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在全球智库峰会“跨国公司在金融危机中的合作与责任”分论坛上,与会专家针对全球FDI下降的严峻形势,认为跨国公司率先突破对全球经济振兴和复苏有巨大影响;跨国公司需要更加开放的投资环境。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代中期以来,伴随着知识经济的来临和经济全球化的快速发展,跨国公司为了适应更为激烈的全球市场竞争,不断淡化以母国或少数专业市场为研发(R&D)基地的传统做法,开始加大对海外研发投资的力度,在全球范围内组建自己的研发网络,出现了“研发全球化”战略的倾向。新的战略要求建立新的或至少更新了的结构,才能使企业更有效地  相似文献   

目前全世界拥有3.5万多个跨国公司。在1991年,世界出口总额达3.7万亿美元,而这些跨国公司设在国外的15万个子公司的产品销售总额则达4.4万亿美元。据联合国跨国公司管理署估计.“仅同一公司系统子公司之间的贸易和子公司与总公司之间的贸易量就占目前世界总贸易量的30%到40%”。因此,该署署长强调说,跨国公司在世界经济发展中正发挥越来越重要的作用,过去那种“经济增长以国际贸易为动力”的理论,将为“经济增长以跨国公司直接投资和与其直接投资相关的贸易为动力”的理论所替代,“今天和未来的经济增长将以跨国公司在国外的直接投资和与其直接投资相关的贸易为动力。”  相似文献   

<正> 近10年来,中国作为最具魅力的新兴市场之一,吸引了诸多跨国公司。据统计,美国《财富》杂志公布的世界500强企业中已有300多家落户中国。随着大型跨国公司投资的逐步增多,其经营活动也出现本土化动向。深入研究其本土化经营方式,对我国企业应对加入WTO和全球经济一体化的挑战,更好地拓展国际市场是很有教益和帮助的。  相似文献   

跨国公司在当今的世界经济中具有举足轻重的地位,有不少跨国公司来华投资,我国一部分企业也向境外投资而成为跨国公司。在全球经济一体化的大潮中,研究现代跨国公司经营和管理有着重大意义。财务管理在企业管理中处于核心地位,财务管理策略又是财务管理的关键因素,适当的财务管理策略能促进企业的发展,不适当的财务管理策略则会成为企业发展的重要障碍。本文试图就跨国公司财务管理策略问题做一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

跨国公司在当今的世界经济中具有举足轻重的地位,有不少跨国公司来华投资,我国一部分企业也向境外投资而成为跨国公司。在全球经济一体化的大潮中,研究现代跨国公司经营和管理有着重大意义。财务管理在企业管理中处于核心地位,财务管理策略又是财务管理的关键因素,适当的财务管理策略能促进企业的发展,不适当的财务管理策略则会成为企业发展的重要障碍。本文试图就跨国公司财务管理策略问题做一些初步的探讨。  相似文献   

<正> 一、全球跨国公司发展趋势及其对华投资格局 据联合国跨国公司项目的一项研究资料表明,整个80年代全球国际直接投资呈加速增长趋势,1990年流量达到2340亿美元高峰。尔后突然下降,1993年仅为1700多亿美元,这主要与世界经济的周期性衰退有关。90年代国际直接投资很可能大幅增长,值得注意的是,投向发展中国家的外国直接投资自90年代以来一直趋增,从1990年的310亿美元增加到1993年的460亿美元,预测到2000年增至800亿美元。 改革以来,我国投资环境明显得到改善,吸引了大量的外商来华投资,同时可由中国经济的高速增长、相对低廉的成本、巨大的国内市场和人均收入的增加,对外资也产生了强大的牵引力。许多跨国公司已同中国建立了业务联系,一些跨国公司正在将其生产迁厂至中国,国际知名跨国公司正在将注意力转向中国这一颇具潜力的投资市场。目前已有数百家跨国公司来华兴办各类企业,如美国的摩托罗拉公司、O&G公司、IBM、  相似文献   

随着经济一体化和国际市场竞争的日益加剧,跨国公司逐渐调整其在全球范围内的技术转移策略。传统的跨国公司理论认为研发活动是一个企业核心竞争力所在,应该在母国范围内完成,但是如今的跨国公司不断在海外设立分支研发机构,这种现象不仅仅表明跨国公司在全球范围内配置资源,而且表明跨国公司全球战略发生的重大改变。本文以汽车工业为例,分析了随着我国市场结构的变迁,跨国公司在华研发出现的新趋势。  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化的深入,跨国公司已成为世界经济最重要、最活跃的行为主体。近几年来,由于知识经济的不断发展和资源约束的增强,为了构筑战略优势,加速产品的生产和技术转化,跨国并购热潮翻滚,跨国公司纷纷开始采用各种手段重构其企业边界,抢占市场和资源,降低交易成本,强化其核心竞争力。本文以跨国公司在资源的搜寻和R&D全球化为视角分析其边界重构的动因。  相似文献   

近年来,跨国公司在全球加速扩张、规模不断扩大,跨国公司不仅促进各个国家分工与协作,而且使得世界呈现区域经济一体化和经济全球化的特点;目前跨国公司对于全球经济发展具有重要积极作用,但是发达国家的跨国公司依靠自身强大实力,也对其所在国产生了消极影响。  相似文献   

Training, learning and development tend to be regarded as central to the success of every organization and the nation. However, not all organizations are able or willing to invest resources in such processes. The paper presents a view that training, learning and development occur as a consequence of successful persuasive actions in a chain of talk, which draw on the discursive and rhetorical resources of an emerging learning movement. Utilizing the findings from an examination of data from the UK Department of Education and Skills-sponsored National Training Award winners, the paper provides an employment of actor-network theory and the sociology of translation to show how some organizations make the case for training, learning and development as a virtuous endeavour. It concludes by suggesting that what is needed is a more detailed understanding of how the case for the adoption of training, learning and development, or not, within organizations is made meaningful.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of the Canada-U.S. Trade Agreement (CUSTA) on U.S. exports of agricultural products. Econometric analysis found that CUSTA has had a large impact on many U.S. agricultural export categories. All of the consumer-oriented products (except wine and beer), five of the intermediate products, and four of the bulk products had significant CUSTA effects. It is clear that the CUSTA effects have been larger for consumer-oriented food products. There is also evidence that U.S. affiliate sales in Canada have stimulated U.S. exports of consumer-oriented products and intermediate products.  相似文献   

Six senior physician executives were interviewed to see how they were doing or not doing performance reviews in their organizations. There seems to be a trend toward doing them, but it is in the beginning stages. Of the physician executives surveyed, the experience ranges from formal lengthy evaluations with rating scales to reviewing a short list of goals. Several are in the process of developing new systems or revising old ones. Probably the most useful part of a performance evaluation is the conversation between the physician executive and the person he or she reports to. If you can stop approaching performance evaluations as passing negative judgments on people, but as having a conversation to hear their concerns, learn what their goals are, and offer ways to help them achieve their potential, they can be useful, enjoyable experiences for both people.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the U.S.S.R. approach to long-term planning and the relationship of cooperative planning within the Comecon countries. The conception of planning which the author puts forward is comprehensive and is illustrative of what is being attempted at the macro level in the centrally planned economies.  相似文献   

This article describes how the arrival of CEO J. Richard Gaintner, MD, at Shands HealthCare signaled a time for refocusing the organization's direction and helping physicians to cope with the changes buffeting the industry. He saw angst and disenfranchisement, sentiments that characterized not only Shands and the University of Florida Health Science Center, but also the entire establishment of American scientific medicine. Gaintner believes--and continually preaches--that practicing medicine in a cost-effective manner will improve, not harm, the quality of care. His willingness to face reality objectively is perhaps his greatest asset in helping physicians deal with managed care. He conveys heartfelt empathy with the day-to-day conflicts they face. But he does not allow himself the temporary luxury of cynicism, and he refuses to accept negativity and pessimism in others. Rather, he asks that physicians and managers understand the system and develop the capacity to work within it and take responsibility for improving it. Beyond exhorting physicians to be accountable for the success of the enterprise, Gaintner creates mechanisms for meaningful physician participation in enterprise management.  相似文献   

The paper presents data about the Organizational Philosophies of fifty-nine Japanese owned companies in the United States. Harmony emerged as the single most popular element in these Organizational Philosophies. Data about specific concepts of Organizational Philosophy (kaizen, correct attitudes) were also obtained. Mechanisms to encourage the adoption and use of Organizational Philosophy were investigated. The evidence suggests that Organizational Philosophy continues to be an important aspect of Japanese companies in the U.S.A., and that American managers of these companies are accepting these Philosophies.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 1991 International Academy of Management and Marketing Annual Conference held in Detroit, MI.  相似文献   

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