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从实证角度出发,在已有文献的基础上,构建了在线客户评论对消费者购买决策的影响模型。研究结果表明:消费者——网站关系、评论者资信度、评论的效价、评论的数量以及评论的质量对消费者购买决策的影响显著正相关:接收者的专业能力对消费者购买决策的影响显著负相关。根据研究结论为企业提出了相应的管理建议及对策。 相似文献
本文首先采用关键绩效指标法,构建了医生绩效评价的指标体系,针对指标存在的不确定性特点,应用证据推理算法,建立了医生绩效评价模型,有效地融合了定量和定性信息,对医生绩效进行了综合评估。结果表明,该方法解决了评价指标不确定性的问题,大大提高了评价的准确性。可得结论,证据推理算法应用于医生绩效评价具有一定的可行性、实用性和推广价值。 相似文献
如何利用网络进行口碑营销,逐渐成为营销人员和研究学者关注的热点话题。笔者在总结国内外有关消费者购买决策研究的基础上,以有过网上服装购买经历的高校大学生和参加工作的年轻一代为研究对象,通过编制《在线客户评论对网络服装消费者购买决策的影响研究问卷》,探讨在线客户评论如何最终影响消费者的购买决策。 相似文献
本文对客户资产中最为关键的计算因子——客户预期贡献,提出一种利用最小二乘法进行回归分析,拟合出客户预期贡献的计算函数,并将其运用到客户资产计算公式中,建立客户资产度量模型.本文还以中国建设银行某支行餐饮娱乐业固定资产贷款业务为案例,阐明了该方法的应用,并对计算出的客户资产结果进行了拟合优度检验和显著性检验. 相似文献
将产品成本以及市场需求函数中的参数视为不确定变量,研究一个由制造商和零售商组成的两级绿色供应链在不确定环境下的最优产品定价和绿色度水平决策问题。分析制造商和零售商在非合作博弈下的三种均衡模式:制造商与零售商分别占主导地位时的Stackelberg均衡,以及制造商与零售商具有同等权力时的Nash均衡,并利用不确定理论给出各均衡模式下的最优策略。最后,通过数值算例对三种模式下的最优策略进行比较分析,研究表明,考虑市场环境的不确定性可以增加制造商和零售商的利润。对于制造商和零售商来说,其分别主导的Stackelberg均衡是最优的,而对于消费者而言,制造商和零售商具有同等权力时的Nash均衡策略为最优策略。此外,降低绿色产品投资系数的不确定性程度也可以提高制造商和零售商的利润。 相似文献
本文以日趋激烈的市场竞争环境为背景,在回顾了传统客户关系管理理论以及重要客户管理理论的基础上,结合外贸服装行业实际的客户关系管理经验,提出了了在外贸服装行业如何定义重要客户以及重要客户日常管理方法。与此同时,以欧洲客户满意度指标(ECSI)为基础,结合外贸服装行业实际客户关系管理情况,设计了外贸服装行业客户满意度调查问卷,阐述客户满意度指标理论模型。最后,说明重要客户管理及其客户满意度研究对企业的重要意义。 相似文献
顾客购买行为影响因素分析及重购概率的预测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
顾客购买行为是市场营销研究的重要内容之一。目前已有一些文献通过引入几个属性变量,构建起描述顾客购买行为或预测购买概率的随机模型。本文在前人研究的基础上,首先分析了对顾客购买行为影响较大的顾客购买决策、前后两次购买间隔时间、顾客重购行为和顾客逃逸等因素,而后将这些因素综合考虑,给出预测日用消费品重购概率的一种方法,并用实际数据对预测方法进行检验,预测的结果与实际数据非常接近。本方法的特点一是预测精度较高,二是具有一般性,适用于一般的日用消费品。 相似文献
In this article, we assess the implications of customer purchase behavior on customization in electronic retailing. We develop a classification scheme for customization strategies in electronic retailing. The classification scheme comprises three customization strategies: (i) transaction customization, (ii) decision customization, and (iii) product customization. We develop scales to measure each of the three customization strategies using a systematic four‐stage scale development process. Building on the extant literature on customer purchase behavior, we design an experiment to examine the alignment of the customization strategies with three well‐established product types: (i) convenience goods, (ii) shopping goods, and (iii) specialty goods, and its implications for customer value. The findings of the experiment indicate that there are significant differences in the customer value for the three customization strategies across the three product types. The contributions of the study, the managerial implications of the study findings, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose a new dynamic programming decomposition method for the network revenue management problem with customer choice behavior. The fundamental idea behind our dynamic programming decomposition method is to allocate the revenue associated with an itinerary among the different flight legs and to solve a single‐leg revenue management problem for each flight leg in the airline network. The novel aspect of our approach is that it chooses the revenue allocations by solving an auxiliary optimization problem that takes the probabilistic nature of the customer choices into consideration. We compare our approach with two standard benchmark methods. The first benchmark method uses a deterministic linear programming formulation. The second benchmark method is a dynamic programming decomposition idea that is similar to our approach, but it chooses the revenue allocations in an ad hoc manner. We establish that our approach provides an upper bound on the optimal total expected revenue, and this upper bound is tighter than the ones obtained by the two benchmark methods. Computational experiments indicate that our approach provides significant improvements over the performances of the benchmark methods. 相似文献
Customer interactions with an organization's website create opportunities for positive experiences that can lead to long‐term relationship building. The range of potential interactions is now quite diverse, including product information search, purchase transaction and/or service delivery. The domain of customer experience (CE) is well developed in the face‐to‐face context, but little attention has been paid to exploring the concept in the online context. The purpose of this paper is to provide a review of the online consumer literature in order to inform understanding of the antecedents and consequences of online customer experience (OCE) in the purchase context. The paper offers four important contributions for both academics and practitioners. First, it adds to understanding of OCE in the purchase context and, second, specifically recognizes and discusses the antecedents of OCE by drawing on existing literature relating to online consumer purchase. Third, it proposes the potential consequences of OCE and provides a framework for future testing. Finally, the paper addresses a problem of relevance to both academics and practitioners, and proposes future research and managerial implications. 相似文献