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In this article, we examine whether “new governance” reforms in public sector work over the last two decades have generated managerial wage losses for African Americans and Latinos. Findings from Integrated Public Use Micro-Series data across three time points indicate that the new “business logic” encompassing, most notably, increased employer discretion has progressively disadvantaged African American and Latino men and women relative to their White and gender counterparts. Indeed, for both African Americans and Latinos in the managerial ranks, relative parity in wages that were witnessed in the public sector progressively eroded between 2000 and 2010. Qualifications to these findings indicate that levels of inequality become pronounced for African Americans, and more so among men than women. We discuss the historical niche status of public sector work for racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S. and the importance of conducting further analyses of the public sector because of its fluid nature as a locus of racial stratification.  相似文献   

This article compares women and men's attainment of workplace authority in female-dominated, mixed, and male-dominated occupations. It is based on a representative mobility study of Jewish women in the Israeli labor force conducted in 1991–1992. Two sets of hypotheses are offered based on two competing theories. The first theory predicts that in female occupations women have more influence and mutual support than in male occupations, and, hence, they will have more access to authority. The opposing perspective argues that in male-dominated occupations the competition between women and men is weaker, and therefore men have a smaller incentive to discriminate against women. Our findings support the second argument. The gender gap in authority is larger in female-dominated occupations, and women have the highest chances to have authority when they work in male occupations; men have similar chances, no matter in which type of occupation they are employed.  相似文献   

张淑清 《北方论丛》2008,35(2):83-87
中世纪欧洲,犹太妇女不同程度地参与借贷业当。而且在犹太妇女所从事的各种职业中,借贷业既是她们的首选,也是最经常的职业。犹太妇女对借贷业的参与不仅为自己经济地位改善创造了条件,对社会经济生活也起到了一定的积极作用  相似文献   

This article analyzes a large sample of the 2005 population mini-census data and prefecture-level statistics of China to investigate gender earnings inequality in the context of economic marketization, paying special attention to the changing role of occupational segregation in the process. We approximate marketization by employment sectors and also construct an index of marketization at the prefecture level. Results show that, despite the tremendous economic growth, marketization has exacerbated gender earnings inequality in urban China's labor markets. Gender earnings inequality is the smallest in government/public institutions, followed by public enterprises, and then private enterprises. The gender inequality also increases with the prefecture's level of marketization. Multilevel analyses show that occupational segregation plays an important role in affecting gender earnings inequality: the greater the occupational segregation, the more disadvantaged women are relative to men in earnings in a prefecture's labor market. Moreover, the impact of occupational segregation on gender earnings inequality increases with the prefectural level of marketization. These findings contribute to understanding the dynamics of gender earnings inequality and have important implications for policy to promote gender equality in urban China.  相似文献   

能促型国家的角色:事业单位的改革与非营利部门的转型   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
顾昕 《河北学刊》2005,25(1):11-17
随着中国市场转型的深化,事业单位的全面改革已经提上议事日程。在市场经济中,民间非营利组织构成公共部门和营利部门之外的第三部门,在社会生活中扮演了重要角色。作为计划经济体系的遗产,事业单位在整个非营利部门中占据主导地位,但近年来出现了走向企业化和民营化的变革。在事业单位的改革过程中,国家扮演能力促进的角色至关重要。一方面,建立一个规范的非营利组织监管体系是当务之急;另一方面,国家也可以通过种种手段,培育民间非营利组织自主发展的能力。  相似文献   

美国犹太人对美国的认同主要体现在政治理念与国籍方面。基于特殊的宗教文化,美国犹太人在美国社会始终具有鲜明的民族性,这种民族性导致了他们从族裔与宗教情感方面对以色列具有一种高度的犹太民族认同。这种双重认同导致了美国犹太人对自身以及以色列具有复杂的情感。  相似文献   

在《圣经》时代,犹太教育具有明显的宗教特色。对于接受最基本的宗教教育来说,犹太妇女和男子之间的受教育机会还没有形成明显的差别。但是,随着公元一世纪学校的建立,妇女被排除在正规教育以外的现象日益凸现。犹太妇女之所以在受教育机会、受教育内容及受教育程度上与男子均存在差异,首先是由于妇女和男子不平等的宗教地位,同时也源于男权社会对妇女的角色定位以及男权社会对女性接受教育存在着根深蒂固的偏见。  相似文献   

论男女社会地位及婚姻家庭伦理变迁的经济根源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蒙昧时代母权制的形成是自然的,群婚与对偶婚条件下的婚姻家庭伦理还没有被打上私有经济利益的烙印。野蛮时代生产力的发展和生产方式的改变,引起父权制代替母权制家庭革命,推动对偶婚制向一夫一妻专偶婚制转变。文明时代的小农生产方式决定了男权社会成为这一历史时期的基本特征。工业时代生产方式的革命带来了妇女解放的曙光,但男女完全平等与真正性爱实现的前提条件是对财产私有制的扬弃,这只有在未来的共产主义社会才能够实现。  相似文献   

Using data from 595 predominantly disadvantaged African American women in Kentucky, this study examines perceptions about racial/ethnic partner availability, cultural mistrust, and racism as correlates of interracial dating intentions and behaviors with both white and Hispanic men. Participants reported levels of dating intentions and behaviors were significantly higher with whites than Hispanics. The multivariate models indicate less cultural mistrust and believing it is easier to find a man of that racial/ethnic category were associated with higher interracial dating intentions. Women were more likely to have dated a white man if they believed it was easier to find a white man and had interracial dating intentions; however, interracial dating intentions was the only significant correlate of having dated a Hispanic man. Findings suggest a shrinking social distance between racial groups, broadening the MMPI for African American women; yet, the low levels of interracial relationships are likely driven by preferences of men.  相似文献   

本文从公共选择理论和新制度经济学视角出发,以公共权力自利性膨胀倾向与公共福利保障之间的悖论为核心,指出了公共权力的双重属性对公共福利产生三种作用:促进、阻碍以及促进和阻碍的混合状态;探析了社会个体福利诉求何以整合为公共福利,并指出公共福利诉求不能仅仅为社会强势集团所垄断,应从社会整体繁荣中普遍关注社会弱势群体福利;作为公共权力机构的政府应在平衡社会强势群体与弱势群体福利诉求的基础上,最大限度地保障社会弱势群体的基本福利。  相似文献   

谢立忱 《新疆社会科学》2012,(1):73-78,141,142
当前席卷中东的大乱局具有深刻的认同内涵。从超国家层面讲,主要表现为阿拉伯民众对以色列和西方国家强权行为的负向认同、阿拉伯青年对西方文化价值观的正向认同、阿拉伯人的共有认同;从国内层面讲,主要包括"弱势群体"认同、部落和族裔以及教派认同;从国家层面讲,主要体现为国家认同的十分脆弱及难以维系。  相似文献   

云南穆斯林在中国民族、文化复杂丰富的社会环境中一直追寻"做一个真正的穆斯林",包括穆斯林女性。随着穆斯林文化与儒家文化的融合,许多创新在中国发生,比如清真女寺的创建及发展。通过对云南清真女寺调研、参与观察以及对男女阿訇的访谈,分析在和谐社会构建背景下伊斯兰教宗教文化的发展现状及存在问题,提出引导穆斯林女性宗教文化促进和谐社会构建的对策和建议。  相似文献   

自我表述是任何一个族群沟通他群实现族群间和谐共存的路径。回族作为中国的一个穆斯林民族,其形成和发展的过程中,经历了"伊斯兰移植时代""他者"表述的历史境遇,明清之际回族穆斯林开展的"以儒诠经"等活动,开启了回族穆斯林自我表述的先河,及至民国时期穆斯林学术研究活动的兴起,新时期以来回族穆斯林在与时俱进中进入了一个全新的自我表述格局中。  相似文献   

从彰显到消失:集体主义时期的家庭劳动(1949-1966)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集体主义时期,为追求经济超速发展实行高积累低消费"以生产为中心"的发展策略。国家有意识地把性别化分工编织进大生产体制,由妇女无酬承担起绝大部分的再生产职责。国家对于妇女的家内劳动并非完全"看不见",而是努力对家务劳动进行理论化,以确立家务劳动及其承担者在社会主义生产体制中的位置。女工、农妇、职工家属/家属工三个妇女群体与生产的关系决定了国家对于她们家内劳动的不同态度以及她们的政治地位。  相似文献   

前后10年两次调查统计数据表明,随着经济社会的发展,重庆女性健康及保健状况明显改善;女性教育结构有所改善,男女受教育差距逐渐缩小;女性决定个人事务的自主性提高。但数据也显示,女性在业率偏低,两性劳动收入差距较大;女性拥有的财产大大低于男性;妇女参与决策和管理仍面临障碍;性别歧视现象仍不同程度存在,妇女发展环境亟待改善。应倡导男女平等观念,增强女性自我发展意识;多层次制定有利于维护妇女权益的政策法规:从教育着手提升农村妇女发展能力;大力发展公共服务业,减轻妇女家务负担;营造妇女发展的良好环境。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教妇女观对西北穆斯林女性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伊斯兰教的妇女观是在阿拉伯社会特定的历史人文背景下形成的。伊斯兰教主张妇女在起源、信仰、婚姻、教育、社会生活等方面享有与男子平等的权利,这在当时的观念中是比较开明和先进的。在伊斯兰教向各地区的传播中,受当地文化习俗的影响,其妇女观也发生了不少变异现象。我国各穆斯林民族除体现出伊斯兰教基本原理外,可以说,在现实生活中看到的往往是中国化的伊斯兰教,中国伊斯兰文化的妇女观受到“男尊女卑”儒家文化传统的影响,这在西北穆斯林社会中有不少具体体现。探讨伊斯兰文化中有益于促进妇女发展的思想观念,摒弃其中轻视妇女的倾向,对于促进西北穆斯林妇女的现代化具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

黑龙江工业以初级产品和资源型产业为主,由于加工度低,国民经济可持续发展存在潜在的威胁。加快工业结构优化升级,应以促进民营经济发展带动全省工业改组改造。为此,应鼓励民营企业嫁接改造国有企业,要打破垄断,引导民间资本涉足公共产品项目领域,实施制度创新,拓宽民营企业融资渠道。  相似文献   

论公共产品的价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
按照GDP口径核算公共服务的价值的方法存在进一步改进的必要。公共产品价值的质的规定性表现为私人部门的利益。人均产量除以财政支出占总产出的比例的商是对公共产品价值量的衡量。80年代以来,我国的公共产品的价值大幅度上升。世界各国的公共产品价值有很大差异。在经济全球化的背景下,各国经济的竞争的实质是公共产品价值的竞争。  相似文献   

Poisson process models of upward mobility in job rewards are developed and estimated using event history techniques on data from one organization over a period of 80 years. The models developed permit the inclusion of independent variables which vary over a person's career and are used to analyze differences in the mobility of men and women. The main findings are (1) the career dynamics of men and women are similar in general form, both best described by a segmented, heterogeneous, and nonstationary Poisson process; (2) parametric differences exist between the models for men and women in terms of how certain independent variables affect the rate of arrival of opportunities to move up in the reward hierarchy and in terms of how others affect the rate of being given or taking advantage of such opportunities; and (3) both men and women appear to benefit by being in competition with one another for available opportunities. Theoretical interpretations of these results are discussed in relation to differences in the flow of opportunities to locations in the reward hierarchy occupied predominantly by men versus those occupied predominantly by women.  相似文献   

私营企业主不是新生的资产阶级。社会主义初级阶段所有制结构中公有制经济的主体地位是私营企业主不可能形成完整的资产阶级的决定性因素 ;私营企业主尚未形成独立的阶级意识 ;私营企业主同典型的资产阶级有很大的不同。就目前发展状态而言 ,私营企业主只能算作一个新的社会阶层  相似文献   

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