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What is the relationship between gender and the demand for redistribution? Because, on average, women face more economic deprivation than men, in many countries women favor redistribution more than men. However, this is not the case in a number of other countries, where women do not support redistribution more than men. To explain this cross-national paradox, we stress the role of collective religiosity. In many religions, theological principles both militate against public policies designed to redistribute income, and also promote traditionally gendered patterns of work and family involvement. Hence, we hypothesize that, in those countries where religion remains influential either through closer church-state ties or an intensely religious population, men and women should differ less in their attitudes towards redistribution. Drawing upon the World Values Survey, we estimate three-level regression models that test our religiosity-based approach and two alternative explanations in 86 countries and 175 country-years. The results are consistent with our hypothesis. Moreover, in further support of our theoretical approach, societal religiosity undermines pro-redistribution preferences more among women than men. Our findings suggest that collective religiosity matters more to the gender gap in redistributive attitudes than traditional political and labor force factors.  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, many countries have passed new counterterrorist legislation. One of the common assumptions about such legislation is that it comes with a price: a compromise to practices of human rights. Previous research, looking at a wide range of case studies, suggested that this is indeed the case and that counterterrorist legislation often leads to subsequent repression. However, no large-scale cross-national study has yet assessed this relationship. Relying on a newly assembled database on nation-level counterterrorist legislation for the years 1981–2009, we conduct a cross-national time series analysis of legislation and repression. Our analyses find little evidence for a significant relationships between national counterterrorist legislation and various measures of core human rights in most countries. However, while legislation does not affect repression of physical integrity rights in countries with low and high levels of repression, it is associated with greater state repression in countries with intermediate scores of repression.  相似文献   

通过对污染转移研究理论、国际社会以及国外立法实践的考察与反思,可以发现,污染转移的法律应对无论是理论界还是立法中都存在一些不足。为应对发达国家的污染转移和国内的污染区域转移,中国需编织一张大网,将污染转移置于全球环境保护的视野下,推动应对污染转移的国际立法,完善环境法律制度,加强应对污染转移的地方立法,促进应对污染转移的行业立法。  相似文献   

This study uses data from 23 countries in the World Values Survey and the National Survey of Families and Households and finds that the sex gap in feelings of depression is wider in high gender equity societies even though overall levels of feelings of depression are lower. Using hierarchical logistic modeling, we find that the sex difference in feelings of depression is wider in high gender equity societies because children increase depression for women in high gender equity societies, while they reduce depression for women without paid employment in low gender equity societies. There is little difference in the effect of children on feelings of depression for men across societies.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional studies often reach different conclusions regarding the association between key explanatory variables and outcomes than those of longitudinal approaches. This study considers possible explanations for discrepant findings using a decomposition approach with panel data on 404 U.S. counties for the period 1970–1999. The analysis establishes that there are important differences in the effects of independent variables on homicide rates across counties as opposed to within counties over time. Explanations offered for these discrepancies are that variables may have differing temporary (flow) and permanent (stock) influences on outcomes and possible omitted variable bias. The findings highlight the importance of distinguishing among possible stock and flow effects and are significant not only for the study of crime but also for other social phenomena.  相似文献   

There is a well-established relationship between union status and health within the general population, and growing evidence of an association between sexual identity and well-being. Yet, what is unknown is whether union status stratifies health outcomes across sexual identity categories. In order to elucidate this question, we analyzed nationally representative population-based data from the National Health Interview Surveys 2013–2014 (N = 53,135) to examine variation in self-rated health by sexual partnership status (i.e., by sexual identity across union status). We further test the role of socioeconomic status and gender in these associations. Results from logistic regression models show that union status stratifies self-rated health across gay, lesbian, and heterosexual populations, albeit in different ways for men and women. Socioeconomic status does not play a major role in accounting for these differences. Findings highlight the need for specific interventions with lesbian women, who appear to experience the most strident disadvantage across union status categories.  相似文献   

情事变更原则作为合同法律制度中的一个重要原则,已被大多数先进法治国家的判例、学说与立法所确认。然而,我国《合同法》并未采纳该原则。由于此立法缺漏的存在,不仅凸现出制度本身与法的价值理想的矛盾与冲突,而且直接导致司法实践中混乱局面的出现。因此,我国有必要在立法中确立该原则。  相似文献   

堕胎问题的立法进程及其相关的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
堕胎问题一直是一个备受争议的问题。世界各国对这一问题的态度不一,有的国家制定了《反堕胎法》,禁止妇女堕胎;同时,又有一些国家认定堕胎合法化。了解世界主要国家对待堕胎问题的态度和立法状况,最大限度地了解其争议之所在,可以推进我国在这方面的立法进程。  相似文献   

李钧 《齐鲁学刊》2004,(5):147-150
大跃进时期的中国妇女解放曾经作为一个历史的神话成为世界女权主义运动的重要参照。但事实上,大跃进时期的中国女性并没有获得个性自主与性别意识,当时的女性解放不过是特定的政治话语支配下的一种社会表象。大跃进时期文学中的女性形象是单纯的、透明的、单向度和象征性的,是承载政治经济革命使命的意识形态的整体符号,而不是文明的、审美的、人性的艺术形象。  相似文献   

Women in developed economies have experienced an unparalleled increase in employment rates, to the point that the gap with respect to men was cut in half. This positive trend has often been attributed to changes in the opportunity costs of working (e.g. access to caring facilities) and the opportunity costs of not-working (notably, relative growth in wages in positions more frequently occupied by women, improved educational attainment). Meanwhile, the gender employment gaps were stagnant in transition economies. Admittedly, employment equality among genders was initially much higher in transition countries.We exploit this unique evidence from transition and advanced countries, to analyze the relationship between the institutional environment and the (adjusted) gender employment gaps. We estimate comparable gender employment gaps on nearly 1500 micro databases from over 40 countries. Changes in both types of the opportunity costs exhibited strong correlation with gender employment equality where the gap was larger, i.e. advanced economies. We provide some evidence that these results are not explained away by transition-related phenomena. We argue that the observed divergence in time trends reflects a level effect: the lower the gender employment gap, the lower the strength of the relationship between gender employment equality and the opportunity costs of working. An implication from our study is that the existing instruments might be insufficient to further reduce the gender employment gap.  相似文献   

逮捕,作为强制措施当中对人身自由限制最为严重的方式,在各国的刑事程序立法当中,均有相当严格的规定。当事人主义的代表性国家美国,其针对羁押制度的相关立法贯穿了从逮捕的主体、条件、权限、具体适用程序等诸多方面,以保障人权为中心思想的判例和立法也直接导致了美国在相关制度建设上的倾向性。保障人权和权力制衡成为美国逮捕制度的突出特点。  相似文献   

家庭暴力,特别是女性遭受家庭暴力是一个严重的社会问题。从马克思主义劳动异化理论的视角看,女性遭受家庭暴力是性别异化的结果,社会性别角色的固定化是主要根源,父权制是最终根源。马克思对异化的扬弃是通过消灭私有制、消灭分工来完成的,因此,根除和减少家庭暴力就必须消解社会性别角色的束缚;提高女性的经济地位;扩大女性的政治参与权;增强女性防暴能力,同时,加强社会对家庭暴力的干预力度。  相似文献   

亲权是民法中身份权的一种,它以保护未成年子女的利益为其唯一目的。亲权包括对未成年的子女身份上和财产上的权利义务。亲权立法对预防未成年人犯罪具有十分重要的意义熏我国应该借鉴国外立法,加强亲权方面的立法,以更好地预防未成年人犯罪。  相似文献   

在18世纪不列颠帝国正式形成并在世界范围内展开扩张的时代,苏格兰人通过效劳国家对外战争、到殖民地定居、开展殖民贸易等方式全面参与了帝国扩张事业.该过程不仅使16-17世纪英格兰人发展起来的殖民帝国得以巩固和扩大,而且对解决18世纪不列颠本土的政治矛盾和社会问题、缩小苏格兰与英格兰的经济社会差距、提升不列颠国家的综合国力、培养苏格兰人的不列颠认同起到了积极功效.  相似文献   

Global climate change is one of the most severe problems facing societies around the world. Very few assessments of the social forces that influence greenhouse gas emissions have examined gender inequality. Empirical research suggests that women are more likely than men to support environmental protection. Various strands of feminist theory suggest that this is due to women’s traditional roles as caregivers, subsistence food producers, water and fuelwood collectors, and reproducers of human life. Other theorists argue that women’s status and environmental protection are linked because the exploitation of women and the exploitation of nature are interconnected processes. For these theoretical and empirical reasons, we hypothesize that in societies with greater gender equality there will be relatively lower impacts on the environment, controlling for other factors. We test this hypothesis using quantitative analysis of cross-national data, focusing on the connection between women’s political status and CO2 emissions per capita. We find that CO2 emissions per capita are lower in nations where women have higher political status, controlling for GDP per capita, urbanization, industrialization, militarization, world-system position, foreign direct investment, the age dependency ratio, and level of democracy. This finding suggests that efforts to improve gender equality around the world may work synergistically with efforts to curtail global climate change and environmental degradation more generally.  相似文献   

人类的空间活动已经对外层空间环境产生了明显的负面影响。为履行有关国际条约所规定的国家义务,确保本国空间活动的顺利进行,保障本国空间资产的安全,许多国家都在其国内立法中规定了空间活动(主要是发射活动)的许可制度,其中大多包含保护外层空间环境方面的要求,并将其作为获取许可证的一个必要条件或实施监管的重要内容之一。从目前情况看,各国有关外空环境保护的立法大多属于原则性规定,尚需制定具体的技术标准、规范或指南来促进其实施。  相似文献   

王艳慧 《河北学刊》2008,28(3):238-241
随着女性参政意识的增强,美国女性逐渐在选民中占居多数,大选中的"性别差距"引起了人们的注意。自1980年以来,"性别差距"在美国历次大选中表现明显,其存在的根本原因在于男女在政治、经济和社会地位等方面的不平等,致使女性对一些问题的看法与男性有所差异,因此在大选中也显示出了差距。对"性别差距"的研究从各个侧面揭示了女性选举的特点及其选票的分布情况,对美国总统候选人的竞选活动或执政者的策略制定都有很高的参考价值。  相似文献   

陈霞明 《云梦学刊》2012,33(6):49-57
政党在现代政治中发挥着极为重要的作用,为了规制政党的活动,许多国家在宪法中规定了涉及政党问题的条款。这些条款从其性质来说可分专门的政党条款和非专门的政党条款,前者是为规制政党而创设,它构成各国政党活动的根本准则。宪法中的政党条款既有许多共性的内容,也有一些独具国别特色的规定。社会主义国家和资本主义国家宪法中的政党条款存在明显的差别。  相似文献   

中国NGO的发展现状及其对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国的NGO在总量上表现了一个异常巨大的群体,存大纷繁多样的组织形式,其活动领域遍及社会生活的方方面面;在结构上则呈现出显著的区域分布不均、活动范围有限、单体规模不大等特点,表明其能力受到很大的限制。同时,由于受到资源和能力、法规和体制等方面的限制,中NGO在发展上存在一些较为突出的问题。为解决这些问题,政府需要转变观念,努力构建分类监管、资源引导和行为控制的新型管理体制,同时要完善立法、统一监管,着力推进包括公益服务组织在内的新型公共服务体系的建设。  相似文献   

使节往来,是古代东亚国家之间外交关系的重要内容.进入宋代,宋朝和高丽朝廷更加重视所派使节的文学素养和品德情操,所以双方使节在圆满完成政治使命的同时,还以渊博的学识和独特的个人魅力给对方留下了深刻的印象.其中,高丽使节还担负着考察和引进宋朝典章制度的任务,他们不仅留心宋朝的政治制度,而且还把大量典籍带回本国,从而促进了文化交流.另外,双方使节在公务之余还撰写了有关对方典章文物和风俗民情的著述,也为后人留下了珍贵的研究资料.  相似文献   

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