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In internet auctions the exchange between two anonymous actors corresponds to a one-shot prisoner’s-dilemma-like situation. In such a situation there is a high risk that both actors will cheat and that the market will collapse. The solution to attaining mutual cooperation is the simple and very efficient institution of a public rating system. By this institution sellers have an incentive to invest in reputation in order to enhance future chances of business. Using data from about 200 auctions of mobile phones we analyse the effects of the reputation system by empirical methods. In general the analysis of non-obtrusive data from auctions may help to gain a deeper understanding of basic social processes of exchange, reputation, trust, and cooperation and of the impact of institutions on the efficiency of markets. In this study we report empirical estimations of the effects of reputation on characteristics of transactions like the probability of a successful deal, the mode of payment, and the largest bid or auction price. Particularly, we ask whether sellers receive a “premium” for reputation. Results show that buyers are ready to pay higher prices for reputation to diminish the risk of exploitation. On the other hand, sellers protect themselves against cheating by choosing of a proper mode of payment. Simple institutional settings lead to cooperation, relatively rare events of fraud, and efficient markets despite the risk of mutual opportunistic behavior.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the question how friendships can be built up in virtual communities, especially in multi-user dungeons (MUDs). According to the Social Information Processing Perspective (SIP; Walther, 1992), users of computer-mediated communication learn how to compensate the lack of nonverbal cues by using specific communication strategies (e.g. emoticons). The predictions derived from SIP were tested in a sample of MUDders. Additionally, the role of motives was studied. Results revealed that emoticons in fact are seen as helpful in expressing socioemotional contents. The use of emoticons also correlates with development of online-friendships. However, this correlation was moderated by the primary motivation to participate in MUDs.  相似文献   

The institutionalized system of rating sellers in internet-auctions is a powerful tool to promote cooperation. This system encourages rational actors to “invest in reputation” and, consequently, to behave cooperatively. We analyze the strategic behaviour of sellers and buyers and, particularly, we investigate with empirical data whether there is a “premium on reputation”. Ulrich Brinkmann and Matthias Meifert critically comment on our article. In this rejoinder we discuss their objections and particularly the measurement of reputation. Also, we explore the question of the relevance of an institutionalized system of reputation. Is an exogeneous sanctioning mechanism a necessary prerequisite to generate a stable amount of cooperation as Brinkmann and Meifert argue or does the institution of a reputation system suffice? To answer this question further experimental or simulation studies are required.  相似文献   

The use of participative methods, like moderation, as a management tool for interfirm networks is increasing. In contrast, the evaluation of results might not satisfy expectations. One major reason lies in the unreflective transmission from the roots of moderation. It was historically developed for the context of social groups and organizations. However, the network as a relatively unknown social phenomenon implies a set of different characteristics and conditions which have to be taken into account. Dilemmas, fluid and volatile resources as well as the lack of openness in the manner of participation shown by the members of a network, affect radically the identity, the possibilities of action and the applicable instruments of moderation. Therefore, basic principles of action (i.e. neutrality) and the demarcation from obvious roles and functions (i.e. network management) have to be reexamined.  相似文献   

In survey-based choice experiments respondents choose from various alternative options (for actions) the most preferable one. By systematically varying attributes of the options it is possible to determine their influence on the stated choices. This enables a more direct testing of causal relations than it is possible with ??usual?? survey data. In contrast to the similar design of factorial surveys the method corresponds better with action and decision theories and a high external validity is already shown. In the paper on hand, choice experiments are introduced in their main features (theoretical foundation, design, data collection and analysis) and discussed in comparison to factorial surveys. The aim is to deliver practical tips and thereby motivate increased applications in sociology.  相似文献   

Thousands of studies have been done in order to identify ?key success factors“ which enable the management of firms to exploit ?group effects“. I will discuss some of the effets which were traditionally in the focus of management desires and management science: commitment and social support. My intention is not to discuss these ?factors“ and their operationalization as constructs, but as examples for the prevailing logic and paradigm of group research. The first section offers an explanation for the phenomenon, why this kind of research suffers an almost complete lack of empirical evidence and theoretical advance. The next section presents an analytical approach that explains two other phenomena: first, the contradictory results of small group research; and second, the ambivalence of group work from the perspective of the working. The third section gives an example for the application of the ?potential-oriented perspective“ in an empirical case study of group-centered reorganisation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of physical and mental health and health behavior on the formation of intimate relationships. Data were obtained from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) for the years 2002–2014 and contain information about 6071 individuals and 4194 newly formed partnerships. For men, better mental health increasingly accelerates partnership formation in middle and later adulthood. For women, better physical and mental health reduce the transition rate into partnership at a young age and increase the transition rate into partnership at an older age. Physical inactivity and overweight reduce the likelihood of partnership formation for both women and men, whereas smoking is positively associated with partnership formation for women. The findings help to better understand how health and health behavior affect the formation of intimate relationships. Moreover, the results contribute to explaining health disparities between individuals with or without a partner.  相似文献   

The influence of human capital, the local unemployment rate, the family situation, personality characteristics and the social resources on the individual length of unemployment in Germany are analysed with data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). Because of interactions of some covariables with time, an disproportional Cox-regression is estimated. This analysis confirms the results of previous studies, and the consideration of often neglected personality characteristics and social resources leads to interesting additional findings. In West-Germany mobile persons and actors with internalized control attitudes find a job more easily while in East-Germany social capital has a positive influence on the probability of reemployment.  相似文献   

Political events, entering the political system as external shocks, can have a sizable impact on the popularity of political parties and politicians. We investigate this impact using as examples the unregistered campaign donations to chancellor Kohl (CDU-Spendenaffäre) and the political handling of the flash flood in the Elbe region shortly before the last federal election. Our special contribution to the literature is the combined analysis of event impacts on the valence dimension of the German party system and the inertia of the ideological dimension. By using a principal component analysis we extract a two-dimensional political configuration containing the position of parties and politicians and voters’ ideal points. We show that the basic ideological structure of the party system remains nearly unaltered even by such prominent events as the Spendenaffäre (donations scandal). The main changes affect the valence dimension. Focusing on voters we show that the greatest change of evaluation of parties takes place within the group of independents while the partisans remain rather stable in their assessments.  相似文献   

Under what conditions do humans comply with social norms in life-and-death situations? Eye witnesses confirm that male passengers and crew respected the norm ??women and children first?? after the collision of the Titanic with an iceberg. In a recent publication Frey et al. (K?lner Z Soz Sozpsychol 63:237?C254, 2011) argued that the relatively large time span between the collision and the sinking of the ship was the crucial factor in explaining the remarkable degree of norm compliance. However, as is suggested here, risk perception or ??the definition of the situation?? is a relevant factor too. In contrast to Frey et al. eye-witness reports and statistical evidence raise doubts about the claim that there was no neglect or discrimination of class passengers during the catastrophic events.  相似文献   

This article examines what impact three different framings of personal oriented consulting interactions – dyads, groups and teams – have on the consulting situation. Intuitively consultants are aware that it makes a difference if a client is consulted in a face-to-face-interaction “under four eyes”, in the framework of a group which just started to know each other or in a team which is working together on regular basis. However, what are exactly the mechanisms which are working in the three different settings? And what exactly are their impacts on the consulting situation? This article provides first interpretations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyse whether the impact of cleavages on voting behaviour in Germany has decreased over time. Additionally, the study evaluates whether the belonging to a social group is still of relevance for voting behaviour after including further theoretically derived determinants. On the basis of a pooled dataset that covers all German national election studies between 1969 and 2009, the analysis reveal that the class cleavage and the religious cleavage are still of relevance for voting behaviour in Germany, even when controlling for the voter’s candidate preference and problem-solving capacity of a political party as perceived by the voters.  相似文献   

On the one hand, the European Central Bank’s (ECB) crisis management has revealed the structural deficits of the monetary union. On the other hand, neither the governments nor the citizens of the Eurozone member states are willing to legalize the ECB’s necessary but extraordinary monetary policies for future scenarios. The paper identifies the unresolved institutional contraction between French and German monetary traditions as one of the main factors underlying this functional as much as legitimatory dilemma.  相似文献   

Ongoing Globalization and New Work foster the importance of diversity and with that generations. The classification of generations is similar in the core angloamerican area. Mostly its one generation every 15 years, starting after world war two, specified by social-historical occurrences in their first 15 years. Often generations are described isolated ascribing attributes, attitudes and values towards one or two of them. Thus comparing, quantitative and longitudinal studies are rare. Even though positive, path-braking examples do exist. Future research should include possible covariates like subgroups, intergroup bias or contrasting, descent trauma and self fulfilling prophecies in quantitative research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to which the family’s socioecologic contextual factors and parental unemployment influence children’s opportunities for participation in higher education. It is of primary interest how factors of socioecological environment such as living conditions, residential environment, and neighbourhoods in combination with unemployment influence the successful intergenerative transmission of human-capital. For the empirical investigation, data from a postal survey of households conducted in Dresden in autumn 1999 are used. The results show that the influence of socioecologic contextual factors should not be overestimated. The socioecologic contextual factors lose their influence for the educational opportunities of the children as soon as unemployment occurs in the family. Furthermore, the impact of parental professional status on children’s educational achievement is stronger in explaining educational opportunities than socioecologic contextual factors and unemployment.  相似文献   

In ihrem in Heft 2/2007 dieser Zeitschrift erschienenen Artikel argumentiert Frederike Wuermeling, dass die vergleichsweise niedrige Zustimmung der Türken zu den EU-Prinzipien kausal auf das niedrige Bruttosozialprodukt und den hohen Muslimanteil zurückzuführen ist. Tats?chlich weist Wuermelings Analyse jedoch eine Vielzahl von methodischen und theoretischen Defiziten auf. Die Kernaussagen ihres Beitrages sind deshalb durch die Daten nicht gedeckt.  相似文献   

The article focuses on the construct ‘Hierarchic Self-Interest’ (HSI) which is put into the context of conceptual considerations about the process of individualization (Heitmeyer et al., 1992). The construct is an expression of the logic of the market, the individual effort to perform ‘better than others’,and therefore it can be labelled as internalized elbow mentality. It is shown that HSI is a stable predictor of xenophobic attitudes and mediates the impact of sociological factors like socio-economic status, parental style, and gender in the statistical models. Intergenerational transmission of xenophobia, i.e., the transfer of attitudes from parents to offspring has a genuine influence independent of HSI. For the reported analyses, questionnaire data of a panel survey (1999–2001) from 443 familiy quadruples (target child, opposite-sex sibling, mother, father) were used. The target children came from 68 Berlin schools and were in 8th or 9th grade during the first wave of data gathering.  相似文献   

This chapter brings together approaches from social anthropology and sociology in order to explore with a view to ethnographic research data from southern Africa (Zambia) the relationship between the life-world effects of Pentecostal theologies relating to the Holy Spirit (pneuma) on the one hand, and Pentecostal modalities of constituting translocal communities on the other. This focus allows to question conventional understandings of religious sociality as well as to carve out three different ways of establishing what I call ‘socio-spiritual communities’: In the mode of the ‘logistics of the spirit’, a given Pentecostal community expands in the socio-spatial logic of a network, meaning that the spatial movements of the Holy Spirit run parallel to the spatial movements of its human vessels; in the mode of the Holy Spirit’s ‘self-multiplication’, Pentecostal sociality takes the form of a scattering in which autonomous enclaves of spiritualization are connected to each other; finally, ‘spiritual scaling’ represents a mode of spiritual omnipresence in socio-religious space that is affected by changes in the Holy Spirit’s scalar morphology.  相似文献   

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