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《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):297-312

The article explores the reciprocal relationship between images and viewers by considering the relationship between the senses of sight and touch. I argue that images touch viewers at the same time that viewers touch images. Taking Casilda Sánchez video work, As Inside as the Eye can See as a point of departure, this article explores the ways in which a viewer’s encounter with the work can be understood as tactile rather than merely visual. Precisely because the work is visibly obsessed with the sense of sight it provides an intriguing entry point into discussions around the tactility of visual experience. Even though a person does not physically interact with this video by means of actual touch, our relationship with it is fundamentally tactile. In order to make this argument, I draw on theoretical positions that deal with the embodiment of perception, phenomenology and haptic visuality. Finally, with reference to Merleau-Ponty’s theories on vision as touch, I show how a viewer’s embodied response to the video contributes to its critical potential which unfolds from this rich experiential and tactile encounter.  相似文献   


The way we perceive and experience touch is a first step in understanding how touch influences design and designers. Early memories of touch were explored among male and female design students taking classes at a large US metropolitan university. Male and female students were compared in terms of recall of what was touched and how it felt. Response categories of what was touched were similar between males and females, although contexts and exposures differed. Specific sensations were analyzed and categorized. Results pointed to the influence of a gender discourse within a culture that takes place in defining touch experiences more than differences arising from being male or female. Experiences of touch need to be expanded, made explicit, and understood in terms of design and creativity.  相似文献   


This narrative follows an ongoing open-form process group in an abstinence-based sober-living house as residents deal with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, interpersonal difficulties, and maintenance of recovery from Substance Use Disorder. The story illustrates the role development, role conflict, and role demand that group social workers experience and highlights a new social worker’s transition from professional anxiety and rigidity to spontaneity, nuance, and confidence in his practice.  相似文献   


To illustrate the overall content and historical significance of Xun Zi’s political philosophy, this paper proceeds as follows. First, it reviews previous research on ideas of li (ritual and social norms) and discusses why Xun Zi’s theory of li has been undervalued. Second, it briefly introduces my earlier study of this issue, The Confucian Quest for Order: The Origin and Formation of the Political Thought of Xun Zi. Third, it proposes an analytical framework that highlights the intellectual characteristics and historical role of li in the Xunzi. This framework analyzes li in the broad sense, differentiating between the theory of li, li as an institution and li as a way to the restoration of order. Fourth, it describes some intellectual characteristics of the Xunzi’s theory of li as a way to order. Based on these discussions, this paper argues that Xun Zi’s theory of li as a way to order is a political philosophy with a broad vision which goes beyond the framework of a single dynasty or state to cover the history and modes of existence of human society as a whole.  相似文献   

In the Spring-Autumn and Warring States period,Confucians and scholars of Tao all regard"Tao" as the ultimate goal,which they are seeking and longing for.However,the former’s "Tao" is a combination of "Heaven’s Way" and "Deceased Kings’ Way",which is a typical faith of respect for the God of the "religious teaching" while the latter’s "Tao" shows something beyond the reality,which is a typical metaphysical ideal.Nevertheless,the "Tao" that they both worship has the nature and characteristics of the "speech".The "Tao" that is reflected in the society shows a return to an ideal society: "a small country with a few inhabitants"of Lao Tzu and "utopia" of Confucius seem to have no difference in essence.As for governance of the ideal society,Confucius and Lao Tzu both advocate the attitude and strategy of "ruling by inactivity".The main difference between the two schools is their attitude toward "ritual":Confucians respect and try to keep the ritual,while scholars of Tao prefer to destroy it.  相似文献   

"礼不下庶人刑不上大夫"不连读,两者涉及两种不同的仪礼。因为庶人无庙,故其君、上轼庙时不必下车回避,此即"礼不下庶人"。君使臣以礼,会见大臣当以礼意而非刑意,故"刑人不在君侧"。自贾谊在《新书.阶级》中以"礼不及庶人,刑不至大夫"对之加以阐释后,所引起的争论迄今未决。在承认"礼不及庶人,刑不至大夫"的前提下,通过对"礼"、"刑"的外延加以限制,将之修订为"某些或某种礼不及庶人,某些或某种刑不至大夫",这种说法在逻辑上是不通的;而据此否认"礼不下庶人,刑不上大夫"是真实存在过的制度,其观点虽有可取,但仍然存在前提性错误;"刑无等级"比"礼有等级"更专制。  相似文献   

In 2014 The Senses and Society published a special issue on “Sensory Museology.” Registering the emergence of this new multi-disciplinary field, the editor usefully observed that “its most salient trend has been the rehabilitation of touch.” Arguably, however, touch has only been rehabilitated as an area of study insofar as it is authorised by the museum. Scholars have rarely considered the propensity of visitors to touch museum exhibits when they do not have permission to do so. In this article I suggest that the academic emphasis on authorised forms of contact privileges the institution’s aims and perspective. Conversely, researching unauthorised touch places a higher degree of emphasis on the visitors’ motivations and responses, and has the capacity to bring dominant characterisations of the museum into question. I substantiate and work through these claims by drawing on interview-based research conducted at the British Museum, and by investigating why visitors touch the exhibits without permission, what they touch, and what experiences that encounter enables.  相似文献   

《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):313-329

This paper is an introduction to pseudo-haptics; that is, the use of touch-based illusions created by cross-modal perceptual interactions. Many studies have shown that it is possible to use visual or auditory stimuli to simulate the experience of touch, movement, and force. Pseudo-haptics isis useful in many applications, particularly where the user may not have a haptic device available but where the sensation of haptic feedback is useful in providing information or creating a sense of presence. In this paper, we present an overview of the current state of the literature in pseudo-haptics.  相似文献   

李小东 《社会》2022,42(6):160-187
在近代城市人口流动增大的背景下,有必要对基于差序格局的社会关系运作方式有何变化展开深入探讨。虽然民国时期京津两地人口流动规模较大,但其城市文化在旗人生活方式的影响下依然重视基于血缘伦理的礼数。通过分析反映京津城市文化的丧礼相声可以发现,在人口流动与城市文化碰撞下,京津平民倾向于接纳外人与陌生人进入其丧服体系,亦即差序格局的核心圈层,以完成礼数的正常运行。民国时期京津平民的社会关系运作逻辑基于“义利之辨”的“交情”与“占便宜”,“交情”使外人、陌生人得以进入差序格局核心圈层,而“占便宜”则是外人、陌生人调适自身在差序格局中的合理位置的过程。  相似文献   

Taking as a starting point two influential, yet different approaches in group work, that is, the self-directed group work and mutual aid models, this article examines a possible alternative for conducting social work with groups. Drawing from structuration theory, which makes a strong dialectical relation between agency and structure possible, this article highlights how our alternative model could lead to a greater integration of the micro- and macrodimensions in group-work practice. The Discussion section proposes three key principles for group work, namely, a belief in people’s strengths and capacities, a focus on critical thinking, and a concern for the development of a democratic culture in groups. These principles are conveyed through the group worker’s roles as consciousness raiser and process facilitator and provide a flexible and participatory process that can be used with a broad range of service-user groups. The article concludes with a discussion on the strengths and limitations of the model.  相似文献   

This paper aimed to examine the role of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in the distribution of social assistance (SA) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh. The paper adopts a qualitative case-study approach to explore the best practices in the distribution of SA by five (5) organizations including FBOs, governmental organizations (GOs), Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), political groups, and private voluntary groups. In this study, 14 beneficiaries of SA were selected by stratified proportionate random sampling method, and five (5) key personnel were selected purposively based on their experiences in the management of SA distribution. The study found that “no-move, no touch” approach followed by FBOs is more likely to establish human rights and social justice and reduce the transmission of diseases. In contrast to the modern idea, which undermines the faith-based charity, the study proved that faith-based charity is gaining attraction as an effective approach combating global pandemic. The findings of this paper will be useful for policymakers, voluntary service workers, GO, and NGO workers to ensure the distribution of SA in a more productive and disciplined way during and after an emergency like the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

新冠病毒疫情对日本社会各个方面都产生了严重的影响。疫情防治本身就属于社会政策范畴。总体而言,日本作为东方国家所实施的防疫政策取得较好效果,但同时也存在着一些问题。相对宽松甚至曾经数度放缓的防疫政策使日本错过了疫情治理的最佳时机,因而导致疫情的长期化。实现经济复苏是日本政府关注的重点,规模空前的经济刺激政策与以防疫为主导的社会政策之间既有结合也存在矛盾。日本政治的变化具有长期的社会基础,新冠疫情的暴发与蔓延使其凸显出来。在新的国际格局条件下,日本面临着外交战略方向的重大选择。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to describe ways that successful culture‐based Aboriginal preventive family service agencies offer employment and education opportunities for staff. Staff in three inner‐city, culture‐based Aboriginal family agencies were asked about their employment and educational opportunities. Forty‐four individuals were asked the question: ‘what employment and education opportunities have you had while in this job?’ A total of 81 unique responses were received. Participants grouped the responses into eight themes including: planning for services, promotion within the agency, specific skill development, enhanced self‐confidence, cultural awareness, teaching others, workshops as well as certified training. Differences between the experiences of study participants and the existing literature indicate that practices within culture‐based Aboriginal family agencies are distinct in relation to funding, staff mobility, strengths‐base, practical training and cultural knowledge, and that these should be understood and recognized formally in funding decisions and in future research.  相似文献   

In the traditional understanding, the social basis of the emergence and existence of international law can be summed up as an international society in which interstate conflict and cooperation and interests and contradictions coexist. In recent years, the term “international community” has been widely used in national practice and academic discourse. Many scholars believe that the development of interstate relations indicates that the international community is being transformed into a global international community. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” reflects China’s new understanding of the social foundations of international law. It introduces Chinese traditional culture into global governance, develops Marxist theory on the community, is concerned both for mankind as a whole and for individuals, highlights the ultimate issues of the international community, and emphasizes the international community’s union of diversity and interdependence. The idea of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great significance for the theory and practice of international law; it reflects the emergence of methodological holism, the response of international law to the questioning of its legitimacy, and the trend toward hierarchical systematization in international law. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great value to China’s participation in the reform of the global governance system. It will help promote appreciation of the relations between China and the world, enhance China’s international discourse power and discourse force, and promote the rule of law in international relations that China advocates.  相似文献   

This article is a tribute to Jean Sanville, a distinctive leader in our field whose voice and vision continue to shape the practice of psychoanalysis through the lens of clinical social work. The article highlights Dr. Sanville’s professional contributions while showing her personal impact within a supervisory relationship that becomes a deep and enduring friendship.  相似文献   

王秀臣 《阅江学刊》2013,(4):107-112
在诗、乐产生与发展的历史上并不存在一个纯粹意义上只有结合或只有分离的时代,诗、乐的结合与分离长期并存且相互转换。"三位一体"的诗、乐、舞结合是仪式形态而并非最初形态。由于仪式形态的重大影响掩盖了其产生初期起始形态的原初面貌,以至于大多数学者误以为诗、乐、舞"三位一体"是与生俱来、天生一体的。实质上,三者之间的关系经历了分——合——分三个不同的发展阶段,且体现出不同的形态特征。仪式形态的诗、乐、舞承前启后,奠定了后来艺术史、诗歌史发展的基础,确定了中国音乐、舞蹈和诗歌发展的基本走向,具有奠基作用和启蒙意义。  相似文献   


This article examines the cultural and philosophical intersection between visual and tactile knowledge and the emergent aesthetics of modernism. In the September 1913 edition of The Museums Journal, J. A. Charlton Deas published a paper entitled “The Showing of Museums and Art Galleries to the Blind.” The text, exceptional in its historical context, complicated prevailing assumptions about acts of “visual” art and blindness. Deas details a series of experiments undertaken at Sunderland Museum and Art Gallery from 1906 to 1913 that consisted of making accessible exhibits, specimens and paintings for blind children to touch. Unprecedented at the time, these experiments recast the persistent Western belief that the eye has privileged access to knowledge, instead asserting that knowledge is embedded within material corporeality. The physical, creative and intellectual inclusion of blind people into the formerly inaccessible space of the museum was unique in its reach and offers a refreshing new perspective of what those (authoritatively visual) spaces could be. Sunderland, a region which tends to be discursively separated from the ambitions and experiments of modernism, was at the center of modernist discussions about knowledge, sight and touch; and, disrupts modernism’s silence with respect to acknowledging unprecedented regional developments such as those detailed in “Showing.”  相似文献   

聂正楠  郑华 《南亚研究》2020,(1):1-20,148
自20世纪90年代战略文化成为备受关注的议题以来,从战略文化视角解释印度外交战略的研究不胜枚举.学术界对印度战略文化的研究普遍受到文化“稳定性”、“持久性”等基本特征的限制,主要从静止的视角围绕其起源、属性与形态等方面展开论述.本文试图从动态视角理解印度战略文化,构建战略文化生成与变迁理论框架.通过对战略文化的类型划分发现,印度在冷战时期形成了防御为主、进攻为辅的协调型战略文化,冷战后形成了强进攻性偏好的冲突型战略文化.作为印度战略文化变迁的首要条件,环境认知推动了印度国内政治程序的修正,从而影响了战略文化变迁.具体而言,国际体系环境的变化重塑了印度决策精英对国家安全的判断,并内化成新的观念体系.全新观念体系驱使决策精英行为偏好改变,且通过国内政治程序的修正上升为特定取向的国家战略偏好,最终生成全新的战略文化.  相似文献   


This paper investigates how family museum visitors crafted learning through interaction with one another and the touch objects of an exhibition. Through a case study of seven families’ interaction, we show how families used touch to bring their interests and resources into dialogue with museum expectations and resources. Using a multimodal approach to analyze observational data, we generate a fine-grained account of differently configured family touch practices and ways of experiencing and knowing objects through their material, sensory tactile and affective qualities. We conclude by highlighting how our findings can inform the design of touch exhibits to support family learning, with attention to engagement, narrative creation, and embodied learning, and point to the paper’s methodological contribution to the analysis of visitor situated real-time interaction and learning in museums.  相似文献   

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