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加快我国农村公共产品供给体制的改革与创新 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
长期以来,我国在农村公共产品供给方面,存在着“政府缺位”和“政府失灵”的现象,造成了农村公共产品供给的严重短缺,说明我国农村公共产品供给存在着制度性的缺陷。我国农村公共产品供给体制改革的目标,就是要从过去的城市偏好转换到城市和农村并重,而且实现供给重点由城市向农村倾斜。我国农村公共产品供给体制创新的目标是尽快构筑公共财政框架下的农产公共产品供给新体制。 相似文献
转型发展时期代际公共品的供给困局及其破解 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
代际公共品是指超过一代以上的人分享使用的产品.其特点决定了它总是面临供给不足的困局.从总量上看,代际公共品供给不足;从结构上看,代际公共品的供求错位;从规范分析看,"好"的代际公共品供给不足.在转型发展这一场涉及社会各方面的深刻变革中,代际公共品的供求机制、供求格局都发生了根本性的变化,产生了新的困局.因此,充分认识代际公共品供求机制、供求格局的变化,正确发挥政府的职能,动员社会力量共同参与供给是破解上述困局的关键. 相似文献
农村公共产品的供给不仅影响着农村社会的正常发展,而且影响着我国全面建设小康社会的任务和目标的顺利实现。农业税改革在确保为农民减负增收的同时,也势必会对乡镇基层政府公共产品的供给能力造成影响。要打破城乡“二元结构”,加快农村经济发展;加大中央政府对农村公共产品供给的转移支付;改变乡镇基层政权对农村公共产品“自上而下”的供给模式,充分尊重广大农民意愿;拓展农村公共产品投资渠道;加强对农村公共产品的供给的监督;推进农民自主创业,努力促进农民增收。 相似文献
周黎明 《河北工程大学学报(社会科学版)》2005,22(2):125-127
扩大社会有序政治参与是社会主义政治文明建设的重要标志和根本动力,其中,地方各级政府在扩大有序政治参与方面意义重大,采取切实有效的途径扩展有序政治参与,有利于地方经济发展,政治稳定和巩固自身政治行为的合理性基础,有利于实现人民当家作主,推进政治文明进程。 相似文献
This study examines whether a mismatch between the positions that individuals hold in different status hierarchies results in symptoms of stress. Prior research has focused on inconsistencies between socioeconomic status dimensions (e.g., education and income) and did not find a significant relation between status inconsistency and stress. In this paper, we build on research on role differentiation and propose to study the effect of inconsistencies between instrumental status and expressive status in group contexts. We hypothesize that people with an inconsistency between these status dimensions experience feelings of uncertainty and frustration in their interactions with others and this manifests in stress-related symptoms. We test this hypothesis with data collected in a medium-sized Dutch childcare organization (N = 93). Polynomial regression analysis, visualized in response surface plots, suggests that status inconsistent employees report higher levels of stress. 相似文献
An emerging approach to studying associations between neighborhood contexts and educational outcomes is to estimate the outcomes of adolescents growing up in neighborhoods that are experiencing economic growth in comparison to peers that reside in economically stable or declining communities. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), I examine the association between education attainment and changes in socioeconomic advantage in urban neighborhoods between 1990 and 2000. I find that residing in a neighborhood that experiences economic improvements has a positive association with educational attainment for urban adolescents. Furthermore, race-based analyses suggest consistently positive associations for all race subgroups, lending support to protective models of neighborhood effects that argue high neighborhood SES supports positive outcomes for adolescents residing in these contexts. 相似文献
立党为公 执政为民:中国共产党人的根本追求 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
胡锦涛同志关于"三个代表"重要思想的本质是立党为公、执政为民的论断,在坚定不移地坚持马克思主义根本政治立场的基础上,把我们党对"三个代表"重要思想的认识推向了新高度。这个论断既是对马克思主义政党学说精髓的精辟总结,同时也是对中国共产党成立八十多年来根本追求的深刻揭示。抓住这个本质规定,实践这个本质要求,并落实在实现好、发展好、维护好最广大人民的根本利益的行动之中,是中国共产党人一切理论和奋斗的终极目标。 相似文献
从比较故事学角度看,变异学重在研究跨民族交流中文学文本在接受民族中的变异情况,这种变异过程同时又是一个本土化、民族化的过程。结合民间故事的生发史,笔者将从传播过程、语言媒介以及文化传统等方面,分析和探寻民间故事在跨民族传播过程中的变异规律。 相似文献
Underage drinking among American youth is a growing public concern. However, while extensive research has identified individual level predictors of this phenomenon, few studies have theorized and tested the effect of structural social forces on children’s and youths’ alcohol consumption. In an attempt to address this gap, we study the effects of residential environments on children’s and youths’ underage drinking (while accounting for personality and familial processes). Integrating informal social control and opportunity explanations of deviance, we first suggest that while neighborhood collective efficacy prevents adolescents’ underage drinking, individuals’ access to local alcohol retail shops encourages such behavior. Focusing on the interactive effects of communal opportunities and controls, we then suggest that high presence of alcohol outlets and sales in the neighborhood is likely to increase youths’ probability of alcohol consumption in the absence of communal mechanisms of informal social control. We test our theoretical model using the unprecedented data design available in the PHDCN. Results from a series of multilevel logit models with robust standard errors reveal partial support for our hypotheses; specifically, we find that alcohol sales in a given neighborhood increase adolescents’ alcohol use. In addition, while the direct effect of collective efficacy is insignificantly related to children’s and youths’ alcohol consumption, our models suggest that it significantly attenuates the effect of local alcohol retailers and sales on underage drinking. 相似文献
执政党政策制定中群众利益的认定 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
执政党正确制定政策的前提是正确的利益认定,后者关系执政党政策成败和政治前景,有着重大的政策、政治意义。为保证利益认定的正确性,必须让群众自己来表达自己的利益,又必须明确界定市民社会利益与执政党利益的异同。惟其如此,才能达成执政党与社会的良性互动,执政党也才能够更好地代表群众利益。 相似文献
民意调查对社会政策评估具有价值性、技术性以及合法性意义,同时,二者之间也存在张力,主要表现在调查技术的科学性、公众意见的真实性、政策评估的有效性等方面,其消解策略包括提升民意调查的科学性以及系统性的制度跟进等方面. 相似文献
政治学视野中党的执政能力的提升和发展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
政党是民主政治的产物 ,是现代民主政治运作的主体。世界政党政治发展的历史表明 ,执政党的执政能力的强弱与执政绩效的大小、执政地位的巩固与否呈正相关关系 ;影响执政能力提升和发展的主要因素是执政党的价值理想目标体系的科学化水平、运作的制度化水平及组织系统的开放程度。中国共产党在新世纪、新阶段 ,按照“三个代表”的要求 ,加强执政能力建设 ,提升和发展党的执政能力 ,就应不断优化和完善党的价值理想目标体系、提高制度化水平和组织系统的开放程度 相似文献
In Israel, public reaction to the 2014 Gaza war included massive support for the military operation and a sharp increase in the popularity of Prime Minister Netanyahu. To understand what caused these “rally-round-the-flag” (RRTF) effects, panel data were collected from a representative sample of the Jewish majority in Israel during and after the war. The article integrate empirical and theoretical arguments from public opinion studies, and from social and political psychology, to contextualize and guide the analysis. The results reveal that perceived threat to collective security produced two simultaneous rally outcomes through distinct processes: First, increased identification with the ethno-national Jewish group led to a rally behind Israel's prime minister. Second, anger toward Hamas and sentiment of national superiority, which was activated by increased ethno-national identification, produced a rally behind the military operation. In addition to explaining its specific empirical case, this study makes three broader contributions. First, it extends the investigation of the RRTF phenomenon in wartime beyond the popularity of the head of the state (the focus of most previous studies) by also examining levels of support for the use of military power. Second, it reveals some of the mechanisms through which distinct elements of popular nationalism mediate the relationship between war events and heterogeneous rally effects. Third, this study shows that the mechanisms that have been detected in studies of individual attitudes and behavior in small groups under conditions of perceived threat or competition can help explain the behavior of these individuals as members of larger, imagined national communities during war. 相似文献
杨巨平 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》2006,(3):85-91
大约在公元前4-公元前3世纪之时,古希腊和中国两大文明都进入了社会转型的关键期。对此社会巨变,古希腊的犬儒派和中国的庄子学派反应最为强烈。他们否定现实制度的合理性,对统治者大加斥责,对现实社会悲观失望,对待个体生命淡泊名利,甘愿清贫,笑对死亡。但犬儒派比庄子学派更加极端,被社会所不容。无论是从宏观还是微观角度看,不同的文明体系、地理位置、传统习惯决定了二者处世态度的不同;相同的文明发展阶段、社会历史时期和社会人生问题决定了他们之间的相似。 相似文献
新型城镇化进程离不开文化的发展与繁荣,在新型城镇化进程中,国家、社会及民众对公共文化服务体系都会产生新的诉求。针对社会各阶层对公共文化服务体系建设的诉求,探索现实应对策略,满足人民群众对于公共文化的需求,是文章分析探讨的重点所在。 相似文献
中国企业与行政事业单位养老待遇差距研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
养老保险在社会保障体系中具有十分重要的地位,我国养老保险制度经过二十年的改革,建立了社会统筹和个人账户相结合的基本制度,并建立了正常的调整机制.但是,养老保险制度仍然存在不少问题,特别是企业与机关事业单位基本养老保险待遇水平差别过大,已经成为当前党中央、国务院领导高度重视,社会普遍关注的热点、难点问题之一.本文在全面分析企业与机关事业单位基本养老保险待遇差距现状的基础上,讨论两种养老制度形成的原因,提出解决养老待遇差距的对策建议. 相似文献
本文论述只有充分认识班主任工作的重要性,努力提高班主任的自身建设,切实营造班主任工作的氛围,才能达到良好的效果。 相似文献
马克思、恩格斯所创立的唯物史观,经由《反杜林论》所做的系统阐释,在马克思主义的思想发展史中具有重要的理论地位和实践意义。就《反杜林论》思想的运思进程和呈现方式而言,它不仅对唯物史观的科学性了阐释,也对其规范性进行了阐释。这两种阐释及其有机结合完整地体现在了唯物史观对未来社会的理解中,贯穿其中的主题是未来社会何以合乎人的尊严,或者说人的尊严在未来社会将以何种方式实现。于此,它涉及对空想社会主义思想价值的吸收、对杜林和近代资本主义社会道德和法的批判,以及对基于重建个人所有制基础上实现真正人的生存条件的思考。无疑,其思考方向不是人的尊严的具体呈现,而是它在未来社会的实现方式,这既是马克思主义的历史使命,也是其当代发展的时代主题。 相似文献
张允熠 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》2007,19(4)
近代中国启蒙思想家无不是从儒学营垒中脱颖而出,这一心理进路,在马克思主义中国化的过程中得到了更高程度的复制或再现.首先,上个世纪初流行的各种社会学说是中国早期马克思主义者通往科学社会主义的思想阶梯;其次,中国共产党的早期领导者无不是从进化论的世界观进一步接受唯物史观的;再次,在建党初期,中国的马克思主义哲学体系是不完善的,经过20年代的"科玄论战"和30年代的唯物辩证法的论战,马克思主义的哲学体系终于在中国落地生根;第四,中国共产党的早期领导人亲历了从旧民主主义到新民主主义的两个革命阶段,隐含着他们由旧跻新的心路转变;第五,从科学主义和工具理性的立场解读马克思主义--这正是把马克思主义中国化的一个关键的着力点,也是使中国社会心物两面都被彻底改造的切入点.但是,科学的有效性或功利性却无法解决科学主义与人文主义之间的悖论. 相似文献