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A remote object may reveal surprisingly new features when observed at close range. So is the case of the English mentality, which has long been characterized as being humorous, reserved and conservative. When this longstanding assumption is scrutinized in the tight of the realities of present-day England, one finds that much of it is open to contention or in need of clarification.  相似文献   

Jonathan Swift is known to students of literature as one of thegreatest satiric writers.Gulliver's Travels is his most ambitious literarywork.In the nineteenth century Chinese literature,there is also a satiricnovel called Tang-ao's Travels by Li yu-zhen in the Qing Dynasty,the lastfeudal society in China.Although Tang-ao's Travels appears one centurylater and is less famous than Gulliver's Travels the two books resemble  相似文献   

If we compare the English language to an academical edifice,we can seethe basic grammar of verbs are its framework, while prepositions and idiomsconstitute its windows and doors; what remain are the vocabularies, whichare in fact the solid substances of the house——the bricks and cements thatkeep the whole building together. Then how should we collect such largeamount of material? Well, this has something to do with the topie whetherintensive reading should be taught or not in the last one year of college.  相似文献   

Pygmalion is one of Shaw′s best-known plays. It has been an enormous success all over the world. Pygmalion is quite distinctive in all Shaw′ plays. Generally speaking, Shaw′s plays don′f pay much attention to plets, but the plot of Pygmalion is very interesting and attractive. Seemingly, the  相似文献   

With the introduction of the “Two-Child Policy,” the resource allocation of kindergartens has been unprecedentedly challenged by many factors such as time, space, and geography. This study starts with the content of the curriculum resources of kindergarten and discusses the construction and development of the think tank of kindergarten curriculum in the context of the big data era. Based on the experience of educational think tank at home and abroad, the concept of think tanks in the kindergarten curriculum is clarified. Under the premise of excavating the four characteristics of the kindergarten-based curriculum think tank, including cross-age, knowledge sharing, interaction, and cultural inheritance and development, the ideas and core elements of the kindergarten-based curriculum think tank construction is proposed. The first one is the integration of the think tank resources of the kindergarten curriculum; the second one is the collection and application of practical results of the think tank of the kindergarten curriculum; the third one is the influence and evaluation of the think tank of the kindergarten curriculum; the fourth is the cultural heritage and development of the think tank of the kindergarten curriculum. It is expected to provide theoretical and practical references for the resource integration, construction, and promotion of children’s think thank and kindergarten curriculum in the future.  相似文献   

Little Jack asks his mother to tell him a very very long story,or he is notgoing to bed.So his mother begins to tell him like this.There is a very big old house,and thers is some rice in it.One day abird goes into the house and comes out with apiece of rice.Then another birdgoes into the house and comes out with a piece of rice.Then a third bird goesinto the house and comes out with a piece of rice.Then a fourth bird…Thena fifth bird…“Stop,stop!I want to go to bed.”Jack says.阅读自评译…  相似文献   

Generally, Coleridge's poems are mainly divided into two groups:one is to use common Language to depict commom things and common people; the other is to use unique imagination to describe supernatural things. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"belongs to the second group. Some critics blame Coleridge for his lack of morals in this poem, but in fact,this poem contains lots of morals, as Coleridge himself said.Coleridge succeeds in exploring the theme of sin and punishment by his rich imagination and by the depicting of supernatural things. In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", Coleridge intentionally built a symbolic world of the supernatural wind, the bird, the sun, the moon ,the ship and the sea. All these symbols serve to develop the theme of Fall and Redemption, and play so important a part in the poem that we even can take it as a symbolic poem. In the following pages, I am going to devote to the functions of the supernatural wind in particular. Coleridge bestows the wind with a great deal of supernat  相似文献   

The job of teaching is one of the most important careers that exist in this modern day in which we live. It is much more than a job. It is a vocation with it the connotation of a call upon an individual's life to sacrifice all that he has, and is in order to shape the lives of those who have been entrusted to his care. The teacher, though highly regarded and respected, is still one of the lowest paid professionals anywhere in the world. This is sad, but true. An individual seeking to amass a  相似文献   

Noncontact measurements of the permittivity of a smooth convex target are described in this paper. Two methods are presented. The first one is a modified Erteza and Doran's method. The second one is measuring the reflection coefficient of the target and then evaluating the permittivity. Both methods are implemented in the open with a S-band bistatic radar. The experimental results are in good agreement with those obtained by the perturbation method.  相似文献   

The tagmemic linguistic theo ry is one of the most influential schools of the present-day linguistic disciplines,With its emphasis on tagmemes as the basic grammatical unit.Developed out of the tradition of American Structuralism,it differs,however,considerably from its predecessor in a number of important ways.This article aims to explore the fundamental,yet important notions essential to tagmemic analysis relative to its past and present,and attempts to bring to light Some of the major points that are often difficult to come to grips with for beginners.  相似文献   

布莱克先生是一名教师。他住在学校。他家离学校的操场很近。孩子们经常在操场上踢足球。有时他们打碎布莱克先生家的窗玻璃。一天下午,布莱克太太在家。她在读一本书。很快她便合上眼睛睡着了。这时候,一个小男孩来敲门。布莱克太太打开门问道:你是不是又打碎了我的窗玻璃?”“哦,没有,”男孩回答,“这次您的窗户是开着的。我们的足球在您的房间里。请问我能取回它吗?”Our Football Mr Black is a teacher.He lives in the School.His house is near the school play ground.The children often play football on the playground.Some…  相似文献   

What is the best teaching method? The answer: The one that is most effective in accomplishing the lesson aim. Every carpenter's tool has its proper use. A carpenter does not use a saw to drive a nail,level a beam,or measure a board. In the same way, a teacher does not use the same teaching method for every teaching situation. There are probably at least two reasons why any one method is overused. First,many teachers tend to teach in the same manner they were taught. If they were  相似文献   

Though Frost and Laurence carry some similiar notes in the ar poems,this can not obscure their differenccs. Frist.Frost’s After APPle-picking can be regarded as the exampleof that dominant mode of the oppening 25 years of the century.It is aquietly reflective pome of the actual New England farmer’s life.HereForst takes the mask of a New England farmer and speaks to his  相似文献   

Action Selling,Joe explained,is a process that follows the same sequence by which the buyer ultimately decides to do business with you.This allows customers to make com- mitments in a manner that is most natural and comfortable for them,thereby increasing the salesperson's effectiveness. Here is how Joe described the progression:  相似文献   

Where is the other cake?There were two cakes in the cupboard,but nowthe mother could only find one.Mother:Where is the other cake,do you know?Son:I could only find one because it was verydark in it.在橱柜里有两块蛋糕,而现在妈妈只找到一个。妈妈:你知道另一块蛋糕在哪儿吗?儿子:因为太黑了,我只找到一块。  相似文献   

1.INTRODUCTION It is well - known that lsrael is very successful in developing agricultural production coopera-tives (hereinafter called APCs) in rural areas. China and lsrael differ enormously in almost all as-pects of the society. However, they used to have one common point in the history, i, e. both of themused to have or is having APEs. In lsrael, there are three major forms of APCs today and they play  相似文献   

只有and cai(才before or after the subject or adverbial. When they are used in the context, zhiyou is a focus marker and cai is focus-sensitive operator, and they limit the subject together. There is implied conditional relationship between subject-predicate, and zhiyou…cai obtains necessary condition meaning from the limitation to the conditional relationship. Similarly, the adverbials limited by zhiyou and cai are also conditional adverbials, and zhiyou…cai turn the condition into necessary condition  相似文献   

John Boynton Priestley is one of great English writers in the first half of 20th century.He was good at novel,play and essay.At the tailors is a typical essay with apparent characteristics.Through making an analysis on its presentation,the author tries to find out the inner meaning of the words and lines.  相似文献   

This paper presents a brief survey on the status quo of domestically published bilanguage dictionaries in English and Chinese. It consists of three parts. Tart one is concerned with the author's concept on impeccable classic dictionary. The second part specifies the mistakes in some of the bilanguage dictionaries and makes analyses of them. In the third part the author stresses the view - point that the first important thing for dictionary compilers to do is to comprehend fully whtat dictionary is. Only when compilers make penetrating comprehension of it can they pay painstaking efforts in dictionary- editing work, and can impeccable classic dictionaries be produced.  相似文献   

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