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性别与英语学习成绩间的关系研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张彬  杜翠琴 《社科纵横》2004,19(1):127-128
本文以非英语专业大学生为受试对象 ,运用定量研究的方法 ,探讨了性别因素与大学英语四级考试 (CET4)成绩之间的关系。研究结果表明 :性别与英语学习成绩之间存在显著相关 ,男生与女生的大学英语四级考试成绩呈显著差异 ,女生的成绩明显高于男生。文章对男女生英语成绩呈现显著差异的原因进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

王刚 《学术交流》2001,(3):61-65
我国人才市场的需求远远大于供给,一般劳动力则供过于求,使两者之间的收入差距日益扩大.中国高级人才的市场价格即将与国际水平接近.另一方面,由于经济的发展和环境的改善增强了人力资本中的资源配置能力,提高了人力资本的价值,不发达地区的优秀人才向发达地区流动,国有企业向民营、外资、合资企业流动,国内向国外流动就成为一种必然趋势.劳动力的这种供求与流动十分不利于我国企业的改革与发展.为此,应该正确认识我国人力资源现状,在人力资源的开发与配置上下功夫,加强对企业员工的培训和再教育,提高员工素质和人力资本的利用效率,加快我国教育制度改革,为我国企业快速发展奠定人力资源基础.  相似文献   

读了宫希魁《劳动供求规律初论》(载《学习与探索》1986年第1期,以下简称宫文)一文后,受到不少启发。但宫文认为:在社会主义条件下,1、“劳动供求规律不是把劳动力作为商品来调节”,2、“调节劳动供求的杠杆已经不是劳动力的价格,而是劳动收入。”这两个观点却值得商榷。还联想到劳动供求规律和工资关系的有关问题,一并提出来就教于大家。一宫文的上述两个观点,首先牵涉到究竟如何理解劳动供求规律内涵的问题。宫文认为劳动供求规律仅仅“类似于商品供求规律”,而这两个规律“所不同的是,一个以商品为调节对象,一个以劳动为调节对象”。还认为“劳动力成为商品与劳动供求规律,没有必然联系”。这样理解劳动供求规律,有失马克思的原意。我认为,商品供求规律和劳动供求规律是一般和特殊的关系;劳动供求规律是个特殊的商品供求规律,特殊在它是以特殊的商品——劳动力商品为调节对象的。劳动力成为商品与劳动供求规律之间,不是“没有必然联系”,  相似文献   

城乡劳动力市场融合对我国劳动关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城乡劳动力市场融合一方面促使城市农民工市场的供求态势发生了逆转,增进了个别劳动关系的和谐。但是,另一方面,收入分配出现二次扭曲,城乡收入差距并没有随城乡劳动力市场的融合而缩小,集体劳动关系也没有得到很大改善。这些与城乡劳动力市场融合不充分,存在密切的关系。因此,必须进一步加快城乡劳动力市场的融合,促使劳动力市场趋于均衡,从而使个别劳动关系和集体劳动关系都走向和谐。  相似文献   

王进  陈晓思 《社会》2013,33(5):159-180
近几十年来,随着女生受教育权利越来越得到重视,男女生在受教育机会方面趋于平等,但学校中却出现了男生平均成绩相比女生普遍偏低的现象,学生学习成绩的性别差异越来越明显。本文采用学校固定效应模型,分析不同的班级环境对学生学习成绩造成的影响及其性别差异。研究结果显示,男生学习成绩落后的现象多存在于学习环境相对较差的学校。进一步加入中间变量,初步探析其形成机制后发现,在较差的学校中,男生容易在同伴群体中形成反学校的认知、态度和行为,女生则较少受到这种影响,因而容易造成学习成绩上的性别差异。  相似文献   

龙书芹 《社会》2009,29(6):39-59
本文以666份对南京企业员工调查的数据为基础,运用事件史分析方法,分析了社会转型过程中企业员工的职业流动问题,揭示了影响其职业流动的影响因素,以及他们在以单位所有制性质为区分的劳动力市场格局中的流动趋向。研究结果表明,社会转型所带来的机会结构的转变是企业员工职业流动的主要推动力量,而伴随着社会转型而改变的劳动力市场分割,则为他们的职业流动制定了游戏规则,个体的家庭背景和个人因素仅仅是这些游戏规则之下的筹码。因此,中国社会转型过程中,企业员工的职业流动是由社会结构决定的、非常有限的“自主选择”,换言之,这是一种身不由己的“自由选择”。  相似文献   

本研究通过考察中国文化背景下的企业新入职大学生员工的心理行为特点,根据对其原因的探究,提出缓解新入职大学生员工就业压力的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文采用随机抽样的方法,对中国药科大学200名大学生进行情绪——社交孤独、微博使用问卷调查,统计微博与大学生情绪——社交孤独之间的关系。调查结果表明(1)适度的使用微博,可以缓解大学生孤独感,而长时间使用微博,则会增加大学生的孤独感;(2)情绪—社交孤独方面,男生比女生孤独感更强,但差别不显著;(3)微博的使用与大学生情绪孤立直接存在显著负相关,而微博使用时间与社交孤立、情绪孤独与社交孤独之间没有显著的相关关系。  相似文献   

我国人口基数大,新增劳动力、国企下岗分流人员增加和农村劳动力转移的现象并存,呈现出劳动力供求总量矛盾与结构性矛盾交织、就业压力长期存在的局面。同时,存在多种影响充分就业的客观因素,使得就业的数量与就业质量受到严峻的挑战。因此,实行"经济发展与充分就业并重、效率与公平均衡"的方针,大力发展生产力,推进技术创新,鼓励非公经济、第三产业和中小企业的发展,保护劳动者的合法权益,为构建和谐社会奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

依据经济发展与劳动力供求之间的相互联系,战后日本经济发展中共出现过三次劳动力短缺,分别发生在经济高速增长时期、泡沫经济时期、经济长期低迷时期。劳动力短缺对经济发展的影响体现在经济增长和经济结构两个层面,随着经济发展阶段以及劳动力短缺的演变而呈现出不同的特点。劳动力短缺越来越成为日本经济增长的"瓶颈",也加剧了日本经济结构的不均衡和脆弱性。目前的中国经济发展也一定程度出现了劳动力短缺的现象,通过分析日本劳动力短缺对经济发展的影响,可以给中国提供一些有益的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

刘兴花  王勇 《社会》2019,39(3):123-153
在全球化背景下,发展中国家向发达国家的劳工输出形塑了一种资方与劳方之间的剥削关系。基于中国赴日劳工的案例,本研究借助“跨国生产政治”的分析框架探讨这种剥削关系的形成机制。雇主和移工围绕加班工资展开博弈,而外劳制度对移工权利的限制及其赋予雇主的权力、不同国族移工的竞争以及跨国劳务中介的选择性庇护,使移工无论反抗还是消极服从,都可能面临加班福利缩减、加班机会丧失甚至工作丢失的困境。这种跨国生产体制具有“市场专制”性质,而外劳制度限制、资方对外劳制度缝隙的利用、全球过剩的劳动力市场、拆分型劳动力再生产体制共同体现了国际合同劳工面临的跨国生产政治,成为发达资本主义国家资本强制剥削再度出现的重要机制。  相似文献   

Objective. The purpose of this article is to assess over‐time trends in the interactive effects of gender and race on attitudes toward the changing roles of women in U.S. society. Methods. This article uses data from the 1974–2006 General Social Survey. Gender‐role attitudes are measured using two composite indices of traditionalism. Results. We find black females tend to hold less traditional gender‐role attitudes than their black male, white male, and white female counterparts. Black and white males tend to hold similar attitudes toward women entering politics, but differ significantly in their attitudes toward women working outside the home and its impact on children. Assessing over‐time trends, we find the difference between black females and the other social groups to be generally diminishing. This convergence is more pronounced for white and black females. The difference in attitudes toward women entering politics between black females and white males, on the other hand, appears to be maintaining over time. Conclusions. These findings support the idea that the labor force participation for women may have provided the groundwork for the evolution of attitudes for men and women. As white women in particular increase participation in the workforce, ideologies regarding the place of women in U.S. society have shifted.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between aggregate unemployment and the labor force participation of males and females of differing ages and marital circumstances. According to the discouraged-worker effect, a higher unemployment rate causes some workers to leave the labor force leading to a reduction in both the labor-force participation rate and the unemployment rate. To shed light on this statistical incongruity, a unique data set consisting of monthly observations from the Current Population Survey is used to extract the labor force participation rates of males and females of three different age categories and three different marital classifications. Impulse functions from vector error-correction models indicate that discouraged workers are more likely though not exclusively to consist of married males and females between 50 and 65 years of age. No statistically significant evidence of a net added-worker effect is found among married females or males in any age group.  相似文献   

关于农业劳动力结构的观察与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在我国的工业化、城市化进程中,农业劳动力梯队不完整、男女比例差距悬殊、科技文化素质低,已经成为农业生产和农村社会发展的根本制约因素。积极推进社会主义新农村建设,必须采取有力措施,扭转农业劳动力结构严重失衡的局面。  相似文献   

北京市农民工子女初中后教育研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京市农民工子女初中后的教育问题正在凸显。由于北京学生不愿意接受职业教育,北京市中职教育在不断萎缩。调查显示,农民工子女对参加中职教育有很强的需求意愿,劳动力市场对中初级人才有很强的需求,同时北京市中职教育也有很强的供给能力。以教育政策控制流动人口规模、城乡分治和以户籍制度安排,是导致农民工子女不能享受城市中职教育的主要原因。借鉴各地经验,通过政策调整和制度创新,向农民工子女有序开放中职教育资源,是促进首都经济社会发展和社会和谐的重要选择。  相似文献   

Objective. I seek to assess the quality of relations between labor unions and environmental organizations and to identify economic, political, and organizational factors that influence those relations. Methods. A survey of state labor leaders was conducted in order to determine the quality of relations between unions and environmental organizations around the United States. Ordinary least squares regression is used to identify associations between state level economic and political indicators and the quality of labor-environmental relations. Results. Relations between labor unions and environmentalists are generally positive. Except for the timber industry, there is no evidence of hostility between environmentalists and unions in industries that may be threatened with job loss due to environmental measures. Republican control of state government and labor-industry cooperation are associated with poor labor-environmental relations. Conclusions. Popular beliefs about entrenched "jobs versus the environment" conflict are largely unfounded. Instances of conflict between unions and environmental advocates are rare and largely isolated in certain employment sectors. Although unions and environmentalists share certain interests, Republican political control reduces cooperation between these two constituencies. Unions can be seen as situated between employers and environmentalists in regard to environmental issues. Cooperation with employers results in poorer relations between unions and environmentalists.  相似文献   

苏熠慧 《社会》2011,31(6):178-205
本文以劳动过程理论为基础,在借用布雷弗曼的视角--“概念”与“执行”的同时,结合M.福柯、戈夫曼和霍奇斯柴德的理论,讨论家政工与雇主在家务劳动方面的博弈过程以及双方为争夺劳动过程控制权所采取的策略和行动,同时讨论意识形态在此博弈中发挥的作用。本文认为,在家务劳动过程中,雇主的身心是分离的。他们为了满足自己的需求,通过各种策略控制劳动过程,将家政工的身心进行分割。这些策略包括时间规训、全景监视和情感管理。而家政工为了避免身心被分割,也采取“跳槽”、讨价还价、搭建“前后台”等方式来夺回对劳动过程控制权。此外,家政工也可能受到意识形态的影响而主动放弃控制权。  相似文献   

Four explanations have been developed to explain women's low wage earnings. Human capital and sex-role socialization theories provide individualistic explanation, while dual labor and split labor market analyses focus on labor market segmentation. This research examines structural factors and finds that females in male-dominated public health specialties earn considerably less than males even when “investments” and opportunities” are controlled.  相似文献   

This article examined general trends in teacher-reported conflict and closeness among 878 children from kindergarten through sixth grade, and examined early childhood characteristics that predict differences in initial levels and growth of conflict and closeness over time. Results indicated modest stability of teacher-perceived conflict and closeness through sixth grade, with relatively greater stability in perceptions of conflict. Levels of conflict at kindergarten were higher for children who were male, Black, had greater mean hours of childcare, had lower academic achievement scores, and had greater externalizing behavior. Children identified as Black and those with less sensitive mothers were at greater risk for increased conflict with teachers over time. Levels of teacher-reported closeness were lower when children were male, had lower quality home environments, and had lower academic achievement scores. The gap in closeness ratings between males and females increased in the middle elementary school years. Additional analyses were conduced to explore differences in teacher ratings of conflict between Black and White students.  相似文献   

北京作为国家文化中心、中华传统文化和现代文明融合的首善之区,为留学生跨文化交际和博雅教育提供了得天独厚的条件。本文透过在京留学生的习作,分析北京语境在汉语国际教育中的浸润作用及其特点,提出利用北京语境的优势,进一步提升汉语国际教育的水平。  相似文献   

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