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Resilience refers to personal resources and behavioral strategies that protect psychological well-being even under high demands. The present study examines whether mindfulness fosters resilience and reduces emotional exhaustion. Furthermore, we evaluate the effectiveness of a web-based mindfulness intervention that saves costs and time compared to existing face-to-face trainings. The assumptions were tested with a sample of N = 72 employees within a pre- and posttest design with a treatment and control group. The results provide empirical evidence that mindfulness reduces emotional exhaustion, which is mediated by resilient behavior. Furthermore, the intervention is effective with regard to mindfulness.  相似文献   

Whereas the important role of individual mindfulness in organizations is more and more empirically supported, collective mindfulness—especially on the team level—is neglected. To foster research on mindfulness in teams, scientific sound questionnaires are important. Based on previous literature on collective mindfulness and semi-structured interviews this article in the journal Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation (GIO) aims at identifying relevant factors of mindfulness in teams and at developing a questionnaire based on these factors. The examination of 239 employees supports the factor structure which was assumed based on the interview results (deference to expertise; aspiration for flexibility; sensitivity to operations; reluctance to simplify interpretations; preoccupation with failure) and further hints at convergent and divergent validity. The application of the developed questionnaire to practice promoting mindfulness in teams is discussed.  相似文献   

In a theoretical analysis, the parallels of mindfulness in Buddhism, western philosophies and psychological research have been investigated and the common dimensions summarised. The basic aim of the empirical analysis was to find out which of these dimensions are part of the work of counselors who don’t work explicitly with mindfulness based techniques. Beyond that, conclusions have been drawn regarding ways in which mindfulness methods could be brought into more traditional counseling. Key examples chosen for this analysis are Introvision, Gestaltherapy and Systemic Counseling. Problem-centered Interviews with five counselors have been conducted and afterwards evaluated with the qualitative content analysis by Mayring (Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken, Weinheim, Beltz, 2008). The results show that particular dimensions of mindfulness can also be found in counselings that are not explicitly mindfulness based.  相似文献   

The paper reports about a research project at the University of Klagenfurt in April/May 2018. The project refers to the behavioral patterns of millennials and nexters and how such patterns appear in group dynamic processes. The research process was executed in three stages. Expert interviews with long term trainers were conducted beforehand, followed by observations of T?group processes throughout one week of group dynamic training. Daily, data of the emotional state oft the participants were collected with the PANASg questionnaire. About four weeks later, additional interviews with participants were conducted.The results indicate that younger generations show a rather restraint engagement in the group process activities and a different relationship approach towards authorities. Group affiliation starts rather late. Participants focus on strategies of self-optimization, self-control and guarded behavior. Being used to social network communication the younger generations were unsettled by a direct communication mode in the here and now of group dynamics. Individualism, optimizing the individual performance, computer mediated communication, lack of contact and interaction were indicators for modified modes of bonding and affiliation.  相似文献   

Purpose: While previous research has well-examined the stress reducing effects of mindfulness, much less is known, evidentially, about the impact that it might have on working behavior, particularly in the context of leadership. Against this background, the goal of our study was to examine whether mindfulness influences leadership behavior.Design: To answer this question, we used a two-source survey study consisting of 60 teams, examining trait mindfulness of leaders via self-evaluation and their leadership behavior through the eyes of their subordinates. To analyze the given data, we conducted regression analyses.Results: Our findings confirmed the hypothesized relationships. We found a negative relationship between leaders’ mindfulness and destructive leadership, as well as a positive one between leaders’ mindfulness and transformational leadership.Implications: The results of our study underline the importance of mindfulness as a potential tool to optimize leadership quality. In order to prevent destructive and promote transformational leadership, organizations should help to develop leaders’ mindfulness capacities.  相似文献   

This article in the journal Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation (GIO) examines the reforms in the German public health care system, which lead to increased pressure on physicians due to the new economic incentive structures. Therefore burnout and depression was explored as a serious problem among this profession. In research mindfulness is seen as an important factor to enhance the medical resilience and thus increase the quality of care. The available empirical evidence suggests that individual mindfulness training should be combined with organizational interventions in order to achieve the greatest impact. The integration of the spiritual, social, juridical and ethical dimensions within an interdisciplinary research area “Medical Spirituality” may take into account transpersonal experiences which have a healing transforming influence on the physicians as well as the whole health care system.  相似文献   


The definition and occurrence of traumatic events is expanding and impacts everyone's lives in some way. The degree to which a violent event impacts an individual, a group, a workplace or the community varies. Unfortunately violent events are all too common. Businesses are realizing the significance of violence as a workplace problem and the varying degrees of trauma that has a devastating impact on employee retention, workplace functionality and personal well-being. The events can include industrial or natural disasters; worksite accidents; organizational changes; suicide; homicides; robbery; assault; threats of violence and even terrorism. How prepared an organization is varies and may be correlated with how resilient individuals and the entire workplace are after workplace violence/trauma. This article focuses on what workplace violence and trauma includes, the effects of repeat events, how resilient people are while trying to prevent additional events if possible in the workplace.  相似文献   

As a result of our fast paced working environment managers are constantly faced with high requirements, which leads to a high stress load. These can impact their professional and individual achievements negatively. The following practice case is illuminating “mindfulness” which plays a highly decisive role in facing these challenges. In the automotive electronics (AE) division at Bosch interventions have been developed, in which “mindfulness” is in the focus. In this case, concrete topics of the interventions are examined, as well as questions about how and why this procedure is useful. The results of the evaluation show, that even when requirements remain high, the perceived stress level of each individual participant is reduced. Moreover we observe an increase in the ability to concentrate and in productivity.  相似文献   

Overqualification occurs when a person has a surplus of knowledge, experience, and qualifications relative to the job he or she holds. Approximately 15 to 20% of employees in industrialized countries are overqualified. Thus, overqualification has become an integral part of organizational reality. The present paper deals with overqualification in the context of career development. We first summarize attitudinal, well-being, and behavioral outcomes of overqualification. Afterwards, we will provide an overview of the relationships between overqualification and career-related outcomes. Based on the partly contrary findings, we develop a conceptual model. In particular, we postulate that overqualified individuals’ proactive behavior might be a signal for organizational decision makers, which in turn triggers career-enhancing changes and developments. Finally, we discuss practical implications of the empirical findings and the proposed model.  相似文献   

Digitalisation, flexible job markets, new technologies and innovative forms of collaboration constitute increasing challenges for employers and the design of modern work. But how can we deal with these challenges and what do we know about the effect of good versus bad work design? Based on the job demands-resources model (JRM), we present a simulation-based training during which participants experience the effects of different work characteristics. We focus on the moderating effects of job control and job demands: The JRM assumes that job demands and job control interactively affect employee exhaustion and work engagement: Jobs with high control can buffer the strain-enhancing effect of job demands (buffer hypothesis) and increase work engagement (active learning hypothesis). We test these hypotheses in a workplace simulation during which participants have to produce ice-cream. Our results support the buffer hypothesis but not the active learning hypothesis. We discuss the added value of work design simulations for organisations, practitioners, and HR professionals.  相似文献   

This study analyzes 1973 Quality of Employment Survey data to examine how work-place gender composition affects women's work-related psychological well-being. With individual, job, and organizational characteristics controlled, women in predominantly-male work settings are the most satisfied with their jobs. This supports theories that women's intergroup relations improve as their relative numbers decline and previous accounts of women's social comparison processes. The least satisfied women are in "female-tilted" settings (15–30% male), apparently reflecting favored treatment of the male minority, to their female co-workers' frustration. Neither job-related depression nor job-related self-esteem relates to workplace gender composition. These results for women are compared to a recent study of men (Wharton and Baron 1987) that reports more substantial links between gender composition and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

This article in the journal “Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation (GIO)” bridges Adam Grant’s popular concept of givers, takers and matchers to state-of-the-art theories and research of prosocial organizational behavior such as Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB). By proposing a three-dimensional framework of social orientation, the authors provide an approach allowing the reconciliation of inter-individual differences of social motives and situational factors, enabling cooperative behavior in the workplace. The practical implications of encouraging cooperative behaviour and collegial support are indicated for individual (personnel selection and development), team (team design and values) and organizational (organizational culture development) levels.  相似文献   

Social Work educators are increasingly concerned with discerning how to help students develop the affective, relational, and meta-cognitive skills needed for effective, resilient, and sustainable social work practice. A small but growing literature supports mindfulness training as a path to those ends. However, most mindfulness intervention studies, even those mentioning ‘brief intervention,’ have typically used fairly lengthy training programs, often 2–3 h per week for 6–8 weeks. It is unlikely that already over-committed social work practice classes would devote this amount of class time to these strategies. This concurrent mixed methods study examined whether very brief mindfulness training in undergraduate social work practice classes (100 min over the course of a 3.0 semester credit hour course) would influence outcomes on measures of mindfulness, emotional regulation, and empathy, as well as student perceptions of helpfulness in managing stress and meeting course goals. No significant differences were found on quantitative measures at post-test. However, results of the qualitative analysis suggest that even brief mindfulness exercises in social work practice classes are perceived by students as helpful for managing anxiety, staying present-focused with clients, reducing premature judgment, and feeling safe and connected in the classroom. Implications for social work education are discussed.  相似文献   

Aim: Psychological risk assessments at work serve to identify psychological risk factors and their relation to health and well-being outcomes. Objective of the present study is to investigate which work characteristics predict commitment and turnover intentions of employees.Design: Based on the guidelines of the GDA (Joint German Occupational Safety and Health Strategy), a questionnaire was developed that captures psychological risk factors at work. Additionally, people were asked to indicate their commitment and their turnover intentions. Based on the guidelines of the Joint German Occupational Safety and Health Strategy we assessed four domains of psychological job demands (job content, work organization, social relationships and environmental demands) as well as affective commitment and turnover intention in a sample of 453 full-time employees. Using hierarchical regression analyses, we tested the predictive power of the psychological demands for the different indicators of employee retention.Results: Work content and social relationships were found to be significant predictors for commitment and turnover intentions, whereas work organisation and work context did not predict the outcomes. A detailed analysis of the single risk factors identified autonomy as the strongest predictor for both commitment and turnover intentions.Limitations: The single predictors are not independent and the cross sectional design does not allow for causality interpretations.Practical implications: Based on the assessment of critical psychological risk factors, it is possible to take individual and structural measures to promote commitment and to reduce turnover intentions.  相似文献   

Relationship mindfulness is the degree to which individuals tend to be mindful during interactions with romantic partners. In this study, we examined both the intrapersonal and interpersonal links between relationship mindfulness and psychological and relationship functioning in a sample of 219 couples who had been in their relationship for at least 1 year. Even when accounting for the general tendency to be mindful, relationship mindfulness was linked with markers of relationship well-being and psychological functioning, both intrapersonally and interpersonally. The findings bring to light the importance of considering relationship mindfulness in clinical work with couples that focuses on addressing deficiencies in relationship or psychological well-being.  相似文献   

The ability to recover from adverse events (“resilience”) is crucial in coping with increased demands in the workplace. Resilience facilitates adaptation and development even under demanding conditions and hence ensures psychological well-being. The notion of resilience has not only been used on the level of individuals, but also applies to teams and organizations. Despite its importance for well-being and effective functioning of teams and organizations, the concept of resilience has not yet been sufficiently clarified. In order to deepen the understanding of resilience on different levels, the present article describes and distinguishes individual, team, and organizational resilience. Finally, the article describes guidelines for an organizational resilience management system.  相似文献   

Background: Companies are increasingly applying both goal- and performance-oriented leadership practices. For employees, such indirect control practices make higher self-regulatory demands: They become responsible for their work outcomes and have to bear the consequences of failure just like the self-employed. The current study focuses on the concept of “self-endangering work behaviors” as representing a possible negative effect of indirect control and a possible mediator between work demands and negative outcomes. Method: An online survey was conducted with 607 employees, who reported to work in an indirect control setting. It assessed extension of working hours, intensification of working hours, sickness presenteeism, and faking as possible self-endangering work behaviors together with exhaustion as a subjective well-being measure. The lavaan package was used to test the mediation hypothesis with a structural equation model. Results: Results supported the assumption that self-endangering work behaviors might partly explain the association between work demands and exhaustion. A mediation effect was found for extension of working hours, intensification of working hours, and for faking. However, sickness presenteeism delivered no statistically significant mediation effect in the association between work demands and exhaustion. Discussion: As a mechanism for coping with high work demands, the new concept of self-endangering work behaviors offers one possible explanation for the negative association between high work demands and both subjective well-being and health. The concept needs to be addressed in occupational health prevention initiatives. Such interventions should balance the negative and positive effects of indirect control and take self-endangering work behavior into account.  相似文献   

In times where change is a natural part of our daily corporate reality, global markets push international competition and demographic changes make it difficult to find qualified employees, the “human” as a major factor for organizational success receives raised attention. Companies have a great interest to know and to leverage the causal impact of emotions, needs and behaviors on strategic business areas (e.?g. employee recruiting, employee commitment, customer satisfaction, competitive advantage). With a growing volume and variety of data made available by IT-supported processes and new data sources such as mobile data or corporate social media data, a new field of practice emerges: people analytics. This growing area of data analyses on all kinds of different questions relating to employee issues and leadership in organizations overlaps in many ways with the empirical psychological research of the last decades. People analytics yields a unique chance for organizational psychologists to delve into corporate waters and contribute their expertise to corporate research projects.  相似文献   

Sociological, social psychological and economic research on the nexus between socioeconomic status and prosociality has so far provided contradictory findings. Some studies suggest that actors with a high socioeconomic status act more egoistically than actors with a lower socioeconomic status. Other studies find the opposite to be true. In contrast to previous research, which has worked with one-dimensional measures for socioeconomic status, this study examines prosocial behavior among occupational groups that have regular real-life contact in their workspace. About 150 hospital employees (physicians, nursing staff and nursing students) participated in experiments on altruistic giving in dictator games. The findings are surprisingly strong and clear-cut: Actors with higher social status act more prosocial than low-status actors. Furthermore, we find hardly any in-group effects, which have been repeatedly postulated. Our findings support the claim that high status promotes prosocial behavior. Also, they indicate that the inconclusive and in part contradictory findings provided by previous research stem to a considerable degree from deficient measures of social status and problematic experimental designs.  相似文献   

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