low. Explanations of this decline draw attention to the role of generational replacement and to period effects stemming from macro-level economic and political changes. In this paper, I consider generational and period trends in trust for black and for white Americans. Although race is considered one of the most important predictors of levels of trust, few studies have analyzed how race relates to larger generational and period trends of decline. General Social Survey data is used to test whether the decline thesis applies equally to black and to white Americans’ trust levels. I consider both the widely used index of generalized trust and the individual items comprising this index. The results show that although the war baby generation (1935-1944) of white Americans was more trusting than other generations, there has been no corresponding variability across generations for black Americans. At the period level, while there has been a decline in generalized trust and each of its sub-components for white Americans, the period-based trends for black Americans are more variable across measures. The use of a general index to study trends for black Americans masks important period-based trends. The decline in trust is related to race and what is missing from most accounts of the race gap in trust is a discussion of structural forces that advantage white Americans and hence inflate their trust levels.  相似文献   

Data from the New Immigrant Survey are used to study wealth differentials among U.S. legal permanent residents. This study is unique in its ability to account for wealth held in the U.S. and that held abroad and yields several key findings. First, relative to immigrants from Western Europe, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand (who have median wealth similar to native born non-Hispanic whites), other immigrant groups have lower levels of total wealth even after accounting for permanent income and life course characteristics. Second, time in the U.S. is positively associated with the wealth of married immigrants, yet this relationship is not statistically significant for single immigrants. Third, differences in the means of measured characteristics between Western European immigrants and those from most other origin regions account for more than 75 percent of observed wealth disparities. However, for immigrants from Asia and from the Indian subcontinent, much of the wealth differential remains unexplained by these factors.  相似文献   

近年来 ,美国的经济结构和金融结构正在发生变化。随着这些变化的深入 ,美国的货币政策进行了一系列的调整 ,从货币政策目标到货币政策工具、从货币政策结构到货币政策规则等等 ,都在发生和即将发生巨大的变化。这些变化不仅影响美国国内经济的发展 ,而且对世界各国的经济也必将产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

当前,美国贸易政策的制定过程中充斥着浓厚的党派性色彩,两党对待贸易议题的态度针锋相对,这使得美国贸易自由化的进程严重受阻.刚刚宣誓就职的民主党总统立足未稳,党派纷争愈演愈烈,金融危机又对美国经济造成了巨大的冲击,在此背景下,自由贸易更是受到了前所未有的挑战.在未来,中关双方只有通过友好的对话来解决双边贸易中存在的问题,积极诚恳地审视自身经济政策的缺陷,双边贸易才能走上健康发展之路,为两国经济发展做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

单良 《北方论丛》2015,(2):36-40
汉代赋家的身份兼有伦理、职业、学术、才能、审美等多种内涵,反映着主体的思想观念、价值取向、言行方式等诸多因素。不同赋家的身份明显呈现出差异性。他们运用特有的知识构成与人生经验进行赋体文学言说。赋家的身份也会随着时空场合的变化而改变,进而造成赋作内容、形式与美感的异彩纷呈。这些构成了汉赋创作的内在驱动力。本文借助对经典赋家的分析深入探讨主体身份、知识构成对赋体文学生产的推动作用。  相似文献   

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