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肖瑛 《社会》2008,28(2):39-39
功能分化和领域分离被视为社会进步的重要动力之一,也构成许多建基于启蒙理性的社会建设理论的核心观点。但分化条件下不同社会领域及功能之间如何整合的问题在启蒙理性传统中却付阙如。本文在M.莫斯的“总体的社会事实”的启发下,尝试构建一个“总体的社会组织”概念来考察涂尔干的“法人团体”想象。文章认为,涂尔干的“法人团体”想象是以在社会组织层面整合国家与个人之间,社会主义与个人主义之间以及社会的政治功能、经济功能和道德功能之间的人为对立为目标,“法人团体”属于中介性的“总体的社会组织”范畴。虽然涂尔干的这一想象有简单化和乌托邦化的嫌疑,但其对于洞悉和超越高度分化状态下的社会生活弊病有着很强的启示意义。  相似文献   

在我国,一些学者主张从个人的活动出发来建构历史唯物主义,另一些人主张从社会结构的总体上来建构它.这两种做法都容易把个人和社会对立起来.实际上,无论社会还是个人都应被当做关系来理解.所有的人都是社会关系网上的节点,社会就是各种不同关系构成的多样体系.社会历史研究就是对于这种关系网络的解释,人也通过对社会关系网络的解释而对社会关系网络进行生产和再生产.社会关系一旦形成就会具有超出个人控制范围的虚拟结构,生产力的发展过程会破除这种虚拟结构并使社会关系结构得到变迁.  相似文献   

李三虎 《探求》2003,25(1):37-45
本文主要讨论技术决定论、社会决定论、技术社会互动论和社会技术整体论四种技术社会理论的主要观点,从中注意到一种强调社会技术整体进化的马克思主义技术社会理论正日趋成熟,认为这一理论对我们完整地把握技术与社会的整体关系具有重要的学术和实践价值。  相似文献   

儒学社会的治乱兴衰:一种精神的限制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国传统社会的发展经历了前儒学社会和儒学社会两个发展阶段。儒学社会的主导精神是儒学精神。儒学精神可以表述为:以爱为原则、以君主秩序为目的、以伦理控制为手段等三个社会学式命题。儒学精神的内在规定性是伦理理性。儒学社会是伦理控制型社会。儒学社会的治乱兴衰一定意义上即是中国传统社会的治乱兴衰。本文试图考察儒学社会的治乱兴衰和这个社会的控制类型即伦理控制之间的相关性,即考察儒学的伦理理性及其限制  相似文献   

从财富分配到风险分配:中国社会结构重组的一种新路径   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李友梅 《社会》2008,28(6):1-14
在开放社会背景下,推动社会结构重组的力量是多样的,不同力量对社会结构的影响各不相同,它们的相互重叠和冲突,使社会结构变得异常复杂。改革开放三十年来,有关我国社会结构的社会学研究主要是基于财富分配逻辑而进行的阶级阶层分析,在研究方法上以民族国家为基础并侧重于从经济关系看问题。本文认为,到21世纪初,风险社会作为对中国社会结构产生关键性影响的另一种力量开始崛起。一方面,风险的弥散性和普遍性使得跨越阶级、阶层、职业、性别、信仰和种族而进行全社会动员成为可能,从新的角度和新的范围带动公民社会的生产;另一方面,具体风险的分布又在一定程度上同阶级、阶层的分化同构,强化后者的分化。同时,风险的利用还可能成为生产新的社会冲突的动力。财富分配逻辑与风险分配逻辑在中国语境下的互动将使中国社会结构在新世纪出现一种新的趋势。  相似文献   

汪和建 《社会》2009,29(5):64-87
市场的社会结构理论对新古典市场理论构成了重大挑战,然而,以“嵌入性”假设为基础的结构主义分析方法又在很大程度上限制了该理论的发展。作为反思的市场的新制度主义理论,虽然旨在建立一种以扩展的“嵌入性”概念为基础的制度与结构的相互关系分析,但是,其并未能将此思想运用到对市场建构及其运作的研究中。而作为一种转向的经济制度的社会建构理论,虽然内含了若干弥补社会结构分析的概念,但是,其概念之间存在的方法论上的内在矛盾,又决定这种弥补或修正是有限度的。为此,本文主张,当代市场社会学进一步修正或转向,应当朝着建立一种基于特殊行动理论,即自我行动的逻辑的市场的社会实践理论迈进。  相似文献   

宗族复兴现已是不争的事实,运用社会资本理论对宗族复兴的作用机理进行全面透视可以得出:传统宗族具有社会组织功能与特征的品质即传统宗族的社会资本特性,其内含传统宗族的社会资本信任机制、规范机制和网络机制;当代宗族正是在当代社会现代性的发展面临困境的社会背景下,基于传统宗族的社会资本特性,出现了"路径依赖"的社会现象而勃兴的;当代宗族是在农村现代化进程中获得重生的传统,不可避免的带有传统宗族的某些性质,同时也不可避免的要受到农村现代化大潮的涤荡与洗礼而发生异质性的变化,从而带有某些现代性的气息;因此,复兴的当代宗族是一种传统嵌入现代的社会组织.  相似文献   

张卫良 《浙江学刊》2008,1(3):74-78
英国"商业社会"的出现源于海内外商业贸易的迅猛发展.在近代早期,英国的经济思想家们在有关商业贸易获利的正当性和重要性、"市场"概念、商人的地位和作用以及商业利益与国家利益的关系等方面逐渐呈现出相似的意识,至古典经济学时代,"商业社会"的观念获得了最为充分的阐释.这一观念对于正确认识和分析现代社会的发展仍有重大的现实意义.  相似文献   

钟振振 《阅江学刊》2010,(3):119-122
南宋词人章谦亨,《宋史》无传,清陆心源《宋史翼》亦未之补。《全宋词》章谦亨小传因属草创,故较简略,且有若干讹误,兹予订补。要点有:谦亨,湖州(或“安吉州”,即今浙江湖州一带)人。生于宁宗嘉泰元年(1201)以前。宁宗嘉定十七年(1224),扬州泰兴县(今属江苏)令。理宗绍定元年(1228)至四年(1231)正月,知信州铅山县(今属江西)。理宗端平元年(1234)五月,已干办行在诸军审计司。理宗嘉熙三年(1239)六月前,已知衢州(今属浙江)。六月,兼提点两浙东路刑狱公事。十二月,直秘阁、提点两浙东路刑狱公事、兼知衢州。是年,阶官已至朝请大夫。四年(1240)十一月,与宫观。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the Chinese government’s policy of purchasing social services and discusses how relevant organisations provide social work and develop it within local socio-political and cultural contexts. An ethnographic research method was adopted for the study by the first author while participating in social work development in Q City. We argue that the policy of purchasing social services succeeded in achieving “embedded development” but also created a “conjuncture structure” in cultural reproduction. However, due toprofessional social workers in China have, in practice, passively responded to the conjuncture there has been a failure to reproduce professional values of social work in the Chinese cultural context. Therefore, further development of social work in China needs to strengthen cultural reflection in practical actions, focus on the exploration of cultural connections between social work practice and local communities, and enhance the cultural capacity of social workers in the local cultural context.  相似文献   

蔡宝刚 《求是学刊》2016,(2):114-121
党的十八届四中全会通过的全面依法治国的决定将法治社会建设提高到与法治国家和法治政府建设一体建设的地位,党的十八届五中全会通过的关于十三五规划的建议中指出要加快建设法治经济和法治社会,把经济社会发展纳入法治轨道,法治社会建设备受关注。法治社会的主旨是社会领域的依法自主治理,法治社会建设主要应由社会权力来推进,社会权力是催生法治社会的主要动力引擎,社会权力的健康成长和机制运行是法治社会建设的内生动力和关键因素。要认真对待中国法治现代化建设就要认真对待法治社会建设,要认真对待法治社会建设就必须认真对待社会权力的引擎作用。  相似文献   

生活作为人生命活动的展开方式,是人根据自己的意志和目的进行的生命活动,是人全面本质的展开,本真生活是属人的,以人为本。现代社会实质是以资本市场逻辑和技术理性为主导逻辑建构而成的物化社会,置身其中的现代人的现实生活实质上趋向物,处于异质生活境遇,怎样在现代生活境遇里获得生存的意义,过有价值的生活,回归“人本”生活状态,关键在于对“物本”异化力量主导所形成的现代人的异质生活境遇的超越,即对生活的价值体验。  相似文献   

Major depression is one of the four most prevalent psychiatric diseases in Taiwan. Furthermore, a study showed that 45 per cent of the family caregivers of persons with persistent psychiatric disability were at risk of depression. The present study aimed at examining if caregivers experienced more depressive symptoms than the general population while controlling for other variables (direct effect), and if the constellation of correlates of depressive symptoms was different between the general population and caregivers (interaction effect). Data from 1979 subjects were gathered in a national survey, using stratified random sampling. The results revealed that the caregivers experienced significantly more depressive symptoms than the general population. However, the effect disappeared when other variables were taken into account. Life stress appeared to be more important than coping and social support. The other two common correlates of depressive symptoms were age and being unmarried. Relational stress mattered especially for caregivers. Lastly, social support variables were significant only for the general population; satisfaction with support could buffer the negative effect of survival stress on depressive symptoms.  相似文献   


A challenge for research with sexual-minority youth is to capture their unique stories in a way that heightens understanding of lived experience and promotes the development of culturally relevant programs and policies tailored for this population. One data collection approach that may be particularly useful for research with sexual-minority youth is the life history calendar (LHC) method. The LHC provides a visual, calendar-based assessment of life events and behaviors anchored by contextual cues to enhance retrospective recall. The purpose of this article is to examine the utility of the LHC method with sexual-minority youth and its potential to address three methodological and conceptual challenges: developmental complexity, shifting and evolving identities, and timing. The LHC method is illustrated using three studies conducted by the author as case examples. Findings suggest that the LHC offers several potential benefits for research with sexual-minority youth including its adaptable and flexible structure, capacity to assess event timing and sequence, mixed-methods capability, and its ability to engage and empower youth to co-create the interview process. Strengths and limitations of the LHC method and implications for research and practice with sexual-minority youth in a range of social service settings are discussed.  相似文献   

吴柳财 《社会》2018,38(1):54-80
社会人类学对于礼与仪式的研究有助于我们认识日常社会生活和加深对社会结构的理解,因为研究所侧重的仪式过程激活了人在社会交往和互动中的实践主体性。通过对《礼记·曲礼》的社会人类学解读,我们发现,人的日常生活具有社会结构与时间性这些基本要素,礼制结构内含复杂的人伦结构与天人关系,以及丰富的时间体验。礼所体现的情感与意义是社会生活之神圣感的源泉,礼仪就是将人和社会带入这种境界的手段与过程。这种尝试性的解读意在将传统礼仪纳入社会学的研究范围。  相似文献   


Chinese social policy to support parents in caring for their children is vital to address the urgent social problem of abandoning the life of children with disabilities by not seeking medical treatment. The child rights approach was used to analyze the effectiveness of Chinese social policy to protect the right to life of these children. Primary and secondary empirical data from 3 case studies where parents decided whether to abandon their child were analyzed. Did the child protection mechanisms protect the right to life of these children, and when did parents decide to abandon their children? The findings were: a) When the children were born, their right to life was not unconditional; b) the decision was made privately by parents—no formal decision procedure was available, the role of professionals was minimal, and the state did not intervene; and c) parents considered the disadvantages to their children if they lived. The implication is that China has not yet established a system to support parents and protect the lives of young children with disabilities. Future research to inform child protection reform and disability support to children and families to prevent children becoming abandoned is urgently needed.  相似文献   

This research explores whether readiness to leave care mediates the association between social support – from peers, staff and biological parents – on the verge of leaving care and life satisfaction a year after among young people ageing out of care in Israel. The results represent two waves of a longitudinal study. Two hundred seventy‐two adolescents from residential settings in Israel completed a self‐administered questionnaire shortly before they left care, and one year later, 234 of them were interviewed to assess their life satisfaction. Readiness to leave care was found to mediate the relationship between most social support measurements and life satisfaction. At the same time, the findings also suggest that this mediating effect varies for different types of support and has a lesser amount of influence for profound emotional support than other types of support. These findings highlight the need to include both the preparation to leave care and the reinforcement of emotional support available to young people who aged out of care, before and throughout the transition from care to adulthood.  相似文献   

消费主义:一种异化的生活方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何静  李艳 《学术交流》2005,(11):128-130
在全球化浪潮的强烈冲击下,消费主义作为起源并盛行于西方发达国家的一种文化态度、价值观念和生活方式,正以其感性而鲜明的特征吸引着发展中国家的人们。在消费主义文化强大的示范和诱导下,发展中国家那些传统的、民族的消费生活方式就逐步转变为一种现代的消费主义生活方式。这种生活方式为构建社会主义和谐社会带来了许多危害,我们应该抵制消费主义,选择良好的生活方式,走可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

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