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刘志军  杨帅  王岩 《社会》2022,42(6):188-213
本文从生命历程视角出发,基于 2018 年“中国劳动力动态调查”数据,从累积留守时长、结束留守时长、留守阶段、留守时监护类型等维度分析了童年期留守经历对个体成年后主观幸福感的影响。 研究发现,留守经历对个体主观幸福感有长期负面影响,并具有“双重时间效应”:累积留守时间越长,对留守者成年后主观幸福感造成的负面冲击越大, 且留守者成年后主观幸福感并不会因结束留守时长的增加而回升; 留守经历对个体主观幸福感的负面影响呈现“初中留守<小学留守<学前留守”的逆向递增特点,即学前阶段是影响个体主观幸福感的“关键窗口”;无论是哪个阶段,单亲监护和祖辈监护都会对个体主观幸福感产生负面影响,且呈现“单亲监护>祖辈监护>双亲监护”的特点。  相似文献   

生活质量研究的新发展:主观指标的构建与运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在生活质量的指标体系研究中 ,主观指标越来越受到重视。本文以 2 0世纪 6 0年代以来国外的研究为基础 ,结合该领域研究的最新进展 ,从一个综合的视角对主观指标在生活质量测算中的作用及其具体操作加以论述  相似文献   

李后建 《社会》2014,34(2):140-165
本文基于2007年中国家庭收入调查数据,评估了不确定性防范对城市务工人员的影响,并获得了一些重要发现:(1)不同类型的不确定性防范措施对影响居民主观幸福感存在着显著差异,参与养老保险、失业保险和工伤保险能够显著提高城市务工人员主观幸福感,但参与医疗保险对城市务工人员主观幸福感没有显著影响;(2)四种不确定性防范手段对城市务工人员之间主观幸福感差异的总贡献率接近10%,其中参与失业保险的贡献率最大。进一步研究发现,城市务工人员主观幸福感变化符合享乐适应理论,即随着不确定性防范措施的逐步实施推广,城市务工人员的主观幸福感可能会返回到未采取不确定性防范措施前的水平。  相似文献   

吴菲  王俊秀 《社会》2017,37(2):74-105
尽管社会经济地位低于城市居民,农民工的主观幸福感却更高。这种客观经济地位与主观福利评判的不一致有两种解释:同质性参照群体假设和向上流动期望假设,暗示农民工在进行社会比较时会选择不同的参照群体。基于一项大规模全国代表性的调查数据,本文通过建构农民工的多个参照群体检验了上述假设,结果验证了同质性参照群体假设:控制个人收入后,同省其他农民的平均收入越高,农民工的生活满意度越低;加入农民的平均收入后,农民工相对于城市就业居民的生活满意度优势消失,甚至转为劣势。向上流动期望假设未获支持:城市就业居民的平均收入对农民工的生活满意度没有显著影响,而且这样的“零效应”可能并非由于向上流动期望的压抑影响造成的。  相似文献   

中国公众的收入公平感:一种新制度主义社会学的解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘欣  胡安宁 《社会》2016,36(4):133-156
借助“嵌入性”和“合法性”概念,本文将关于社会公平感形成的基本共识理论与自我评价理论整合起来,提出了一种关于分配公平感的新制度主义社会学解释。本文认为,社会成员对自己所获得的社会资源是否公平的感受取决于社会成员的自我认知与社会共识之间达成一致的程度。当自我感知的地位低于社会评价的地位时,个体倾向于认为自己所得到的社会资源是不公平的;相反,当自我感知的地位与社会评价地位一致或更高时,个体则更有可能认为自己所得到的社会资源是公平的。基于上述命题,本文进一步提出研究假设,相对于主观阶层地位达到或高于其职业声望者,主观阶层地位低于其职业声望的人更倾向于认为自己的收入是不公平的。对2006年中国综合社会调查(CGSS2006)数据的分析结果较有力地支持了这一研究假设;研究结果表明,本文所提出的理论命题比基于理性选择的自利理论更好地解释了为什么社会成员,尤其是社会经济地位较低者,依然会认为自己的收入是公平的。  相似文献   

徐渭经历奇特 ,又往往表现出“畸”的心理状态 ,导致他人格上一些病态特征 ,也激荡了他性格中的反叛因素 ,形成了他进行艺术创作时的独特心理机制。《四声猿》对真性情的写意式抒写、对世俗情怀的酣畅表达、对身世悲愤的刻意展扬 ,以及徐渭对杂剧体制的独辟蹊径的创造 ,都与这种心理机制有关。  相似文献   

陆烨 《学术交流》2012,(6):147-149
由心理空间认知理论出发,提出转喻整合概念,指出转喻整合机制在词类与词义转化过程中起到更加基础的作用,这不同于将隐喻功能放在突出地位的传统认识。整合机制用意义范畴到子范畴之间的关系来解释词类和词义的生成,更清楚地解释各词类突显的特征,并帮助平行地看待突显不同子范畴而生成的不同词类。这一新视角弥补了传统隐喻理论的局限性,有助于客观地看待各种词类在生成过程中所属的平等地位。  相似文献   

查志强 《浙江学刊》2012,(2):170-173
现行出口退税分担机制背景下,地方政府间产生了一系列博弈行为.文章在分析地方政府间博弈行为成因的基础上,通过建立数理模型,对博弈行为长期存在的客观性作了相应的经济学解释,认为出口退税分担机制作为一个过渡性的临时制度安排具有内在的不稳定性,需要通过机制优化加以缓解;从远期来看,应由中央财政负担全部出口退税,以有效减少地方政府的恶性博弈行为.  相似文献   

宋庆宇  乔天宇 《社会》2017,37(6):216-242
本文基于“中国家庭动态跟踪调查”的2012年成人问卷数据,通过“虚拟情境锚定法”研究中国民众的主观社会地位差异,探讨当前中国社会的分层现状。研究显示,当前中国社会居民的主观社会地位存在地区差异。在中国现代化发展程度较高的地区,个体的后致性因素(如教育、职业等)对社会地位认同具有更加显著的影响,而在欠发达地区,还没有形成稳定的评价标准。本研究体现了“虚拟情境锚定法”善于处理主观抽象概念的特征,这种方法在未来的社会科学研究中将会有很广泛的应用空间。  相似文献   

通过武汉市社会状况综合调查 (CSSR2014) 的数据,运用Amos23.0软件建立的基础中介模型与SPSS22.0软件的Process插件程序建立的控制中介模型,综合测量了社会公平感在主观社会经济地位与社会成就归因之间的中介效应.研究结果显示,在控制了相关变量后,主观社会经济地位分别对社会公平感与社会成就归因中的个人因素起到显著的正向影响;社会公平感对社会成就归因中的个人因素产生显著的正向作用,但对家庭因素则发挥显著的负向影响;社会公平感仅在主观社会经济地位与社会成就归因中的个人因素间具有中介效应.政府应努力构建平等公正的社会环境,逐步恢复主观社会经济地位较低者的社会公平信心,使得其个人能力的效用发挥至最大.  相似文献   

Population aging in Nepal is a recent phenomenon, due more to demographic changes than to socio-economic development. The study had three goals: to analyze the social support exchange among elderly men and women; to discover the main sources of support in loneliness and subjective well-being in the elderly; and to study the cross-cultural differences in support among elderly Chhetri ( N  = 137, mean age = 69.1 [7.2] years) and Newar people ( N  = 195, mean age = 68.8 [7.7] years) in one ward in Kathmandu. The data were collected using face-to-face interviews. The dependent variables were loneliness and subjective well-being (SWB). The results for both ethnic Chhetri and Newar respondents show that their major support comes from their children living in the same household and their spouses. I conclude that the sources of social support and social support exchange are similar between the two castes/ethnicities and that there are no cross-cultural differences between them in terms of support for loneliness and SWB-life stability, although there are cross-cultural differences in their SWB-life satisfaction. Providing social support to friends and neighbors appears to be related to less loneliness and increased SWB in both castes/ethnicities.  相似文献   

Using fixed effects regressions, this study examined the transactional effects of different types of economic status on the physical and mental health of low‐income persons in Singapore. Among the economic variables considered, unemployment and arrears had the most significant effects. This signals the physical and psychological distress of being out of work and possessing arrears while income is low. The insignificant effects of poor health on household earnings suggest possible earnings supplementation by other household members. The findings imply the fruitfulness of dually improving employment prospects and health, work activation that takes into consideration mental health effects, increasing affordability of health services in liberal welfare systems, improving mental bandwidth through reducing arrears accounts, and short lag time from application to receipt of assistance. These implications point to a larger question on health and welfare systems in an increasingly uncertain economic environment for households in poverty. Key Practitioner Message: ? Employment and health are inter‐related: employment assistance incorporating physical and mental health interventions and vice versa can be more effective than either alone; ? Compared with decreasing arrears amounts, reducing the number of arrears can more effectively relieve mental distress; ? Effects between economic distress and health materialise quickly; minimising the lag time between application and receipt of assistance will provide great relief.  相似文献   


Use of sick days related to mental stress and burnout is a growing problem in Germany. Since stress is related to work demands, there is a substantial need for suitable workplace health promotion programs. This study identifies several organizational and personal stress predictors and presents a predictive model for workers in the field of psychiatric rehabilitation. A cross-sectional design was utilized to collect the self-ratings of employees (n = 243) who typically work with patients. Univariate analyses show, overall, above average stress scores, below average scores in occupational self-efficacy, and a much higher proportion of a gratification crisis (that is, insufficient reward for work performance) compared to other people employed in health care. A multivariate model for predicting the heightened stress indicates the supposed pathogenetic and salutogenetic main effects for organizational variables, such as gratification crisis, and personal variables, such as occupational self-efficacy as well as an interaction of both types of variables. High occupational self-efficacy can attenuate the effect of an existing gratification crisis. Workplace health promotion programs in this field should address organizational and personal variables, in particular occupational self-efficacy and gratification crisis. Future research should focus on interaction effects based on a person-environment-interaction model.  相似文献   


This study of 1093 adolescents from 6 public high schools was designed to test a hypothesized model formulated by theoretical elaboration of control theory with elements from social learning theory using structural equation modeling procedures. The primary purpose was to establish that religion is relevant to illicit drug use when its direct, indirect and reciprocal effects are tested within a more complete system of relationships than found in existing studies. Most aspects of the model were supported by data and religion had direct inverse effects on illegal drug use for all adolescents studied. However, the feedback effects of drug use on religion were significant only among younger adolescents and females. Other age and gender differences were observed when the hypothesized model was tested with structural equation modeling procedures. The implications of these findings were discussed in regard to future conceptual work and intervention.  相似文献   

Contact between parents and children in care is a contested area. Parental contact is recognized to be important, yet may present protective issues; in the kinship care environment, it brings the particular challenges of complex family relationships. Seeking the parents' perspective in a child protection context is difficult and therefore under‐researched. This paper describes a nested study within an Australian research project on family contact in kinship care in which the perspectives of 18 mothers and 2 fathers were sought via in‐depth interviews. Mothers and fathers described strong feelings of disempowerment in the context both of their family and the child protection system. The relationship between parent and caregiver emerged as a significant issue. All of the parents wished to remain in contact with their children in a meaningful way, whether or not they were likely to resume their children's care; however, contact arrangements presented many difficulties for them. Mothers articulated the need for services that are more empowering and respectful, rather than oriented towards them as failed parents. In order to build appropriate models of support and intervention, we argue for a more inclusive conceptual frame for family life that gives greater recognition to the role of non‐custodial parents in the lives of their children.  相似文献   

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