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something intrinsic and indispensable. Nowadays, with the development of the economy and improvement of transportation, globalization has become a fact. Cross-cultural communication become more and more frequent, from import and export between countries to communication among people from different countries. However, due to language differences and cultural factors, there are misunderstandings and unnecessary troubles. As we all know, language plays a very important role in cross-cultural communication. Therefore, what we should know about it and how can we avoid such misunderstandings and trouble? This article aims to deal with these two questions and put forward with relative advice.  相似文献   

通过教学途径学习的英语和英美日常生活中使用的英语有一些差别,这主要体现在语音、语调、非语言交际手段的使用等诸多方面。这些差异会在跨文化交际中引起一些交际困难或失误。英文电影内容生动、情景直观,真实反映了英语语言国家的社会状况、生活情景、文化教育,可以很好地让学生逐渐熟悉和适应这些差异,有效弥补英语课堂教学的不足,并提高学生的跨文化交际能力。本文仅就英文电影对提高学生跨文化交际能力的作用及其应用策略加以讨论。  相似文献   

A therapist's capacity to respond appropriately to a client is crucial in fostering positive therapeutic relationships and outcomes in general but it is even more important in cross-cultural therapy. Given the clinical significance of the dyad-specific and dynamic nature of the therapist's responsiveness, our study explores one white female therapist's responsiveness with three racial/ethnic minority clients in the beginning phase of therapy sessions. Using the structural analysis of social behavior and conversation analysis, the turn-by-turn intensive analysis of culturally relevant and nonrelevant talk in therapy illustrates how a therapist, who is appropriately and positively responsive to clients in other contexts, becomes disengaged and even negatively oriented during culturally relevant talk. This finding illustrates the challenges involved in maintaining positive engagement and responsiveness in cross-cultural therapeutic communication. Our findings also highlight the usefulness of focusing on moment-to-moment interactions in cross-cultural clinical practice.  相似文献   

Foucault's conceptualization of power relations provides a theoretical framework for cross-cultural psychotherapy reimbursed by a managed health insurance plan. Utilizing extensive case material from psychotherapy with a White therapist and an African American adolescent, the paper discusses how clinical social workers can operate within, but not be completely of dominant power structures. Applications are also made to supervision, education, and administration.  相似文献   

This article identifies certain cultural assumptions that underlie special education policy and practice in the United States, and argues that unawareness of cultural relativity contributes to considerable cross-cultural dissonance in working with families from diverse backgrounds. With regard to policy, the article argues that, despite an ideal of parental participation, the medical note on which the law is based frequently results in misunderstanding between professionals and parents who do not share the same value system. Three aspects of such misunderstandings are explored: The way disability is defined, the power accorded to professional expertise, and the commitment to the decontextualized language of objective science. With regard to practice, the article further identifies four areas of parent-professional dissonance: Beliefs about parenting styles, education goals, family and community concerns, and the pragmatics of communication. Explicit awareness of cultural relativity is recommended as an essential step towards reciprocal relationships with families from diverse backgrounds.  相似文献   

Why is there so much confusion and conflict around common identity labels, a problem that extends well beyond any stereotypes that they may evoke? How do we escape the seeming paradox that we reject racism but still speak frequently of black and white? Who claims the power to determine or name others’ identities? The confusion and conflict about identity that play out on a surface level are often caused by starkly different but implicit understandings that operate beneath the surface. For example, terms like black, Jewish and Muslim may invoke several of our deeper conceptions or categories like race, culture, religion and ethnicity, and to varying degrees in different places. Critically, these categories themselves are culturally rooted. This article shows how our implicit categories can lead to both cross-cultural confusion and problematic misunderstandings in course content. Helping students to recognise and to understand the cultural roots of our implicit categories should be a deliberate learning outcome. This type of cultural understanding can be advanced significantly through guided reflection on experience and explicit instruction; in addition, some subjects and approaches – intercultural education, study abroad and Holocaust education among them – show particular promise for achieving this aim.  相似文献   

Despite numerous suggestions to integrate culture, diversity and social justice issues in clinical supervision, empirical studies on cross-cultural supervision indicate limited uptake of such recommendations. We suggest that a comprehensive model of cross-cultural supervision could benefit the field by guiding supervisors in this task. A working model is proposed based on a foundation of the supervisory alliance and a focus on social work practice competence, integrating strategies to promote self- and relational-reflexivity within the supervisory relationship. The model is comprised of four components: component 1: goal setting to contract on cross-cultural integration in supervision; component 2: active listening for cross-cultural markers; component 3: bonding through the supervisor’s self-reflexivity to foster the supervisee’s self-reflexivity; and component 4: working through tasks for cultural integration in supervision by modelling the supervisor’s relational reflexivity in case formulation and treatment to foster the supervisee’s relational-reflexivity.  相似文献   

An indispensable goal of intensive psychotherapy is to modify areas of the superego which are unreasonably harsh and punitive—yet, surprisingly little is written on this topic. In this paper, after discussing various aspects of the superego, I recommend an active treatment technique which involves educating the patient, over time, about how pervasive and punitive is—for lack of a better word—the conscience—of his or her mind. During this process, one can expect a softening and lessening of the patient's punitive superego and an expansion of the patient's benign or benevolent superego, as the patient begins to identify with and introject more of the compassionate attitudes which have been imparted and experienced in the intimate relationship of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Chris Jackson 《Social Studies》2013,104(4):187-190
In recent studies, youths in the United States have demonstrated a remarkable lack of cultural literacy. As the world is becoming increasingly interconnected, it is imperative that students enhance their understanding of other cultures. A classroom correspondence match with a Peace Corps volunteer through the Coverdell Peace Corps World Wise Schools program can help students make this improvement by traveling the globe and raising their cross-cultural awareness—without leaving the classroom. In this article, a returned Peace Corps volunteer and current classroom instructor presents classroom strategies he has used from the Coverdell Peace Corps World Wise Schools program. Using Robert Hanvey's (1976) four levels of cross-cultural awareness, the author demonstrates how this unique program can dramatically improve students' cross-cultural awareness.  相似文献   

This article discusses educational aspects of cross-cultural psychology in relationship to Japanese society. After exploring the present status of cross-cultural psychology in Japan, the paper delineates the factual, theoretical, and methodological implications of cross-cultural psychology for the teaching of psychology in Japanese universities. It is argued that an area approach incorporating comparative research on Japanese society can add context, detail, historical perspective, new methodology, and interdisciplinary richness to classes otherwise relying on traditional journal articles and textbooks of cross-cultural psychology. Such an approach is deemed useful for cross-cultural psychology classes taking place both inside and outside Japan. The article concludes with an annotated bibliography of research on Japanese society.  相似文献   

This article portrays the situation of cross-cultural psychology in Japan, including historical background, institutional aspects, and research findings by Japanese investigators. Reflecting the internationalization of Japanese society, cultural influences on human behavior have recently drawn the attention of Japanese psychologists, and the number of researchers engaged in cross-cultural investigations is steadily increasing. A review of articles in current Japanese journals suggests that most cross-cultural studies belong to the areas of social, educational, and developmental psychology where they increasingly focus on specific themes and hypotheses. Although cross-cultural psychologists interact in each research area, cross-cultural findings have only rarely been discussed or integrated on the common plane of cross-cultural psychology. In part, this is true because no association of cross-cultural psychology exists in Japan. The authors emphasize the importance of a systematic approach to response styles which influence research findings and the fruitfulness of comparing Japanese findings to those obtained in other non-Western societies.  相似文献   

This article conceptualizes the case of Jessica Chang from a cross-cultural perspective. The article also suggests additional readings in cross-cultural counseling, and specifically focuses on cross-cultural career counseling The case is examined from the viewpoint of Jessica Chang, her supervisor, and the that of her organization as a whole. Practical implications for each participant are discussed.  相似文献   


The article presents a cross-cultural comparison of stepfamilies. Israeli and American stepfamilies were compared. The samples were similar in socio-demographic characteristics. Using translations of the same instruments, Israeli and American samples were compared for past orientation, acceptance/rejection of difference from non-stepfamilies, focal sub-system, satisfaction and functioning. Similarities and differences between American and Israeli stepfamilies are presented and their association to characteristics of the two societies are discussed. Methodological aspects of conducting cross-cultural research are addressed and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

This essay seeks to examine the approaches andmethods most propitious to the cross-cultural study of women and politics, because it is in the cross-cultural context where the methodological problems of studying women and politics are posted in their complexity. Using Arend Lijphart's concept of the "comparative method," the essay applies this concept to the cross-cultural study of women and politics as a means of avoiding a number of conceptual problems inherent in the subject matter. The essay focuses on political participation, broadly defined, and uses this focus as a means of illustrating through substantive examples the problems of studying women and politics. A critique of the predominantly American literature is offered, as well as an examination of the successful uses of the comparative method as examples for future research. The particular data problems for women's studies scholars are discussed. Operationalization of the variable sex or gender is placed in the context of cross-cultural study. A number of research approaches are discussed: the case study variant of the comparative method, longitudinal analysis, elite studies, cohort analysis, cross-sectional analysis, and the ecological approach. The last two approaches are critized as being particularly unsuited to studying women and politics.  相似文献   

Existing studies demonstrate that the identity formation of internationally adopted children and the adjustments of adoptive families reside in the processes of cross-cultural and intercultural communication. However, there have been few studies on international adoption from the perspectives of intercultural and cross-cultural communication. Following a previous qualitative study on the experiences of adult international adoptees, this project employs a quantitative method to examine the ongoing (before, during, and after adoption) cross-cultural adaptation and identity formation of international adoptees from the perspectives of adoptive parents. The findings of the study have identified the key issues involved in the cross-cultural adaptation process and discussed experiences of adoptive families for dealing with those issues.  相似文献   

The author argues that when minority content has been included in the social work curriculum, the affective domain of cross-cultural study has been bypassed in favor of cognitive mastery. This article presents a conceptual system for evaluating students' progress in the affective area as a way of preparing them for the demands of cross-cultural practice and as a step toward creating a confluence between content and process.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, a perspective on how to resolve wicked social problems has become increasingly prominent: the cultural theory pioneered by anthropologist Dame Mary Douglas. So far, the empirical evidence garnered in support of this approach has mostly been of a qualitative nature. Cultural theory has fared less well in survey-based, statistical tests. However, several features make it hard to test the theory with questionnaires. We overcome this research dilemma by showing how cultural theory can be tested with observational and experimental tests developed in cross-cultural psychology. We argue that this is possible due to the remarkable overlap between concepts and theories in cross-cultural psychology and Douglas' approach. We present five research designs that add up to a rigorous test of cultural theory. Finally, we sketch some contributions that cultural theory could make to the further development of cross-cultural psychology, as well as to efforts to resolve wicked problems, if it were thus confirmed.  相似文献   


Little is known about cross-cultural supervision dynamics between Black, female supervisors who provide clinical supervision of White supervisees. This study examined transference enactments which occurred between Black, female clinical supervisors (N = 57) and White supervisees. The results show that White supervisees’ racist and sexist behaviors towards the Black, female supervisors demonstrated remnants of stereotypical images historically attributed to Black women (i.e., Mammy, Jezebel, and/or Sapphire). Moreover, the findings highlight the need to initiate multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills to enhance clinical skills. The paper concludes with recommendations for cross-cultural supervisory dyads and implications for future research.  相似文献   

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