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This article examines the gender-specific defense mechanisms of sexually abused boys as they emerge in group therapy, using Finkelhor's model of traumagenic dynamics. Concrete interventions address the acting out behavious that are typical for this population, connecting the acting out behaviors to the boys' common background of sexual abuse. Without these concrete interventions to address the unsafe, aggressive behaviours of sexually abused boys, their problems and experiences cannot be shared, nor can the group therapist address the issues outlined in a curriculum for group therapy for sexually abused children.  相似文献   

Behavioral and emotional problems have been observed in emotionally vulnerable children in foster care under certain circumstances. A common pattern involves the unpredictable appearance of a previously absent or unavailable natural parent. Such an occurrence precipitates the reawakening of the child's ambivalent feelings toward both natural and foster parents as well as their fears of abandonment. This frequently leads to behavior that is oppositional and difficult to manage. If the foster parents find the child's behavior unmanageable, and if they are not provided with appropriate professional support during this difficult period, a crisis often follows that precipitates the child's removal from the foster home. Individual, familial, and systemic contributions to this dilemma are discussed. This article emphasizes the origins and nature of the intrapsychic dilemma faced by these children. Particular emphasis is placed on the manifestations of a conflict of loyalty, in the child, and its relationship to the oppositional behavior of these children in foster care. Additional considerations include the impact of inconsistent parenting, abuse and neglect by the natural parents, the assumption of a parental role by the child and a concomitant renunciation of the child's dependency needs, as well as an examination of the role of the foster parent's fantasy of what it will be like to parent a traumatized child.  相似文献   

To this date, research on crisis informatics has focused on the detection of trust in Twitter data through the use of message structure, sentiment, propagation and author. Little research has examined the usefulness of these messages in the crisis response domain. In this paper, we characterize tweets, which are perceived useful or trustworthy, and determine their main features as one possible dimension to identify useful messages in case of crisis. In addition, we examine perceived emotions of these messages and how the different emotions affect the perceived usefulness and trustworthiness. Our analysis is carried out on two datasets gathered from Twitter concerning Hurricane Sandy in 2012 and the Boston Bombings in 2013. The results indicate that there is a high correlation between trustworthiness and usefulness, and, interestingly, that there is a significant difference in the perceived emotions that contribute to each of these. Our findings are poised to impact how messages from social media data are analyzed for use in crisis response.  相似文献   

Elderly participants in an extended care class at a senior citizen's center were observed to determine if some of them could continually distance themselves from the client role. Although earlier research suggests that people can use role distancing techniques to disassociate themselves successfully fromoccasionally played roles or certain aspects of a role, it is unclear whether or how people successfully disassociate themselvescontinually from enacted roles. Using a symbolic interactionist's definition of role, this paper attempts to 1) classify the circumstances which give rise to both occasional and continual role distancing; 2) specify the conditions under which disassociation from continually enacted roles may be successful; and 3) suggest the relevance of the data to studies on low-status occupations, deviance, and role theory.I am especially grateful to Melvin Seeman (UCLA) for his critical comments and extensive editorial advice and to Ralph H. Turner (UCLA) for his helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. I also would like to thank Shulamit Reinharz for editorial assistance.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2006,20(2):133-149
Caregiving relatives continue to feel primarily responsible for the care and well-being of elderly persons, when they are admitted to hospital. Although involvement of relatives in decision-making is rare, and the hospitalisation therefore may be a frustrating experience, little is known of relatives' experience of the hospitalisation of elderly persons from a life-world perspective. In this phenomenological study, hospital admission was a time of crisis and possible transition for the relatives, and the encounter with the professional system added to the relatives' emotional and physical burden. They felt responsible for protecting the elderly person and ensuring they received sufficient care. The history of the relationship and care was the frame of reference in which the hospital stay of the elderly person was reflected and understood. Feelings, roles and experiences were brought into the hospital setting and formed the basis for the relatives' expectations, values and conducts there.  相似文献   

Based on research showing that alcohol expectancy and gender both play a role in sexual perceptions, we factorially crossed the apparent drinking status of yoked pairs consisting of a participant and a target person (a confederate posing as co-participant). Alcohol expectancy interacted with gender in complex ways to influence sexual perceptions. We also found behavioral effects: Men showed more erotic material to both male and female targets than women did. Men perceived the target as more sexually aroused by erotic material than women did. Men also showed more erotic material to drinking targets than to non-drinking targets. Sexual perceptions and erotica showing behavior were correlated significantly and positively. These findings are discussed in terms of implications for postdrinking heterosexual encounters.  相似文献   

Based on research showing that alcohol expectancy and gender both play a role in sexual perceptions, we factorially crossed the apparent drinking status of yoked pairs consisting of a participant and a target person (a confederate posing as co‐participant). Alcohol expectancy interacted with gender in complex ways to influence sexual perceptions. We also found behavioral effects: men showed more erotic material to both male and female targets than women did. Men perceived the target as more sexually aroused by erotic material than women did. Men also showed more erotic material to drinking targets than to non‐drinking targets. Sexual perceptions and erotica‐showing behavior were correlated significantly and positively. We discuss these findings in terms of implications for postdrinking heterosexual encounters.  相似文献   

One hundred subjects participated in an experiment to assess emotional reactions to the expressive displays of political leaders. Attitudes were assessed through questionnaire items, and facial EMG, heart rate, and skin conductance were recorded while subjects watched silent expressive displays of intense happiness/reassurance, mild happiness/reassurance, and anger/threat by President Reagan and Senator Hart. Half of the subjects reported their global affective reaction during each display, and all subjects reported discrete emotional reactions following each display. For Reagan, main effects were found for display type and for prior attitude in the self-report scales and in facial EMG, although significant Prior Attitude X Display interactions indicated that the intense happiness/reassurance displays most strongly differentiated supporters from opponents. Main effects were found for Hart's displays on the self-report scales and on facial EMG, and post hoc analyses revealed attitude effects. These results support previous research concerning affective reactions to dynamic expressive displays of emotion, but they also show the possible influence of prior attitude toward the expressor on both somatic and subjective measures of emotional response.This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant SES 83-10176 and the Lincoln Filene Endowment to Dartmouth College and was part of a collaborative project involving Professors Roger D. Masters and Denis G. Sullivan of the Government Department at Dartmouth College. The authors thank Alice Feola for her assistance in preparing the stimulus videotapes. Lauren Bush is now at the Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. John Lanzetta, our friend and colleague, who contributed so much to this project, died in October 1989 after a year-long illness.  相似文献   

To explore partner abuse among women in families in which a child has disclosed child sexual abuse, 102 mothers completed a measure of partner abuse and the Coping Responses Inventory. Results suggest that, like women in the general population, mothers of children who have been sexually abused have often experienced partner abuse. As expected, physical abuse in a current relationship was found to be related to the use of avoidance strategies in dealing with the sexual abuse disclosure. The implications for practitioners and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of practical wisdom that integrates various dimensions of experience and multiple levels of analysis, providing a meta‐theoretical framework through which to understand wise leadership practice in contemporary organizations. Drawing on phenomenological accounts of embodiment and emotion, we seek to overcome limitations in organizational research due to methodological individualism, exclusively cognitivist assumptions about human knowledge, and a lack of sensitivity to the complexity and dynamism associated with wisdom as it unfolds in organizations. In an effort to enact the processual aspect of wisdom in relation to the community of leadership scholars and practitioners, we additionally discuss various stages and lines of development relevant to wise leadership practice in organizations.  相似文献   


The present study focuses on elderly abuse committed by caregivers in nursing homes. It aimed at a better understanding of neglect and abusive behaviors by considering the working context and the emotional dissonance of these professionals. To achieve this goal, direct effects of emotional dissonance, job demands (workload and emotional demands) and organizational resources (high-quality relationships with the colleagues and the supervisor) on neglect and abusive behaviors were analyzed. Moreover, the moderating role of organizational resources was explored. The study was conducted among 481 nurses and healthcare assistants from different French nursing homes. Overall, results contributed to the literature by pointing out the impact of emotional dissonance and caregivers’ working context on neglect and abusive behaviors. Moreover, results highlighted the moderating effect of high-quality relationships with the colleagues and the supervisor and give rise to potential implications in preventing elderly abuse in nursing homes.  相似文献   

The role of private non-profit organisations in modern economic systems is poorly understood. The tax and subsidy treatment of non-profits relative to private firms affects the competitive position of each, and thus their relative strength within any industry; in the United States, for example, non-profit organisations play major competitive roles in such industries as hospitals, nursing homes, day care centres, schools and arts organisations.This paper reports results from a survey of tax policies toward non-profit organisations in eleven countries. The major findings are: (1) the definition and scope of such organisations varies considerably; (2) non-profit organisations are typically regulated by the tax collection agency, but in some countries there is also involvement from the government agency responsible for the particular realm of activity, such as health or education; (3) tax subsidies to non-profits take many forms — not only exemption from corporate profits tax but, depending on the country, for land, buildings, mail and motor vehicles; (4) almost every country limits non-profit organisations' unrelated business activities; and (5) donors are generally permitted to deduct donations of money from taxable income, although there are typically both minimum and maximum limits. These findings point up the larger task of understanding why such differences exist across countries, and what are the effects.Burton Weisbrod is John Evans Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Urban Affairs and Policy Research, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.Elizabeth Mauser is a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.We thank the Ford Foundation for financial support. We also thank those people who responded to the survey questionnaire: Christoph Badelt (Austria), Patrick De Bucquois (Belgium), Miklos Marschall (Hungary), Jimmy Weinblatt (Israel), Disiano Preite (Italy), Mark Robson (United Kingdom), Julia Montserrat (Spain), Ching-chang Yen (Taiwan), Somchai Richupan (Thailand), John Simon (United States) and Wolfgang Seibel (West Germany). In addition, we benefited from reading draft papers by Frits W. Hondius (Council of Europe) and Sheila Avrin McLean (McLean & Co. Ltd), both of whom have done related work on tax treatment of charities in various countries, and from comments by Christoph Franz on an earlier draft of this paper. A version of this paper will appear in a forthcoming volume published by the Center for Social Policy Studies, Jerusalem, Israel. The editors are grateful for the permission of Dr Yaakov Kop, Director of the Center, to publish this paper inVoluntas.  相似文献   

This paper has a two‐fold purpose: first, to look at issues concerning ethnic difference in psychotherapeutic work with a traumatised child. In that respect it is offered as a contribution to the debate on cross‐ethnic therapy. Secondly, it examines the process of play therapy with a young child, in relation to current theories of play therapy. Coincidentally it comments on the impact upon the worker with children affected by trauma. It is written in tribute to a very brave little boy. My thanks go to him and his family for agreeing to this work being offered for publication. To protect confidentiality, the name used, Martin, is a pseudonym, and any identifying details have been either altered or omitted. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Individuals in emotional distress are often treated with psychotherapeutic agents, but other treatment options exist. One safe and effective adjunct for the prevention and treatment of emotional distress is aromatherapy. This article describes the physiological effects of scent, reviews the research on aromatherapy, presents practical information on the use of clinical aromatherapy for emotional distress, and suggests resources for additional training and education.  相似文献   

This paper examines vocabularies of emotion in the discovery narratives of a group of genetic scientists. The discovery of the gene for myotonic dystrophy in 1992 was part of a unique and highly competitive phase of molecular genetic research into single gene hereditary conditions. Members of a small group of scientists who made a significant contribution to the discovery of the gene were interviewed sixteen years later about the impact of that discovery. They structured their memories into narrative accounts characterized by vivid recall, colourful language and use of an emotional repertoire to reconstruct the dynamics, relationships and personal meaning of the discovery. The focus of this emotional language was on what it meant to be a molecular scientist, the dynamics of the incremental work that led to eventual success, the networks surrounding the team and the legacy of discovery in relation to science and to the individual scientists. The emotional repertoire revealed subtle differences between accounts, where there was universal recognition of the importance of the discovery for a scientific career but ambivalence regarding its personal meaning for some key actors.  相似文献   

Drawing on historical methods, this study assesses the conventional “cyber-sovereignty” framework, which has been used to capture and interpret China’s stance toward global Internet governance. This framework focuses on political control and tends to reduce China’s policies to the attempts by an authoritarian state to elevate governments and intergovernmental organizations to be the only legitimate governors of global cyberspace. As it traces the evolution of China’s relationship with the global Internet in the past three decades, the study demonstrates that China’s stance is more complex than the prevalent framework allows and that it is both built upon and different from the US-centric, market-oriented Internet governance scheme. This study recognizes the inadequacy of the conventional framework and invokes a theory of critical political economy of communication, thereby offering an alternative model to explicate the complex power dynamics behind China’s changing strategies. The alternative model advanced in this study is based on the understanding of China’s evolving approach as the product of multifaceted interactions among a group of power-holders that include both state agencies and business units on the transnational level.  相似文献   

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