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"Canadian families are pluralistic and varied, with a mix of traditional, modern, and post-modern characteristics. This paper looks at families into the immediate future.... Consideration is given to ethnicity, cohabitation, fertility, childrearing, sexuality, family policy, adolescence, and general family life. The state will continue to influence family life. Non-familial associations will affect family values and activity."  相似文献   

On May 31, 2040, Kunta Kinte Sanchez O'Shaunessey-Chan, MOND, president of the North American College Health Association (NACHA), gave the keynote address at the opening session of the annual meeting held in the Marriott Conference Center, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. He recounted important events of the past 50 years that have shaped the college health field of today, and he predicted important trends for the next decade. Although his speech was given in Spanish, it was simultaneously translated into English, French, and 15 other languages requested by attendees. The English version follows.  相似文献   

College health services are an underrecognized segment of California's health delivery system. Higher education institutions in California vary in their arrangements for the provision of health services. Some of the smaller institutions provide nurse triage, first aid, and referral only, whereas other institutions provide 24-hour-per-day/7-day-per-week comprehensive ambulatory and inpatient services. More than 200 full-time equivalent physicians are employed in college health services in California. Patient profiles served by college health services targeted the traditional college student age range. Some institutions, however, have expanded their services to include nonstudent university employees and their dependents. Comparing numbers of outpatient visits and professional staffing requirements to student enrollment showed significant variability between institutions, depending upon the scope of services provided (basic, intermediate, comprehensive) and the type of student population (residential, commuter, mixed).  相似文献   

This ten-year survey of the use of student mental health services offered by the University of North Carolina suggests that increased usage over time has been due to greater availability of staff and a broadening of services offered rather than to an increase of the prevalence of mental illness among the student body. The authors believe that college psychiatry, as one of the earliest examples of the provision of mental health services to a community, can be used as a model for other aspects of public health psychiatry.  相似文献   


Although audio-visual materials are commonly used on college and university campuses, frequently those materials are not evaluated to determine what impact they may have on students' attitudes. The present research compared the effect of three audio-visual programs on attitudes of college students toward homosexuality. The three programs included a film that dealt with prejudice towards numerous groups but not towards homosexuals; a video-tape of a homosexual clergyman who discussed sexual variance with particular emphasis on homosexuality; and two films in which couples were explicitly engaging in homosexual behavior. A control group was used. All groups received a lecture about homosexuality.

Using a two-way analysis of covariance, significant differences were found among the groups. Subjects that watched the film on prejudice and the video-tape of a discussion of homosexuality, as well as the control group, were all significantly more tolerant toward homosexuality than subjects who watched the explicit films. The difference among groups was immediate only. Five weeks after exposure to audio-visual programs, there were no significant differences. There was no significant difference between males and females, either immediately after seeing the programs or five weeks later. Thus, attitudes of college students toward homosexuality can be altered and were not gender specific.  相似文献   

This article is based upon research in Florida of the older population and its projected need for services. It includes discussion of the method and findings of the study. The focus, however, is on the policy implications for state government that emerged from the research. The data has enabled Florida to examine the experience of its own community care programs in order to help develop a strategic plan for expanding resources, reforming its organization, and improving its performance. In addition to funding and organization of the state's long-term care system, the issue of targeting limited community resources to severely frail elders emerged as a major concern of this research. Although the various states differ widely in history, demographics, and structure, these policy issues should be of immediate concern to each of them.  相似文献   

This study examined public perceptions about mental illness, specifically investigating individuals’ concerns about disclosing a mental condition and the potential outcomes of doing so. This survey asked 570 adults whether they would disclose a mental condition in four different scenarios: seeking health care, employment, academic or vocational counseling, and for background checks. Respondents were then asked to identify the reasons they would agree or refuse to disclose. Only in a health care situation were respondents very favorably inclined to disclose. A significant percentage of people in all scenarios were unwilling to disclose, citing privacy as a primary concern.  相似文献   

Building on framing research and on cognitive dissonance theory, the paper examines the differentiated moderating effect of party discourse on prejudiced attitudes against immigrants. Using ESS 2002 data, the study finds that individuals who are positively oriented toward immigrants become more so when confronted with party discourses with anti‐immigrant tones. This effect is, however, visible only when it comes to acceptance in one's private sphere, that is, acceptance of inter‐ethnic marriage. The study also found some evidence that friendship with immigrants is not strong enough to impede natives to accept the idea of deporting unemployed immigrants.  相似文献   

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