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我国当前经济形势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡鞍钢 《决策》2001,(6):17-20
一、美国经济下滑对中国经济的影响 从去年下半年以来,美国经济突然转入下滑,引起各方面的关注.2000年美国经济增长率高达5%,今年一季度美国经济增长率只有1.3%,预计全年经济增长率可能降至1.5%.同期美国劳动生产率急剧下滑,2000年二季度为6.3%,第四季度降至2%,今年第一季度下降了1.2%,相应单位劳动成本上升.  相似文献   

美国经济衰退原因及前景预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋耀  田华 《管理科学》2002,15(5):78-80
美国经济在经过短暂的衰退之后出现了复苏迹象,但对于美国经济的发展前景,仍然是众说纷纭.试从美国发生经济衰退的原因入手,详尽地分析现阶段影响美国经济运行的各种因素,并对美国经济未来的发展做出预测.  相似文献   

美国经济有一个非常严重的问题,美国经济学家也早就意识到了,他们喋喋不休地说了至少十年.这个问题就是,美国储蓄率非常低,美国人拥有非常高的生活水平,但同时,美国经济保持着相当高的投资.  相似文献   

隆国强  董鹏宇 《决策》2001,(7):26-27
今年3月12日,美国新经济具有指标意义的NASDAQ指数从一年前的5048点跌破2000点大关,一年内跌去62%,比1973年第一次石油危机后60%的跌幅还大.与此同时,美国经济增长也显疲态.人们不禁要问:美国经济持续十年的高速增长是否就此终结?美国经济走软会对中国产生什么样的影响?  相似文献   

<正> 一、人民币实现汇率自由兑换的迫切性 1.美国经济的衰退对我国经济的影响美国的经济特别是在遭9.11恐怖事件后,已从鼎盛时期走向了衰退,尽管美国采取了连续降息等各种措施,但都已无法阻止其经济明显衰退的步伐。美国经济已由抛物线的高点走入掉头向下缓慢衰退的境地。美国是中国最大的出口国,中国经济在非常  相似文献   

赵文生  刘树林 《管理科学》2018,21(3):23-40+93
基于货币稀释理论建立流动性过剩与全球失衡的一般均衡模型,分析流动性过剩、储蓄、消费、金融发展、经济增长等因素对世界经济的冲击影响,证明了十个重要命题.通过这些命题的组合和演绎,能够从理论上全面、科学和合理地解释世界经济中出现的经济现象.文章的结论不仅能够覆盖相关文献的主要观点,而且将文章提出的理论渗透到社会再生产的四个环节,揭示了当今世界经济的发展逻辑.美国利用美元的国际储备货币地位,在分配中无偿获得了世界经济的发展成果.美国依靠比较优势发展的虚拟经济,在与别国实体经济的交换中获利,支持了美国的过度消费,导致美国经常账户赤字,造成全球失衡,对金融危机负有主要责任.  相似文献   

一、美、欧、日经济现状及发展趋势 1.美国经济现状及发展趋势 自1991年3月美国经济走出上次经济衰退的低谷以来,10年中美国经济年均增长率达3.5%,不仅创造了美国历史上最长的经济持续增长周期,而且还呈现出高经济增长率、低失业率、低通货膨胀率的所谓“一高两低”局面。为期10年的经济持续增  相似文献   

2002年世界经济环境将进一步恶化 总体上看,2002年我国国民经济运行的环境将会有所恶化.首先,世界经济减速运行的态势尚未出现止跌迹象.在美国经济已经站在衰退边缘的时候,"9·11"事件的发生无疑使美国经济雪上加霜.  相似文献   

佚民 《决策》2004,(12)
如果说南昌是一座英雄城,巴黎是一座文化城,纽约便是一座财富城.纽约一直是美国经济高速发展的发动机,也是美国经济繁荣的最强有力、最引人人胜的标志.科斯纳著的<资本之城>讲述了从1860年到1900年30多年内,关于这个城市、城市的精英以及将美国变成一个经济大国的经济革命的故事.  相似文献   

本文综合利用投入产出技术和弹性分析法等方法从全球价值链视角量化模拟了美中贸易关税战对双方经济、就业和世界经济的冲击.结果显示,若美国单边对中国发起贸易战,中国的出口、国内增加值以及就业将遭受重大损失,与此同时,美国也会因为中间品贸易受阻而遭受损失.中美相互贸易战会造成“双输”结果,比较而言中国的受损程度大于美国.此外,中美贸易战会使得全球生产链部分断裂,冲击生产链上欧盟、日本和韩国等经济体,加大世界经济下行的风险.政策启示上,美国的贸易保护主义政策缺乏合理的经济基础,美中贸易战不符合双方经济利益,双方合作共赢才是最优选择.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the U.S.S.R. approach to long-term planning and the relationship of cooperative planning within the Comecon countries. The conception of planning which the author puts forward is comprehensive and is illustrative of what is being attempted at the macro level in the centrally planned economies.  相似文献   

Environmental scanning in U.S. corporations.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Environmental scanning is a new activity among corporations, because of its importance, corporations need to progress by stages to achieve a structured and formal system of scanning, and this takes time. This paper is based on a study examining the evolution and state of environmental scanning among corporations, and finds that the essential difference between scanning at the corporate and at the product/market level is not observed by all companies. Ideally, there should be a close liaison between the two levels so that each may reinforce the scanning effort of the other.  相似文献   

Lew Smith, the chairman of a privately owned Canadian processor, must decide whether his company will build a plant in the United States. He has been asked to do so by one of his major customers, Loblaw. The company has been making many improvements to its operations but it’s performance has been hurt by the Free Trade Agreement between Canada and the United States. The company has been doing very well, however, as it shifts its focus from making private label to controlled label. Is now the right time to expand the business into a foreign market?  相似文献   

Training, learning and development tend to be regarded as central to the success of every organization and the nation. However, not all organizations are able or willing to invest resources in such processes. The paper presents a view that training, learning and development occur as a consequence of successful persuasive actions in a chain of talk, which draw on the discursive and rhetorical resources of an emerging learning movement. Utilizing the findings from an examination of data from the UK Department of Education and Skills-sponsored National Training Award winners, the paper provides an employment of actor-network theory and the sociology of translation to show how some organizations make the case for training, learning and development as a virtuous endeavour. It concludes by suggesting that what is needed is a more detailed understanding of how the case for the adoption of training, learning and development, or not, within organizations is made meaningful.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(2):42-50
This article lists the five important characteristics for the ideal acquisition candidate for investment in the United States. A good and long-lasting relationship takes much thought, planning and patience and the authors set out practical guidelines for companies seeking to acquire U.S. companies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of the Canada-U.S. Trade Agreement (CUSTA) on U.S. exports of agricultural products. Econometric analysis found that CUSTA has had a large impact on many U.S. agricultural export categories. All of the consumer-oriented products (except wine and beer), five of the intermediate products, and four of the bulk products had significant CUSTA effects. It is clear that the CUSTA effects have been larger for consumer-oriented food products. There is also evidence that U.S. affiliate sales in Canada have stimulated U.S. exports of consumer-oriented products and intermediate products.  相似文献   

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