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张新科 《唐都学刊》2002,18(1):80-84
中国古代文学中的入世进取主题 ,是人的生命活力的展现。生命活动实际上是人的自身活力的释放。而活力的释放 ,总要受社会条件的制约与限制。入世进取主题的产生与发展 ,还与中国人“自强不息”的哲学心态以及重人生、重现实的民族心理有关。  相似文献   

本文回顾中国大陆社会工作实践历程,认为现阶段社会工作专业发展有强烈的机会主义特征,即社会工作专业作为一种新的社会治理技术,从业者试图在传统的体制内嫁接该专业。在这种背景下,社会工作实习生所处的系统存在一定的局限性,.笔者提出自我赋权的理念,并从个人、人际、社区或政治三个层次分析实习生面临的处境,并进一步提出实习生可以通过自我赋权的途径克服其所处系统的局限性,以获得成长。  相似文献   

在本科专业教育中,实习是一个重要的实践性教学环节。校企合作作为当前开展实习最主流的模式之一成效并不明显,主要表现为实习生离职现象普遍,严重制约了校企合作的发展。本文从高校大学实习生离职的影响出发,运用认知理论分析实习生产生离职的原因,通过将实习生离职认知问题空间用数学描述后,构建实习生离职认知模型,从而实现对校企双方利益平衡点和持续合作激励点的寻找与把握,有利于评估校企合作能否使产生最大效益,帮助探索适合校企长期合作中双方逐步建立各种管理体制和运行机制的新方法。  相似文献   

入世进取主题是中国古代文学中最富生命力的主题之一。这个主题,有其昂扬奋进的主旋律,那种不达目的誓不罢休的坚韧不拔的毅力,勇于反抗强暴、勇于革新以及为理想而献身的精神,永远给人以鼓舞的力量  相似文献   

当前的教育封闭了学生感知自我的触角,生命的尊严在主体的无知中被遗弃,教育探寻生活意义的价值被放逐。教育的本质是唤醒,唤醒每个人的内在动力,从而使人成为他自己。创造条件让学生捕捉兴趣爱好以及生命中的亮光,实现其内心的召唤,从而构筑一个水乳交融的生活世界,这才是教育本身意味深长的诱惑。  相似文献   

忆君 《东西南北》2009,(10):28-28
谢娜出生在一个文艺家庭,父母都是当地的文艺骨干。六岁那年,谢娜跟随父母演出,她第一次在舞台上扮演媒婆居然引得全场爆笑,让人们第一次见识了她的舞台魅力。1994年,谢娜在一次演讲比赛中获得了二等奖。这次得奖让谢娜大受鼓舞,她壮着胆子,一个人离开家人来到北京参加全国推新人大赛。她因为普通话不标准,初赛就被淘汰了,宣布结果那一刻,她当场大哭起来……  相似文献   

广州城市职业学院旅游与公共管理学院目前开设有旅游管理、酒店管理、物流管理、人力资源管理、社区管理与服务等专业,现有普通专科在校生928人,成人大专生1000多人。学院专任教师43人,其中正教授1人,副教授7人,讲师17人;在读博士3人,硕士学位教师32人;“双师”素质教师36人,并聘请一批行业精英为骨干的兼职教师。学院现有9个校内实训室,32个校外实习基地。  相似文献   

后现代伦理存在从主体性虚空到社会的道德虚空,无一不表现着破碎的样子,建立在封建纲常基础上的旧有伦理秩序被废弃、符合新时期社会期望的伦理存在方式还没有成熟。伦理主体存在着,却以没有主体的方式存在,存在以身体的呈现模式承载着自我和社会的破碎状态,以渴望和探索的姿态正在生成,主体理性也在不断的反思和对话中,拯救着迅速蔓延的虚空。  相似文献   

在幼儿游戏方面,柳溪村幼儿班里年纪较小的孩子们在幼师和家长的视野之外,建构了独立自由的游戏空间,从而区隔了课上与课下的二元游戏界限———唯有在课下“真空”的游戏场域中,孩子们的游戏精神方能发挥到淋漓尽致。但从乡村儿童总体的游戏情形来看:传统的儿童游戏几近衰落,手工制作玩具濒临失传。这些伴随电子游戏成长起来的乡村儿童,面临着比城市儿童更严重的电视依赖,他们游戏的性质经历了从亲近自然到远离自然、从手工创意制作到购买廉价玩具、从群体嬉戏到个体自娱、从动态游戏到静态娱乐的异化过程。  相似文献   

This paper explores feminist writings on mothering, highlighting recent writings which argue that it is important for children's well-being that mothers are subjects in their own right and that mothers should not just be looked at in terms of how they impact upon children. It argues that exploring how children impact upon mothers allows a fuller understanding of mothers' stories today and could be helpful for social work practices where particular children are in danger. It calls for fuller debates within social work generally about the complexities of mothering and offers evidence that such debates are being urgently requested by workers and service users alike.  相似文献   

Lost for words     
The literature suggests that many children suffer from both emotional and behavioural problems and speech and language difficulties. There are also many children with emotional and behavioural problems who have undetected communication difficulties ( Cohen et al . 1993 ). Undetected communication problems have previously been found in child psychiatric populations ( Giddan et al . 1996 ) and special educational classes for children with emotional and behavioural problems ( Burgess & Bransby 1990 ). A small-scale study reported here also found 'looked after' children who had previously unsuspected communication difficulties. This paper considers why communication problems and emotional and behavioural difficulties often occur together and then reflects on the implications of undetected communication problems for the care of such children. Since communication problems impact on emotional and educational development, there are also suggestions of ways to identify speech and language difficulties in school-age children.  相似文献   

创新的基本要素主要包括企业、大学、科研院所、金融部门、政府等。它们在创新动态演化过程中形成生态系统,制度、文化和基础设施等构成了一个地区的创新生态环境。构建创新生态要充分激发企业创新动力,完善企业创新激励机制;发挥市场作用,加强政策引导;建设公共创新平台,优化创新创业环境;探索科技金融创新,打造创新文化氛围。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

I present evidence on the cost-effectiveness of 76 regulatory actions promulgated by the Federal government from 1967 to 2001 by updating similar work published by the author in 1986. The paper first responds to several critiques of the original article recently published in prominent law journals by showing that most of the specific criticism is based on misrepresentations and mistakes. Wide differences in cost-effectiveness indicate we could save lives more effectively. Regulations aimed at reducing safety and cardiovascular risks have been more cost-effective than regulations aimed at reducing cancer risks. I suggest several potential regulations that could save lives more cost-effectively than the vast majority of regulations issued to date.  相似文献   


In this paper I address the role that embodiment, embodied consciousness and what can be termed “extradiscursive” experiences such as body memory and ekstasis as a form of ecstatic experience assume in understanding the body-self of mature dancers. I argue that the body-self of the dancer becomes increasingly intersubjective in maturity through her/his bodily practice, and that this can be understood in terms of the notions of intercorporeity, and of the “flesh” derived from the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty. I argue that ways of manifestation of intercorporeity in bodily experience are discursively elusive, drawing on two forms of bodily experience—body memory and ekstasis—and examining experiences narrated by mature dancers who were interviewed in my Ph. D. study on ageing, gender and dancers' bodies. I contend that the experience of ekstasis is the “glue” of a corporeal subjectivity that transforms itself through momentary identification with the world, that calls on the invisible as well as the visible. Body memory also challenges Western dualist conceptions of consciousness and bodily experience, and is more easily aligned with Eastern understandings of consciousness as embodied. Finally, I suggest that the concept of body memory is useful for imbuing the body-subject with a cohesion and authenticity through the body's capacity for nonconscious remembrance of movement through a proprioceptively stored “body history,” which enables the constitution of a coherent body-self in older age.  相似文献   

Use of such categorical terms as heterosexual, bisexual, and lesbian is widespread, yet research indicates that sexuality is a multidimensional phenomenon. Sexual behavior, identity, and desire are not highly intercorrelated for women, and this has implications for new ways of conceptualizing sexual orientation. Furthermore, the multifaceted nature of sexual orientation has implications for conceptualizing sexual activity and sexual desire for women. Some methodological issues are presented for future research on female sexual orientation, including a better understanding of gender and a more multifaceted approach to sexual orientation.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ken Moffatt, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, York University, Kinsmen Building, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3. E-mail: kmoffatt{at}yorku.ca and allan.irving{at}widener.edu Summary In this article we define British idealism, a thread of Enlightenmentthought. We draw upon historical British writings and Canadianarchival material to reveal key concepts central to idealismand social work. The article begins by discussing social responsibilitybased on the idealist premise of Christian immanence. We thendiscuss the spiritual rationality of the new liberalism. Thethought of E.J. Urwick, a key philosopher of British and Canadiansocial work, illustrates that both British and Platonic idealismcontinued to influence the field of modern social work. Theconcepts of engaged participation and reciprocity are congruentwith Christian immanence and spiritual rationality. We arguethat social work can benefit from recovering its lost pastssuch as idealism as an aid in prefiguring an uncertain future.  相似文献   

康德的<答复这个问题:"什么是启蒙运动?">一直被奉为启蒙思想家对启蒙的经典定义.因此,后现代主义对启蒙的批判往往把矛头指向康德的这篇文章.事实上,康德的启蒙观必须在启蒙运动的问题情境中,并结合他的其他著述才能获得完整的理解.康德将启蒙置于人自身的理性自决的前提之下,强调理性实践运用的自由原则,从而使其启蒙定界获得了革命性的内涵,显示了植根现实的强烈的政治批判和宗教批判精神.  相似文献   

Men's Migration and Women's Lives: Views from Rural Armenia and Guatemala*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objectives. This study seeks to comparatively assess the consequences of men's migration for gender roles and relations in Armenia and Guatemala. Methods. We use 29 in‐depth interviews conducted with women in Guatemala and 27 interviews conducted in Armenia, complemented with field observations. Results. Men's migration exerts diverse effects on their wives' lives, and these effects are mediated by the sociocultural milieu in which the women live and by the context in which the men generate incomes. As do other studies, we find that women take on added responsibilities when their partners migrate for work, but unlike most other studies, our data do not show that these new responsibilities significantly transform women's status and relationships. Conclusions. On balance, the division of labor established through the husbands' migration further reinforces gender inequality. Men's role as breadwinners and primary decisionmakers is further strengthened, as is women's subordinate position in the household.  相似文献   

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