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申东润 《社会》2004,(3):55-57
海外传真 1998年经济危机以后,韩国开始了全面的经济调整。之后不久,韩国的总失业率下降到3%,可是青年失业率还是维持在7%,若包括失望失业者(discouraged worker)注1和非正规青年就业者的话,这一比率将会更高。当前青年失业问题解决得好坏,无疑会导致各种社会问题,更会影响韩国未来经济的发展。因而,给韩国社会的有序发展造成巨大压力的青年失业问题是一个亟需研究与解决的问题。  相似文献   

Unemployment can pose particular problems for school leavers and other young people. Some English studies on the effects of unemployment are reviewed, and some of the causes and effects of unemployment among young people in Australia are then discussed. Some suggestions are made for areas in which further research could be carried out.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(4):141-157
This aper presents the problems encountered by relatives of hospital ICU patients. A review of the literature focuses on the nature and management of acute grief in a medical crisis setting. The interface between relatives and hospital staff around patient needs and family needs for information, guidance and support is also considered. A recommendation for group work intervention is made, and the role of the social worker as the appropriate agent of change in progress toward a hospital responsive to human need is discussed.  相似文献   

提起大清宝泉,沈城佳话连篇. 镜头一:张怀军:"我是汽车厂的下岗职工,1999年以来一直没有工作,生活困难可以想见.我加盟大清宝泉不久就有了每月一千多元的稳定收入,是大清宝泉给我的生活带来了转机."  相似文献   

Although research documenting the experience of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered (LGBT) aging in general is gaining traction, and literature on dementia continues to proliferate, few articles attend to how dementia affects members of the aging LGBT community. This article reviews the current state of knowledge on the experience of dementia for LGBT older adults, and suggests areas for further research. In addition, it aims to promote social work’s engagement with related disciplines and global dementia care. The article’s ultimate goal is to encourage development of care practices tailored to the experiences, expectations and needs of older LGBT individuals affected by dementia.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychological effects of short ‘re-entry to the workforce’ courses on the population of female sole parents, neglected in previous unemployment research. The data for the study were obtained from 118 female sole parents participating in the course, who were compared with a waiting list control group at the beginning and end of the course, and at a follow-up four weeks after the course had ended. Results indicated that the course produced decreases in depressive affect, negative mood and minor psychiatric symptomology. On all psychological measures, increases in well-being were shown to be maintained several weeks after the course had ended. It was concluded that the course offered significant and enduring psychological benefits to participants.  相似文献   

<正>百万青少年成为绿色使者在辽宁,越来越多的家长在孩子的带动下,减少了私家车出行的次数,家里换上了节能灯泡,随手关灯、关紧水龙头的习惯已经养成。在公共场所,越来越多的人们使用环保袋购物和可循环使用  相似文献   

The results of the first Australian National Crime Victims Survey concerning the socio-economic status of victims of crime in Australia are discussed. While the findings on occupational status and household income are somewhat equivocal, the data show a strikingly higher rate of criminal victimization among the unemployed for a number of types of crime. The unemployed, spending a large proportion of their lives in public rather than private space, may paradoxically be more likely to be both victimized by criminals and victimized by the police.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Andrew Sackville, Social Sciences Department, Edge Hill College of Higher Education, St Helens Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 4QP. Summary This paper uses archive sources to reconstruct the activitiesof a pioneer almoner who had the unique distinction of beingthe only man in what at that time was a female occupation. Againstthe background of an account of the development of almoningas an occupation, it examines both the hospital work and theinvolvement in his professional association of Mr Thomas WilliamCramp, the Almoner at the Metropolitan Hospital, London, from1902 to 1923. The paper also questions why Mr Cramp has beenwritten out of the great majority of historical accounts ofalmoning/medical social work.  相似文献   

方歇 《今日辽宁》2014,(11):53-55
刘鹏远的名字起得很“远”.鹏是一种神鸟,长得大,飞得远。《西游记》里,大鹏扇动两下翅膀,就赶上了孙悟空的筋斗云。父母给男孩子起名,带“鹏”字的话,都是希望他志在四方、前程远大。生于1956年的老刘,名字里还加了个“远”字,若人随名走的话,这个人一定是使劲往远了折腾。  相似文献   

This article examines deprivation among unemployed young people. It draws on a comparative survey of 8,654 young unemployed in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Scotland. In spite of an increased knowledge of the relationship between unemployment and poverty,our understanding of deprivation among young unemployed people remains inadequate. How do young people deal with unemployment? Are transitional factors the only explanation for the prevalence of deprivation or should we also consider intergenerational factors? The six countries represent two different welfare strategies, the Nordic universalistic model and the Scottish liberal/ minimalist approaches. The research findings showed diverging tendencies within the Nordic countries. Converging trends between the different systems could also be found, as family support plays the main role in preventing deprivation in all of the countries.  相似文献   

张建文 《求是学刊》2016,(5):102-110
俄罗斯法上的被遗忘权具有多层面性,而且相互补充。在实体法上存在民法典上的被遗忘权和信息法上的被遗忘权,在程序法上存在民事诉讼法典意义上的被遗忘权,三者分工明确,相互配合,共同保障公民被遗忘权的实现。民法典确立了关于被遗忘权的一般规定,信息法和民事诉讼法典确立了在搜索系统领域中保护被遗忘权的具体案型,且确立了被遗忘权之诉的特殊管辖权确定规则,更重要的是确立了被遗忘权的域外效力。  相似文献   

于海琴  杨慧 《阅江学刊》2012,4(2):67-71,83
根据《失业大学生压力源与压力反应问卷》对当今失业大学生压力源与压力反应进行调查,发现失业大学生的压力源包括"就业形势预期与职场担忧"、"缺乏自信源"、"自身竞争力"和"社会比较与家人态度"四个方面;主要的压力反应有"消极情绪反应"、"消极自我评价"、"紧张敏感"、"浮躁迷茫"、"愧疚"、"身体不适"和"另谋出路"七个方面。失业大学生压力源与压力反应之间存在显著的正相关,压力源越多,压力反应越明显。应从失业大学生及其家人和朋友等不同角度,减少失业大学生的压力来源,降低压力水平,减少压力反应。  相似文献   

汪洁 《社会工作》2008,(16):56-58
在全面总结我国二十年来失业保险金标准的确定和调整实践的基础上,评价分析了实际运行中存在的难以保障失业人员的基本生活;失业保险金未能按最低工资调整而调整;失业保险金标准与最低工资标准相比替代率较低;享受失业保险期限各地差距明显等问题。本文提出了重新确定和调整失业保险金标准的对策和建议。  相似文献   

尹德慈 《社会》2004,(10):31-33
在广州这个市场化发展程度较高的现代化大城市中,存在着一定数量的失业群体。考察这些失业群体的生存状况、经济地  相似文献   

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