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社区工作者如何进行社区工作和社区发展建设,从而提高社区居民的生活质量,这是一项刚刚起步的社会试点工作,倍受各界人士重视,其理论与实践方法正处在探讨和发展阶段。本文以优势视角的观点出发,从四个方面阐述了自己的看法:第一,从优势角度对社会工作的涵义进行了论述;第二,对居民与社区的关系展开讨论,强调社区与居民自身的切实利益紧密相连;第三,对社区工作提出若干策略行动;第四,对如何落实社区工作进行了分析和思考。全文四点互为联系,较完备地构成了优势视角的社区工作的理论与方法体系。 相似文献
CHEN Ya-li 《社会工作》2007,(8)
在城市社区中,组织建设是社区服务发展的重要动力,社区组织之间的互动关系和整合程度直接决定着社区服务发展水平的高低,是社区服务发展走上良性运行轨道的关键所在。由于当前我国城市社区发展仍然处于初级阶段,社区服务的组织建设尚不完善,社区组织的社区服务参与程度和协调程度还有待进一步提高。 相似文献
随着社区治理的全球化兴起,社区安全治理也将随之受到关注。从社区治安转向社区安全治理的过程,伴随着对社区关系产生直接或间接的影响。本论文试图通过反思社区关系的可能变化来论证从社区治安转向社区安全治理的必然性,以此呈现出社区安全治理的优势。 相似文献
中心城市社区教育资源整合与优化研究——兼论广州市社区教育资源的整合与优化 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
大力发展社区教育是提升市民素质和建设学习型城市的重要途径。中心城市拥有丰富的社区教育资源,如何对这些资源进行有效地开发、利用,整合与优化,以促进社区教育的发展,本文结合广州社区教育发展进行总结分析,进而提出了中心城市社区教育资源的整合与优化的一系列途径。 相似文献
当前,中国城市社区治理面临着价值性、机制性和发展性三大困境,这与社区治理中所表现出的行政力量过度干预、自治组织功能虚化、社会力量有效介入不足等现象相对应。从实现基层治理多元主体参与共治和推进基层自治的目标来看,需要加强公共参与来构建多元主体共治的社区治理结构,同时形成推进社会自治的动力机制。在推进公共参与的过程中,应当从保障公民权利和法治化、强化基础性制度的建立健全、制度的稳定性与动态调整并重三个方面,对制度建设的保障性作用予以重视。最终,通过多元主体的共同参与,真正实现建构现代社区多元主体共治的目标。 相似文献
城市作为政治现象产生发展的重要场域,日益为学术界所重视。本文从"空间"与"治理"视角对城市政治研究进行了总结回顾。结合个体、社区、城市三个不同层次的研究主体,本文总结评述了市民政治参与、政治效能感、社区发展非均等化、社会资本、城市中的"邻避"现象与城市政体理论等议题。当下,中国的城市化进程加速,城市发展面临着一系列问题。本文指出中国的城市政治研究应该在借鉴西方经验的同时,结合中国城市特点,发展出切合中国国情的城市政治议题。 相似文献
当前的城市社区建设迫切需要重建社会资本,社会资本的核心要素是信任、规范和网络。社会资本能够促进个体合作,产生共享价值,滋生信任观念。作为社会资本重要组成部分的公民参与网络和在公民参与网络中培育的公共精神也是城市社区存在的必要条件。 相似文献
非正式支持以其人性化、人本化的理念和人与人之间守望相助的价值观,成为城市社区居民可信任的支持来源。当前城市社区居民的非正式支持网络呈现出以亲属支持为主、朋友和邻里支持为辅的格局,也面临着人力、能力和财力等方面的困境。完善城市社区居民的社会支持网络,关键在于实现正式支持与非正式支持的整合。 相似文献
隔离与整合:城乡结合部的社区建设——以杭州上城区X社区为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
城乡结合部是介于传统意义上的城市和农村社区之外的第三类社区,在以往的社区研究中也处于相对边缘的地位.本文以杭州市X社区为例,分析了目前城乡结合部社区建设中管理主体、公共物品供给和社会参与等方面存在的隔离及其成因,从社区组织、社区功能和社会资本建设等方面探讨了城乡结合部社区整合的途径. 相似文献
面对不断涌现的各类突发性事件,城市现有的公共安全保障体系和风险应急治理机制暴露出越来越明显的脆弱性,但是在实际应急治理过程中,社区共同体通过及时调整行动策略可以提高对显性及潜在危机的适应性,通过积极改善自身全周期应急网络关系的质量能够提高自治能效。依据“压力冲击—学习响应—功能成长”这一分析框架,通过揭示D市在疫情防控中社区组织调适的阶段表现、压力增长和反应特征,明确了社区共同体应急治理的基本机制及逻辑。借助组织复杂适应系统理论的分析视角,从快速回应机制、协同管理机制、过程调适机制和评估反馈机制四个方面,提出社区应该提升回应效能,加强协同服务,强化调适动态,注重反馈原则,进而改进应急治理实施思路的整体性和系统性。 相似文献
网络互动的社会功能分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
关于网络互动的研究大体是沿着两个理论框架展开:一是社会互动理论,二是符号学的视角。从这两种分析框架出发,学者们深入探讨了网络互动的过程和形式,即互动行为本身。但是网络行动除了动机和意义外,更对互动参与者以及他人产生了影响和作用。这种影响和作用表现在对他人影响的隐功能、互动者在互动过程中获取了情感支持的功能以及对互动者的社会化功能等三个方面。 相似文献
Joseph F. McGuire Lauren Kaercher Jennifer M. Park Eric A. Storch 《Journal of social service research》2013,39(3):335-344
ABSTRACT Hoarding behaviors endanger individuals and their communities. Although there is a growing literature on clinically referred and elderly hoarders, there is limited information about hoarding behaviors beyond these contexts. This study examines the frequency, characteristics, and outcomes of cases involving hoarding encountered by code enforcement officials and social service staff. Prior to an in-service training, 236 social service staff members completed a 43-item survey about their experiences with cases involving hoarding. Respondents reported encountering between two and three cases per year. Although these hoarding cases were estimated to cost more than $3,700 in cleaning fees, 83% of respondents reported having received no prior training on dealing with hoarding. Survey responses suggested that hoarding situations were difficult to resolve and involved multiple community agencies. Collectively, hoarding behaviors appear to be a problem regularly encountered by social service members, who often serve as the initial point of contact. Along with increased training, future research is needed to develop and evaluate collaborative interagency protocols to manage this multifaceted problem. Empirically informed interagency protocols may facilitate the timely referral of community hoarders to mental health professionals and may lead to improved outcomes. 相似文献
留美科学家的国内参与及其社会网络——强弱关系假设的再探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
因果关系是社会学分析的核心议题。然而,基于调查数据的定量分析都会受到内生性问题的困扰,从而往 相似文献
This study examined factors associated with disaster preparedness among older adults, with special attention paid to demographic characteristics, social support, and community participation. From a larger study about disaster preparedness of persons with disabilities, a total of 719 adults aged 55 years and older were used for this study. The results of the logistic regressions indicate that individuals who have higher levels of social support and more connections to community organizations are more likely to be prepared for disaster-related emergency situations. In another model, using resource preparedness as the dependent variable, an interaction effect between social support and income was found. Overall, higher income and higher informal support are related to a higher level of resources for disaster preparedness. However, the relationship between income and disaster preparedness is much stronger for those sub-groups receiving more informal support. The findings of this study expand knowledge regarding issues of disaster preparedness among older adults and demonstrates the importance of social resources and networks. This study suggests an intervention model for decision-makers and community leaders in terms of providing information and advice to members of their communities about how to adequately prepare for natural disasters. 相似文献
在我国,社会工作和社会政策进行着有中国特色的社会建构,在此过程中,两者之间存在着相互的作用,本文旨在探索这种相互作用。把握这种相互作用,有助于我们更好地增强它,并利用它为解决社会问题、建设和谐社会服务。 相似文献
Andre G. Afonso 《The Senses and Society》2018,13(1):108-113
AbstractThis paper discusses the role of the Modified Social Benches, a series of urban artworks, as platforms for bodily engagement and social encounters in open, outdoor urban spaces. Special attention is given to a couple of salient aspects involving both the design of the artworks and their social appropriation: (a) the different levels of sensory and kinesthetic engagement afforded by the benches, and (b) how these material qualities reflect in the urban space around the benches, lending the artworks a notorious social character. The social and the bodily dimensions are presented as intertwined characteristics of the Modified Social Benches. In order to explore these relationships, the paper highlights a set of key concepts, such as social encounters and affordances, as well as the notions of performance and engagement. 相似文献
利用北京市第六次人口普查数据,从功能区和街乡尺度分析北京社会阶层的空间分布,发现北京还未形成以中产阶层为主体的橄榄型社会结构,社会阶层结构在空间分布上表现为四个圈层梯度分布的同心圆格局,在空间分化上表现为阶层分隔与互嵌的马赛克状。研究认为,应该大幅度改革居住证制度以吸纳社会精英、推动社会下层聚居区的绅士化、率先统一城乡经济社会体制、调整超级街乡行政区划,从而优化北京社会阶层的空间结构。 相似文献
茶馆观察:农村公共空间的复兴与基层社会整合 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
一、引言:问题缘起与学术史回顾经过漫长的积累或变动,传统中国乡村逐渐发展出许多公共空间,如村肆、祠堂、庙宇、茶馆,在江南还有航船、公园等(朱小田,2004),众所周知,这一发展进程自1950年代以后一度被打断。晚近二十多年来,中国农村不少地区重新出现了宗族活动、民间信仰以及其它的民间活动。对此现象,学界或称之为传统文化的复兴,或视其为封建残余的复活等等。与这些说法不同,祠堂、庙宇、茶馆、市场以及社区中心场所的重新建构,笔者认为不如视之为公共空间的复兴,这些领域的无限活力意味着乡村社会公共空间在新时期的多元化发展。而探… 相似文献
Enhancing Social Support for Migrant Families: A Case Study of Community Services in a Shanghai Urban Village and Implications for Intervention 下载免费PDF全文
Recent years have witnessed the growing emphasis of the Chinese central government to develop community services as a method of building communities and strengthening social solidarity. With the increased involvement of multi‐generation households in China's internal rural‐to‐urban migration, however, little is known about what community services are available for migrant families. Nor do we know much about how such services can enhance social support for migrants, which is crucial for their psychological well‐being in managing the ongoing challenges that arise from migration and further integration into cities. This article presents a case study conducted in Shanghai where social services are emerging in a few urban villages. We begin with a brief background on China's rural‐to‐urban migration and the emergence of urban villages, followed by a discussion of community services and social support for Chinese migrant families. We then document existing services in an urban village to explore how they can influence migrant families' social support. Drawing on the perspective of service providers, we highlight the effects social work interventions can have on improving social support for migrant families. Finally, we propose an intervention framework based on multi‐dimensions of social support, emphasizing an integration of formal and informal social support through community services for migrant populations. 相似文献