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西方发达国家在实现现代化的过程中积累了大量的社会管理经验和教训,对“后发型”发展中国家。具有重要的借鉴意义。西方国家社会管理大体经历了三个阶段,即政府有限社会管理阶段、全面或福利国家社会管理阶段和工作福利国家阶段。本文通过对这三个阶段的梳理、归纳和总结;对当前我国加强和创新社会管理提出建设性对策:一是加快经济发展;二是维护社会公平正义;三是解决突出矛盾和问题。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国城镇住房保障的发展历程是曲折的,以改革作为转折点,大体可分为传统住房保障阶段和住房保障的改革与发展阶段。中间经历了低租金、实物配给式的具有福利性质的住房分配制度,到20世纪70年代末改革后的补贴出售、优惠出售、提租补贴、公积金制度与经济适用房、廉租房建设等的演变过程。重新回顾60年来我国城镇住房保障的发展历程,总结其中的经验、教训,对于我们更好地解决住房弱势群体的居住权利有着重大的意义。  相似文献   

中国成为世界制造业中心的条件研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋泓 《管理世界》2005,(12):85-94
本文构建了一个分析发展中国家和地区成为世界制造业中心的一般分析框架。这个框架包括5个关键环节,即:(1)对当地市场的必要保护;(2)对当地市场的培育;(3)后发优势的作用及其利用;(4)市场机制的作用;(5)对市场机制的引导。另外,大国条件以及技术可获得性和技术差距等因素,也具有重要的影响。这些条件的满足和实施是在当地政府和市场的共同作用下完成的。在这个框架的基础上,本文归结出历史上存在的促使发展中国家和地区制造业中心建设的3种典型模式,并分析了传统的大国模式和20世纪60年代以来所形成的依附发展模式的实施条件以及局限性,指出在充分参与国际经济发展的前提下,促进国内市场竞争环境建设,从而促使当地企业和产业发展的自立发展模式是中国成为世界制造业中心的最佳模式选择。文章进一步分析了这种自立模式实现的条件以及所面临的国际约束。本文的分析具有探索性,作者希望能够引起更多的讨论或批评。  相似文献   

一、欧美国家工业化的模式、规律和启示 英国是世界上最早开始并完成传统工业化的国家(18世纪70年代到19世纪70年代).20世纪初叶,主要欧美国家基本实现了工业化.由于国情不同,经济发展的背景和起始条件各异,工业化道路呈现出不同特点,形成了若干代表性模式.主要是:英美"自由放任"的内生型模式,即以市场机制为基础,依靠市场方式自发推进,在经济系统内生地实现技术进步、产业结构转型.德国日本"政府主导型"模式,即通过制定赶超政策,依靠强有力的政府干预实现产业保护、市场统一,推进工业化,迅速崛起.新兴工业化模式,即包括拉美的阿根廷、巴西,欧洲及中东地区的以色列、科威特,东亚地区的日本、韩国、新加坡及我国香港、台湾地区等,努力适应国际环境,发挥比较优势,在政府主导下,通过适当工业发展导向型战略,走出一条独特的工业化之路.  相似文献   

袁方  史清华 《管理世界》2013,(10):49-61
本文从不平等的两个方面即收入不平等和可行能力不平等,研究了农民工福利和不平等的关系。利用2009年上海农民工实地调查数据,在福利分类模型的框架下对农民工福利进行了考察,研究发现:(1)总体而言,可行能力和收入不平等对农民工福利水平存在负向影响,但针对不同农民工群体,其影响效果和程度存在明显差异;(2)可行能力不平等对高收入群体的福利存在显著影响,对于第Ⅰ类农民工群体,可行能力不平等对其福利存在正向影响,而对第Ⅳ类群体的福利则存在负向影响;且可行能力不平等对第Ⅰ类和第Ⅲ类农民工群体的收入和福利关系存在显著的负调节作用;(3)收入不平等严重损害低收入低可行能力农民工群体的福利,而对高收入高可行能力群体福利的影响则不显著;且收入不平等对低收入(第Ⅱ类和第Ⅳ类群体)农民工的收入和福利关系存在显著的正调节作用。因此改善可行能力不平等、缩小收入差距对保护农民工福利具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

50年代末60年代初,西半球出现了严重的政治危机。肯尼迪总统上台伊始就调整了对拉美的援助政策,更是推出了针对拉美的争取进步联盟计划。本文通过对肯尼迪政府时期“争取进步联盟”计划出台,实施的分析,把握美国对拉美援助政策的动机及影响。  相似文献   

理念是行动的先导.在完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念指导下,各地结合实际探索特色化路径,涌现出许多典型样本.有的城市成为经济持续跨越赶超的黑马,也有的遭遇成长烦恼而下滑.此升彼降的变化雄辩地证明,传统路径上的率先,并不意味着贯彻新发展理念的领先. 立足新发展阶段,高质量发展是全面、多维的发展,必然是一破一立:“破”的是老...  相似文献   

本文认为,2018年1月1日在全国执行的《环境保护税法》,将对我国生态环境产生一系列影响,包括:大气污染将有所降低,固体废弃物的处理将进一步规范,污水处理将逐步产业化,大分贝噪音将得到有效遏制;对经济的影响是:最初可能会在一定程度上降低发展速度,但从长远看,将有利于优化经济结构,维护发展的可持续性。从务实的视角看,生态环境能否得到根本好转将取决于3个方面:(1)法律能否得到严格的执行;(2)污染当量的测量是否科学有效;(3)地方政府决策时能否做到环境保护优于经济增长。  相似文献   

美国对华政策的目标有三:(1)继续和中国交往以获取经济利益;(2)扩张西方政治价值;(3)要围堵中国对美国的可能的和潜在的威胁。首先,  相似文献   

法国社会党第一书记奥朗德在总结2002年4月21日大选失败的教训时说:“4月21日是20年来一直存在的伴随着极右翼、民粹主义和非政治化(不参加投票选举)而产生的政治危机。”正是这种痛定思痛的危机意识,促使社会党进行了深刻的反思和变革,积极地重振左翼联盟,调整竞选战略,为2007  相似文献   

The central planning agencies in Latin America have undergone multiple transformations in their structural design. These agencies came to life during the late 1950s in response to a development strategy that required the state to provide long-run direction to development by means of economic planning. Five decades later, the same agencies were redeployed to perform an open-market development strategy. What explains the fact that the same agency, created with the purpose of planning economic development, has functioned across time and governments with sharp economic, and political differences? Following Mahoney and Thelen (2010), this paper highlights the idea that the basic properties of institutions provide some forceful elements that permit change. In this sense, the document shows how veto possibilities and compliance are key variables in understanding the changing role of the central planning offices in Latin America.  相似文献   


By doing a parallel between old and new reforms on governance issues applied in Latin America, this paper seeks to identify learnings as well as to understand what is new and what is not from this type of policy endeavor. The article focuses on the analysis of the State reforms implemented in Latin America during the 1920s and those of the 1990s. It shows that modernization of public administration follows the State reform; that needs calling for modernization are permanent; and that while ends pursued by the State change in the long run, modernization has to be a permanent activity.


Public HRM in developing countries in Latin America and the Caribbean is different than in the United States because the development of administrative systems in general (and public personnel systems in particular) in less developed countries tend to evolve along a single track toward the model of increased rationality and transparency valued by international lenders as indicators of effective government and economic development. With respect to public HRM systems, this generally involves a sequential transition from statehood to patronage, from patronage to civil service, and from civil service to a range of alternative personnel systems. Development is a complex process affected more by economic, political and social conditions within each country, and their impact on civic culture, government and public administration. Examination of five examples from Latin America and the Caribbean shows that developing public HRM capacity can be done rightly or wrongly, depending on decision-makers' willingness to remember and learn from history and development management experience.  相似文献   

Rapid economic development is provoking a skilled talent shortage in Latin America, causing firms to compete intensely for scarce talent (Manpower Group, 2011). While foreign-headquartered firms may bear a “liability of foreignness” (Zaheer, 1995), the question remains whether this alleged liability extends to attracting workers in the Latin American context. We propose an interactionist model grounded on person–organization fit and marginalization theories. Our model, which distinguishes between foreignness and internationalization, argues that they interact with marginalization variables to impact employer attractiveness. Our multi-level analysis of 76,191 individual evaluations of 80 firms within five Latin American countries supported hypotheses that members of marginalized groups based on gender, education, and income were relatively more attracted to foreign headquartered and more international firms. Our findings contribute to an emerging body of evidence suggesting that the impacts of foreignness and internationalization are not necessarily monolithic across all contexts.  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - This exploratory research aims to propose a conceptual definition of governance and to speculate on the state of governance in Latin America. Political instability,...  相似文献   

This paper explores local and global dynamics underlying the development of knowledge services clusters, which we define as new geographic concentrations of technical talent and service providers offering upstream technical and knowledge-intensive business services to regional and global clients. Taking a co-evolutionary perspective on the development of knowledge services clusters in Latin America, based on data from the Offshoring Research Network (ORN), we find that cluster growth results from intersecting trajectories: the emergence of local talent pools and capabilities initially serving local and regional demand; broadening global search for talent and expertise by multinational corporations; and internationalization strategies of service providers competing to serve global clients. Findings suggest that increasing commoditization of knowledge services opens up windows of opportunity for new clusters, but also involves challenges for sustainable growth. Results may stimulate future research on global sourcing and cluster development.  相似文献   

This study reports a cross-cultural assessment of the effects of service quality, service value, and satisfaction on consumers' behavioral intentions. The study endeavors to extend recent advances in services marketing theory to the international level of analysis. A composite model of a service encounter is developed based on the literature cited and compared across 425 North American and Latin American fast-food customers. A number of significant findings are reported, including the empirical verification of the position that service value and satisfaction drive consumers' behavioral intentions in North America, whereas Latin Americans are found to emphasize satisfaction in their service assessments. These results indicate that American consumers tend to place more emphasis on the tradeoff between what they receive in the service encounter and what they have to give up to receive the benefit. Conversely, Latin American consumers place heightened importance on the more emotive satisfaction judgment. The immediate implication for practitioners in both regions is that North Americans should respond favorably to offerings that emphasize the quality of the meal relative to the expenditure required. Latin Americans, on the other hand, should respond to more emotional appeals that accentuate the pleasure derived from the encounter.  相似文献   

Late in the 1998 hurricane season, Central America was slammed by a devastating hurricane. Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize were greatly impacted by Hurricane Mitch, one of the deadliest storms to affect the region in the past 200 years. The economies of each of these countries were badly affected. In the case of Honduras — at the time the fourth‐poorest country in Latin America — its president suggested that 50 years of progress had been wiped out by the floods and mudslides associated with this relatively short‐lived storm system. Humanitarian assistance poured into the region in the first months following the disaster. As of mid‐2000, various national, bilateral, international, and nongovernmental programs were in progress or on the drawing board for recovery, reconstruction, and renewed development of the worst affected countries. Using Honduras as a case study, some of the ethical issues that abound in the decisions of whom to help, when, and how to help them in the wake of such an extreme climate‐related human tragedy are examined. Should development assistance be focused on those who have been directly and adversely affected by this storm, or should the emphasis be on reducing the risk of exposure by future generations to such disasters? Is there yet another approach that seeks to protect future generations from similar harm while at the same time assisting present‐day victims to get through their hardships?  相似文献   

Based on a unique dataset covering 84 institutions operating in 15 countries this paper provides evidence as to the impact of foreign ownership on microfinance sustainability and outreach in Latin America. Overall, we find that foreign-owned microfinance institutions have more borrowers than domestic-owned institutions. This suggests that foreign investors, mainly development finance institutions and other investors with close ties to the microfinance industry, exert governance in line with their stated policy goal: expanding financial inclusion among microentrepreneurs and poor households. In contrast to this, majority ownership of foreign investors neither provides a strong push towards the sustainability of microfinance institutions nor does it lead to “mission drift”, i.e. microfinance institutions issuing larger loans to comparatively wealthier clients.  相似文献   

This article offers an overview for a special issue on agroindustrialization. It reviews eleven articles analyzing the agroindustrialization process in Latin America and Asia. It sets out a conceptual framework from the organizational economics and strategic management literature to enhance the understanding of the process of agroindustrialization from a competitive strategy point of view.  相似文献   

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