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Sylke Nissen 《Soziologie》2006,35(4):468-479
Simulation games can be a suitable form of teaching the social sciences at the university. They do not only impart specialised knowledge of sociological topics. Simulation games also promote key qualifications such as social competence, creativity or communication skills. Starting from the experiences based on several simulation game seminars the article informs of ways and means to successfully organise a one semester simulation game.  相似文献   

Jan Delhey 《Soziologie》2005,34(1):7-27
Zusammenfassung üblicherweise wird unter europ?ischer Integration der politische Zusammenschluss des EU-Staaten verstanden. In diesem Beitrag wird argumentiert, dass die Soziologie einen eigenen Begrift von europ?ischer Integration braucht, der sich auf die Integration zwischen den neurop?ischen Gesellschaften in einer transnationalen Perspektive beziehen k?nnte. Von einem transaktionalistischen Ansatz her denkend werden mit gegenseitiger Relevanz und transnationaler Koh?sion zwei Dimensionen der europ?ischen Gesellschaftsintegration benannt und erl?utert. Es wird argumentiert, dass genau dadurch, dass sich die Soziologie nicht prim?r die politische Integration im Rahmen der EU zum Gegenstand nimmt, sondern sich mit transnationaler Vergesellschaftung befasst, sie erstens das Thema Europ?isierung breiter in der Disziplin verankern kann und zweitens, als Nebeneffekt, anschlussf?hig für die (bislang) auf politische Prozesse spezialisierten Integration Studies wird. Mein Dank gilt meinem Chef und Kollegen Jens Alber für zahlreiche Diskussionen und wertvolle Anregungen zu dieser wie zu einer früheren Fassung des Artikels. Weiterhin danke ich Georg Vobruba für wertvolle Anregungen.  相似文献   

In view of limited public budgets and as a consequence of the decrease of national security systems and services, primary helping networks like the neighbourhood received scientific and political atten-tion. Neighbours as members of the personal social network are ideal sources of support in situations, that require need-suitable and unbureaucratic support within a short time, because of their physical proximity and quick accessibility.The following article shows the impact of neighbourhood as part of the personal social network in the modern society. On the one hand the article focuses on the causes for neighbourly solidarity and the different exchanged assistances. On the other hand the difficulties in help-seeking and help-activating in neighbourhoods are regarded. Partly based on specific problem constellations and, in addition, they also can be led back up on processes of social change and changed individual requirements on neighbourhood relations.  相似文献   

In view of the political reform in Poland, the ratification of international conventions and Poland’s intention of joining the European Union, a revision of both civil law and family law, which has been codified separately hitherto, is required. The author analyses the proposals made by the commission for the codification of the civil law and presents further possibilities for a solution.As far as the family law reform is concerned, optional civil marriage has been introduced. The same law lays down that a marriage is void in the case of an error regarding the partner and the event that the marriage was concluded under threat. Whereas the principle of irretrievable marriage breakdown remains unchanged, the introduction of divorce on request of one partner without judicial control has been refused. Furthermore, the legal separation is to be introduced.According to the author, the main emphasis of the reformatory efforts is being placed on the matrimonial property law. He reports on the commission’s proposal on the introduction of the community of surplus as a new matrimonial property regime, the introduction of a matrimonial property register and the extension of the spouses’ rights to settle their marital property rights by contract.With regard to the parent and child law the author analyses the impications of new assisted reproduction technologies for the right to challenge paternity and questions of maintenance.Finally the author refers to the status of the child in the new constitution and points out the necessity of hearing the children in the course of divorce proceedings.  相似文献   

This article presents preliminary experience with a selection procedure for the diploma study course in sociology at the LMU Munich, which was first implemented in the winter term 2004/05. Furthermore, it examines the consequences of this procedure. The selection procedure, which is limited in time, was established due to high discontinuation rates and a remarkable congestion of the scientific personnel who are particularly involved in the foundation courses. Judicial fundament of the procedure is an “experimental clause” in the Bavarian University Act. First of all we point out that the number of newly registered undergraduates remarkably declined. Even the total number of applicants is lower than in the years before the initiation of the selection procedure. Secondly, we consider the dwindling during the process of the selection procedure. Contrary to some apprehensions it is obvious that applicants with a good university-entrance diploma do not choose possible alternatives, but still consider the diploma study course in sociology. Concerning the overall evaluation of the selection procedure’s consequences our results show thirdly, that the procedure is highly accepted by all parties concerned and that it therefore has to be regarded as an efficient solution to lower the discontinuation rates as well as to cope with the capacity overload.  相似文献   

We discuss the development of German corporate governance in light of the hostile takeover of Mannesmann by Vodafone. The paper criticizes the stability hypothesis of Thomas Heinze in KZFSS 4/2001 and demonstrates the deep changes within German corporate governance, which we describe as hybrid convergence. Given trade-offs between corporate growth and profitability, the preferences of German management have changed towards greater emphasis on shareholder returns. This change is evident in the implementation of new profitability targets, end of cross-subsidization and concentration on core competences. Through incremental changes throughout the 1990s, the importance of market mechanisms has increased and been internalized within corporations. German corporate governance is moving toward a U.S. market model through hybrid processes of institutional layering and conversion.  相似文献   

The first author has been running a ?TZI and self-experience“ workshop for eight years. Participants were undergraduates following educational studies with a family and leisure education bias. The authors try to systematically evaluate this course and to discover structures. A relatively standardized framework with a set content proved to be successful. Added to it are personally relevant topics based on biographical and current experience, questions evolving from the ongoing interaction in the group and work with individual persons in front of the group. How to handle the theme is discussed. Typical and particular difficulties and how to cope with them are presented.  相似文献   

The spark of small groups: An analysis of the developmental logic and dynamics of a consultancy process In the recent past large group interventions have gained increased attention in the systemic consulting literature. In contrast to this tendency, this paper focuses on the significance and effectiveness of small group interventions in business consultancy.Based on a qualitative analysis of a consultancy process, the effectiveness of small group change processes is documented here: Unlike large groups, small groups not only are far more likely to succeed in developing structures which differ from the existing organizational structures, they moreover are much more likely to develop a strong identity which helps them generate the power necessary for change. Especially in conflict situations and in situations where the pressures that are being put on an organization are increasing, small groups are more likely to maintain their identity, another crucial prerequisite for the initiation of a change process.The paper shows that consultancy systems, which differ in structure from the customer organization, are apt to serve as incubators for the development of strong groups within an organization. These small groups are able to push for organizational changes using conflicts process.  相似文献   

The regulation of standardized social surveys by a German national and an international norm, distributed by the Deutsche Institut für Normung, Berlin, is presented, regarding general out-lines as well as important details. Furthermore, three perspectives are dealt with in which these regulations are important not only for market and opinion research institutes, but for the academic discipline of sociology as well. Firstly, sociology is a client of the institutes. Drawing upon regulations, it is better equipped to negotiate with the institutes and to justify specific demands. Secondly, sociology and the institutes are equally interested in public opinion. Both live from the trust of people in market and opinion research which is sustained through the regulations. Thirdly, sociology educates graduates to be employed by the institutes and should therefore know and teach the regulations. As for the future, the internationallization of the institutes and technical advances as online surveys require the permanent revision of the regulations.  相似文献   

This is an attempt at formulating, on a theoretical and empirical basis, construction principles and patterns of change of the “world economy of oil”. This term refers to a loose and variable configuration of nation states, multinational corporations, the “Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries” (OPEC) and a set of market regulations related to the production, distribution and consumption of oil on a worldwide scale. The main argument links together four interrelated and partially overlapping functional processes: (1) capitalism as a profit-oriented, innovative and expansive economic principle; (2) incorporation of the external oil deposits by the governments and corporations of the central industrial nations; (3) the emergence of countervailing power within the peripheral, oil-exporting countries in order to gain control over their oil resources and to change the unequal exchange relations with the capitalist centers; (4) change of the integration mode of the “world-economy of oil” based on a new balance of interests between centers and peripheries following severe economical and political crises. The analysis is concluded with a functional-cyclical model of the world economy of oil.  相似文献   

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