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论国民公益意识的培育与民间公益组织的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦朝烈 《探求》2007,(2):49-52
国民公益意识的培育是民间公益组织和社会公益事业发展的必要条件;公益价值观是影响国民公益意识和公益行为最根本的因素。因此,通过建设公益文化来培育国民公益价值观,提高国民公益意识,是促进我国民间公益组织和社会公益事业发展的一个重要途径。  相似文献   

玉苗 《社会工作》2013,(6):130-138
“类公益孵化器”培育模式是公募基金会依托其在我国社会组织监管体制中的法团地位,发挥“官民二重性”的优势,通过与草根公益组织签订长期合作协议,将草根公益组织吸纳为志愿团队,提供合法性支持、公募权、体制资源、资源拓展、财务托管、政策法律咨询、业务指导、资金支持、交流平台等综合系统的长期培育,帮助其全面提高自主运行和发展的能力。对公募基金会自身来说,也是其改革转型的一种有效途径。  相似文献   

李学会 《社会工作》2013,(3):100-107
政府购买社会组织公共服务是转变政府职能,提高社会管理水平,促进社会建设的重要途径。公益创投模式是政府购买社会组织公共服务的新的探索,有助于社会组织的培育和发展,具有资金来源广、参与主体多、强调社会组织提高服务的独立和相互竞争、项目实施周期短等特点。社会组织需要在公益创投中平衡自身发展定位与政府服务购买偏好等方面的问题,政府也需要在厘清政府部门之间职责和协作机制等方面进一步突破瓶颈。  相似文献   

采用人类学田野调查方法对美国公益组织中镇仁人舍呈现出来的社区精神进行研究.社区精神的要义是服务社区.中镇仁人舍的经验表明:美国社区精神的分布并不均匀,其彰显主要借助公益组织的作用.另外,公益组织在美国社会经历了一个发展过程,并非从一开始就完善健全.这有助于反思国内在美国社区精神方面的道德想象.  相似文献   

自2012年新修订《民事诉讼法》第55条提出公益诉讼以来,学界关于公益诉讼主体资格的讨论不胜枚举,但是对于明确哪些社会组织能作为公益诉讼主体的讨论倒是少之又少。法律规定的有关组织在具体实践中如何理解又是一大难点。本文围绕着法律规定和有关性,分别探讨了作为公益诉讼主体的社会组织所应具备的条件,以及对我国目前多发的环境与消费者公益诉讼中的组织主体资格进行了分析。  相似文献   

道德个体的孤独与道德权威的尴尬   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王芳 《唐都学刊》2008,24(4):47-50
面对当前的社会道德生活,无论是鼓噪道德正在复苏,还是惊呼道德已滑入万劫不复的深渊,无不表明我们的社会道德已陷入异常的困境,集中表现为道德个体的孤独与道德权威的尴尬.道德个体的孤独反映的是一种内指型道德困境,而道德权威的尴尬意在表达一种外指型道德环境资源困境.积极向外寻求依托制度伦理的力量以加强外指型道德环境资源的权威性,从而解决内指型道德个体的孤独,最终实现道德个体与社会道德博弈中的互惠共享,增强道德的力量.  相似文献   

近几个月以来,公益慈善组织出现了空前的信任危机。如何应对和化解这种信任危机是全社会关注的话题。公益慈善组织迫切需要让公众对其组织构成有更多的认识,对其运营操作有更多的了解;迫切需要加大对现代慈善理念传播倡导力度,并以实际行动推动慈善在平等自愿的和谐氛围下有序进行;加大公益慈善信息公开透明力度是当务之急,需要多方努力,多...  相似文献   

草根NGO的伦理困境与改善策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
草根NGO具有公益性、非营利性、志愿性、慈善性、利他性等伦理本性,但这些本性受多种因素的影响出现了不同程度的丧失,致使草根NGO陷入了种种伦理困境之中,要走出困境,实现伦理本性的复归,既需要改善外部环境,也要优化内部条件,还要依靠主体的道德自律.  相似文献   

司丹 《学术交流》2012,(6):52-55
物质赡养和精神赡养是老年人赡养的两个方面。随着经济的快速发展、社会养老保障体系的逐渐健全,老年人的物质赡养已基本能够实现,随之而来的是精神赡养问题的凸显。与物质赡养不同,精神赡养具有一定的特殊性,其需要赡养义务人的主观意识和客观行为的高度统一。一方面,赡养人需要道德约束,其内心的道德自觉决定了精神赡养履行时的质与量。另一方面,赡养人又需要法律强制,当其不履行精神赡养义务,或者其履行效果未到达最低标准时,就要通过法律的强制力保障精神赡养的实现。因此,在精神赡养过程中,如何确定道德和法律之间的边界,如何平衡道德和法律之间的关系,已成为精神赡养能否顺利实现的关键。  相似文献   

王元骧 《浙江学刊》2006,4(1):79-86
康德认为审美可以沟通经验世界和超验世界,把人引向“最高的善”。这思想脱胎于基督教,是经由舍夫兹博里和哈奇生的美德伦理被康德吸取到他美学之中的;而另一方面,康德又通过对“美是道德的象征”这一命题的深入阐发,把审美引向美德伦理和新教伦理,以求在这个神圣的东西遍遭亵渎、日趋消解的时代,使个人的精神生活保持一种神圣的感觉,以维持自己生活的圣洁和人格的尊严。  相似文献   

王翀 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):30-32
作为公共权力的运作者和实施者,公务员应承诺包括行政道德责任在内的许多责任。现实中,行政道德责任的落实并不容易甚至出现缺失状况。为此,应该强化道德人格,坚持制度正义原则。道德人格是实现行政道德责任的依据,制度正义原则是实现行政道德责任的保障,二者相辅相成,共同促进责任的实现。  相似文献   

Promotion of rural health has become a major agenda of policy makers. Health can be more properly viewed as an index of human adaptation to a micro ecological niche. From this point of view, health management can mean the full visualization of the minimal requirements of clinical–curative inputs in health planning and management. A variety of factors have promoted increasing interest in prevention as a health care practice in the country. Numerous non-government organizations (NGOs) are working to improve the health quality of rural India. In describing a rural health promotion project, in which a social worker played a key role, this article illustrates how social work practitioners can bring their many skills to bear in efforts to promote health. In this paper an effort has been made to share the experience of an NGO in health related project.  相似文献   

Globalization has brought people around the world closer together in ways that have created greater uncertainty in their identity politics. This has sometimes strengthened local identities, despite attempts to create ‘universal’ forms of identity that impose one standard of appropriate conduct in the face of difference. Drawing from Dialogical Self Theory and from cosmopolitanism, we propose that adequately responding to the ethical and identity challenges presented by globalization requires having Global Consciousness: “a knowledge of both the interconnectedness and difference of humankind, and a will to take moral actions in a reflexive manner on its behalf”. We argue that this approach can ground a distinctively normative psychology of globalization. We consider negative and positive aspects of the golden rule in equal and close relationships, and benevolence in unequal power relationships as behaviour guides for global consciousness, and theorize about institutional leadership that supports the provision of public goods. We offer empirical tests of this approach.  相似文献   

陈明  吕锡琛 《唐都学刊》2010,26(1):21-26
道德与精神健康分别是伦理学和心理学两个学科所关注的问题,但道德与精神健康并非两个毫不相关的主题,道德与精神健康是相互联系、相互促进的,健全的道德有利于精神健康;并且道德的价值观深入精神健康的内涵之中。  相似文献   

Can young children frame their own choices in terms of moral considerations, particularly when those choices do not match the practices of immediate authority figures? To answer this question, we studied 6‐ to 10‐year‐old independent vegetarians—children who have elected to become vegetarians, despite being raised in non‐vegetarian families. In Study 1, these children were asked about their reasons for not eating meat; their replies were compared with those made by vegetarian children from vegetarian families (family vegetarians) and non‐vegetarian children from non‐vegetarian families (non‐vegetarians). Unlike the other two groups, independent vegetarians universally focused on the suffering that meat eating implies for animals but, surprisingly, they did not condemn others for meat eating. Study 2 attempted to explain this tolerance by examining if children focus on whether an individual has made a commitment to not eating meat. All three groups of children condemned meat eating by morally committed vegetarians, but not by those who have made no such commitment. The two studies show that independent vegetarians are committed to not eating meat on moral grounds and judge that it would be wrong to break that commitment. Nevertheless, like non‐vegetarian children, they remain tolerant toward people who have made no such commitment.  相似文献   

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