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This article in the journal “Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO)” provides a brief overview of a semantic integration mechanism how organizations can succeed in integrating and attach their employees. Every organization has basic assumptions about human behavior. These assumptions or images about people, whether implicitly present or explicitly reflected, essentially determine the behavior of the organization and its personnel management. In terms of research theory, the work is based on the system theoretical considerations of Niklas Luhmann. Organizations are fictitious units that are constructed in communication. The employees of organizations belong to the environment of the organization and are structurally linked to it through their employee role. Structurally coupled means the members of an organization are able to influence the structure of the organization. The central result of this article is the identification of a semantic integration mechanism that functions as a membrane that generates resonance both in the social system of organizations and in the psychological system of structurally coupled employees. In the current changing world of work, this mechanism can help organizations to attach their employees to the organization. The empirical data come from a research project on the identity and functional logic of training organizations.  相似文献   

To date, research on teamwork and health is sparse. This accounts for teams with low-qualified workers in particular. In this paper a work psychological model for resource and stress management in teams and a study with teams of low-qualified workers are presented (N?=?265 in 33 teams). Results of multi-level analyses show, that team resources in the social work system and understaffing in teams as a team stressor have significant influence on collective coping and explain team differences. Further, team resources in the technical work system, i.e. the quality of teamwork design have significant influence on psychosomatic complaints. These influences go beyond the influences of socio-demographic variables and individual job stressors and job resources.  相似文献   

This article compares the duration of and consequences for employment interruptions for mothers with distinct educational qualifications in cross-national perspective. We analyze the duration of mothers?? employment interruption and the relative quality of the job after childbirth, for high and low qualified mothers in Germany, Sweden, and the United States. Analyses are based on harmonized national longitudinal data sets (GLHS-West, NLSY, LNU), which allow us to study mothers?? careers over the past 30?C35 years. We apply event-history analysis to study how long mothers with distinct educational levels interrupt employment after childbirth, and how the patterns of return to work differ with respect to mothers?? educational level. In all three countries the highly educated display a greater labor market attachment. In the US, almost half of the mothers with some college background, compared to only a quarter of high-school dropouts stay employed continuously after childbirth. In Sweden, basically all mothers take time-out for at least half a year. In Germany, 25% of mothers with university entrance qualification do not claim parental leave. In Germany and Sweden consequences of leave extensions seem to operate independent of mothers?? educational levels. In the U.S. medium and highly educated mothers tend to return more slowly after the enactment of the FMLA.  相似文献   

The ability of mental self regulation is becoming more and more important to shape change processes. Change agents often experience, especially in potentially difficult situations, limits of self regulation by volition. Imperating oneself as an effort of self control by unconditional commandments has a blocking impact on mental self regulation. Introvision supports mental self regulation in a mode of calmness, which can be described as operating effortless and deliberately. In an attitude of calmness it is possible not to slide into inner conflicts, even when facing difficult situations. Instead it is possible to make use of one‘s whole action repertoire and include the context of change processes. calmness also has a positive impact on group dynamics. The atmosphere becomes more relaxed, dialog ability and the capability of problem solving is supported.  相似文献   

Part-time work helps organizations to ensure flexibility and allows employees to combine work and family duties. However, despite their desire to work reduced hours, many individuals work full-time – particularly those in leadership positions. This article therefore examines which factors contribute to the use of part-time work among managers. By analysing a data set that combines individual-level data from the European Labor Force Survey (2009) with country-level information from various sources, we identify the circumstances under which managers reduce their working hours and the factors that explain the variations in part-time work among managers in Europe. Our multi-level analyses show that normative expectations and cultural facts rather than legal regulations can explain these cross-national differences.  相似文献   

The study focuses on the concept of team skills. Based on previous research that broke the concept down into sub-skills and documented no positive relationship between team skills and the performance of a group we measured the social perception of team skills. For this purpose four videos were produced that varied the factors contribution to group atmosphere and contribution to task performance of a single person. The team skills and all related sub-skills of this person were rated by external raters (n?=?136). The results clearly showed that the perception of team skills was based exclusively on the factor contribution to group atmosphere. Contribution to task performance, clearly recognized by raters, was not related to the perceived team skills and had a negative effect on the perceived ability to cooperate, the key element in the team skills concept. If the concept is highly appreciated in organisations as evident from various facts, diverting minority opinion will be avoided and group performance would depend largely on the majority decision. Other means to improve team effectiveness, such as group moderation techniques, need to be found.  相似文献   

Unskilled workers often work in culturally diverse workforces. Compared to qualified workers they are exposed to poorer working conditions and have higher risks for health impairments and mortality. In this contribution we will review the literature concerning working conditions and health of unskilled and immigrant workers and present findings from a recent study on working conditions and health among a sample of 454 unskilled workers in culturally diverse workforces. In line with the research literature reviewed the workers in our study report poor working conditions and unfavorable health behavior. There are no differences between immigrant workers and their native counterparts regarding working conditions and health. Immigrants are more often overweight, yet smoke less frequently and report better well-being than their native colleagues.  相似文献   

In analysing the religiousness of youth positions vary between the hypothesis that religiousness has decreased and the hypothesis that there is a specific youth religion. In this paper it is assumed that the development of religious identities and convictions depends on social contexts and family environments. The paper analyses different religious interpretative patterns adolescents generate in order to position themselves in relation to concepts of life and meaning in societies who are marked by the pluralization of values, the secularization of social relations and the individualization of life styles. Through case studies of youth from West Germany, East Germany and youth from migrant’s milieus—each group of which are brought up religiously in a different environments—it is shown how the religious identities of youth become established under specific social-historical conditions and conditions of socialisation.  相似文献   

Within sociology of education living with siblings is almost exclusively considered as having a negative impact on educational success. Drawing on the German Microcensus 2008, the analysis reveals that although sibling constellation is strongly associated with transition to high school, this association is not solely negative. The probability to enter higher secondary school (Gymnasium) is sharply lowered by living in a household with an older sibling that neither attends the Gymnasium nor has a higher education entrance qualification. Vice versa living in a household with an older sibling that attends Gymnasium or has a higher education entrance qualification enhances the probability of transition to upper secondary school. Furthermore it is shown that the positive influence on entering Gymnasium that originates from an older sibling that attends Gymnasium is stronger in federal states (Bundesländer) in which the recommendation of elementary school for secondary school is not binding. What remains unanswered is the question of the mechanisms that underlie these demonstrated associations. However, some of the potential mechanisms can be proved empirically.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how body weight is associated with the existence of an intimate partner and with the sex ratio in the marriage market. The data rely on a representative sample of the 16?C55 years old population in Germany, carried out in 2009 (Partner Market Survey 2009). In this data set, individuals?? mating opportunities for the first time are measured by their integration in a network of friends as well as in foci of activity as conceptualized by Scott Feld. Results confirm a weight increase after an intimate relationship has started (negative protection) and they also confirm a mating disadvantage corresponding to high weight (selection). Further results lead to the discovery that the weight difference between individuals with and without a partner varies according to the sex ratio in the marriage market: higher competition in the marriage market obviously corresponds to relatively lower weight of individuals without partner. Moreover, similar BMI of partners is not a result of adaption between partners over time but solely is a result of assortative mating. Consequently, mating patterns with respect to obesity have no effect on the individuals?? weight.  相似文献   

The importance of virtual teams for collaboration of globally networked organizations has long been debated. But although this new form of division of labor appears in nearly all companies, which poses special challenges to managers and team members, scientific findings and recommendations have not sufficiently been integrated into practice so far. This article discusses on the one hand the challenges and opportunities of virtual teams, on the other hand wants by the presenting of scientific findings both provide food for thought, as well as concrete recommendations for implementation in practice.  相似文献   

A network is a social infrastructure. This definition of the quite ambiguous term “network” is the starting point of this paper. It offers a clear distinction of “networks” from related concepts of “cooperation” and “organisation”. Furthermore it offers a clearer understanding of network consultancy. The authors suggest points of intervention on the level of network nodes (individuals, organisations), of cooperations within the network and in the design of communication and learning in the network.  相似文献   

Banks in Germany are experiencing a profound legitimacy crisis. In the wake of financial and economic crises, failures, and bailouts, as well as new oversight and stricter regulations, banks have lost the reputation and trust they once had. The present article uses an analysis of interpretative patterns to examine how banks seek to legitimize themselves in times of crisis, with reference to sustainability as a guiding principle of society. Following the concept of social legitimacy by new institutionalism in sociology, and based on discursive interviews with 18 representatives of German banks, we reconstructed three interpretative patterns: a) the differentiation from “bad” banks, which abandons profit-maximizing business models and promotes the moral superiority of sustainable banking, b) responsibility for society, which promotes the role and responsibility of banks as socially relevant actors that spur social change, and c) “right” return, whereby banks seek an appropriate relationship between their value orientation and a return on investments. Although a return on investment is economically necessary and confers legitimacy, it may not be understood as an end in itself. Banks discredited during the crisis can refocus on a banking model which promises social legitimacy by referring to sustainability.  相似文献   

The present contribution shows conceptual and methodological approaches for the study of social context effects within families. Family members mutually constitute the social context in which family behavior and personality development take place. Social influence in families becomes evident empirically in family members’ significant similarity concerning a wide variety of characteristics. The present study focuses on intrafamily convergence with regard to religiousness. In an empirical illustration, both (a) horizontal intracouple alignment and (b) vertical intergenerational transmission processes are examined. Besides the finding that experiences during religious socialization in the parental home have a stronger impact than partner influences in adulthood, our analyses show that social context effects are more pronounced the stronger the cohesion of the respective interaction dyad is (e.g., according to measures of relationship quality).  相似文献   

Communication and team structure are of fundamental relevance for the guidance of virtual collaboration: for diagnosis and analysis of existing structures, surveillance and evaluation as well as deliberate intervention and solving conflicts. In particular for managing pending changes, knowledge about internal group dynamics is utterly helpful, to take the interests of all participants within the realm of possibility into account, utilise internal synergies und minimize efforts and resistance in this way. In this study communication- and group structure of teams in virtual inter- and intraorganizational networks have been investigated. Besides the formal roles, the informal roles within the teams have also been identified with the aid of sociometric items. These have been related to both formal and informal communication to analyse possible correlations between the team roles and its communication.  相似文献   

The appropriation of micro-political competence affects the promotion of women into executive positions in a positive way. Evidence for this conclusion was found in the intervention study ??Micro-politics??. The study involved a research approach of Micro-politics-Coaching that was carried out on 30 female junior managers. As an introduction to the topic this contribution presents the Micro-political Competence Model (MCM) that was developed during the research project. The importance of micro-political competence for a successful carrier development is explained, based on the relevant action fields ??corporate culture?? and ??impression management??.The results of the research are made explicit by presenting two example cases of the coaching intervention study and by structuring the empirical evidence along the MCM. The conclusion clarifies why micro-political competence can be viewed as a partial area of carrier development competence and moreover provides implications for consultancy practice, for enterprises and for science.  相似文献   

Teacher surveys indicate continued intense discipline problems in elementary school classes. What can you do about it? As the teacher behavior has a strong relationship with active cooperation and misbehavior of students, a skillful group or classroom management of the teacher for an undisturbed instruction is important. However evidence suggests that some in the research literature as particularly relevant documented behaviors hardly appear in teachers’ subjective theories of reducing discipline problems. It is therefore presumed that the level of awareness regarding these insights is low in elementary schools and that it is difficult for teachers to recognize their extraordinary relevance solely by teaching practice. The present study tests this hypothesis on a sample of 101 elementary school teachers. The potentially far-reaching implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

Due to the rapid growth and expansion of so-called Megachurches, the religious landscape of the United States has been changing greatly over the past decades. The term Megachurch usually refers to evangelical congregations which draw at least 2,000 attenders to their regular weekly services and often significantly more. Megachurches can be thought of as representing a novel form of congregation. This study explores their specific organizational features. It addresses the following questions: (1) How do Megachurches cope with the structural strains caused by their rapid growth? (2) What are the organizational factors which are contributing to their success? The investigation consists of two parts: First, we examine the growth doctrine of the Megachurches, which draws its legitimation from religious sources and has to be viewed in a larger context of churches and religious audiences in the United States. Second, we focus on the internal organization structures that reproduce the patterns of dynamic stability underlying this growth doctrine.  相似文献   

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